Hellobee Boards


January 2020 moms!

  1. graceandjoy

    pear / 1565 posts

    @Jessiemuller88: Yes, I am totally looking forward to having a newborn squish! All the hard things aside, there is really nothing better than cuddling a tiny newborn. And you get 2!

  2. Sams Mom

    grapefruit / 4492 posts

    Annnnnnd I'm over here getting a little jealous about how close everyone else is 😂. 10w6d to c section day, not that I'm counting or anything.

  3. graceandjoy

    pear / 1565 posts

    @Sams Mom: Haha don't worry I'm here too! I calculated, I'll be 37 weeks on 1/25 so I still have some ways to go too!

  4. Jessiemuller88

    clementine / 973 posts

    @graceandjoy: I’ve been kind of wondering how I’m going to cuddle two at once 🤔

    @Sams Mom: awww! Haha I totally understand! I’ve been counting down for months now too 🤣

  5. Sams Mom

    grapefruit / 4492 posts

    @Jessiemuller88: I'm going to need twin necessity reviews as you learn. On a side note, I'm terrified she will come before my c section. I feel like my pelvis is being split in 2.

  6. graceandjoy

    pear / 1565 posts

    @Sams Mom: Yess this. Just these past 2 days I feel like baby starting getting lower, and having TONS of BH, plus pain in the lower region. And I'm like dang I have to cook this till at least 1/25?!

  7. graceandjoy

    pear / 1565 posts

    Sooo I randomly checked my Ovia app that I rarely even open, and it's saying baby could be changing from breech position now to start getting ready for birth. So this makes sense why there has been SO much weird movement and pain in the lower region! He must be moving his head down there!

  8. periwinklebee

    grapefruit / 4466 posts

    @graceandjoy: @Sams Mom: I have had so much more pressure, and much earlier, this time than first pregnancy. Both down low and feeling like she's going to just split open my belly...

    I have a feeling it's my fault for doing basically zero core or pelvic floor strengthening exercises after LO1. If my core muscles aren't providing much support, makes sense that it feels like she's going to fall out 😂

  9. graceandjoy

    pear / 1565 posts

    @periwinklebee: Uhh I've done nothing and this is my 3rd pregnancy lol. I am also a terrible pusher (but I want to defend myself and say that I was never in "good" condition when it came time to push), so I am just hoping for a smooth labor/delivery and really be done for real after this!

  10. periwinklebee

    grapefruit / 4466 posts

    @graceandjoy: fingers crossed!!! I think pushing has more to do with the position of the baby than with conditioning of those muscles anyways. Lol, I got lucky with DS and he can out quickly, but definitely not because my core was in great shape!

  11. Jessiemuller88

    clementine / 973 posts

    @Sams Mom: I’ll definitely share what I learn!! Ugh, I feel your pain. The weight of these babies is killing me. I constantly feel sharp pains and like one is going to fall out! I have contractions all day everyday...

  12. periwinklebee

    grapefruit / 4466 posts

    @Jessiemuller88: Almost there, hang in there!!!

  13. Jessiemuller88

    clementine / 973 posts

    @periwinklebee: we are! Every day feels SO long! Have you had any progression since the yellow discharge? Is your hubby gone for the weekend?

  14. periwinklebee

    grapefruit / 4466 posts

    @Jessiemuller88: He's coming back on the red eye tonight! So, assuming no flight delays, anytime tomorrow or later I'm happy for the baby to come - I just hope it's not two weeks after my due date, which now that I've said that is probably when the baby will show up.😂 Weirdly my all day, everyday contractions have tapered off a lot - I think it's because I'm mostly at my desk finishing up odds and ends this week, rather than constantly running around and on my feet. I've mostly only had contractions when breastfeeding DS.

    Your induction date is only two weeks away, right? Do you have family nearby that can help out with your son in the final couple of weeks, and once the babies are here?

  15. Jessiemuller88

    clementine / 973 posts

    @periwinklebee: oh what a relief he is coming home tonight! How many weeks are you now? I really hope your babe isn’t two weeks late either!

    Resting always makes my contractions stop too, so I totally bet that’s why yours have calmed down too. Did you ever get baby gear cleaned up?

    Yes, it’s 2 weeks from today! We are very fortunate to have both sets of grandparents in town. My parents are watching DS the first two nights, and my in-laws are watching him the next two. Hopefully we will be home and settled by then and he can be home with us.

    I’m feeling different today and I’m not sure if it’s normal or not. I have a lot more watery discharge, like changing panties every few hours, I’m super crampy, and I have had two loose bowel movements. All of which is not typical for me. Not sure if I should call doctor or wait until my Monday appointment.

