Hellobee Boards


July 2013 Due Dates!

  1. Bookish

    GOLD / cantaloupe / 6581 posts

    Well, just got out of my appointment, and it looks like we are having her on Monday if she doesn't come by then. I'm still trying to process it. Dr stripped my membranes again and said my bag of waters was 'bulgy,' and so now I'm just hoping she comes before Monday. I'm having a bit of a freakout over being induced, and I still don't know why. The Dr said it was basically a balance of getting induced and hoping things progress, or letting her go and hoping she doesn't get too big that I'd have to have a C-section anyways.

    Meh, I just feel crappy right now. I almost wish I hadn't taken off of work, just so I would have something to occupy my time. Sorry for being such a grump!!

  2. deerylou

    pomegranate / 3003 posts

    @Bookworm: I feel your frustrations and fears. Ugh; today is my due date, and I am still only 1 cm dilated and 60% effaced, despite daily pressure and contractions I thought were bound to be expediting the process. My OB said I wasn't open enough for a membrane sweep today, but that she will hopefully be able to do it next week. She's okay letting me go up to 42 weeks, and said we would induce no later than the 16th.

    I'm also spotting and cramping, which I haven't experienced after a cervical check, but I guess it's normal.


  3. Bookish

    GOLD / cantaloupe / 6581 posts

    @deerylou: Oh yuck I'm sorry, that must be incredibly frustrating. Don't worry too much about the cramping and spotting, I have that after every check, and a lot more after every membrane strip, so if she does do it next week, don't freak out if there's a lot of blood afterwards. Hopefully you won't need it! Ugh, that sucks that you've been having contractions and are only 1cm.

    I wish we could all get together and have ice cream and b**** about things

  4. deerylou

    pomegranate / 3003 posts

    @Bookworm: Thanks, buddy. That ice cream sounds divine. How overdue are you?

    Also, how badly does a membrane sweep hurt?

  5. Bookish

    GOLD / cantaloupe / 6581 posts

    @deerylou: I'm not overdue, actually. That's why I feel so weird about being induced. Since I'd been really sick with dehydration+ giant baby she wanted to weigh the pros of inducing vs the pros of waiting..and she doesn't think I'll make it to Monday (my original due date) but wanted to set up an induction just in case.

    Oh and as for the sweep, it's very uncomfortable but more like a really rotten pap smear. It stopped hurting as soon as she was done.

  6. Pepper

    pomelo / 5820 posts

    @Bookworm: Sending you labor vibes before Monday! Bulgy bag of waters sounds promising...

  7. Ra

    honeydew / 7586 posts

    @deerylou: Don't be discouraged! I was only 1.5 cm when my water broke

  8. Cherrybee

    papaya / 10570 posts

    @Bookworm: Ooh, Monday, that's really exciting!! I'm sure your Dr wouldn't induce you if she didn't think it was absolutely the right thing to do. I hope you go into labour before then, of course! I'll keep my fingers crossed!!

    @deerylou: Happy due date - it was yesterday, wasn't it? I'm sorry you are going through contractions but they are not having the effect you would like them to - that's doubly unfair.

    I'm just chilling here at 36 weeks on the dot. I say chilling, I've got to pick my dog up from the vets but I can't go until a man has been to fit my kitchen floor and he hasn't turned up yet (it's twenty to three!) and I've been trapped in my house all afternoon waiting for him (my poor dog!). Plus I'm due at my Aunts for coffee in just over an hour!! AGH! Maternity leave is more stressful than work so far!!

