pomegranate / 3764 posts
Joining the boards together does seem like a good idea. There aren't many of us still here anymore!
pomegranate / 3764 posts
@periwinklebee: I had bloods taken Wednesday - I have this feeling that despite the OB wanting them super early (10 weeks on the dot) it'll come back as needing a re-draw due to not enough info... just a gut feeling.
Anyway the LONG wait begins!!! They said up to 10 business days, so eeek. I'm just so scared of any issues, because of the rocky numbers and bleeding at the start. Praying pretty hard!
grapefruit / 4466 posts
@jaguar: I hope it comes back super fast! Mine I think also says up to 10 business days, but both time it has come back in eight calendar days... There are so many things that can cause bleeding, and I think it's much more common with IVF - odds are in your favor that everything will look good! But the nervousness is completely understandable... Any distracting plans for the weekend?
clementine / 973 posts
@periwinklebee: I agree the more the merrier!
I just finished with my appointment. I had an ultrasound and both babies are still right on track with growth and strong heartbeats. I’m 9 weeks today. I also had my blood drawn for my NIPT tests, so we should know the genders in a week or so!
grapefruit / 4466 posts
@Jessiemuller88: Congrats on a great appt! So exciting that you'll know the sex of the babies soon!
pomegranate / 3764 posts
@periwinklebee: Just a whole batch of kids birthday parties! My IVF clinic is the one that scared me (the OB has always been awesome and chill) .. telling me that bleeding and not so great numbers could be a bad embryo weeding itself out - so of course I've been on tenterhooks since Week 4 or 5 at this point. I just really, really need some good positive news to try and relax!
@Jessiemuller88: That is SO exciting. I still can't believe you're having TWO!
cherry / 117 posts
Do any of you live in Canada? I am so interested in getting NIPT testing but I’m not sure if it’s offered. I don’t believe I was given the option with DD 2 years ago.
If I recall correctly at around 12 weeks they attempted a fetal Doppler. First ultrasound was at 12 weeks for NT testing and we did an anatomy scan at 20 weeks.
I hate to think I have to wait until 20 weeks to find out gender!!
cherry / 236 posts
@Eebolleh: Are you considered AMA? That's the only reason that my insurance covers the NIPT for me. Kaiser says the mom has to be at least 35 at time of delivery.
cherry / 117 posts
@helloperidot: I’m currently 32. We are in Canada so insurance plans are probably a little different. My plan says “diagnostic X-ray and lab tests to diagnose a disease or injury, including allergy testing, prenatal screening, and virtual colonoscopy, when coverage is not available under provincial healthcare plans”.
I’m hoping this means my private insurance will cover it!
grapefruit / 4466 posts
I know it must be so nerve wracking with all the bleeding you've had, but the fact that things have consistently looked great on the ultrasounds is a really good sign. Keeping fingers crossed that the test comes back super fast!
pomegranate / 3764 posts
@periwinklebee: Thanks gorgeous.
Here in Australia the NIPT is completely privately paid, no insurance or rebate. Cost me $425.
cherry / 117 posts
@jaguar: it’s about $500 here, I asked a local mom. I don’t think I can justify doing it as I’m low risk, but I will do it if my insurance helps!
clementine / 973 posts
@Eebolleh: they can do it as early as 9 weeks at my OB. Insurance covers my testing, but I have a history of recurrent loss.
cherry / 117 posts
@Jessiemuller88: thanks! Did you get your results back? I hear they can confirm two girls but it’s a guess if it’s two boys or a boy and a girl.
clementine / 973 posts
@Eebolleh: I won’t get them back until late this week or early next. My doctor did a brand of testing called Panorama. Supposedly it’s the only one that can determine the gender of both twins with accuracy.
grapefruit / 4492 posts
@Jessiemuller88: I totally googled after you mentioned NIPT testing, and yeah panorama was the only one I could find that can do twins... Which is really cool since it's a blood draw on the mother and not individual baby.
clementine / 973 posts
@Sams Mom: it is so cool! I don’t know how they can determine the gender of two from my blood! We are so anxious and excited to get the results!