  16. periwinklebee

    grapefruit / 4466 posts

    @Jessiemuller88: It can't hurt to call - they are used to it! With a lot of watery discharge, they may want to check that it's not leaking fluid...

    That's great that both sets of grandparents are nearby - your son is super lucky! For us, MIL is coming in on the 24th and staying a couple of weeks. I think my parents will come for a week at the end of January...

    I'm 38 weeks here... so I guess a point where it could be soon, but also could be awhile if she decides to show up late...

  17. Jessiemuller88

    clementine / 973 posts

    @periwinklebee: I called and they seemed to think it was normal. We are super lucky to have them in town. Both sets are very involved and love spending time with him.

    That’s awesome your MIL is coming to help for a few weeks!! Hopefully baby girl will show up sometime around then!

    Anyone else starving? I can not stop eating!

  18. graceandjoy

    pear / 1565 posts

    @Jessiemuller88: I leaked fluid last time the whole weekend and did not realize I def think you're getting closer tho!

  19. jaguar

    pomegranate / 3764 posts

    @periwinklebee: 38 weeks - aaaaaah!!!!!!

  20. jaguar

    pomegranate / 3764 posts

    @Jessiemuller88: Glad all is ok! Always good to check xx

  21. periwinklebee

    grapefruit / 4466 posts

    @Jessiemuller88: Soo glad things are okay! TMI alert, but my discharge has also changed a lot over the past month, from much thicker to very watery, and I vaguely remember my app also mentioning that this happens... always good to error in the side of caution, though...

    @jaguar: My husband was trying to decide tonight when to schedule another interview (fortunately local) and his conclusion was that he should go for next Fri (39 weeks) rather than Jan 8 (approaching 42 weeks) because it is less likely that I would have the baby within a couple days of the interview next week versus mid-Jan. Unfortunately, based on our experience with DS, this seems accurate 🤷‍♀️ I remind myself, in the grand scheme of 18 years (more) of all the hard things kids bring, it's a few weeks...

  22. jaguar

    pomegranate / 3764 posts

    @periwinklebee: I'm still going to panic on your behalf for you!

  23. periwinklebee

    grapefruit / 4466 posts

    @jaguar: 😂

    less than two weeks to go until you meet your sweet girl, so exciting!!!

  24. jaguar

    pomegranate / 3764 posts

    @periwinklebee: INSANE! But also... oh god hurry up, cos I'm huge.

    I got woken up at 5am the other morning with my whole left calf seizing up - and two days post cramp, I'm still limping. Is this a common preggo thing?

  25. Jessiemuller88

    clementine / 973 posts

    @periwinklebee: good to know it’s normal! I can hardly remember anything from being pregnant with DS!

    @jaguar: omg I have had these calf cramps often this pregnancy, and mine always wake me up too. It’s excruciating and DH has to rub it until it goes away. The pain in mine fades after a few minutes though and hasn’t lasted days before.

  26. periwinklebee

    grapefruit / 4466 posts

    @jaguar: Stretching should help, and eating more potassium (bananas!) I have sometimes gotten foot cramps that also wake me up, I think we are just putting a lot of strain on our body that it's not used to/changing the center of gravity, so muscle cramps are super common... 😑

  27. Jessiemuller88

    clementine / 973 posts

    Anyone’s belly like super itchy? I’m going crazy mine itches so badly!

  28. honey786

    grape / 81 posts

    I had super bad leg cramps last pregnancy. I take a liquid cal/magnesium supplement at night which has helped keep them away. Epsom salt is also a form of magnesium so you could try a tub soak before bed too! It also helps keep me regular, so that is an added bonus!

    I am so pumped. Work is finally slowing down. Everyone is on vacation next week. I finally feel a sense of relief. I am 38 weeks on Thursday. Nursery got organized this weekend (just clothes, and toiletries). I still need a rug, chair, window coverings and crib. But if he came today we would be ready with bassinet and basics.

    Now I am on a kick to look at vacations for March. I am so ready to get out of the cold! Obviously can't commit to anything until after baby comes. But it sounds amazing. Not necessarily the part about traveling with a 2.5 year old and newborn, but we shall see what happens! We may need to bring Grandma.

  29. periwinklebee

    grapefruit / 4466 posts

    @Jessiemuller88: I had this happen off and on; when I started slathering myself with lotion in the morning and before bed, it definitely helped...

    @honey786: Yay, almost there!

    Sleep has been crap, and last time around it was even worse after the baby came (DS had reflux and sleeping was definitely not his strength...) As I was laying there exhausted last night but unable to sleep due to my insides being attacked, definitely made me worried about remaining functional enough not to do something stupid in caring for a a newborn or toddler, when I'm already this tired and it's only going to get worse!

