Hellobee Boards


July 2013 Due Dates!

  1. Foodnerd81

    wonderful cherry / 21504 posts

    Had my 28 week appt this morning (I'm so far behind some of you!!) I'll find out about the GD test tomorrow but hopefully it's fine- it was the nonfasting one, thank goodness, and the drink just tasted like extra sweet orange gatorade-- not the tastiest but not nearly as bad as I thought it would be! Seems like baby is head down, butt, up-- of course that can, and probably will, still change plenty in the next month, but it was good to get confirmation that the harder jabs up top are kicks and the smaller flutters down low are hands. And this was weird to me, but I only gained 3 pounds this month-- It sure feels like more, so my belly must be pulling extra weight from somewhere else in my body-- well done, belly! Take it from my thighs next, please

    I'm on to the every two week appointments now, so plenty of fun there. Hope everyone is feeling good today!

  2. Pepper

    pomelo / 5820 posts

    @Foodnerd81: Glad your appointment went well and everything is on track!

    My shower is this weekend... really looking forward to it! Anyone else stalking their registry?

  3. Ra

    honeydew / 7586 posts

    @Pepper: My "surprise" shower is this weekend, too! I'm a little nervous though, because there really isn't much missing from our registry! Is most of your stuff bought?

  4. Pepper

    pomelo / 5820 posts

    @rahlyrah: Oh my gosh, no! It seems like not much at all has been purchased from our registry, other than our stroller (which I am eternally grateful for), and a playmat. I have a feeling we will be buying a lot of stuff after the fact...

    Do you have an outfit picked out?

  5. Foodnerd81

    wonderful cherry / 21504 posts

    @Pepper: I'm really trying not to registry stalk. The invitations for mine just went out, though so it's not like people have bought anything yet. I do want to keep an eye on the Amazon registry though-- if more people buy from that, I'll move things over from BBB.

  6. Foodnerd81

    wonderful cherry / 21504 posts

    Oops-- I'm a liar-- someone already purchased some stuff off my Amazon registry! I was careful not to look at who though

  7. Pepper

    pomelo / 5820 posts

    @Foodnerd81: It's so hard not to look! I was terrible with my bridal registry too. We did Amazon too, as well as BRU.

  8. Foodnerd81

    wonderful cherry / 21504 posts

    @Pepper: How did you split up what you put on which registry? Most things I'm finding are about the same price, so I never quite know what to put where.

  9. Pepper

    pomelo / 5820 posts

    @Foodnerd81: I tried to go by price. We registered for a lot of kids books (and we already received a handful from out of town guests), and Amazon had those for cheap. Amazon also had the best prices on first aid stuff. I also liked some of the variety they had versus BRU, especially with colors/styles of stuff we wanted.

  10. Ra

    honeydew / 7586 posts

    @Pepper: We only registered at BRU, so I am hoping that maybe people shopped around purchased elsewhere. The toys and whatnot have been purchased and my parents bought our crib but all the other big stuff is still on there.

    I think I am going to wear a coral maxi skirt, white tank, and turquoise bib necklace. I want to look cute, but don't want my mom to know I that I knew about it, so I can't get to decked out

    How about you?

  11. Pepper

    pomelo / 5820 posts

    @rahlyrah: That sounds so cute! I think I'm just wearing a blue and white maxi with a skinny orange belt. My shower is ocean/under the sea themed, so I might wear a gold starfish statement necklace.

    At least you figured out when it is, so you can plan a little!

  12. Ra

    honeydew / 7586 posts

    @Pepper: That sounds awesome! I can't wait to see pictures of your shower

    Mine is book themed. I'm excited to see what she came up with!

  13. Pepper

    pomelo / 5820 posts

    @rahlyrah: Aww that's a cute shower idea!

  14. cranberry

    apricot / 305 posts

    @rahlyrah: @Pepper: Have a great time at your showers!

    Mine isn't until the first weekend in June. They decided it would be too hard to surprise me, so they just sent me an invitation in the mail to let me know about it. The invitations said "Make way for Baby" (like the book Make Way for Ducklings) and they had pictures of little ducks on them.

    I've been checking my registry a few times a week. I can't help it!

  15. Pepper

    pomelo / 5820 posts

    @cranberry: That sounds so cute! Hard to believe June is right around the corner! That could be the birth month for some of us!

