pomelo / 5621 posts
@Smurfette: Poor thing. Good thing DH is home to help you out. Nights like that are no fun.
hostess / papaya / 10219 posts
@Smurfette: hate nights like that. L's sleep hadn't been the best lately either. Lots of tears.
@ALV91711: oh diaper changes are a disaster. He's all over the place. Sitting up, standing up, crawling away, rolling around, grabbing himself, kicking... Crazy! I almost can't do poopy ones by myself any more. I need back up or poop is flying!
L took 8 steps in a row today but he's still very unsteady! He's so proud when he does though. He was soooo cute tonight at our little Super Bowl party, playing with his cousins. He was in such a happy sweet mood
ETA I can't take off for his birthday because I'm out of days.
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@ALV91711: @travellingbee: Well once she stopped coughing she fell asleep and is still asleep. She woke up 30 mins ago, but fell back asleep, and occasionally is coughing. I hate that I have to go wake her up in 10 mins. I know she needs the sleep. And it is raining here so I really don't want to take her out in this.
@travellingbee: 8 steps so exciting!!! March babies have their first walker. Woo hoo!!
DH left at 5, and got to the airport and then they cancelled his flight. He is so bummed, he could have been home to see R this morning and then left(got on another flight), but he has to spend 3 hours in the airport. Poor guy!
hostess / papaya / 10219 posts
Terrible night here. 4 wake ups. He's miserable and I don't know why!
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@ALV91711: Yay being able to sit down from standing!!!
@Smurfette: Yikes! Poor R!! Being sick sucks! And what a bummer about your husband's flight! That sucks!
@travellingbee: OMG, 8 steps is awesome!!!!! Bummer about the night's sleep though! Maybe teething???
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
I just got a video text from her teacher, and R took like 7 steps, stopped at the swing and then took like 7 more!!!!! I am so excited but want to cry right now cause I wasn't there to see it. I am going to assume that she is trying to make it perfect by Wednesday for my bday present.
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@Smurfette: Oh my gosh, go R!!!! I definitely think she's just practicing so she can show off to you on your birthday! And also it's AWESOME that you can get pictures and videos of R at daycare. Jealous!
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@Adira: well they aren't really supposed to. This one teacher just loves R and knows that I don't care.
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@Smurfette: Ahh, haha, that makes sense. It's cool that she does that for you though!
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
By the way, I think I got conjunctivitis. Not really sure how since Xander's been cured of it for a couple weeks now, but the past couple days, one of my eyes has been totally red and gunky. I started using Xander's eye drops yesterday... hope it helps!
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@Adira: Yuck!! Hopefully all this sickness going around is going to be over soon!
hostess / papaya / 10219 posts
@Adira: Maybe. Although his latest tooth is already through. So I don't know. He's got a cough so maybe that is contributing to it too. He just wouldn't go back to sleep on his own. He'd fall asleep and then wake up 5 minutes later and scream again. And repeat.
@Smurfette: But at least you got to see it- even if you weren't there! Nice of that teacher! And you were there for her first steps, which is the most important, right? (I'm so relieved that both my husband and I got to see his first steps!) That is great! What a good walker she is! Yay! I think they are both going to really take off any minute.
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@travellingbee: Poor baby!!! Whatever is bothering him, I hope it goes away and you all get some decent sleep tonight!
hostess / papaya / 10219 posts
@Adira: Thank you.
Also I never updated about the allergy testing we had done. We got the blood work back and he is not showing allergies to anything. So I have been trying a bit of whole milk with him and he will drink about an ounce in sippy but then doesn't want anymore. But it isn't coming back up so that is good. I guess he doesn't take much BM in a sippy either... I don't know how to transition off of bottles.
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@travellingbee: Maybe it is cause he is learning to walk too. DH said that he wonders if that was R's issue last night. Cause she was so restless. I hope tonight is better for the whole house.
Glad that he doesn't have an allergies. I don't know how to do the transition either. I am going to buy some milk and start offering with meals. We will see how she does. I thought about trying to put her formula in a straw cup this weekend and see if she will take it that way or not. But honestly I don't care if she keeps a bottle for awhile. I just want her to drink milk and not formula.
I gave R peanut butter on a puff yesterday. No reaction so that is good. I couldn't tell if she really like it or not.