  9. Bookish

    GOLD / cantaloupe / 6581 posts

    @Pepper: @Cherrybee: Thanks both of you Honestly, after last night, I think I'm over my guilt. DH and I went for a walk around our neighborhood park, and 10 minutes in I was hit with really horrible pains. I ended up leaning on DH and crying the rest of the way home... I felt pathetic but yeah...I think the doctor may be right, it's time for LO to get the heck out

    And now I'm on DH-imposed bed rest and really bored I'm sorry your maternity leave is being stressful @Cherrybee! That's horrible! Funny story for you, my grandma was asking me how my friend in England was doing, and I was like 'how did she know I know bees in England?!' and was soo confused... she meant the pregnant princess >.<

  10. Cherrybee

    papaya / 10570 posts

    @Bookworm: How do you know I'm not the pregnant princess? Apart from my rough looking bump pics of course!! lol. Woah, your walk sounds completely awful, it must be so depressing being that limited as to what you can do and feeling that dreadful. Monday can't come soon enough - I'm excited for you!!

  11. Bookish

    GOLD / cantaloupe / 6581 posts

    @Cherrybee: hehehe! It could be an elaborate cover story! Thanks, I'm getting pretty excited too!! The walk was ridiculous, I cannot wait until I heal post partum and can get back to feeling normal!! I really want to go get my darn hair cut, but it looks like that ain't happening!

  12. Cherrybee

    papaya / 10570 posts

    @Bookworm: Say whaaat? You've got tomorrow, Friday and all weekend - you can surely fit an appointment in somehow?!! We can't have you looking less than perfectly groomed during delivery now, can we?!

  13. glimmersnaps

    apricot / 491 posts

    Happy July! I'm 38 weeks and although I don't really feel ready to have her yet, I'm starting to get anxious about MIL's impending arrival on the 29th so I want to have this little chica within the next week or so!

    She's been feeling really low sometimes--actually like she might be engaged and then she pops back up. I was at the store and my hips started burning and I had that feeling like she might fall out in the middle of the cereal aisle

    I've started my acupuncture labor readiness points and she drew the pressure points on me so I've been mashing those randomly. I am also doing Evening Primrose Oil and I have Raspberry Leaf Tea but I'm too hot/lazy to make it most days!

    Pretty much I had like 3 days of nesting and now I'm exhausted again. Oh and my 2.5 yo suddenly wants my attention 24/7. He's said "Mama" about 15 times since I sat down at the computer!!

    @Bookworm I'm so sorry you're so uncomfortable!! Hopefully the little one will come soon! Oh and just wait till PP to get your hair cut because it usually starts falling out anyway!

  14. SouthPaw

    cherry / 204 posts

    @Bookworm: fingers crossed that you start naturally before Monday!!! Thinking of you. Try and stay relaxed and positive!!!! Your grandma asking about your friend in England made me laugh!!

    @Cherrybee: 36 weeks, you're almost full term! I am sorry maternity leave is proving to be more stressful than work. At least you don't have your coworker to listen to now!!

    @glimmersnaps: do you enjoy acupuncture? did you do it with your first? Congrats on 38 weeks!!! Due date is just around the corner.

    37w4d here...feeling large and incharge. Going to the doc this afternoon for another growth scan on LOs tummy. Fingers crossed!

  15. glimmersnaps

    apricot / 491 posts

    @Southpaw Yes it helps me a lot! I did it all throughout both pregnancies and did my labor points at 38 and 39 weeks with my first. (I went into labor later on in the the day we did them at 39 wks.) The labor points won't throw you into labor if you're not ready but they can help get things moving and give you a little nudge if you are borderline. I hope all goes well at your appt!!

  16. Cherrybee

    papaya / 10570 posts

    @SouthPaw: Ahh, let us know how it goes. Don't let them freak you out with half information this time....

  17. Foodnerd81

    wonderful cherry / 21504 posts

    @Cherrybee: I've always suspected you were the pregnant princess, but I didn't want to blow your cover. I'm a little jealous that you are already on maternity leave, even though for an American, I have a great leave and will go out 2 weeks early-- 2 weeks from today!!.