    Anyone having trouble sleeping these days? I'm exhausted, but my legs are so sore and I'm soooo tired of sleeping on my sides! I wake up all the time.

  16. Cherrybee

    papaya / 10570 posts

    Hi ladies

    How are you all feeling? Your showers all sound fabulous, please remember to post pics afterwards!

    I've had a really horrible few days. I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes 11 days ago and given instructions to test my blood sugar 4 times a day and eat a strict diet. It seemed that nothing short of full Atkins level low-carbing could bring my blood sugars into the acceptable range - even two little new potatoes or a dessert spoon of wholegrain rice sent it shooting up. I was surviving on about 800 calories a day and I lost 2lb in 5 days, which was also not what they wanted! So, yesterday, I spent 6 hours at the hospital. In that time, I saw a diabetes specialist and an obstetrician (the rest of the time I was waiting around!) - and the upshot is I am now on medication (Metformin) and I have a week to lower my blood sugars that way - if I can't get it under control, I will be put on insulin next week. They also said that I will either be induced at 38 or 39 weeks - I have a scan booked in for 24th June to determine how big the baby is and thus how far they will let me go. I know I'm in good hands and they are doing all this to protect me and the baby but it's still so scary; I feel like I can't trust my body any more. I guess I also feel like a bit of a failure.

    In other news, I'm 30 weeks now and I can barely walk. My hips have completely given up!! Anyone else waddling about like a loon?!

  17. Cherrybee

    papaya / 10570 posts

    @Pepper: By the way...Yes! Sleeping is a nightmare! My legs get really twitchy!! I've found that a warm bath before bed and a hot water bottle under my thighs eases them enough for me to get to sleep but once I've woken up to pee I can't get back to sleep again!!!

  18. Pepper

    pomelo / 5820 posts

    @Cherrybee: You poor thing! Please don't feel like a failure, this is not your fault. It sounds like you are getting wonderful care, and it's great that they're monitoring you so closely. Take it easy on yourself, you're doing a great job growing that baby. 30 weeks! You're getting very close!

    I hear you on the hips... everytime I get up from sitting or laying down my hips and legs ache. My husband thinks my waddling is hilarious, haha.

  19. Bookish

    GOLD / cantaloupe / 6581 posts

    @Cherrybee: Ack!! Poor you!! I'm so sorry you are having a rough time! :[ You totally aren't a failure, you're body is just throwing a tantrum at you! Hugs and no, you are totally not the only one waddling. I barely survived Vegas this weekend, and I've officially started hobble-waddling everywhere. It blows!

  20. Cherrybee

    papaya / 10570 posts

    @Bookworm: The hobble-waddling!! That's exactly what it is!! I've never seen a pregnant woman do it before but I'm definitely doing it now!! Ridiculous!!

    @Pepper: @ Bookworm: Do you do that thing where you need something from upstairs and have to decide how much you need it - is it worth getting up for? Then you think I'll wait til I need to pee as well then do both at once". Then you forget to fetch the thing you need while you're up there! So you think "I'll wait for DH to need to pee and I'll ask him" but you need to pee again before he does - three times!! AGH!

    Thanks for the support ladies!

  21. Bookish

    GOLD / cantaloupe / 6581 posts

    @Cherrybee: Haha, I'm so grateful to have a one-story house for that reason! It's bad enough having to get out of bed to pee.. I can't imagine having to hobble up and down stairs. Augh, I swear, this insomnia crap is ridiculous.. I got up to pee at 230 and couldnt fall back asleep til almost 5 >.< I'm so sleepy!!! And waddly!! GAH!

  22. Ra

    honeydew / 7586 posts

    @Pepper: Ugh. What is sleep? Is it the outside of your thighs that ache? When I lay on one side for more than like 30 mins it hurts so bad in my upper, outer thigh that it wakes me up and keeps aching even after I turn over. My PT said I have huge knots in my thighs from my body trying to deal with the extra weight. So, I'm gonna try a prenatal massage to see if that helps.

    @Cherrybee: Oh, my love. I am so sorry! You are not a failure! I hate that you have to go through this. Your baby has an amazing mommy that is sacrificing so much her.

