pomelo / 5621 posts
@QueensBee: It looks like the snow has stopped. It didn't accumulate too much, so if it stays stopped we are going grocery shopping today. I don't like being at home too many days in a row, plus I want to do some Christmas shopping while we are out. And I need to get Isaac an outfit for photos this week.
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@travellingbee: woo hoo!
@ALV91711: she took and hour and half nap! So I slept off and on the whole time.
pomelo / 5621 posts
@Smurfette: that is good!
We tried breakfast today and he had two bites before losing interest. I tried to give him cereal. Then I had just over an ounce of pumped milk and put it in a sippy for him to try and he loved it. Some fell out of his mouth, but he drank a majority of it. Now I'll have to pump some more to try again.
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@ALV91711: That is great! Since he won't take a bottle, you know he will take a sippy cup!
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@ALV91711: That's awesome that he was all over the sippy cup!!!
I'm guessing Xander was HUNGRY - he just had 2oz of Rice Cereal and 5oz of Squash!! Maybe because the only solids he had yesterday was a couple bites of poisonous yogurt?
pomelo / 5621 posts
@Adira: That is great that he is eating.
We had salmon for dinner tonight and Isaac loved it. He was so excited to eat it. The last couple nights for dinner he won't eat purees, only steamed veggies. He will eat the purees for lunch though. I guess I will have to put more thought into dinner now so he can share with us.
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@Adira: did you do carrots? I tried to. I didn't put enough water in the pan and had the heat up too high so I burned the pot and the steamer. Oops!! I gave her some broccoli and turkey(lunch meat) she only are a couple pieces when I put in mouth. She jut doesn't seem to get feeding herself unless a banana and mum mum. She did pick up a puff today and get it in her mouth. But she doesn't pick them up right. More stick to her hand.
I tried to get her to clap no luck. But she didn't go to bed till 645. She was totally fine. Woke up from a nap around 430. Fingers crossed for the morning. She just woke up fussy and then went back to sleep, damn teeth!!! She was really fun today. Spit up a lot again:( and a drool machine. I think the spit up is because she has a bad runny nose.
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@Smurfette: No, we didn't end up doing carrots! I was going to for dinner but he ended up sleeping until 6:30 (when I finally went into wake him) so we didn't do dinner. I'm not confident he would've figured out how to eat them anyway - he seems only interested in purees at the moment.
Yay!!! Hopefully because R stayed up, she'll actually sleep in a bit tomorrow!!! I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you both!
apricot / 338 posts
@QueensBee: Scary how easy it is get back the weight!! I had gotten some pants in a smaller size (than pre-preg) and they were loose I was soo happy!! but lately they are fitting right/tight. Got to watch what I eat.
@shopaholic: We have the "crib" ( its a playard ) in medium setting J is nowhere near pulling up.
@Smurfette: Gosh that is really early wakeup. Does she go to bed early? I try to keep J awake until 7:30pm and he sleeps until 7am with a dreamfeed at 5:30am.
@ALV91711: Yay for photos and cute outfits!! I am so excited for my upcoming family pics. I already have some coordinating outfits for DH and myself just got to get for LO.
@Adira: Thatz great he is eating and back to normal!!
LO has started looking at DH and saying papa!! Its the cutest thing and Dh loves it. Also (finally) he can sit unassisted for a few seconds before listing over once he gets too excited.
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@silver1: this was the first time. She isn't adjusting to the time change.
bananas / 9973 posts
@silver1: ugh. i hear you on the weight. ditto. I'm trying to gear myself up to eat better/sort of diet?
Thanks for all the input on the crib lowering! I made DH do it tonight and looks like we have 4 height settings. We lowered it just one, and I don't think it seems low enough once she figures out how to pull herself up. I put her in there and let her hold onto the crib rail (probably a bad mistake!) but her head was well over the edge and she started chewing on the rail! Double whammy of things to worry about.
K's been SUPER whiny, kind of fussy, and just really wanting me all the time the past few days. Well, second lower tooth looks like it's making it's appearance! Just saw it split open and the very tip of the tooth is visible as of tonight! She had a rough night of sleep last night - kept waking up wailing. I thought it was nightmares. Finally brought her into bed with us around 3 and she slept in 12 hours (but kept kicking and thrashing all about.