    Had my 36 week appt and it was a mess (not health related, thankfully!) I got stuck in a ton of traffic, every move I made to get out of the traffic put me into more, arrived half an hour late and they rescheduled me for more than 4 hours later! I begged them to let me know if there was a cancellation-- I couldn't bear either hanging out there for 4 hours or getting in the car again to drive home and hit traffic again on the way back. Lucky for me, someone delivered early and cancelled her check up so I got in her slot! And of course, since it was the 36 week appt I couldn't just skip it since they need to do the GBS test during this week. I was exhausted by 11 am! I don't mind still being pregnant, but these weekly appts are really getting to me!

    Other than complaints about traffic, I'm good. Just chilling at the back of the bunch with Cherrybee and waiting for more July babies from the rest of you. We are going away for the long weekend and I'm bringing a small emergency hospital bag and the carseat, just in case!

  18. SouthPaw

    cherry / 204 posts

    @Foodnerd81: when I read your response I got nervous when you said the 36 was a mess! Glad it was just traffic =)

    Have a great time on your trip!!

    @Cherrybee: I will definitely not get worked up during ultrasound and wait for Dr. to elaborate on items.

    @glimmersnaps: acupuncture intrigues me however the fear of needles limits my experimentation. I am happy to hear it has worked for you!!! I think my DH would like at me like I was crazy if I suggested scheduling this lol.

  19. Bookish

    GOLD / cantaloupe / 6581 posts

    @Foodnerd81: Ack, what a no fun appointment! That's awesome that you have only two weeks left til maternity leave!! I was going to try to work up until labor...and then gave up.

    @SouthPaw: Thank you!! My grandma cracks me up. She was SO SERIOUS asking about this English friend of mine. I nearly died. Let us know how the appt goes!!

    @glimmersnaps: Ooh I've never tried acupuncture.. I'm glad it helps you! They were going to do an acupuncture type thing to my neck for tension headaches and then said they couldn't because I was pregnant. Boo And yeah, on the haircut, I may just wait until my hair, uh, stabilizes??? I'm not looking forward to these luscious locks falling out!

    @Cherrybee: Hahaha I don't even know the last time I looked perfectly groomed. Funny enough, I've been shaving my legs every other day (compared to once every other week during the rest of pregnancy) because I really don't want to go into labor with hairy legs!!!

  20. Foodnerd81

    wonderful cherry / 21504 posts

    @SouthPaw: @Bookworm: I am such a fan of acupuncture! I did it for my headaches in my first trimester (surprised they wouldn't while you were pregnant? My midwife recommended it). I get terrible frequent headaches and I haven't had a bad one since I stopped back in Feb! I wouldn't be scared of the needles-- they are teeny and flexible and it feels more like having a little hair tweezed than like a needle sticking you. You can't really feel it while it's in unless it's really working in a spot-- like if she put it in a spot on my back that was really tight, it would have an achey feeling like after a deep pressure massage, not a needle like feeling.

    As for perfectly groomed... ha. I still shave my legs sometimes and am careful about my armpits, since I'm always sweating in tank tops anyway. I bit the bullet and had a bikini wax after I realized I'm going to the beach for two days and Can. Not. see what is happening down there. Not so comfortable but now I won't be worrying about that until well after baby is here.

  21. glimmersnaps

    apricot / 491 posts

    @Foodnerd81 Gah! I hate weekly appointments. Honestly they don't do anything but measure my belly and listen to the heartbeat.

    @Bookworm @Southpaw Also the acupuncture needles are very thin, like a strand of hair, so really you barely feel them go in unless it's a really sensitive spot.

    I'm obsessed with trying to have my hair washed for labor. I felt like it was wild last time and for some reason I lost my ponytail holder (Note: pack extras) I have a memory of looking in a mirror and hardly recognizing myself.

    Oh and I'm hoarding popsicles, too.

  22. Foodnerd81

    wonderful cherry / 21504 posts

    @glimmersnaps: extra hair ties and hair bands are practically the first thing on my hospital bag list! And I'm thinking we will buy a whole box of Popsicles on the way. There was a picture in one of our birthing books of a woman in a tub eating a purple Popsicle and we both saw it and were like, yup, that will be me exactly.