    @Bookworm: Lol at the "hobble-waddle!:

  23. Foodnerd81

    wonderful cherry / 21504 posts

    @Cherrybee: I'm sorry you are having such a hard time! It's not your fault and the important thing is that they are monitoring you and baby and keeping you both safe and healthy. Of course, knowing that doesn't make it less hard to deal with, I know!

    I was hobbling for a while- baby must have been sitting hard on a nerve somewhere, but it actually got better, even though my belly is getting a lot bigger. I'm sure it will come back but I'm very thankful for the break, especially since I was away and walking around a lot this weekend, followed by a terrible 5 hour turned into 12 hour travel experience. My ankles swelled to disgusting preggles, but they are going back towards normal after having my feet up all day, some quick exercise (ha-- walking my dog for a total of 20 minutes) and gallons of water.

    On the plus side, I've been registry stalking and someone bought us our Beco Gemini carrier and I'm super excited! And baby has been kicking up a storm-- still doesn't hurt so I'm just really enjoying that part. It was funny to wake up from snoozing on the plane and realize that the baby was up and moving around. Like, it was surprising that it doesn't sleep when I do, even though I know it has a brain of it's own!

  24. Pepper

    pomelo / 5820 posts

    @rahlyrah: It's actually the inside of my thighs and my inner pelvis. Lovely pains we go through! I keep thinking... How am I going to feel in 2 weeks? In 4 weeks? We're getting so close! How was your shower?

  25. Bookish

    GOLD / cantaloupe / 6581 posts

    @rahlyrah: @Pepper: My poor thighs ACHE at night! I think that's what wakes me up half the time, is having to switch positions because the side I'm laying on hurts so badly! DH is amused by my efforts to roll over, the jerk! ;p

    We are getting SO close, but I swear, I wonder, if I can barely move now, how the heck am I going to make it to my due date?! I've basically given up walking around at work, and luckily no one has given me any crap for it!

    @Foodnerd81: I had that same experience with her moving around last night. I dozed off and she kicked me awake! Like helloo, it's sleepy-time little one! I wish I could tell what the heck was going on in there! I feel feet wayyyyy over on my left side kicking me (ouch), her butt is above my belly button, and she punches my cervix. 0____0

  26. Ra

    honeydew / 7586 posts

    @Pepper: The shower was great! It was book themed so Brady got almost a hundred books for his little library. I am ecstatic. There was a diaper cake on every table with a book character on top, the invitations were book related, and she had a book to go with every food dish. It was adorable. We got a lot of stuff but a lot of people went off registry. Luckily, my husband's mom was super generous and took me yesterday to buy everything that we didn't get! This is one spoiled baby

    How was yours?!

    Here are a few pics.

  27. Foodnerd81

    wonderful cherry / 21504 posts

    All of you with achey thighs when you sleep-- I assume you are already sleeping with a pillow between your knees? I've found that a nice thick pillow from knee to ankle helps, but I'm guessing you already tried that!

  28. Pepper

    pomelo / 5820 posts

    @Bookworm: I feel like my pain is made worse by my constant need to switch positions! I move as slowly as possible, and I keep my knees bent and together, but it still hurts so badly!

    @rahlyrah: Aahh love it!! You looked great!! I love the book theme, he will definitely have a great collection :). Did you unroll the diaper cakes yet? DH and I spent awhile unrolling and organizing them last night.

    The shower was great! We got a lot of stuff off registry too... And duplicates! but fortunately we were able to exchange some things for what we needed. We also recieved a lot of stuff we needed, and things that will be very useful! Here are some pictures of mine... it was under the sea themed!

  29. Pepper

    pomelo / 5820 posts

    @Foodnerd81: Yep, I sleep with a snoogle tucked between my legs. I'd hate to see how I'd be without it!

  30. Bookish

    GOLD / cantaloupe / 6581 posts

    @rahlyrah: @Pepper: LOVE your showers! They look like so much fun and you both look gorgeous!

    Soo I think I've hit the 'constantly uncomfortable' point I've been feeling so weird the last couple of days, and I think I finally had a Braxton-Hicks. I woke up night before last and basically felt like I had a charleyhorse in my stomach. It was weeeird. Not sure if it was B-H or what, because I heard those aren't supposed to hurt, and this did!

