Hellobee Boards


July 2013 Due Dates!

  1. Foodnerd81

    wonderful cherry / 21504 posts

    @Bookworm: Yes, the heat is a BIG factor in starting to feel done. But I"m only 35 weeks, I want this baby to have a few more weeks of cooking. Plus, even when they are annoying, I know I'll miss the kicks.

  2. Bookish

    GOLD / cantaloupe / 6581 posts

    @Foodnerd81: Yep, you need some more cookin LO's kicks are starting to slow down substantially as she gets bigger/runs out of room, and I'm starting to miss them lol!

  3. deerylou

    pomegranate / 3003 posts

    @cranberry: Oh, wow, one million congrats on your baby girl!

    My due date is six days away, and I'm pretty ready to be done. Baby's kicks are definitely slowing down, and she just feels like she's running out of room in there. She has taken to embedding herself under my rib cage, which makes every position, save for laying down flat, extremely uncomfortable.

    Got my last appointment before DD tomorrow, ack!

  4. jh524

    pear / 1632 posts

    @cranberry: congrats on your baby Girl!!!

  5. Bookish

    GOLD / cantaloupe / 6581 posts

    @deerylou: Good luck at your appointment today!

    Last night I went a bit stir-crazy symptom spotting and decided to bake cookies. DH has some good pics of me wild-eyed and covered in flour.... didn't bring on labor, unfortunately... but now I have cookies to eat

  6. SouthPaw

    cherry / 204 posts

    @Bookworm: lol did you make labor inducing cookies??

  7. Bookish

    GOLD / cantaloupe / 6581 posts

    @SouthPaw: Hahah well I thought that moving around the kitchen might help?!! I'm pretty sure I'm losing it lol!! 0_0

  8. glimmersnaps

    apricot / 491 posts

    @cranberry congrats! Sounds like a nice surprise

    I decided that I'm going to make myself start nesting so I'm going out to Home Depot today to pick up a few things. I also really need to start doing stuff for work so things will go on when I'm out. I do the blog and newsletter for a local store so there's not really anyone who's going to fill in for me and the show must go on! Ahhh if only I could get off the couch...

    So far no real symptoms. But I didn't have any with my first so I'm not surprised. I'm 37 weeks and I do have lots of contractions but they aren't the real thing. I don't go to a practice that does internal checks so I won't have any information about that.

    Hold on ladies, the end is in sight!

  9. Dandelion

    watermelon / 14206 posts

    @MrsLilybugg: Sorry to butt in...I was lurking to see if there are any new babies...do you know where that diaper bag was purchased?? It's so cool!

  10. Dandelion

    watermelon / 14206 posts

    @cranberry: Congratulations!!

  11. Dandelion

    watermelon / 14206 posts

    So excited for you ladies! It's getting so close!

  12. Bookish

    GOLD / cantaloupe / 6581 posts

    @Dandelion: Thank you!

    So, uh, anyone else feel like their baby is about to just fall out of their lady bits/butt? I swear today every time I stand up all I feel is pressure everrryyywheeeeeeere. Ah, the things I thought I would never say/ask before I got pregnant.....

  13. SouthPaw

    cherry / 204 posts

    @Bookworm: maybe pressure is a good thing?? I'm not sure because I do not feel like he's going to fall out :\. Do you get any relief lying on you side?? I hope you feel better soon!!!!

    @glimmersnaps: I hope nesting is going well!! I love a good distraction, I have sadly been enjoying laundry lately lol

  14. jh524

    pear / 1632 posts

    How everyone doing? Anything happening?!? I'm the last June mommy to have a baby and July is quickly approaching, which I really never thought would actually be the case. My induction date is July 2nd but DH and I were thinking, maybe we should change it to July 3rd or 4th so we can have a july 4th baby...that would be fun!

  15. Bookish

    GOLD / cantaloupe / 6581 posts

    @jh524: The board has been awfully quiet the last couple days... I'm wondering if people are off having babies or, like me, are just grumpy I thought a July 4th baby would be fun! You'd get fireworks every year for your bday!

    Nothing happening here! Super uncomfortable and having sporadic contractions/lots of cramping, but that's it.

  16. Foodnerd81

    wonderful cherry / 21504 posts

    I'm definitely still here! I've been super busy trying to wrap things up at work plus get ready at home. Last day at work is July 16- cant wait!

    @Bookworm: I def feel the butt pressure. But it feels more like number two kind of pressure even though I don't have to go.

    I'm hoping the reason it's been quiet is that others are off having their little babies!!

  17. Ra

    honeydew / 7586 posts

    @Foodnerd81: @Bookworm: I think butt pressure is a good thing! When I was in labor I felt pressure like I needed to go poo, and that meant it was time to push! The entire time you push you are pushing into your butt like you are constipated. So glamorous, right?!

    If you are feeling butt pressure, I would assume that means baby is right where he/she needs to be!

