Hellobee Boards


July 2013 Due Dates!

  1. Ra

    honeydew / 7586 posts

    @Pepper: My next appointment is on Thursday and they are going to start checking to see if I am dilated and/or effaced. Last appointment they told me he was head down and in position. So crazy! I'm pretty convinced he is going to be a June baby. I hope I'm right!

    @Foodnerd81: Pregnancy brain is the worst! I keep forgetting simple words and losing things. I feel like I have dementia!

  2. Pepper

    pomelo / 5820 posts

    @Foodnerd81: That's so exciting to have an end date for work! I think I'll be working from home starting at the end of this month. My pregnancy brain is pretty ridiculous right now too. I wrote something on my hand the other day to remind me to bring something home from work, and I still forgot

    @rahlyrah: So exciting! Fingers crossed for a June baby for you They're supposed to check me too, I'm curious what's happening down there. Though if he's not head down, I doubt I'll have anything to report there. I'm still holding out for an end of June baby!

  3. jh524

    pear / 1632 posts

    @rahlyrah: that's crazy, my dr. Doesn't want to do checks because he said it may start things.... Hmm well It be nice to know if I'm making any progress!!!! I have an appt thurs as well. Baby was transverse but he's moved into position because he's been kicking my ribs and pelvic floor at the same time, which feels so odd!!!
    Woke up to cramping last night but now it's gone....how are you all feeling??!!

  4. Foodnerd81

    wonderful cherry / 21504 posts

    @jh524: My midwives don't do any cervical checks until your due date. The one I saw last week said they don't tell you that much, but can do a number on your attitude-- like, if you are starting to dilate, you think it's happening right away but it could be days or more, or if nothing is happening, you could get really discouraged. So I'm happy to live in ignorance until I'm 40 weeks. (I'm only 32 so it wouldn't start for a while anyway).

  5. Ra

    honeydew / 7586 posts

    @jh524: The next day I will be 37 weeks and that is technically full term, right? I'm guessing that is why they don't mind doing the checks.

    @Pepper: I am trying not to get my hopes up, but I will keep my fingers crossed for both of us. We might be mommies this month! How freaking crazy is that?!

  6. Pepper

    pomelo / 5820 posts

    @rahlyrah: Super crazy!! Maybe I should finish packing my hospital bag this week

  7. Ra

    honeydew / 7586 posts

    Had my first cervical check today. I am 1 cm dilated and 75% effaced. Baby's head is down and engaged.

    I am trying not to get excited because the doctor said it is hard to tell how quickly things will progress. I could be walking around like this for weeks. She did, however, tell my husband that we need to start having more sex to help get this baby out!

    How are you ladies doing?

  8. Cherrybee

    papaya / 10570 posts

    @rahlyrah: Say whaaaaaaaaaat?!!!!! How, HOW is one of our July mummies dilated and whatnot?!!!! I better pack my hospital bag!!!! Does it feel different???

    I'm all good, thanks. Hanging out at 32+1. Randomly, my pelvic pain has really eased up and I'm running about like my old self again!! I think maybe baby was sitting on my sciatic nerve or something and has shifted position now? I'm enjoying it while it lasts!

  9. Ra

    honeydew / 7586 posts

    @Cherrybee: Crazy, right?! It doesn't really feel any different. My belly just looks a little lower and I can breathe a little better.

    I am soooooooo happy to hear your pelvic pain has improved. I know you were really struggling through that. Hopefully she stays off that nerve and the last couple weeks will be (relatively) comfortable for you!

  10. Foodnerd81

    wonderful cherry / 21504 posts

    @rahlyrah: This is crazy to me. But you must be due at the beginning of July, then right?

    @Cherrybee: My hip and sciatic nerve pain comes and goes a lot. One day I'm walking totally normally, the next I'm wobbling like... well, a really pregnant woman. Then every once in a while I shift a certain way and get a really sharp shooting pain, which is oh so fun, but it goes away at least.

    Like cherrybee, just sitting here at 32 weeks, keeping baby growing and moving. He or she is very distracting after lunch especially, when I am trying to work. I was demonstrating to DH what it's like, by poking him a whole bunch of times in a row while he tried to do something.

  11. Pepper

    pomelo / 5820 posts

    @rahlyrah: Oh that is so exciting!! You're 37 weeks, right? When did you notice that you dropped? Even if you hang out like that for several weeks, it's awesome to have some progress!

