wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@shopaholic: Awww, she's a little peanut in height!!! But it sounds normal that they slow in growth at this age, right?
Sorry to hear K is sick! But babies are sooooo weird! Xander's like that too - when he's sick, he can still be happy and playing, when all I want to do is sleep!! Hopefully she gets over it soon and feels better!
kiwi / 611 posts
@Adira: We're going through an anti bath phase too. It's so frustrating!!!
How much water are your LOs drinking a day? I offer a straw cup of water all day, but C will only take a sip here and there. He might drink an ounce or 2 all day.
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@jodyblair: Xander's drinking basically ZERO water and it's driving me crazy!!! He'll have maybe half an ounce all day if I'm lucky!!!
kiwi / 611 posts
@Adira: The other day, DH pretended to drink out of the straw cup, and C thought it was the funniest thing ever, so he drank some too. I've found he'll drink more if he thinks we're drinking some too, but it's still not much.
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@jodyblair: Oh, interesting! Maybe I'll try that with Xander!! Thanks!
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@shopaholic: Little peanut, but oh so stylish! Sorry she isn't feeling good. At least she slept good. Hopefully today is better and better naps.
When is everyone's LO's bday? Now that we are all on the countdown til the big 1! R's is 3/11
persimmon / 1165 posts
K's birthday is 3/18! Party is on 3/22.
We weaned on Tuesday and I was able to breastfeed my baby with major supplementing for 323 days. Sad our journey has ended but proud of the accomplishment.
bananas / 9973 posts
@sheskrafty: Congrats on a great job mama!
UGH! It's 3:30pm and K has NOT napped all day.
Fever seemed to come back after noon so I gave her some more Motrin, but she just wants to play. Screams and soaked her sleep sack through with tears when I try to put her down.
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@sheskrafty: That is so awesome! You should be proud of that!!!
@shopaholic: Sorry yesterday was so rough. Did she sleep good last night? Hope today is better!
bananas / 9973 posts
@Smurfette: Well - she stayed up for 11 hrs STRAIGHT yesterday! Put her to bed a little early, gave her Motrin, but like clock-work, she woke up 4hrs later bc it wore off. I put her in bed with me for 1/2 hr before we finally gave her another dose of Motrin. Then she finally fell back asleep after 45 min. Woke up another 4 hrs later, but I just nursed her back to sleep. She woke up all clammy, especially her forehead. So I'm guessing the fever broke. She took a 1hr nap so far this morning!
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
Feb. 26 - Xander (@Adira)
Mar. 11 - R (@Smurfette)
Mar. 18 - K (@sheskrafty)
Mar. 28 - C (@jodyblair)
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@sheskrafty: Wow!! Awesome job, Mama!!! And yay for having your body back to yourself!
@shopaholic: Oh no!!!! Poor K!!!! Sleep baby, sleep!!! You'll feel better if you get some rest!!!
@jodyblair: Oh, by the way, I tried your suggestion last night with Xander and drank out of his sippy. He thought it was funny, but still refused to drink any himself! Ugh! BUT then right before bed, we gave him his sippy of water and he gulped down an ounce! So at least he got SOME liquids in!
pomelo / 5621 posts
Isaac's bday is 3/21. I'll catch up next week when we are home and I have a computer.
I have a stupid cold and Isaac isn't feeling well. He is so clingy and won't let anyone hold him and freaks if I step out of the room. It is breaking my moms heart.
apricot / 338 posts
J bday is 3/17. We are still undecided on party date, most likely will be weekend after.
@shopaholic: Oh no poor baby hope you both had better sleep last night.
@ALV91711: Aww poor guy hope he feels better soon.
We have been fighting a cold as well this past week. First LO got it (he had it mild) then me and DH still has it. It feels like I take care of LO sick or not (I usually don't mind) but DH when he has hint of being sick all he does is sleep!!
@sheskrafty: Awesome!! Congrats for keeping at it so long!!
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
Xander has been napping for over two hours!!! He must be sick...
bananas / 9973 posts
Thanks ladies! She's still sick and has a crazy runny, stuffed up nose and phlegmy cough. It's totally messing with her sleep. She keeps waking herself up coughing or wakes up scream because she can't breathe. She acts like I'm trying to kill her when she sees anything coming near her nose though!
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@ALV91711: Aww, that sucks. I hope today was better!
@Adira: Is he sick?
@shopaholic: R fights the Nose Frieda so bad. Are you putting saline in her nose first to loosen it up to get the snot out? Sorry she is feeling so bad. Could you elevate the crib? I know when I am sick sleeping elevated always helps me.
So last night R woke up around 9 screaming. DH and I went in there and it smelled like poop. She had diarrhea, luckily it didn't leak over the pjs and sleep sack. She just was so red. I rocked her and she fall right back asleep. She slept all night then and was poop free when she woke up. She is still red today but it is getting better.
She is walking so much more! I love it. So cute seeing her naked butt walking down the hall to the bath!
bananas / 9973 posts
@Smurfette: Oh yeah - but se screams and fights anything. The saline spray is no exception. She tools around all night, so I wouldn't know which end to elevate! But I did put her on the Boppy in the morning and for her naps. One nap she stayed on it for most of the time, the 2nd nap, she rolled off really quickly. But I know it helps when she sleeps elevated.
Aww that is so cute! I'm so opposite about the walking. Sure, I want her to walk, but I also don't want her to be growing up so fast! lol
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@shopaholic: Aww, poor K!!! Has she been able to eat okay all stuffed up like that?? I hope she feels better soon!
@Smurfette: I think he's a little sick (runny nose and a cough), but he's been behaving normally while awake, so I'm not sure why he slept so long!!
