wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@Smurfette: So jealous!!! Xander's not saying nothing!! Though he does wave to me when I show up at daycare, which is sweet. But then he realizes he has to leave with me and gets fussy, haha. I'm curious if R will continue to say "bye bye" to you and wave every time!
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@Adira: Well apparently she has been doing it just sitting at day care. Not even when someone is leaving. Silly girl. Usually she doesn't care when I leave, I wave by and she just looks at me while eating little people.
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@Smurfette: hahaha, that sounds about right. Hubs says Xander doesn't care when he leaves either!
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@Adira: of course tonight she looked at me smiled and then crawled off to play. Stinker!
pomelo / 5621 posts
After almost a month of teething I can feel the top front right tooth has just cut through. Now if the other one could follow closely behind and then we could have a teething break.
hostess / papaya / 10219 posts
L just suddenly started doing a ton of new stuff so it's time for me to update!
Age: 10 months, 1.5 weeks
Size: 21 lbs? 30 inches?
Physical milestones: Today started clapping, and took 2 steps!!! crawls, pulls up on everything and walks with a push toy/cruises everything. Waves, throws a ball, gives high five
Talking?: No not really. Says a lot of sounds but not at anything in particular.
Eating: EVERYTHING. Tonight he ate a 4 oz babyfood pouch, cut up ham, about a 1/2 cup of stirfry vegetables, and 3 dumplings. Plus some puffs. He's gonna eat us out of house and home! He is also still breastfed and nurses or has bottles at 5, 7, 11, 4, and 7:30
Sleeping: JUST started sleeping mostly through the night until about 5
Birthday Plans: party at our house- retro cowboy theme
What you're looking forward to: walking! And talking!
Sibling plans, if any: (look there's a lot of talk on other threads lately about this, so I gotta ask!) We'll talk about it over the summer.
Other updates: Now, thanks to our nanny, if you ask him in Spanish where his ears are, he grabs his ears. so cute.
pomelo / 5621 posts
@travellingbee: Wow, he sure is doing lots. That is exciting that he took steps! So cute that he knows where his ears are.
pomelo / 5621 posts
Found Isaac a girlfriend the other day! We went for a walk to get the mail and there was another mom and baby. She is also 10 months and lives just a few houses away. I am glad to find out there are other kids in the neighborhood the same age.
We are stuck in nap hell. I've been trying so hard to get him back napping in his crib. Last weekend he had an awesome nap. Then it was screaming and crying, so I gave up for a couple days. I just don't know what to do with this baby.
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
R took 4 or 5 steps twice today!! I got my phone out to record and she decided she didn't want to do it again. But DH and I saw it!!!
bananas / 9973 posts
@travellingbee: OMG that is so cute about the ears! Yay for bilingual nannies!
@ALV91711: So cute! Boo on the nap hell. I totally understand and been there.
@Smurfette: AWESOME! You must catch it on video!
I'm happy to report K drank frozen/thawed BM from the Zoli Cup last night! DH gave her 4 oz and said she drank it all! I wasn't home. So at least I will feel okay if I need to leave her for something these days. Now IDK about drinking from the Zoli cup to sleep though. Gotta tackle the nurse-to-sleep thing before any nights out.
Also - She stood unassisted a few times today! And stood for at least 10 seconds the last time! I got it in pics and posted it on IG!
We're dealing with a crazy weekend here with Grandpa's birthday and celebrating Chinese New Years with both families early. I know she's not going to get good naps. Woke up an hour early today and then only took a 30 min. nap. I finally got her back down for another nap before we drive to the ILs. argh. I told DH we are not staying past 8pm, but I know it's going to happen and K will not be happy tonight.
I also think she is teething again. Biting everything REALLY hard. I think she even bit herself. She keeps clacking and grinding her top and bottom teeth together. Anyone else's LO do that?
pomelo / 5621 posts
@Smurfette: That is so exciting! And more so that you both got to see it.
@shopaholic: That is awesome that she is standing on her own.
persimmon / 1223 posts
@travellingbee: @Smurfette: So exciting about taking steps!!!
@shopaholic: I want to try breast milk in the zoli too but I'm worried he won't drink very much since he only drinks a small amount of water from it usually. How many oz does K usually drink from the zoli?
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@travellingbee: exciting!! I bet he beats R to walking. She is obsessed with walking with the walker.
hostess / papaya / 10219 posts
@Smurfette: nah he's the same. He is way more interested in pushing his toys. He practically runs with them! But then when he's tried to walk without them, he still leans forward. lol At least he's trying now though!
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@Smurfette: Woohoo walking!!! She's sooooooooo close!!!!
@shopaholic: That's awesome K drank BM from a Zoli!! I haven't tried that with Xander yet, but I want to. And yay for standing unassisted!!! Bummer about the teething though. I haven't noticed Xander grinding his teeth or anything like that.
@travellingbee: Gahhh!!! You and @Smurfette are going to have walkers soon!!!