    @Cherrybee: So glad you're feeling better!!

    We had a hospital tour yesterday, which was really fun! They showed us what the L&D suites look like, recovery, and the nursery! I recommend it if your hospital offers one, it's free and fun to do

  12. Ra

    honeydew / 7586 posts

    @Foodnerd81: Yep! My original due date was July 5th, but they've been saying they think they were off a week and will most likely be a late June baby.

    @Pepper: I think it became noticeable about a week and half/2 weeks ago. My mom was the one who pointed it out and then I realized that my boobs were no longer resting on my stomach!

  13. Foodnerd81

    wonderful cherry / 21504 posts

    @Pepper: I'm taking a childbirth class at my hospital next weekend and it includes a tour, which I'm excited about. I think it will help to be able to visualize where I will go for what, you know?

  14. Pepper

    pomelo / 5820 posts

    @Foodnerd81: Oooh have fun! It definitely made me feel more comfortable about going when the time comes.

  15. jh524

    pear / 1632 posts

    @rahlyrah: so it's sounds like we might be close then, I'm due June 25th!!! I get a cervical exam next thurs. at 38 weeks. But had a ultrasound today and Baby is head down. I'm feeling lots O pressure and daily cramping!

  16. Ra

    honeydew / 7586 posts

    @jh524: I hope so! I have another appointment on Thursday, too. Let me know how it goes!

  17. deerylou

    pomegranate / 3003 posts

    @rahlyrah: You're getting so close, how exciting! I was originally told I was due July 10th, but they also believe they were a week off, and assume she'll arrive closer to July 2nd.

    I think DD has officially dropped - I've been carrying relatively high throughout my entire pregnancy, but my belly has noticeably migrated downward , enough to garner some comments at work I'm also feeling some increased pressure and dull pain in my lower abdomen - it's getting harder and harder to carry my laundry basket downstairs.

    I have my last ultrasound next week, to make sure LO is still in position. I believe we start cervical checks at 37 weeks.

  18. Pepper

    pomelo / 5820 posts

    @deerylou: That's exciting that she dropped! My coworkers were just commenting that I'm still carrying really high... which I agree with.

    Let us know how the ultrasound goes!

  19. Bookish

    GOLD / cantaloupe / 6581 posts

    @deerylou: Oooh dropping!! Good progress, keep us in the loop

    @rahlyrah: Our first cervical update! Haha!! Sounds like you are doing great, I hope things keep progressing for you

    I'm starting to wonder if I'm getting close, or if I'm just doomed to a miserable last month. After having essentially no morning sickness my entire first trimester.... here it is. My first week of work at my new job, too >.< Luckily they are being understanding and I'm going home early, but holy cow. My whole digestive tract just seems to be up in arms I keep reading about how your body 'prepares' itself and gets all wonky beforehand...so who knows!

  20. cranberry

    apricot / 305 posts

    @rahlyrah: That's so exciting! It's getting close.

    I just had my first cervical check today too and I'm 3 cm dilated and 80% effaced (35 w 5d). The doctor said there's no way she thinks I'll make it to my July 7th due date. She predicted 10-14 days. So we'll see. I'm a little nervous though- I thought I had 4 more weeks, not 2! This weekend I'm going to pack my hospital bag and try to figure out a name

  21. Foodnerd81

    wonderful cherry / 21504 posts

    @Bookworm: At least it's very obvious why you aren't feeling well. What I hated about morning sickness in the first trimester was no one knew WHY I looked and felt horrible. Now it's like, oof look how pregnant she is, let's cut her some slack! (I hope, at least).

    I feel so far behind! I actually am only just starting to feel like the baby is up high and weighing on my diaphragm so I can't breath easy. I've been carrying low pretty much the whole time, probably because I started out with zero to no ab muscles. My practice doesn't do cervical checks until your due date, so you won't be getting any cervical updates from me until the end of July!

  22. Bookish

    GOLD / cantaloupe / 6581 posts

    @Foodnerd81: that's true! Everyone was really nice about it!@cranberry: whoaaa that's crazy! Don't stress, you got this!!!

  23. Cherrybee

    papaya / 10570 posts

    @cranberry: Oh my goodness!! 3cm!!! That's seriously exciting!!!

    I can't believe July ladies are starting to dilate and stuff!! AGH!!!

    @Bookworm: I'm so sorry you're are feeling so dreadful. Big hugs mamma.