Awww, poor R! I wonder what caused the diarrhea. Hopefully tonight goes smoothly! And OMG - the image of a cute baby walking down the hall naked is so sweet!!!!
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@shopaholic: Yeah, it is a catch 22 with walking, so exciting but it does make me sad how fast it is going. I told DH I am warning you now I am going to cry on her birthday and then at her party.
I hope K slept good last night!!
@Adira: glad that he is behaving normal. Hopefully he slept good last night too! I think R finally kicked her coughing, now just has a runny nose.
bananas / 9973 posts
@Smurfette: IDK if I'll cry, but I get teary-eyed when I look at baby pics sometimes!
OMG - K slept 10 hrs last night because DH bought the Vicks Vaporizer wall plug-in thing for Kids. Amazing! Hardly any coughing. Of course, the thing is like $12 and we basically have to refill it today. lol. But I feel so good that she finally got some good sleep after 3 days.
@Adira: K's birthday is 3/6
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
Feb. 26 - Xander (@Adira)
Mar. 6 - K (@shopaholic)
Mar. 11 - R (@Smurfette)
Mar. 17 - J (@silver1)
Mar. 18 - K (@sheskrafty)
Mar. 21 - Isaac (@ALV91711)
Mar. 26 - Vi (@Arden)
Mar. 28 - C (@jodyblair)
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@Smurfette: He slept REALLY well! Almost 10 hours and then I nursed him and he slept for almost another 3! And THEN he took ANOTHER 2 hour nap!!!
@shopaholic: That's awesome that that Vicks thing worked so well for K!!! Sick babies are so sad. I'm so glad she was able to get some sleep! That's totally worth the $12 in my book!
Oh my gosh, girls, Xander is trying soooo hard to say "Block"!!! It's so friggin cute and he's so close!!!
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@Adira: Wow!! That is great. Were you able to go back to sleep after nursing him? Is he on one nap a day? So cute he is trying to say Block.
@Adira: Yay! I haven't heard of that. Where did you get it? I am going to look for it and buy it to have on hand. I hope she napped good today and is feeling better!!
pear / 1718 posts
Wow, I am so behind! We just came home from a whirlwind overnight trip to Wisconsin to celebrate DH's grandmother's 90th birthday. Although it was exhausting and I feel so unprepared to start the work week tomorrow, the trip itself was really fun. The best part was watching Pete interact with his whole extended family. Unlike our last big family gather at Christmas, he was such a party animal and had a blast! He showed no stranger anxiety at all- he was all smiles and giggles for anyone who would dote on him. He also was super playful with his cousin who is his exact same age (they were born 12 hours apart). I seriously could watch the two of them interact all day, every day. So cute!
He was also such a champ on the plane. Just a great little traveller!
@Adira: Peter and Isaac are birthday twins. 3/21- First Day of Spring!
Awww, hope he can master "block" soon! So sweet!
@Smurfette: Wait, R is walking now! How did I miss this?! That's such exciting news! I love the image of her little booty walking towards the bath....
Pete's cousin (the one who is twelve hours older) is walking too. He has been since New Year's Day! That seems so early, right?! He has two significantly older siblings so we think he is just really eager to keep up with them!
@shopaholic: Glad to hear the Vick's provided some relief! I am obsessed with her Valentine's Day photos. She looks so adorable! That smile! I can't believe she was sick during the shoot!
@sheskrafty: Congratulations on weaning and also on breastfeeding so long! That is a true accomplishment!
@silver1: Hope you and your family is feeling better this week!
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@Smurfette: Yes! After I nursed him and pumped, I went back to bed! And then Hubs got up with him at 9:00 so I could sleep a little bit longer. And no, he's still on two naps a day, although I wonder if he's trying to move towards one nap? His last nap was 5:00 - 6:00! Although on daycare days, he definitely needs two naps because he gets up earlier and then his first nap is really early, so he definitely needs that second nap.
@QueensBee: That party sounds so fun! I really want to be able to visit my extended family so Xander can meet everyone and I can see him interact with them, but they're just so far away (4 hour drive). So glad Pete didn't have any stranger anxiety either and had a lot of fun!!
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@QueensBee: What a fun weekend!! Glad that P was a trouper through it all. Things all ok with the house? I put a video on IG of R walking. She took off Monday at day care, and is taking more steps every day. I would say now she is 50/50 crawling/walking. Getting her sea legs steady.
@Adira: So nice! I swear R sleeps in longer every weekend on DH's morning to get up with her.
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@Smurfette: This past weekend, Hubs has been nice enough to get up with Xander both days!! Of course, it was 8:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m., so hardly a big deal! I still had to get up between 5:30 and 6:30 to nurse him!
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@Smurfette: Xander used to get up that early! I'm not sure why he's suddenly been sleeping in so much. Maybe I should be putting him to bed earlier???
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@Smurfette: haha, I definitely do! Although it's made it so I can't go to breakfast with my BFF anymore! We used to meet up for breakfast around 7:30/8:00 before her daughter's ballet class, but now Xander's been sleeping in so I can't meet with her!
Ahhh, first world problems.
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@Adira: Why can't you go? Just have DH give him a bottle, and you pump before you go.
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@Smurfette: Oh, haha, well, I COULD do that, but I'm pretty sure my friend only wants to meet me for breakfast so she can see Xander.
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
Oh, totally unrelated, but I was just reminded of this by another post, but I think we're totally weaning Xander of the pacifier!!! He threw it out of his crib the other day and it rolled under it and I've just been too lazy to retrieve it, so the past two nights he's gone to bed without it! And it hasn't seemed to affect his sleep at all!!! Woohoo!!!
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@Smurfette: hahahaha! Now I just need to convince him to start eating real food!
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