cherry / 117 posts
@Jessiemuller88: I guess you have fetal DNA just floating around in your blood. So they identify the baby dna and check it for common genetic disorders like Down’s syndrome etc. And since they have the DNA, they check if it has an X Or Y chromosome. Moms are all XX so if they test the blood and only find X chromosomes, it isn’t a boy. If they test and find a Y chromosome, you know you genetically have a boy (or in the case of twins, at least one boy). I think it’s super cool and I’m not surprised this sort of testing costs $500
pomegranate / 3764 posts
Almost a week of waiting now and I'm going slightly crazy with worry!
clementine / 973 posts
@jaguar: the waiting is awful. I’m only on day 4 and it seems like an eternity. I hope you get yours soon!
cherry / 236 posts
Update from my part of the world--
Oldest had her tonsilectomy/adenoidectomy today. It went well and we are home. She has eaten three popsicles, two bowls of ice cream, and three bowls of butter spaghetti, a long with some sips of water. Fingers crossed the tylenol/motrin can keep up with her pain.
Our new mattress set is being delivered tomorrow! I am so excited. It's supposed to be here between 8 and 10am.
I'm officially 10w on Thursday, which is the first day I can go get the CFFDNA draw (NIPT). DD1's surgery has thrown everything for a loop, so while I hope to get to the lab on Thursday, we will see if she feels up to it.
I feel like I've been pregnant forever and we still haven't told anyone. DH wants to wait until we know gender so we can share that info at the same time. Ugh, hurry up, time!
pomegranate / 3764 posts
@helloperidot: I feel like it's been forever too. 11 weeks today and OMG time is dragging.
Still no word here, I even emailed the OB to see. They said avg is 5-8 BIZ days for results.. today is either 5 or 6 based on collection day, so blaaaaargh
grapefruit / 4466 posts
@helloperidot: Hope your DD feels better soon!
@helloperidot: @jaguar: I'm with you on feeling like I've been pregnant forever, first tri drags and drags.... I'll be 13 weeks Saturday which was a turning point for feeling a bit more human with DS, so I'm hoping that will be the case, but have heard MS can last longer with a The nausea and exhaustion are still killing me, and I've had some wicked strong cravings this time around for random stuff that I never have in the house....
We still need to announce. Family is all far away and we won't see them in person, so it hasn't seemed particularly urgent since getting the NIPT results back. It's a weird thing to just bring up casually during a phone call. I took some adorable pics last night of LO with a big brother book, and think I'll use those to make an announcement to send to our parents later this week.
I'll either tell work beginning of next week or need to start making effort to hide the bump. I'm starting to pop but have lost weight from the MS, so am slightly worried if DS gives my pants a hard tug they might come down , as they are way too big in the bum but won't go up over the belly. I pulled out a scarf this morning and it really helps with the awkward looking fat but not pregnant stage....
grape / 81 posts
How do I find out if NIPT is covered by my insurance? Do I call them first or do I need a code from my OB clinic and then call?
pomegranate / 3764 posts
@periwinklebee: I def just look like I ate lots of burgers. And feel really jiggly since my exercise had to stop because of the resting from the bleeds. Wobble wobble....
COME ON BLOODS, I am dying over here!!!! If not today, I'm praying before the weekend... this wait is excruciating!
pomegranate / 3764 posts
Low risk!
Anddddddddd... we are destined to be an all-girl household. A BABY GIRL!
grapefruit / 4466 posts
@jaguar: hurry up lab, cmon!!!!!
With ds I was great about exercising, this time I’ve been awful. Between feeling like exhausted crap, and moving and planning renovations to our new place and to sell our old place, it’s just felt impossible.
grapefruit / 4466 posts
@jaguar: omg so so so happy for you!!!!!!! And how fun to have three sisters, amazing!!!!!
cherry / 117 posts
@periwinklebee: First trimester is sooooo slow. I’m only 5 weeks! I still have a long way to go, and morning sickness hasn’t hit me yet. You are so close, I can’t wait to be 11 weeks. My husband is so excited, he wants to tell family, but I’m just not ready yet. I just hate being talked about (like my body and how it’s changing or isn’t changing) or people telling me what I can and cannot eat. It’s just irritating. I figure it’s all a waiting game anyways, I’d rather wait in peace.
@honey786: well, I’m not getting the NIPT. I called my insurance company and they said it wasn’t an insured service. I just can’t justify the money and we are low risk anyways. I’m in Canada so I’ll do the First Trimester screening and the 20 week anatomy scan.