    I, on the other hand, am feeling awesome!!! My pelvic pain has completely gone away!!! It's so, so weird, but I'm enjoying it while it lasts! 32+2 today, so another 7 weeks or so to go! I'm going to do my baby laundry and pack my hospital bag this weekend! So exciting!!

  24. Ra

    honeydew / 7586 posts

    @deerylou: How exciting! I don't think I have any more ultrasounds. You get to see your little nugget again. Let us know how it goes!

    @Bookworm: I'm sorry you're not feeling well You are so close though, mama. You can do this!

    @cranberry: Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! That is so exciting! You may be our first to go!!!

  25. deerylou

    pomegranate / 3003 posts

    @rahlyrah: Surely will. I've only had two so far, during my pregnancy, so it's been a long time since I've last taken a peek at her.

  26. Pepper

    pomelo / 5820 posts

    @cranberry: Oh my goodness this is so exciting!! We may need an updated due date/new arrival list soon! How are you feeling? Are you noticing any contractions?

  27. Pepper

    pomelo / 5820 posts

    I just got notice that I tested negative for group B strep, which is GREAT news for me, as I'm unable to take most antibiotics. I feel so relieved! One less thing to worry about when the big day rolls around.

  28. Foodnerd81

    wonderful cherry / 21504 posts

    I just realized how thankful I am to be kind of tall with a long torso. The baby is at a point where the kicks are getting pretty sharp and he or she just really jabbed me partly in the ribs. I realized that if my torso was shorter, this probably would have been happening for a while already, right? (I'm 32 weeks +4 days).

    But seriously-- ouch! Need to walk around and get this kid in a different position!

  29. Bookish

    GOLD / cantaloupe / 6581 posts

    @Pepper: that's great! I have my strep swab on Tuesday
    @Foodnerd81: lol the rib kicks are fun, eh? I have a short torso but she don't kick me there til a couple weeks ago when she when head down. She likes to stretch into them lol.

    So I hate that my posts have been complainy lately, and this one won't be any different I'm pretty sure I had some false contractions last night. I had B-Hs most of the morning, no biggie, but last night I had the most horrible pain in my lower back that definitely came in waves, about 10-15 mins apart and made me double over..and it felt like weird cramps in my stomach at the same time. Luckily when I laid down, after about two more rounds they went away, but it scared the heck out of me.

    If it happens again today I'm heading to the hospital to check things out anybody else have anything like that yet? Between puking all day Friday and now this... I think she's getting impatient in there

  30. Ra

    honeydew / 7586 posts

    @Bookworm: How many weeks are you? My OB said to expect contractions but not to worry until they are 5-1-1. If I were you, I'd probably call just to be safe!

    Keep us posted! I'll keep you in my thoughts

  31. Pepper

    pomelo / 5820 posts

    @Bookworm: I'm sorry you're not feeling well I've had some slight contractions that aren't BH, but haven't been timetable. I would definitely call if they're causing you a lot of pain. Between that and puking, you have every right to vent!

    I had a slight breakdown this morning, haha. I feel like the baby has flipped positions and now I'm not sure that he's head down at this point. So now I'm worried about that, combined with the fact that I can't get a good nights sleep anymore... I just feel stressed.

    Anyone else find that they keep waking up on their back? I get so mad at myself when I end up that way!. I don't know why I keep trying to lay like that while asleep, because it's uncomfortable and it wakes me up! I think I woke up once an hour last night because of that.

  32. Bookish

    GOLD / cantaloupe / 6581 posts

    @rahlyrah: 35w today! (or 36 according to my orig due date..) That's good to hear your doctor told you to expect them.. mine told me to keep an eye on the B-H contractions, but I didn't expect painful ones Silly me!!

    @Pepper: Thanks If I have any more pain today I'm going to head to the ER to get checked out.. which I hate the thought of, but whatcha gonna do? I'm sorry you are feeling stressed!! I feel ya on the no sleep and waking up on your back thing, I've had problems with both of those. Especially now since sleeping on my sides hurts like crazy..my body just goes onto its back!

  33. Foodnerd81

    wonderful cherry / 21504 posts

    @Pepper: Why do you feel like the baby flipped? I asked the midwife at my last appointment and she said I'd probably be able to tell if he or she flipped at this point (head down at my 32 week appt). So I'm curious what you feel/felt that makes you think that. I've very consistently had kicks in the same spot for weeks so I do think I would notice if that changes.