  18. Ra

    honeydew / 7586 posts

    @cranberry: I missed this! Congrats mama!!!

  19. Ra

    honeydew / 7586 posts

    Updated list!

    2nd - Deerylou - team pink!
    3rd - Pepper - team blue!- Baby boy arrived 6/25/13!
    5th - Rahlyrah - team blue! - Baby boy arrived 6/16/13!
    7th - Cranberry - team pink!- Baby girl arrived 6/24/13!
    14th - Bookworm - team pink!
    16th - Glimmersnaps - team pink!
    17th - Ourwiredlives - team blue!
    18th - Mrslilybugg - team pink!
    19th - Anagram - team pink!
    20th - Southpaw - team blue!
    26th - MrsVDV - team blue!
    30th - Foodnerd - team green!
    31st - Cherrybee - team pink!

  20. Bookish

    GOLD / cantaloupe / 6581 posts

    @Foodnerd81: @rahlyrah: I'm lol-ing at us talking about butt pressure, because I'm immature and it's really either laugh or cry in frustration at this point It's amazing how many of us went early on the list! I have my next appointment on Tuesday and I expect her to offer to induce that day or to schedule it for next weekend. The end is in sight!! I thought I would work all the way up to labor, but yesterday I couldn't hack it anymore and took a half day. If I don't go into labor today or tomorrow I'm going to take half days next week.. I'm just not doing them any good there lol!

  21. Anagram

    eggplant / 11716 posts

    Sorry I haven't updated here in forever! I'm 37 weeks now and have my final ultrasound (double checking position, size, and fluid) on Monday evening. At my 36 week appointment, I was 1 cm dilated, 70% effaced and at a -2 position.....so that may mean nothing, or it may mean things are slowly starting to happen.

    I have Braxton hicks daily, and more "serious" cramps when I drink red raspberry leaf tea, s I'm actually laying off that for about a week, because I don't really want our little girls coming early.

    We finally closed on anew place, so we're moving this weekend through Tuesday and then I'll have a lot of unpacking and setting up to do. Our crib arrives Monday and will need to be put together.

    My mom is coming into town next weekend, so she'll be a big help. Basically, I want my baby girl to stay out for at least 2 weeks so we can get settled in our new place.

    And yes, I have the MAJOR pressure when I walk, even short distances. I do feel like the baby is trying to drop right out of me. It realllly sucks and I have to walk really slowly now.

    Glad to see everyone else is hanging in there!!

  22. glimmersnaps

    apricot / 491 posts

    @Bookwork @Anagram All that pressure probably means that your babes are engaged in your pelvis, which is typical for first time moms. Subsequent babies for some reason will wait right up until the end to completely drop.

    I'm counting down until my mom comes next weekend. I've been crazy-nesting (scrubbing walls, throwing stuff away, reorganizing toys) and super emotional. Today my 2.5 yo fell asleep in my lap (on top of my bump and yes she started kicking him). I started bawling because all I could think of was how he used to be so little!

    The other night I told my husband: You're just watching the roller coaster; I'm the one who's on it!

    Stay cool, ladies!

  23. Cherrybee

    papaya / 10570 posts

    Hey everyone! Just checking in! I finished work on Friday (although I still have a few bits I need to finish up from home next week and I've got to go in for one day Friday so it doesn't really feel like maternity leave yet!). 35+3 now. It's dragging!!!! But fortunately I'm feeling quite well so I can't really complain!!

  24. Pepper

    pomelo / 5820 posts

    Hi everyone! Just checking in! Hope everyone is hanging in there for the home stretch. Being a mom is amazing, though the sleep deprivation is no joke (I haven't slept more than 3 hours straight since delivering him!). Can't wait to start reading everyone's birth stories and hearing about all the upcoming July babies! @cranberry: Congrats on your little girl!!

  25. Bookish

    GOLD / cantaloupe / 6581 posts

    @Anagram: Wow girl, good luck with the move! I hope she lets you get settled before making her appearance!

    @glimmersnaps: I've been pretty darn emotional as well. I keep bursting into tears...poor DH! He let me buy a new purse to cheer myself up though lol!

    @Cherrybee: I'm glad you are feeling good! And how awesome to almost be done at work!!

    I've decided that if I have another kid, I don't want the doctor to tell me her 'predictions' on how much longer I have. After hearing 'it'll be any day now' for my last three appointments, and still nothing, I'm gonna lose my darn mind. I'm still incredibly uncomfortable and having a really hard time sleeping, but maybe I'll make it to July 4th and get to see fireworks this year?? Positive thinking I did go out and buy two weeks of groceries, made some freezer meals, and the house is clean, soo yeah, nesting has been achieved! haha!

  26. Foodnerd81

    wonderful cherry / 21504 posts

    @Bookworm: ugh I'm sure hearing "any day now" must not be helpful at all at this point!!

