pomelo / 5621 posts
@sheskrafty: What a good night time sleeper you have!
@Adira: That must have made your day!!
This other front top tooth needs to cut through. Isaac was such a grumpy pants today. The last couple days he doesn't want to eat real food and just wants purees. Usually it is opposite. Poor little monkey.
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@sheskrafty: Great night sleeper! Naps suck for us at day care too.
@ALV91711: I hope it does!
R cut one, if not both, teeth. She won't let me look but her teacher saw this morning.
pear / 1718 posts
@Adira: Ahhhhh, so amazing! The day we all wait for! So happy for you! Def one to mark down in the baby book!
hostess / papaya / 10219 posts
@shopaholic: L now drinks a 4-5 ounce bottle at 11 am. He nurses at 7, 4, 7 and overnight 1x.
I'm loving pumping just once a day right now! I plan to stop pumping in a couple weeks and start using my stash. That will take me right up to his birthday and then we can transition to milk.
@Adira: Aw... So cute! THAT warms a mamma's heart!
L is eating soooo much! I was home from work today because of the weather and he ate an entire chicken hot dog, a bunch of peas, a few sweet potato fries and some puffs. And then he nursed right afterwards. I weighed him today on our scale and it looks like he is close to 22 lbs now so I guess he really is having a growth spurt.
Sleep, however... not going as well. But to be fair, he is teething and he has a cold. His top right tooth (next to the front teeth) is just barely popping through right now. He's been so grumpy and fussy. Totally jealous of @sheskrafty:. Your LO is such a good sleeper!!
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@Smurfette: @ALV91711: @jodyblair: @QueensBee: @travellingbee: I was sooooooo happy, I immediately picked him up and showered him with kisses!! Of course, then when I tried to get him to repeat it, he wouldn't, haha. Babies.
@travellingbee: Oh wow - you're only pumping once a day??? Jealous!!!
pomelo / 5621 posts
@travellingbee: Even though you will be stopping pumping, will you be keeping all the nursing sessions until 1?
Good start to the day. DH is doing a course at home today so he got up with Isaac and I got to sleep for 2 more hours! And now Isaac is taking a nap in his crib!! Without a fuss! It has only been 10 minutes, but hopefully he'll sleep a while.
persimmon / 1165 posts
I totally jinxed myself! K woke up at 2:30 with a poopy diaper but luckily went back to sleep after she ate.
@smurfette: 8 teeth?!?! R is advanced at everything! Glad you made it home safely in the storm.
@adira: so awesome about X saying Mama!!
@travellingbee: that is awesome you are going to make it a year!!
@alv91711: hope Isaac takes a great nap for you! Anything over 15 minutes I am estatic!
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
I just took R out in the snow. We came back in and I fell right on my ass, while holding her. So scary!!! Luckily we fell straight down. But butt is going to be sore but she was fine. Didn't even phase her. She wasn't a fan of the snow at all.
pomelo / 5621 posts
50 minute nap! It was nice to have an uninterrupted shower and coffee.
@Smurfette: I hope you aren't too sore from falling. Glad R is ok. Too bad she didn't like the snow. It must be nice to have an extra day at home with her.
@sheskrafty: Glad she went back to sleep easily
Last night Isaac woke at 9 and was awake for almost 2 hours. He is just do tired.
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@Smurfette: Yikes!!! Glad you guys are okay, though you will definitely be sore! And is it messed up that you, down south, have taken R out in the snow and I, in snow capital, haven't taken Xander out in the snow??
By the way ladies, ever since I had Xander, whenever I cough or sneeze really hard, I pee a little. I hate being sick.
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@Adira: my back is hurting still. Day care is closed tomorrow so I am going to be dying for adult conversation by late tomorrow when DH gets home. I think R is bored with me! At least she took 2 good naps today.
My old boss had to get surgery to fix her peeing problem. I have had it happen a couple times. I hope you feel better!!
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@Smurfette: I hope your back feels better soon!!! And I hear you - I get exhausted watching Xander by myself for a whole day - I can only imagine how much work it is doing it multiple days in a row!
OMG - I hope I don't have to have surgery!!!! Maybe I need to start doing some kegel exercises...
pomelo / 5621 posts
@Adira: I haven't taken Isaac to play in the snow either and I probably won't this year.
@Smurfette: Good thing your DH will be back tomorrow. Being home for multiple days with a baby and no adult to talk to is rough.
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@ALV91711: Oh good! Glad I'm not the only one!
So we've taught Xander how to high-five, which he finds pretty entertaining. So now every morning after I'm done nursing him, he high-fives me, hahahaha
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@Adira: so cute!! R won't do it anymore. I swear I don't get her she figures something out and then forgets how to do it.
She slept almost 12 hours!! I hope this keeps up through the weekend. So much spit up this morning though. And she is back to not drinking her bottles. Trying to think of something for us to so today.........
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@Smurfette: haha, R is probably like "Neat trick - what's next?" and just wants to move on to something bigger. And YAY sleep!!!!! I don't remember the last time Xander slept that long of a stretch! Jealous!!!
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@Adira: I was shocked when I heard and looked at the clock. She doesn't want to walk by herself at all:( I am so excited for her to do it, impatient mom!
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@Smurfette: haha, it's so funny that you're impatient for her to start walking and I'm waiting for Xander to start cruising!!
pear / 1718 posts
@Adira: While I was pregnant, I took personal training sessions at my gym. The trainer said that it's extremely common for women to have that issue pp, and she forces all her trainees to do kegels as part of the workout. You are definitely not alone! I ended up delivering by c-section so it was a non-issue but, I would definitely try different kegel exercises. She swears by them. I hope that a little exercise down there and time will fix the problem! Sorry you have to deal with that!
