apricot / 305 posts
@Bookworm: I've had two cervical checks so far and after both of them I didn't have any spotting or cramping. So, maybe it means something? Although I don't want to get your hopes up. There seem to be so many things that could mean that you're either going into labor any day now, or weeks from now.
2 weeks ago my baby dropped and I was already 3+ cm dilated and they said be prepared to go early- nothing yet though. And now I'm thinking they were mistaken and I'm going to go into labor after my due date, lol. Although I am glad the baby dropped because that has really lessened the amount of acid reflux and heartburn I was experiencing.
@Cherrybee: I like your last bullet too. I miss wine...
pomelo / 5820 posts
@Bookworm: I had spotting and minor cramping after my 36 and 37 week checks. After this last 38 week check I lost my mucus plug, but I didn't really have any spotting (other than the plug)! Go figure.
I don't have a formal birth plan. I want an epidural, and as long as there aren't any complications, I'd like delayed cord clamping and skin to skin after birth. I'd like to avoid narcotic pain killers during labor (though I'd be game after birth if needed).
pomegranate / 3003 posts
Just finishing my OB appointment - Baby is very low, and I'm 50% effaced, and 1 cm dilated. I was screened for a UTI and bladder infection, and both were negative. After an exam, it appears LO is pinching my urintary tract. Thanks, boo, really appreciate it.
pear / 1632 posts
@SouthPaw: had my appt. and my dr. Was concerned about my swelling. The cervical check was fine but not dilated, 60% effaced. Went and had blood work and a non- stress test and everything came back great! The baby is happy and I don't have any signs of labor coming on anytime soon. If induced, first week of July. Hopefully that won't have to happen though...
@Pepper: whats the benefit of delayed cord clamping?
pomelo / 5820 posts
@jh524: It can apparently help prevent iron deficiency later in infancy. I am slightly anemic, so that appeals to me. If baby is healthy and I am healthy, I'd like to request it!
pomelo / 5820 posts
@deerylou: I'm glad you don't have a UTI! LO just wants to make her presence known, apparently!
GOLD / cantaloupe / 6581 posts
@deerylou: Ouchies That sounds rotten. Glad it's not a UTI, but blegghh.
@jh524: Glad things are looking good!! Swelling sucks, but with summer here, I'm sure none of us are escaping it.
So on top of everything else this week, DH came down with a fever last night I'm now having massive panic attacks that I'll go into labor in the next two days and he won't be able to be in the room with me or hold the baby because he's sick. Not a happy camper over here. Sending him to the doctor first thing in the morning and hopefully they can give him some meds and bring down the fever..
And of course last night I felt the most wonky I have so far...aaagh. I need this week to be OVER!
cherry / 204 posts
@jh524: happy to hear that everything checked out at the dr!! Do you have any compression sleeves to alleviate some of the swelling?
@deerylou: glad you don't have a bladder or UTI issue... but on the other end of it you will probably have that discomfort until LO arrives...
@Pepper: Do you know if you do cord banking you can still request cord clamping late? I know you're not a Dr. lol but just wondering if in your reading you saw anything in respect to that?
@Bookworm: Oh man girl, get him to the DR!!!! I hope that you are BOTH able to rest up. Stay positive I am sure LO can sense it may not be the best time to come right now. Thinking of you guys!!
pomelo / 5820 posts
@SouthPaw: I have read that you can do both. Apparently, people used to think you couldn't do both, but now they're saying one procedure shouldn't affect the other. I haven't looked into this too much, because we're not banking cord blood, so take that for what it's worth! Here are some links though:
wonderful cherry / 21504 posts
@Pepper: @SouthPaw: I never heard you could do both the delayed clamping and banking-- interesting. I'm not banking it so I haven't researched it at all, but I would donate it. I'm guessing for a donation they wouldn't want the delayed clamping anyway though.
It's so crazy to me that people on the July board are almost there (or, in rahlyrah's case, already there!). My LO is nice and snug in there, head down, same position he or she has been in for weeks-- good baby. My midwife won't even estimate weight yet since it would basically be meaningless, but baby is still measuring right on track. I hope he or she will be this obedient outside the womb!
GOLD / cantaloupe / 6581 posts
@SouthPaw: @Pepper: Thanks y'all! It's been a heckuva week lol! Don't think I've been this glad to see Friday in a while! Luckily DH is feeling better as of 8am; I'm making him stay home but it looks like this was a quick bug. Dude has the immune system of a tank, I swear.
@Foodnerd81: I know, I've been thinking how crazy it is that some of us have had progress (or given birth!) at this point! I'm starting to wonder if I'm going to have a Junebug baby instead! Glad your baby is being nice and chill in there The doctor estimated mine was about 7lbs, which was actually a relief, with DH's family history of giant babies, I was worried she was gonna tell me LO was 8+ lbs already... We'll see how accurate she is.
wonderful cherry / 21504 posts
@Bookworm: Based on a few people I know, the baby's size at birth seems to be more often related to the mom's side of the family than the dad's-- of course, I have only talked to people who had giant husbands, so just the rule of averages would make it true... but in you case, stick with that theory!