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@Smurfette: What time did R wake up this morning?
@shopaholic: Aww, poor teething babies! But hopefully now that it's making an appearance, it'll stop bothering her as much!
Oh my gosh ladies, I think Xander might be starting to figure out this crawling thing! He's been doing baby push-ups all weekend and this morning when I put him on the floor after changing his diaper so I could wash my hands, he got up on his hands and knees and sort of pushed himself forward (so that he face-planted, haha) and then he got up and did it again!!
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@shopaholic: Glad her tooth finally broke through. I can see R's but it is taking forever to break through.
@Adira: 530 She was just laying there, talking to herself and I think she fell back asleep for a bit but then started coughing so it woke her up. But at least I was able to get dressed and ready before I had to get her from the crib. I just hope that she naps good today.
Woo hoo! Go Xander!!!
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
R is 8 months today!! I can't believe that we are getting to double digits soon!!
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@Smurfette: OMG, Happy 8 Months, R!!! Our babies are growing up so fast!!
So Xander and I just had our follow-up with the pediatrician about his allergic reaction. He looks and sounds totally fine, so I think he's good now. She's referring us to an allergist, though she said at this age, he might not get tested yet, but the allergist will have better recommendations for us. For now we're to avoid strawberries and dairy, but the pediatrician thought his reaction sounded like it was to the strawberry and she doubted it was to the yogurt, but we're to avoid both for now!
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@Adira: Glad the appointment went well! Hopefully the allergist will be able to something to figure out if it was strawberry or dairy.
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@Smurfette: I HOPE it's to strawberries - I think that would be a lot easier to avoid than dairy, haha. But I guess we have to wait for them to call us to make an appointment - I hope it's soon!
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@Adira: I agree I would hope for strawberries as well. I wouldn't think it is dairy since he doesn't have a reaction to it when you eat it, right?
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@Smurfette: Right! And that's what the pediatrician said too, that I didn't have any restrictions on my diet and he was fine with my breastmilk, so she didn't think it was dairy, but who knows. I'm not positive how everything is passed to him through my milk, so I don't really know if we would know or not. Hopefully we find out soon enough! And I hope the daycare people are SUPER CAREFUL about what they feed him!! Now I'm glad I made a big deal about the puffs since I know they make strawberry ones (and they've had the strawberry ones at the daycare)!
hostess / papaya / 10219 posts
@Adira: I think it sounds more like a strawberry allergy too. For some reason our pediatrician told us to wait on the yogurt until nine months. I wonder why? Hmmm
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@travellingbee: I think kellymom says to wait until 9 months to introduce yogurt too - not sure why, but I didn't wait, haha. Bad Mama!
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@travellingbee: Really? Ours didn't tell me that. Opps!
pomelo / 5621 posts
@silver1: That is so awesome that he says papa! Pretty soon he will be sitting like a champ.
@shopaholic: I hope that second tooth breaks through soon so that she can sleep better.
@Adira: Go Xander! He is going to be going before you know it. I'm glad that you got a referral to an allergist. Hopefully they will see you soon. I really hope that it is a strawberry allergy as that will be so much easier to control than dairy.
@Smurfette: Happy 8 months R!
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@Adira: Did they say anything about this weight gain?
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@Smurfette: No, but I'm guessing because we didn't see his regular pediatrician. He weighs 16 lbs 9.2 oz though (9.6th percentile). He's a little peanut!
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@Adira: That is what R weighted a couple weeks ago when I took her about the spitting up. Only she isn't as tall as Xander. But isn't spotting as much of a buddha belly as she was a couple weeks ago. I think we were over feeding her. She is doing great with just 4 bottles now.
hostess / papaya / 10219 posts
@Smurfette: I don't know why though. I didn't ask. She just said she usually recommends 9 months. I see mixed things online so if she is eating it and it is working fine, then I would keep on giving it to her. I am being overly cautious because he had sensitivity to dairy when I was breastfeeding early on.
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@travellingbee: Well we stopped it and her spit up got better, so I was thinking that was why. But now the spit is back in full sport. So now I know the cold/runny nose is what makes it worse.
hostess / papaya / 10219 posts
This article says 9 months for yogurt but I've seen others that say it isn't necessary to wait if there is no history or allergies or eczema... http://www.askdrsears.com/topics/feeding-eating/feeding-infants-toddlers/feeding-glance-birth-24-months
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
Someone remind me to dress up Xander on Thursday - they're having picture day at his daycare and if he looks sharp and I like the pictures, I might buy some, haha.