  23. Cherrybee

    papaya / 10570 posts

    @Foodnerd81: @glimmersnaps: I'm missing out on the weekly appointments fun because my midwife said that, as I'm under consultant care, she wouldn't need to see me as often and booked me in for 37+2 at my last appointment (32 weeks). As I'm doing so well with my GD, my consultant decided at my 34 week appointment that she doesn't need to see me until 37+5!! I don't mind at all but it does make me laugh that, as I'm considered a higher risk, I see somebody less! Plus, according to the NHS website, at my 34 week midwife appointment she is meant to talk to me about labour and, at my 36 week appointment, she is meant to give me baby care advice. I've missed all that!! It's a good job I've got HB!

    Have you seen Bookworm is in labour?!! Eeeep!!!

  24. Foodnerd81

    wonderful cherry / 21504 posts

    @Cherrybee: You are definitely not missing out on schlepping your largely pregnant self out to the midwife every week! I think I could have skipped this 36 week one except that they are strict about when you can have the Group B Strep test done. It is funny that you have fewer appointments because of your higher risk factor!

    I also got the TDAP (whooping cough plus tetanus) vaccine and OW! I remembered right when she was about to do it that this is the one where it feels like you got punched in the arm, *hard*, for 3 or 4 days. But I'd rather deal with it now while baby is still in I guess.

  25. Foodnerd81

    wonderful cherry / 21504 posts

    @Bookworm: Super excited for your fourth of July baby!!

  26. Cherrybee

    papaya / 10570 posts

    @Foodnerd81: We don't get the GBS test over here. From what I've read, this is because doctors are concerned that routine screening would lead to greater use of antibiotics in pregnancy and thus to bacteria becoming resistant to the antibiotics. It seems a pretty lame reason not to screen - I mean, if the bacteria is there surely you should treat it just in case?? But apparently it's very rare that the baby gets the infection so they just chance it for the greater good. Hmm.

  27. deerylou

    pomegranate / 3003 posts

    Two days overdue and wanting to explode. I *love* the Fourth of July, but am *so* unbelievably crabby right now.

    However, I'm very excited for another one of our July moms. Best of luck to our @Bookworm!

  28. Pepper

    pomelo / 5820 posts

    @deerylou: hoping the fireworks send you into labor! Lots of labor vibes coming your way.

  29. deerylou

    pomegranate / 3003 posts

    @Pepper: Thank you! I so need it!

  30. Cherrybee

    papaya / 10570 posts

    @deerylou: Oh.... I'm so sorry you're feeling like this. Waiting sucks. Sending you explosive labour vibes wrapped in big lovely hugs.

    I'm having the opposite issue, girls. Yesterday evening, I had very mild period-type pains, which were gone by the morning. But they have come back this evening AND on two occasions today I have found tiny bits of greenish jelly stuff on my toilet paper, a little bigger than a grain of rice. Please, please tell me this can go on for at least a week before labour, maybe more..... DH is going away next week Mon-Thurs! I'm currently 36+2. Ive got plenty of time, right??!!

  31. Foodnerd81

    wonderful cherry / 21504 posts

    @Cherrybee: I've had mild period like achiness a handful of times in the last week or so, but not so much as a single contraction. And it's gross, but little globs are the norm these days. I'd call the midwife since it was greenish but I bet it's totally nothing and we will be hanging out not in labor for another two weeks or so.

  32. glimmersnaps

    apricot / 491 posts

    @Cherrybee Yes that's likely bits of your mucous plus, which can come out several weeks before delivery, or right before, or not at all-- so really it's hard to say. Lovely, isn't it?