Pretty sure both of us come from normal sized baby families, though DH and his brother were both early (DH like 2 weeks, but his middle brother by 6 weeks). My mom had all of us within a normal window, whatever that was 30 odd years ago.
pomegranate / 3003 posts
So, I just heard that the full moon this weekend is supposed to be some kind of super moon. It's widely believed that more women go into labor under a full moon than any other time in the lunar phase.
Not sure if I believe it, but wouldn't it be interesting if some of the early July babes were born this weekend?
On the TMI side, I've been having diarrhea all day. Didn't eat anything out of the ordinary, so I wonder....
wonderful cherry / 21504 posts
@deerylou: When do you get back into your house? Hopefully by the full moon?
I'm hoping to wait for the next full moon please.
pomegranate / 3003 posts
@Foodnerd81: I'm back home! Later than the property manager said we could return (so we sat in the parking lot, like vultures, and plan to ask for wage reimbursement for DH), but still, so good to be back.
I'd be down with another week or two of pregnancy, but I don't think I can wait until the next full moon. This baby has to really think about leaving, soon.
wonderful cherry / 21504 posts
@deerylou: Oh yea! Glad you are back home. Maybe this is it then-- baby could tell you relaxed and are ready now
I'm not due until July 30, which is why I need the extra four weeks.
pomegranate / 3003 posts
@Foodnerd81: Ah, yes, then I definitely hope your LO waits a bit. Do you still have a lot of planning/organizing to do? I feel like we'll never be truly done, haha.
pear / 1632 posts
@SouthPaw: no, I don't. I've stayed off my feet today and its really helped so I'm thinking I just need to take it easy from here on out.
I'm hoping the full moon starts labor for me!!! Please... oooooowwwwww!!!
pomelo / 5820 posts
The full moon has my hopes up... I had more painful-ish contractions for a good bit of the day today, but they never increased in intensity, and they tapered off again. I'm 38+3 as of tomorrow, so I'd be OK with him coming soon if he wants! I'm thinking I may just be in for false labor for awhile.
@jh524: @deerylou: Fingers crossed for you both!
pear / 1632 posts
@Pepper: yes, me too! I even mentioned it to my Dr. jokingly yesterday but he didn't support my claim. Hehe!
pear / 1650 posts
Oh wow!!! So much labor progress on this thread- good luck everyone!!!
I've been too depressed to check in til today..,, Monday night I rammed my foot on a chair and fractured my toe! I thought sleeping and walking was tough, it was near impossible for two days!! Thursday felt a less intense pain , and today walking is still tough but not as bad. I've stayed home from work and have eaten up vaca time but if it helps heal before baby it's worth it!! Kinda bummed too cause shower is tomorrow and what's worse than feeling gimpy is all the shocked looks of pity I predict I'll get. Pet peeve!
pear / 1632 posts
@MrsLilybugg: ouchie!!!! A broken toe is so painful!! Hope it heals quickly. have fun at your shower, I'm sure that'll make you feel better.
wonderful cherry / 21504 posts
@MrsLilybugg: oh no! That's just not fair to have to deal with a broken toe on top of being 8 months pregnant! Hope you still have fun at your shower.
GOLD / cantaloupe / 6581 posts
@MrsLilybugg: Ack, your poor foot!! What a rotten thing to have to deal with this late in the game! I hate the pity looks :/, I hope your shower ends up going well!
@Pepper: @jh524: @deerylou: I'm totally down with the supermoon getting things started
Last night I ended up in the hospital I started to feel really queasy and sick when I got home from work yesterday, and had fallen down like an idiot during lunch after feeling dizzy, so my Dr had me go to the ER and then up to L&D for monitoring. Turns out that I have been extremely dehydrated, which is causing my sickness. They gave me a couple IV bags of fluid, some potassium pills, and a shot for the nausea (my hands look like a war zone, because apparently when you are dehydrated your veins don't cooperate).
It was definitely a crappy night, but the nurse was very nice and DH was a rock star getting me to the hosp and being supportive. I really thought I had been drinking enough water, but from now on if I'm awake, there will be water in my hand. The baby looks great and I feel much better now... just kind of a scary/stressful experience (made much worse by my mother, but I'm going to post about that on a thread).
Helluva week, eh? I hope she comes out soon lol!
pear / 1650 posts
@Bookworm: oh goodness!!!! What a scary experience!! I'm so glad baby is ok and your hubby was so great. Water will be in my hand permanently too. Was it a rough fall? Rest up ! Watermelon is great for hydration too
Thanks everyone! Foot hurts less, I might be able to look normal at my shower and not hobble too much, just waddle lol!
pomelo / 5820 posts
@MrsLilybugg: Eek! Glad your foot is feeling better, and I hope you have fun at your shower today!!