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@Adira: You are too funny! Lay out clothes tonight! I pick out her outfits for the week on Sunday, much easier and then I don't forget if it is a theme day.
Guys, I just got tears thinking about leaving R all weekend. I am SO looking forward to some time with girlfriends, eating, crafting and drinking, but I am going to miss my Nuggs so much. I am glad DH booked an earlier flight on Thursday so he will be home for a late dinner together. Otherwise all we will see other will be Sunday afternoon.
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@Smurfette: Oh, good idea! Maybe I can use some of my new Christmas gear - although I think the 12m size might be to big... blah! I should've planned better!
Awww, don't worry!!! You and R will be fine! It was really hard for me to leave Xander too that weekend I went to a wedding, but I had soooooooo much fun! I hadn't realized just how much WORK having a baby was and how relaxing it would be without him, even though I had to pump every 3 hours! You're going to have a blast!
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@travellingbee: So confusing to know what to do and not to do
hostess / papaya / 10219 posts
@Smurfette: I'm going away for the first time this weekend too! I'm totally stressed about it!! I'm going to a friends baby shower in NY and really looking forward to seeing everyone but so not looking forward to pumping like crazy and missing Bubs.
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@Adira: I know it will be worth it. I will just make DH send me a picture an hour
@travellingbee: Going to be so hard. But I will say that I am looking forward to sleeping in. and wine, lots and lots of wine. And a hot tub with mountain views.
pomelo / 5621 posts
@Smurfette: Sounds like it will be a fun weekend. It will be good for your DH and R to have some quality time too.
@Adira: That is so cute they do picture day. Even if his Christmas outfits are a tad too big he could still wear one for the photos.
@travellingbee: I hope that you have a fun weekend away!
I'd love one night that I didn't have to get up in the night or the next morning. It will be a while before that happens for me though.
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
So tonight, R was standing at her music table. Right where the roller is, across from the side up against the coffee table. Then she walked holding onto the table, like two steps to the coffee table!! Then later she was standing and wanted me so I held her hands and she walked to me. Then I scooted back and she took a couple more steps. She hasn't figured out to bend her knees when walking but she is trying to figure it out!
She did not have good naps today, cried for 45 mins on the way home but then was fine. Went to bed at normal time, so fingers crossed she is starting to adjust to the time change. I just hope she starts sleeping later. She needs her sleep!
bananas / 9973 posts
@Smurfette: awww! Way to go R! She looks so tall! How tall is she now? K got measured at 27" today. Growing slowly, but surely. 16lbs and 3oz. today.
Missy is keeping me in my toes today. Yanked the cord on the video camera and it landed in her. Crying ensued. Trying to crawl away from me during diaper change, but her face in the wooden dresser... Crying ensued. I've got to do more babyproofing fast!!!
DH leaves Thursday before dawn for a 4 day work trip. First time I'll be solo parenting technically, but I feel like I sooo parent every weekday anyway.
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@shopaholic: She was 25 at 6 months so I bet she is only 26 now. I haven't tried to measure her lately.
They definetly keep us on our toes! R loves cords too. I don't understand why babies love them so much. Aww, DH has to be gone over the weekend? Is there anyone that can come over and give you a break? How did she do with the crib lowered?
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@ALV91711: @Smurfette: So... the 12 month onesies seem HUGE compared to his current 9 month stuff... I wonder if I wash it in hot water and run through the dryer if it will shrink enough for him to wear it. I'm starting to think it'll even be way too big for Christmas! Gahh!
@Smurfette: OMG, I can't believe that R is on the verge of WALKING!!!! Xander can't even sit up on his own or crawl!! Your baby is so advanced!!
Also, I wonder if part of your problem with sleep is that R is working on new skills! So she can't sleep because she wants to practice!
@shopaholic: Yikes! Poor K! And Xander loves cords too! It was so hard keeping him from pulling off all his wires that were connected to him when we were at the ER! And yikes about the solo parenting! I honestly have no idea how you stay at home with K all day. I get exhausted from Xander just on the weekends and he's super easy!!
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