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
My baby is 11 months today! Gahhh, he's almost ONE! I can't believe it!
pomelo / 5621 posts
@Adira: Hiw did that happen?!? Such a cutie!
@travellingbee: He'll be walking soon!
Isaac is starting to cruis the furniture. He still doesn't use his walker, I think it is too fast, but he's using his activity cube like one. Now if only he could get down from standing.
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@ALV91711: Yay cruising!! Xander's not quite there yet. He's just started to pull up on furniture and can maybe move two steps one way or the other, but he's definitely not cruising yet!
So I finally got around to trying out hemp milk! It actually tastes pretty good to me! Like really close to regular milk. Although maybe it's more like skim milk than whole milk in taste? But I think I like it enough that that might be what we go with for Xander!
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
OMG!! Xander's been fighting his afternoon nap for an hour!! I can't handle the crying! Someone make it stop!!
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@ALV91711: R would only cruise the furniture for awhile before she started using the walker. And just in the last two weeks finds the walker to walk. Before we would put her behind it and then she would walk.
@Adira: That is great! Sorry he didn't nap yesterday.
I seriously hate teething. R is still working on teeth 7 and 8. She was up 5-6 times last night crying in her sleep. I was about to go in there and she would fall back asleep. She looks so tired today. And I checked and I don't think they are broken through yet.
And I am over winter. So sick of sucking out snot multiple times a day. She has had a runny nose for almost 2 months straight. And now the little cough is back. Poor baby!
End of rant!
pomelo / 5621 posts
@Adira: That is good that you found a milk to try for him. Is it expensive?
@Smurfette: Teething is horrible. I'm hoping Isaac's other top tooth breaks through before we go away next week. I feel so bad for them when there is nothing we can do.
Agreed, winter can go away any time now. Bring on the nice weather. We still have a couple months to go here.
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@ALV91711: haha, probably! I wasn't paying attention when I bought it the first time, so I'll have to check next time. Though I think I can buy it in bulk off Amazon. It actually stays good for a while and only goes bad after 7-10 days once it's been opened, but it can be stored for a few months beforehand, which is convenient!
hostess / papaya / 10219 posts
@Adira: What a cutie-pie! I forgot he's so much older. L just turned 10 months!
hostess / papaya / 10219 posts
@Smurfette: We are in just the same situation. L woke up multiple times last night and I don't know if it is because of his cold or his tooth he is cutting. But he was a sad little boy, that's for sure.
@Adira: When are you going to start giving him the hemp milk? What is your plan?
@ALV91711: Yay cruising!
pomelo / 5621 posts
@Adira: That is awesome that it can be stored unopened. Then you don't have to worry about running out. I can see a lot of quick runs to the store for milk for Isaac in our future!
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@travellingbee: Ahhh, I have no plan!!! I have no idea what I'm doing, haha! I was actually going to ask the daycare ladies what they usually do to transition one-year-olds off BM or formula and onto regular milk. But I'm THINKING that we might start giving hemp milk in his sippy during dinner (and meals on the weekends) and then once he hits one, I'll want to increase the amount of milk in his sippy and decrease the amount in his bottles until he's off bottles?? I don't really know.... Or should I give the hemp milk at the times I would give a bottle (between meals instead of during)??
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
What is everyone's plan on going to milk? Especially @MrsBlue: and @QueensBee: since their LO's are on formula? Do we mix milk and formula? Go cold turkey to milk?
I think I am going to try cold turkey to milk. Start offering it with meals at 11 months and see if she drinks it. I think I am going to go cold turkey with bottles too. So scared!!!
bananas / 9973 posts
Sorry - haven't had time to catch up yet!
Just wanted to ask bottle-feeding mamas - how much is your LO drinking in a bottle these days at a time? My niece can easily finish 4-6 oz in a few minutes and she is only 3 weeks old! I was shocked when I fed her! We never even made a 6oz bottle for K before - she'd just waste it!
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@shopaholic: She drinks 4-7 ozs. Just depends on the day. We only moved up to 7 ozs cause the doc wanted her to put on weight.
pear / 1718 posts
Finally back on the boards! Pete is feeling a lot better (had an ear infection, fever, on a nebulizer last week) and went back to daycare for the first time today.
We have also been busy with our house buying, which I think is really happening! We had inspections last week, have been collecting and faxing a ton of documents every day, and our lawyer is currently reviewing the contract. Fingers crossed it all works out!
And finally, I'm starting to get a little nervous that LO seriously does not babble. At all! He is super communicative (always makes eye contact, smiles, laughs, does high-fives) and has conversations with me but only makes the "ah!" and "eh!" sounds. In December, he used to babble "ow ow ow" but I haven't heard anything like that in at least a month. I am thinking of calling the ped next week to hear what she thinks. I've been really trying to say the "b" and "d" sounds over and over to him. "Look at the BALL. Ball. Ball. The red BALL." I'm not sure if it's helping at all. However, I did hear him attempting to make a new sound when he was playing in his crib this morning and I was SO excited. It sounded like an attempt at an "ffffff" sound. I hope he starts to catch up to the other March chatter-boxes soon!