    Still hanging out here at just about 36 weeks. We are finally getting the nursery ready, putting the crib together this week, washing the new stuff we got at the shower. I'll post a pic once the room is done (since it will never look as nice once there is a real live baby in it!). I'm mostly still pretty comfortable, just a little sciatic nerve pain pops up now and then.

    @Cherrybee: I'm glad I have someone here who still has a ways to go with me! Hopefully your babe gets to choose her own bday around 39 weeks!!

  27. Cherrybee

    papaya / 10570 posts

    Well, its July ladies!! Our birth month is finally here!! I'm so excited I could burst this morning!

  28. deerylou

    pomegranate / 3003 posts

    Woo, our birth month! I'm due tomorrow, haha. I don't think this gal is going to come for another week, though; she seems immensely comfortable.

    My OB will let me go until 42 weeks, max, but I do want to avoid an induction, if possible. I wouldn't say I'm entirely comfortable at the moment, but I'm still okay enough to push through until the bitter end, if I must.

    Best of luck, ladies! We're allllllllmost there.

  29. Cherrybee

    papaya / 10570 posts

    @deerylou: Oh..... Big, big hugs for you. Every time I see you've posted on this thread I get all excited, thinking you've gone into labour! It must be so hard being top of the list but still waiting. You've got a great attitude though, waiting til she's really ready is always the best plan. You WILL meet your baby in the next 14 days though, that's seriously exciting isn't it?

  30. deerylou

    pomegranate / 3003 posts

    @Cherrybee: Oh, yes, very exciting, indeed! On one hand, I really want her to make her debut, but on the other, the possibility of more time *is* slightly comforting. My husband is more antsy than I am, it seems!

  31. Ra

    honeydew / 7586 posts

    Happy Birth Month ladies!

  32. Cherrybee

    papaya / 10570 posts

    @deerylou: Really, are you doing a Pepper and feeling like you're not quiiiiiite ready at the 11th hour?! It totally hasn't hit my hubby yet - I suspect it will be him wanting to drag it out when my time comes and me willing it to happen quickly!

  33. deerylou

    pomegranate / 3003 posts

    @Cherrybee: DH lectures my belly every morning as he gets ready to leave for work. He really wants to hold her - he cradles my stomach at night, and says he's "giving me a break from doing all the work" - uh, babe? Not really; nice try, though.

  34. Bookish

    GOLD / cantaloupe / 6581 posts

    @Cherrybee: @deerylou: SO EXCITED GUYS!!! It's July, and our babies will be here soon! Eeek!!

    I decided for my own sanity and relaxation that today is my last day at work! I have an appointment tomorrow morning that I expect to find out more at... I think she wants to induce so I suppose we will have that discussion tomorrow

  35. Cherrybee

    papaya / 10570 posts

    @deerylou: Oh my, that is so, so cute. Your DH makes me melt!!

    @Bookworm: Happy last day at work!!! Ooh, so you may have an induction date tomorrow then?? Now that is really exciting!

    I've just had my appointment with the breastfeeding support worker in my area. She is lovely and will be there to support me when the baby is here if I'm struggling to breastfeed, or even if I'm not having any major issues. She also runs a breastfeeding support group about 5 mins from my house, I feel really lucky. She had a knitted boob though and a plastic doll - that was pretty weird!! Gutted DH didn't come home half way through, he would have fainted!!

  36. Pepper

    pomelo / 5820 posts

    @Cherrybee: Haha! Doing a Pepper

    Happy birth month everyone!! Can't wait to see who goes next!

  37. Bookish

    GOLD / cantaloupe / 6581 posts

    @Pepper: thanks!! Can't believe it's July...
    @Cherrybee: yep, hopefully tomorrow I should have an induction date... I'm starting to feel weird about not letting it happen naturally.. DH reminds me I should trust the Dr's opinion but I don't know, I think I feel guilty about it! Gahh...

  38. Pepper

    pomelo / 5820 posts

    @Bookworm: Not to jump in, but I felt guilty about letting them start Pitocin and break my water and all of that after my contractions failed to bring further progress. But my experience wasn't bad at all, and he was definitely ready!! I think it's normal to feel that way.

  39. Bookish

    GOLD / cantaloupe / 6581 posts

    @Pepper: No, I appreciate the input, really!! That's good to know that you felt the same way. I really didn't feel like this until today, so I think a lot of it might be the 'holy s***, I might have a baby tomorrow' that is manifesting as 'I better keep her in there longer.' Ya know? I know my Dr is great and will do whatever is best for the baby and I, so I really just need to have a good dialogue with her tomorrow. Gah, the mommy guilt begins.....

  40. Pepper

    pomelo / 5820 posts

    @Bookworm: Oh trust me! I didn't feel like that at ALL until they told me I was staying at the hospital and having the baby that day! But like you, I trust in the doctors in my practice, and they definitely steered me in the right direction. I hope all goes well tomorrow!!

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