@Bookworm: You really have been having a bad week, girl! I'm glad you're feeling better and everything looks good with LO. Not too much longer for you, hang in there!
pomegranate / 3003 posts
@Bookworm: I'm so sorry you had to go through that! I ended up with one of the worst flu bugs of my life when I was about 17 or 18 weeks (2 days after my flu shot, too!) - I was basically throwing up every liquid I consumed, and was hospitalized for extreme dehydration. It's definitely a scary experience, and I'm so glad to hear that you were given the attention you needed.
@MrsLilybugg: How unfortunate about your toe; ouch! I'm glad to hear that you're on the mend. I truly hope you have a fantastic shower, today! Don't worry about the pity that will likely come your way, just distract yourself with cake.
So, I've been having mild contractions since last night. They definitely feel different than BH, but there isn't exactly true rhyme or reason to them quite yet. I've had loose bowels for two days now, and just kinda feel like I'm coming down with something, or about to start my period. Definite menstrual-like cramping in my back. Overall, I feel like a bucket of ass.
pear / 1632 posts
@deerylou: lol I feel the same! When are you due? Your symptoms sounds promising...
pear / 1632 posts
@deerylou: I'm due June 25th . I've just been chatting with July mommies as well because almost all the June mommies had their babies and if baby boy is late, ill be induced somewhere in the 1st week of July.
pomegranate / 3003 posts
@jh524: Ah, that's right, you're a June mommy! Your DD is only a few days away; how exciting! I'll be induced if I go past the 10th of July, which was actually my initial due date before they bumped it.
Have you been experiencing any electric shock like contractions in your lower abdomen? My contractions hover between a piercing shock and a dull, steady cramp. I have been on the toilet all day, and really feeling like I'm coming down with the flu. I can't explain it - I just feel incredibly off. The heartburn and clammy feet/palms are unreal.
GOLD / cantaloupe / 6581 posts
@deerylou: I'm sorry you feel so rotten, but those sound like promising signs!! I hope it turns into labor or that you feel better soon!
pomegranate / 3003 posts
@Bookworm: You're so sweet; thank you. I'm hoping I either go into labor in the next day or so, or that these symptoms taper off and give me another week or two of semi-normalcy.
pear / 1632 posts
@deerylou: I've been having constant menstrual like cramps. Had some occasional sharp pains last week but haven't had any in awhile. Well hopefully your not coming down with the real flu or some bug. If not, those are def signs of labor!! Feel better!!!
papaya / 10570 posts
@MrsLilybugg: Ouch! Fracturing a toe is awful!! I really hope it heals up quickly for you - it must have been miserable those first couple of days. How was the baby shower?
@Bookworm: Oh my goodness, how frightening. I'm glad you are okay. Wow, dehydration - I can't imagine why your body thought making you throw up was a good solution to dehydration?!! And wow, just read your thread about your mother. Nightmare!! I'm fully in the tell her after the event camp! Get your DH to call her when you're about to push and say you have just gone into labour and it's all happening so quick.... then when she arrives, you will already be holding your baby!! She doesn't need to know you had a 12 hour labour!!
@deerylou: Ooooh!! I wonder if this is it for you???
@jh54: I hope your LO makes an appearance soon! I'm getting too excited for you!!
@Pepper: Any more contractions for you?
I'm not a well bunny, girls. My hayfever is really playing up and it has triggered my asthma. When I'm not sneezing I'm wheezing and I have this dry, tickly cough which results in frequent coughing fits that make me a little bit sick at the end. It's just awful. Plus my belly button feels weird - it was really, really deep pre-pregnancy and now it's still an innie, a shallow one, but I swear it's threatening to turn inside out and whenever I cough I'm paranoid I'm going to flip it! It's freaking me out!! Giggle!
pomelo / 5820 posts
@Cherrybee: No more contractions here! Apparently my body just likes to play games with me Sorry to hear about your hayfever, I hate when I get coughing fits! Is there something you can take? My belly button is totally out - I'm hoping it goes back after baby makes his arrival!
Anyone else a blubbering mess when they watch birth shows or birth videos? I swear, whenever the baby is born, I always cry! I was watching One Born Every Minute just a few minutes ago, and was ugly crying at the end, haha.
GOLD / cantaloupe / 6581 posts
@Cherrybee: lol your belly button comment cracked me up. Mine hasn't turned out yet, so maybe it won't?! lol! Thanks for the commiseration, I have noo idea why dehydration = throwing up, you think that'd be counter intuitive! I hope your hayfever calms down, sneezing/coughing at this point is no fun
pomegranate / 3003 posts
Ugh, add me to the "body likes to play tricks on me" club. I've been having early labor symptoms on and off ALL weekend. I'm sore, tired, and just want to get this show on the road, despite being terrified of giving birth. Even though we are STILL trying to find a nightstand for the nursery (her bedside lamp is just chillin' on the floor), and I could clean about a billion things, I am so impatient!
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