To answers some of your questions:
@Smurfette: I haven't thought much about the switch to cow's milk yet. He also loves drinking water from a cup so I think he'll be okay drinking milk from a cup too. I hope so anyway! Also, our ped said she would discuss the switch to cow's milk at the one year appt so I am also waiting until then to hear what she says. Has your ped given any advice or suggestions?
I am SO over winter. It's the worst. Dressing Pete in full winter gear each time we leave the house is getting old real quick. And yes, the constant stuffy nose needs to be gone!
Yay for taking some steps! That's so exciting, esp since you and DH could see it!
@shopaholic: Wow, 6 ounces sure is a lot for that little pipsqueak (She is so cute, btw!)) Pete has started to lose interest in his formula and it's hard to get him to finish his bottles. He usually drinks 3-4 ounces at a time, 5 times a day.
Sounds like a very busy weekend! So nice that you have such a close family!
@Adira: Your smash cake looked awesome and delicious! Did you taste it? And I love this 11 month photo!
@ALV91711: When do you leave for your trip to visit the fam? It must be coming up so soon! Also, Pete needs a lot of help with his walker too because it goes fast on the hardwood floors. Soon enough!
@travellingbee: I was so excited to see your update that he is sleeping through the night until 5am (except last night)! That's awesome!
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@shopaholic: Xander drinks 6 oz every 3.5 hours at daycare. But I think he probably doesn't need that much and probably drinks less when we're together and he's nursing exclusively! Also, how quickly did your niece drink that bottle? If it was pretty quickly, she probably didn't realize she was full yet.
@QueensBee: So glad to hear Pete is feeling better!! And I wouldn't worry too much about the babbling - some babies focus on different things at different times, although maybe ask your pediatrician about it? And yes - we tried the cake and it was yummy! I couldn't tell it was dairy free!
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@QueensBee: So glad that everything seems to be working out with the house. Fingers crossed!
Great news that Pete is feeling better!! I wouldn't worry too much about the babbling, every baby is different. But if it is bothering then I would call the pedi.
The pedi told us to introduce milk after she turns 1. But if two days before we run out of formula don't go buy a new one, milk is ok. I might just wait till her well visit since it is the day after her bday. They didn't schedule it on her bday, so she wouldn't have to get shots on her big day.
pomelo / 5621 posts
@Adira: This whole transitioning to milk is so confusing. I've been giving Isaac some milk in a sippy with his afternoon snack and he usually has at least a few swallows. I'm happy with that, I just want him to get used to it for now, come March I will have to start transitioning him to milk in the day. I'm not quite sure what I'm going to do though. I can see him refusing when he is with me since he is such a boob baby.
@Smurfette: Do you think switching one bottle at a time to milk instead of formula would be good? Then every day or two switching another one to milk. Or would that be too confusing?
@QueensBee: I'm glad that he is feeling better. Hopefully the house buying goes smoothly! It sure is a lot of work. We leave on Wednesday next week. I'm pretty excited.
My mom is awesome, she has bought a car seat for her car so that I don't have to fly with one and I already have a PnP there. She also bought him a high chair. I guess it helps that there is another grandchild on the way, and since my sister lives close by, she figures she should have everything at grandma's house.
kiwi / 611 posts
@shopaholic: That's so awesome that she drank breastmilk from a cup! I've tried a few times, but C won't take more than an ounce before he gets mad and wants it straight from the tap. Some days I feel like I have to force him to nurse to make sure he's getting enough, and then other days all he wants to do is nurse. I'm starting to think about when/how I want to wean him and it seems so overhwelming!
persimmon / 1165 posts
Late entry!
Age: 10.5 months
Size: She was just shy of 17 lbs at her 9 month and was 28 inches long.
Physical milestones: Pulling up to stand, standing unassisted for a few seconds, waving, clapping, “so big”
Talking?: Dada and sometimes Mama. She babbles a lot and tries to communicate. Another kid tried to play with DH this weekend and she growled at him!
Eating: She’s loved everything but green beans. Loves puffs and yogurt melts and feeding herself. She’s becoming less of the magician (getting food stuck to her hand) and learning to use both hands to get that food in her mouth. Still nursing 2-3x/day. She went on a nursing strike last weekend and I think it might be the beginning of the end of our BF journey. I’m still hoping to make it to 1 year!
Sleeping: Sleeps from 6-6 and will eat and go back to sleep until 7. Naps at daycare are still a challenge. It is a good day when she sleeps more than an hour cumulatively.
Birthday Plans: party at a nature center on Mar 22 – woodland animal theme. I'm getting VERY behind on planning.
What you're looking forward to: talking and her birthday!! I can hold off on the walking for a little bit.
Sibling plans, if any: TTC mid 2014. I’d love to wait longer but I’m not getting any younger over here!
Other updates: 6 Teeth, possibly 1 more on the way and I’m hoping that explains her crabbiness and 103.5 fever last week! But I can’t see or feel any teeth coming.
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