@Smurfette: I'm so happy you have some unexpected playtime with R this week! Although that drive home in the snow sounded like a real headache! How is your back feeling today? And three cheers for 12 hours of sleep! Pete's sleep has also been awesome the past two nights. 6:30pm-7:00am! Keep it up, babies!
@travellingbee: Definitely sounds a growth spurt! It's crazy how much they can fit into their little bellies!
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@QueensBee: my back felt fine today, thankfully!! Fingers crossed that they keep it up. She took horrible naps today, woke up crying from both. Rough day!
pomelo / 5621 posts
The other front middle tooth broke through last night. I hope that means he will start sleeping better, we could all use some sleep. That makes 5 teeth!
@Adira: High fives are cute. I get claps for everything I do.
@Smurfette: I find when Isaac learns something new he stops doing other things for a while before picking the old one up again.
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@ALV91711: I hope you all start sleeping better too!!
apricot / 338 posts
We are back from vacation and J did really well overall. My parents threw a party and he was smiling going to everyone esp the ladies! Looks like he has outgrown his stranger anxiety. J has finally mastered crawling and getting to places!! The house is not fully babyproofed yet but luckily J mostly just follows me around the house. Its on my todo list this weekend before he decides to explore on his own! He is also pulling to stand and trying a step or 2.
@ALV91711: Hope he starts sleeping better. Our sleep has taken a hit as well what with the trip and his front tooth coming in. Can't wait for some decent sleep again.
@Smurfette: whatz up with LOs fighting naps? I don't understand I would love the opportunity to take a nap during the day!!
@Adira: Thatz so cute. Does he high fives with others as well on command?
pomelo / 5621 posts
@silver1: Sounds like a great trip! Yay for crawling. Have fun baby proofing.
So far tonight is better. It is midnight and the first time he has woken up. It was nice to not have him wakeup screaming early on.
And DH is getting up with him in the morning since I was having such a hard time getting to sleep tonight.
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@silver1: Glad your vacation was a success. Yay for crawling!!
@ALV91711: Progress! Hope you enjoyed sleeping in.
I am sick, blah! And it doesn't look like R is going to walk by my bday(We'd), boo!! Our overachiever is getting lazy
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@silver1: Yep! He loves high-fiving!
@Smurfette: Oh no!! So sorry you are sick!! I hope you recover soon!!
pomelo / 5621 posts
@Smurfette: I hope your feeling better soon, being sick is no fun. Maybe R is saving walking for a bday present and will start on your birthday?!
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
Oh my gosh, girls! Xander just stood up behind his walker and started walking with it!!!
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@Adira: woo hoo!!
@ALV91711: of course I complain and she took more steps today. Just once 3-4 ethos and the other times 1-2. She wanted to walk holding onto my finger more.
We got rid of the sunken hot tub in the deck. Put it on craigslist and someone took it. DH, my Dad, and brother filled the hole in the deck. So we are getting ready for the party!!!!
pomelo / 5621 posts
@Adira: Go Xander!!!
@Smurfette: Keep complaining so she'll take more steps!
Cranky baby here today. He was so tired and would not nap. He screamed in his crib for an hour. He finally fell asleep just before 3 for a hour and a half. He is now going to bed about an hour late. I really hope this means he sleeps in tomorrow
persimmon / 1223 posts
@silver1: glad your vacation went well and yay for crawling/standing!
@Adira: how exciting! we've been getting more walker action lately too - I think he's finally getting that it's fun to use.
@ALV91711: hope you get to sleep in! That sounds like a rough day
@Smurfette: she's going to be walking so soon! Maybe she's practicing so she can surprise you on your birthday!
Today we went to the mall to shop a little - I usually hate shopping for jeans but I needed a size smaller so that made me super excited (of course it's not close to being back in my old jeans but I'm just excited to finally see some progress) Liam gobbled up a bunch of coconut curry chicken when we stopped for lunch. I love watching him try new foods and enjoy them!
For those of you that work outside the home are you taking LOs birthday off work? I was trying to think of something fun we could do that day together.
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@dojo: Smaller jeans are exciting!! Jealous!!
We aren't taking her bday off. DH won't be home, most likely. Then I have to miss work the next day to take her to the doctor. And I have to use PTO time for that now. DH and I are going to take off Friday so we can shop and get stuff ready for the party.
@ALV91711: hope you had a good night. R woke up a lot and would go back to sleep. Of course on my morning she wakes up at 515 and only went back to sleep for 15 mins.
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@ALV91711: I hope he ended up sleeping well for you last night!!
@dojo: I'm planning on taking Xander's birthday off from work! But I'm not sure what we'll do, haha. I'm thinking we'll at least go out to breakfast, just the two of us. Not sure what we should do with the rest of the day though...
pomelo / 5621 posts
Last nights sleep was not very good and he woke up a lot of times. He maybe slept half an hour later, but when he woke up so much he didn't really get extra sleep.
@dojo: Getting smaller jeans is exciting. I go back to work 3 days before Isaac's birthday, so I will be working.
@Smurfette: That sucks that she woke up so early on your morning.
@Adira: That will be fun spending the day together.
pomelo / 5621 posts
Isaac has figured out how to get down from standing over the last couple days which is awesome.
Something that is not so awesome, he can sit up from laying on his back. He started today and loves to do it during diaper changes. As if they weren't hard enough already.
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@ALV91711: Yay for sitting down, not for making diaper changes rougher.
R woke up 3 times in less then 2 hours crying out. We gave her Advil and now she is coughing a lot. I have a feeling it is going to be a long night. DH rocked her back to sleep and said her breathing was fine, she is just congested. She is so tired, so I really hate that she started coughing cause it is going to keep her up.
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