    @Deerylou I know it's hard, but just try to relax and enjoy the last few days of your pregnancy. People used to tell me that and I'd get so mad--so I understand if you feel annoyed by me saying it now-- but your life really is about to change so try to enjoy the little things

    I decided last night at 3 AM that I was *done* being pregnant. I'm super moody and anxious. She's so low now that I can hardly walk! My mom gets in from Houston on Saturday so I'm looking forward to that!

  33. Cherrybee

    papaya / 10570 posts

    @Foodnerd81: Oh good!! Its good to hear you're getting it too! Statistically, its unlikely we will both go early so I'm sure its all good! I'm not quite ready yet!!

    Besides, she hasn't dropped or anything..... !!

    @glimmersnaps: Aaw, it will be lovely once your mums in town. Only a day to go. Sorry you're feeling a bit fed up with it all too - not long to go now!

  34. Foodnerd81

    wonderful cherry / 21504 posts

    @Cherrybee: So tonight, I had such bad period like pains that I got really nervous it was labor (or that I would have a #2 emergency!). It lasted like, 10 minutes, then I think the baby moved off whatever organ it was on and I felt normal again. Weird! And it just so happened that we were right in front of a major hospital as it was happening, so I guess I would have been well located, but I'd really rather keep this kiddo in for another 3 weeks!

  35. Cherrybee

    papaya / 10570 posts

    @Foodnerd81: Oh my word, how scary. I'm glad you are ok! That's partly my fault for putting early labour fears into your head, sorry.

    I'm off to work today for my one-off day (I'm delivering a session I couldn't delegate) a week into my mat leave. Once today is over, I can really, truly chill out. I can't believe this day is here already - I've been planning it for months and it always seemed so far away!!!

  36. glimmersnaps

    apricot / 491 posts

    @Cherrybee congrats! It's awesome that you get to have a little break to rest and focus on baby in the last few weeks. Is that standard in the UK? I work for an amazing natural parenting store and they've basically let me work whenever I feel like. I actually do a lot from home and starting this week I've quit going in. It's about a 30 min drive and I'm scared to get out there and start feeling terrible and be stuck. Also we can bring our children to work! It's a very rare situation.

    @Foodnerd81 oh yeah that sounds scary! Make sure you stay hydrated and keep emptying your bladder while you're on your trip. Those two things can really mess with you!

  37. glimmersnaps

    apricot / 491 posts

    @Cherrybee I just saw this! You NEED a silver coin, girl! http://www.people.com/people/package/article/0,,20395222_20714788,00.html?xid=popsugar

  38. glimmersnaps

    apricot / 491 posts

    Went to my midwife appointment this afternoon and after listening to how I'm feeling, she recommended I go home and eat and sleep. Said I could take a Tylenol PM to help me sleep if I needed it. I've been having steady but light and far apart contractions all day and baby girl has dropped so I'm hoping for some more action later this weekend/early next week. We will see!!

  39. Bookish

    GOLD / cantaloupe / 6581 posts

    @deerylou: @Foodnerd81: thank you!

    I'm still in the hospital but have been thinking about all of y'all! I hope you guys aren't too miserable.. I'm sending happy baby thoughts your way

    Baby bookworm is doing ok; she's starting to feed like a champ but unfortunately is having to do phototherapy for jaundice. it's killing me a bit but has been good motivation to start walking.

  40. SouthPaw

    cherry / 204 posts

    @Bookworm: congrats mama!! I read about the birth and am happy baby and mama are healthy. A lot of LO's need the lights I'm hoping she is getting the therapy in the room with you so you're still close? Thinking about you guys!

    @glimmersnaps: wahoo progress!! keep us posted on how you are feeling =) rest rest rest

    @Cherrybee: hope your last day has put you at ease! I have meetings in DC on Tuesday that I am dreading going in for... but alas I must give the client face time. Hopefully yours were uneventful!

    The apt went great... 95% effaced and starting to dilate a little (less than 1 cm). His belly is GROWING! So I am relieved and very happy. I hope everyone had a great weekend... we're getting closer and closer can't wait to hear whose next!

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