  30. graceandjoy

    pear / 1565 posts

    @Jessiemuller88: Not my belly but just this one side b/c I think it's really stretching out currently!

    @periwinklebee: Uggh yeah sleep has been so bad! But I always maintain that no sleep due to a baby is much easier for me to handle mentally than no sleep due to someone on the inside making me miserable hahaha. It's just so horrible when it's like 1am and I'm just laying there wide awake for no good reason! Then the second I actually am sleepy, I have to pee!

  31. periwinklebee

    grapefruit / 4466 posts

    @graceandjoy: ugh, the never ending need to pee... during our renovations we are staying in an attic space, and the stairs down to the bathroom are pretty steep - I feel like i have to wake all the way up in order not to trip and fall, and then I often have a hard time getting back to sleep...

    And on a second ugh note, I am sort of annoyed about being due the week of Christmas...probably exacerbated by the fact that I don't love my OB practice (insurance + having to deliver at a hospital that can do a platelet transplant = very few options; the only two doctors who ever have availability are both older men, one in particular who does not have the greatest bedside manner). Went in for my OB appointment today and the doctor was like "you haven't had an ultrasound since 18 weeks? and you're also measuring small... get an ultrasound at your next appointment." But next week due to the holiday they are only open Monday and Friday, and all Monday appointments are booked, so it's nearly two weeks between now and then (and the doctor available next week is my least favorite... ) I would really love the reassurance that everything looks okay and that measuring small isn't due to low fluid or something else that could be concerning (though the same thing happened with DS and was fine, so very likely just how I carry babies...)

    We also have very thin options for childcare for DS if I go into labor during the few days before Christmas, as we live in a pretty transient urban area where nearly everyone is young and goes out of town to visit family for the holidays...

  32. graceandjoy

    pear / 1565 posts

    @periwinklebee: I hope she comes at the most "convenient" time

  33. periwinklebee

    grapefruit / 4466 posts

    @graceandjoy: 😂 😆 I think if there is one universal rule about parenting (which I do love!) it is that kids will inevitably do things at the most INCONVENIENT times

  34. graceandjoy

    pear / 1565 posts

    @periwinklebee: It worked out for my friend recently! I think she was due 12/3, and she said she was thinking about how nice it would be to give birth 11/30, and she did! She said it must have been the positive thinking

    But yeah I def was not prepared for DD2 to come 12/20! But honestly this time all I want is not for me to give birth during a snow storm or something!

  35. periwinklebee

    grapefruit / 4466 posts

    @graceandjoy: hah hah, don't even remind me about the possibility of going into labor during a snow storm. I had a very speedy first labor too! The things summer moms don't have to think about... Fingers crossed for you!

  36. jaguar

    pomegranate / 3764 posts

    @Jessiemuller88: I have the itchiest belly too. Mine usually = more stretch marks, haha

    @periwinklebee: I've had cramps before but this was next level!! If you could choose, when would you LIKE to deliver?

    @honey786: Home stretch for you now!!!!

    @graceandjoy: The sleep and pee dilemma is so real. I hate getting up to go... but I can't hold it or it hurts!

  37. periwinklebee

    grapefruit / 4466 posts

    @jaguar: hah hah, good question! When we can find a babysitter for DS (labor sucks; last time I couldn't have an epidural for medical reasons and was screaming by the end... really don't want to do it by myself b/c we can't get ahold of anyone to watch LO) and ideally before 41 weeks. Oh, and not during a snowstorm! And it would be kind of lousy for little girl if her birthday was literally on Christmas Day. So in short, I'm picky...😂 I think ideally in the next few days, or ASAP after Christmas once MIL is here to watch LO. At the end of the day, though, I'll just be super happy to have a healthy baby, whenever and however she arrives...

  38. Jessiemuller88

    clementine / 973 posts

    My doctor said I could take Benadryl at night for the itching and it has been a lifesaver!!!! I’m actually sleeping for the first time in months, minus the 5 times I get up to pee 🤣

    We are in the home stretch ladies! I can’t believe it! I meet my babes in 10 days. I’m trying to snuggle and enjoy my one on one time with DS as much as I can. I have been having a lot of heartache lately of how much gaining two siblings is going to affect him.

  39. graceandjoy

    pear / 1565 posts

    @Jessiemuller88: It's gonna be amazing! The other day I was stuck at church with the two of them during a special service, and I was just thinking to myself THANK GOD they have each other b/c they entertained themselves and kept each other company and I had to do nothing but sit there I'm excited to have 3; with the chaos also comes so much more love & fun times! Tho I totally understand having 2 newborns at once might be a little overwhelming. But don't understanding these big siblings!!

  40. yellowbeach

    nectarine / 2648 posts

    @Jessiemuller88: Start taking more bump pics - you never know which one will be the last!

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