    I've never been much of a back sleeper anyway so I haven't had the problem really. I was always a stomach sleeper and it would be comical to lay on my stomach at this point, so no worries there. I have a really squishy pillow that I hug and tuck under my belly a little which helps keep me on my side, but it's been pretty comfortable for me so far.

    I can't tell if I've even been having B-H-- I've had moments where my belly feels really tight, especially way down low, but it doesn't seem to have any rhythm where it gets tighter and loosens up, which I think it would if it was B-H or a real contraction, right? But again-- I'm 4 weeks behind some of you!

  34. Pepper

    pomelo / 5820 posts

    @Foodnerd81: The kicks are lower today, and I felt his hiccups up high... Though the lower "kicks" could be punches... I can't really tell the difference. I guess I'll find out for sure on Friday at my next OB appointment, but I'm just a worrywart!

    Tightening belly sounds like BH to me! They don't have a pattern or rhythm, at least mine don't. Sometimes ill have a bunch in a row, sometimes I'll go half the day without having one.

  35. Foodnerd81

    wonderful cherry / 21504 posts

    @Pepper: Well, I think if you didn't actually feel the baby turn over, there is a good chance that you are just feeling punches down low. At least, that's what I would tell myself until my appt, if I were you. My midwife said that it would be noticeable if he or she flips since baby is pretty big and that uterus is stretched pretty thing. So that is my mostly uneducated opinion and I'm sticking to it

  36. Ra

    honeydew / 7586 posts

    @Bookworm: How are you feeling? Any updates?

    @Pepper: I'm sorry you've been so stressed! Chances are, the baby is still head down. I don't think I've ever heard of a baby flipping back after being in position. I constantly get punched in my lower abdomen by my little man. Also, he had hiccups for the first time (since being head down) and they felt pretty high up to me, too. Maybe their torsos are longer than we think?

    @Foodnerd81: That sounds like BH to me, too! Mine are mostly just tightening of the lower abdomen (although sometimes they hurt a little). Like Pepper, mine have no real schedule or rhythm. They pretty much come and go at whim.

  37. Cherrybee

    papaya / 10570 posts

    @Pepper: I've been worrying about this, too!! I used to get kicks up high and little tickles down low - but now I'm getting thuds down low and nothing up high. That said, it's getting pretty cramped in there so perhaps our babies haven't got room to kick now and the thuds we are feeling down low are strong little arms punching?!

    @Foodnerd81: Ooh, I wonder if you are getting Braxton Hicks? I'm due at the end of July too and so far I haven't had anything vaguely contraction-esque.

    @Bookworm: Thinking of you. Hope everything is okay and you are feeling a little better.

    In my corner of the world... I have now finished all the baby's laundry and I have packed my hospital bag. I'm finally starting to feel a little bit more excited, too. Two weeks until my next growth scan, three weeks until I finish work, four weeks until full term and seven weeks to my due date!

  38. Ra

    honeydew / 7586 posts

    Has anyone else been having "bad mom" dreams? I have been having them like crazy lately and it's freaking me out! Last night, I had one where it was 8 pm and I realized that I never fed my baby. I had to be somewhere in like 30 minutes as was rushing him to eat and then started yelling at him when he wouldn't latch correctly.

    I've had others where I have forgotten to change his diaper or left the house to go out and left him home by himself.

    It is really concerning! I would never do these things in real life, why do I keep being such a horrible mother in my dreams?!

  39. Bookish

    GOLD / cantaloupe / 6581 posts

    @rahlyrah: @Cherrybee: Thanks y'all I'm feeling much better today; DH put me on bed rest all day Sunday and I guzzled water. So far I'm halway through my workday and still feeling fine, at least compared to this weekend!! I have my checkup tomorrow afternoon, and boy do I have a lot of questions for her LOL

  40. Pepper

    pomelo / 5820 posts

    @Foodnerd81: @rahlyrah: @Cherrybee: @Bookworm: Thanks, all! Feeling a bit less stressed today, though I know the next few weeks are going to be a roller coaster!

    @Cherrybee: Sounds like you've been keeping busy! Crazy how close we are, it's so surreal to think we'll have babies next month!

    @rahlyrah: I had a dream that I couldn't figure out how to breastfeed at ALL and got really frustrated! My dreams have been crazy lately though. You're probably just working out your fears in your sleep, you'll be a great mom! Ps how are you feeling?! Any updates since the plug incident?

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