Anyone else in Canada? I had my first doctors appointment and it was so frustrating. I understand my doctor is busy, but she actually barely had time to look at me. She shoved a bunch of requisitions at me and basically walked out. Sooooo should I do my bloodwork now? At 6 or 7 or 8 weeks? One is the bloodwork for the FTS so I think that’s at 9-12 weeks.... but I’m not sure when I should do the other one. I have a physical with my GP at 9 weeks, so maybe I’ll do the bloodwork a week before my physical so she has the results. I am so over her though! I always get rushed out. My post-partum exam she just said “do things feel ok down there? Alright well let’s skip the exam”. This was after an episiotomy. I swear she skipped it because she was running behind and trying to skip procedures. End of rant but I’m just seeing her one more time for my referral to the maternity clinic and I’ll see if I can find a new GP after this baby.
I have a few questions! So I just completed my last day of adult gymnastics. I started about 3 months ago and it’s so fun, I’ve been learning how to do cartwheels, roundoffs, front handsprings, front tucks, and back tucks. It’s summer vacation so there is a week off and the sessions start up again. I’m torn. We have to pay an annual insurance fee (I think it’s maybe $80) then I pay per class. Should I just quit and maybe try to pick up a yoga class, or should I keep going until I’m 12-14 weeks along? I’d only go to a few more classes before I think it’ll get awkward and I’d have to pay the entire annual fee. It’s also super fun and doctors encourage you to keep doing what you were doing before you got pregnant. I do think I’ll quit sooner rather than later so my balance gets thrown off with the baby. So should I keep going or be lazy?
cherry / 117 posts
@jaguar: omg! Congrats I love girls. All the other measurements were good as well?
pomegranate / 3764 posts
@Eebolleh: Our official 12 week scan is next week so will know more then. But low risk for T21, 18, 13 & sex disorders. So relieved!
@periwinklebee: Three sisters. I can't even believe it. Hubby just laughed and laughed.. surrounded by fiesty women.
clementine / 973 posts
@jaguar: yay!!! Awesome news! Congrats on another baby girl. How exciting!
clementine / 973 posts
@Eebolleh: I would definitely try and get a new doctor. That is ridiculous how she treats you!
As far as the gymnastics go, I’m pretty lazy the first 10-12 weeks of pregnancy. I usually stop my strenuous activity, just to be safe. That being said, I have always heard it’s safe to keep a routine, as long as you have already been doing it for a while.
grapefruit / 4466 posts
@Eebolleh: I hear you on waiting in peace. We finally told our families last night - I'm almost 13 weeks. We've had a couple of losses before, and I know in that scenario people would be obnoxious about it, making suggestions about what I need to do different to prevent it (guess what, it was a chromosomal abnormality and I can't prevent it!) DS has severe food allergies and both my mother and MIL have gone on and on about how it's because I didn't eat enough of those foods during pregnancy. Also BS. I'm sure this time I will get endless advice about what to eat so this baby doesn't have allergies. Ugh.... not every issue your kid faces goes back to something pregnant mama screwed up. Anyways, sorry for the vent....
Gymnastics sounds awesome. I find even by eight or nine weeks bending can be a bit more awkward, but I'm sure this varies from person to person. Last time I was able to run throughout my pregnancy. I expected to need to stop around the half way point but it kept feeling great and I was able to run a few miles per day up to the day when DS was born and did a half marathon at 30 weeks. This time first tri I was getting a bit dizzy and vomiting after running, so I stopped doing it for awhile. As long as it's not too much of a financial commitment, makes sense I think to just play it by ear and listen to your body.
@jaguar: I have several close friends who came from families with three or four sisters, and they all have such amazing relationships with each other as adults. As a kid I was always a bit jealous of people with a sister (though I know the grass is always greener!) It is going to be soooo, soooo sweet to see your three girls together.
clementine / 973 posts
Anyone else have a baby bump yet? I’m 10 weeks tomorrow and feel mine really popped this week. I didn’t show until 16 weeks with my son!
cherry / 236 posts
@Jessiemuller88: I'm 10w today and on my third pregnancy, definitely have a bloaty bump that doesn't go away. You're having twins, though, so expect to show early and look fully pregnant by 28w.
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