    Then last night I had 5 charleyhorses in a row in my leg >.< OWWWW.

    I just feel poorly :[ My stomach feels kinda crampy/painful all the time the last couple days, but no recognizable pattern or anything...just painful. I assume it's the uterus stretching more, but ouch. ouchy ouch.

    Mehh, I'm ready to be done, y'all!!

  31. Pepper

    pomelo / 5820 posts

    @Bookworm: Thanks! Sorry you haven't been feeling so great Sounds like a BH, sometimes mine are really uncomfortable. Like to the point where it's hard to breathe. I feel like as baby gets bigger, they get worse! I've also been getting charley horses at night too... what's that all about?! I hope you feel better... we're getting so close! Once June hits, some of us might be having our LOs later that month!

    I think I'm in full nesting mode. I started setting stuff aside for my hospital bag, and today I cleaned out my desk at work and threw a ton of stuff away! I had my 34 week appointment yesterday, and scheduled the rest of my weekly appointments, starting at 36 weeks. Crazy!!

  32. jh524

    pear / 1632 posts

    Hello!! So I wanted to stop by and say hi to the soon to be July mommies!! Hope your all feeling well. I'm due June 25 but if baby wants to stay in the cooker longer i could have a July baby!!!
    @Pepper: love your shower photos, cute theme!!!!
    @rahlyrah: cute pictures, you look great! Love the diaper cake!!!

    Hope everyone doing good and baby too!!! I think the last two months are flying by with the baby shower and appointments and getting the house and nursery ready!! Soon you'll be packing your hospital bags!!!

  33. Pepper

    pomelo / 5820 posts

    @jh524: Hi! And thanks! Congrats on your upcoming due date! It's kinda fun to be on the border of two months... I'm due July 3rd, so I could end up on the June board too

    It's definitely fun to get everything together in anticipation! Gives me something to do to pass the time

  34. jh524

    pear / 1632 posts

    @Pepper: oh for sure!!! Except time is going by so fast and yet so slow. A July 4th baby would be so fun, talk about a grand entrance!!! And congrats to you as well!!

  35. Pepper

    pomelo / 5820 posts

    Just bumping our quiet little thread! How is everyone doing? Hanging in there?

  36. Ra

    honeydew / 7586 posts

    @Pepper: Thanks for asking (and reviving the thread)!

    Honestly, I spend a lot of time begging my little man to make his appearance! I am so done with pregnancy. Sciatica and carpal tunnel keep me awake all night. I am uncomfortable all day. I'm just ready to meet him already!

    We are sooooo close though!

    How are you holding up?

  37. Pepper

    pomelo / 5820 posts

    @rahlyrah: Awww I'm sorry you're not feeling well at all. We are SO close though! I go back and forth between wanting to be done, and being scared that he's going to come too early.

    I think I've become so used to the concept of being pregnant, that I'm going to be in shock when I go into labor! Is that weird? haha. I do look forward to not having BH contractions all the time, and being able to turn over in bed without wincing in pain. And being able to lift my legs to put shorts or pants on without needing to hold onto something, lol.

  38. Ra

    honeydew / 7586 posts

    Is anyone else getting ridiculously anxious? I want to meet him so bad! I just need to make it a few more days to be 37 weeks. Let's get this show on the road. I'm ready to see that little face and hear that little cry and be a mommy!

  39. Pepper

    pomelo / 5820 posts

    @rahlyrah: Yes, very anxious!! I can't wait to meet him

    When is your next OB appointment? I have my 36 week one tomorrow, and I'm curious to see if he is head down!

  40. Foodnerd81

    wonderful cherry / 21504 posts

    @Pepper: I know exactly what you mean about being used to being pregnant! I'm a few weeks behind most of you, so I think the biggest discomforts are still ahead of me. My sciatica has let up again-- it seems to be one week of it being bad, a week of it not being bad, and repeat.

    You know what I would like to be done with? Pregnancy brain! I left my umbrella on the train this morning, frequently leave things around the office and have to go back to retrieve them, last night called a table a chair?

    I still have about 8 weeks to go (or, 6-10 I guess, if all goes according to plan). I'm almost planning on an August baby so i won't be too upset when/if I go past my July 30 due date. But I stop work on July 16 and couldn't be more excited about that!

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