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@travellingbee: @Smurfette: We started giving Xander hemp milk in his sippy with meals. At first, he was totally surprised and confused, but now he seems used to it. But he's still not drinking very much! But he wasn't drinking much water before either, so it's about the same... I'm not really sure how to get him to drink more... I'm kind of hoping that when we stop bottles, he'll just be forced to drink more milk instead??
hostess / papaya / 10219 posts
@Adira: @Smurfette: Also, he doesn't really like sippy cups. He'll only drink if I hold it tipped up for him. Although he likes straw cups. But I think they are kind of yucky with milk. Sigh. Just when you figure things out, there is something new to figure out.
@Smurfette: That's true. They do really have sleep issues when they are learning new thing. Figure it out kid, so we can get some sleep!! We also tried a tiny bit of peanut butter and no reaction so yay!
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@travellingbee: I've been using a straw cup with milk. That's what Xander will drink out of (although not lately, WTF). I just try to wash it really well after and maybe I'll boil the straw (have to check if I can do that with Zoli) once a week or something to keep it clean!
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@travellingbee: R doesn't get sippy cups and will only drink from a Zoli or BBox straw cup. I am hoping she will move towards a sippy cup as she gets older.
hostess / papaya / 10219 posts
Seriously guys? For the past 10 months I have worried on and off about supply: I didn't pump enough... I need to build a stash... I'm having a dip because of AF... he is eating more suddenly etc.
NOW when I am trying to start weaning, my supply kicks into overdrive??? I am constantly leaking (which I have never done before), And I just pumped 8 ounces in 10 minutes. What?! That never happens! A month ago I would have been excited for extra milk. Now I am like, Uh,,, I need my body to slow this down not increase!!
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@travellingbee: hahahahaha!!!! What an interesting problem to have!! Are you leaking/pumping a lot because you've cut out a session and your body just hasn't caught on yet???
pomelo / 5621 posts
@travellingbee: Yay for steps!! That is so exciting!
@Smurfette: That is so awesome that she sends you pis & videos even though they aren't supposed to. I can't believe she took so many steps.
@Adira: I hope your eye clears up quickly.
@travellingbee: That is good that he has no allergies.
Isaac will drink out of a sippy but can't figure out the straw cup.
@Smurfette: I think getting them to drink a bit of milk is a good idea, before that is all they are getting.
@Adira: That is awesome that he is drinking the milk? Is he eating any finger foods yet?
@travellingbee: I started to leak again the other day too! Not fun.
Why does DH have to be working a long day today? Isaac refused an afternoon nap and I need to be doing laundry and packing. Now Isaac is tired and clingy!
bananas / 9973 posts
Oh man - I am SOOO behind on this thread - don't even know where to catch up!
We had a busy weekend with birthday parties and having an impromptu SuperBowl/Baby Bowl party at our house! K basically skipped her 2nd nap and you'd think she'd be so tired she'd sleep more, but nope! She woke up early this morning!
SIL brought over the Cozy Coupe (Xmas gift) assembled yesterday and to say K is obsessed with it would be an understatement! We haven't left the house today - she has just been playing all day.
I see the pointy tip of a 3rd bottom tooth about to come through. I don't know if that might be why K is back to refusing most foods today. She will only eat some things if she can feed it to herself. But even then it's a long-drawn process. I think her "lunch" was over an hour today, with so much mess on the floor, clothes, and face. *sigh*
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@travellingbee: I guess your boobs are making sure L gets BM till his bday!
@ALV91711: Those days are the worse. I hope he sleeps better tonight!
@shopaholic: Yeah, R wakes up earlier when she gets less sleep too. So cute!! Makes me excited for R to get one for her bday. Even if it takes her an hour, at least she is eating!
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@ALV91711: Still no finger foods! I have no idea when (or IF) it will happen!!
@shopaholic: That's awesome how much K loves the coupe!!! Those pictures are adorable!
pomelo / 5621 posts
@shopaholic: Such a cutie! We had an almost hour long dinner tonight.
@Adira: I'm sure eventually he will. For about the last 1.5 weeks the only finger foods Isaac would eat was puffs and cheerios. He would maybe take one or two bites of anything else and just want purees. Now that his top two teeth have come through he is starting to increase the finger foods again.
blogger / pomelo / 5361 posts
@shopaholic: OMG, that is toooooo cute. I can't stand it. Makes me want to get the boys one but we have zero room.
bananas / 9973 posts
Thank you ladies! She definitely is enjoying it!
I think/hope K is going through a growth spurt. She slept straight through about 10.5 hrs last night. I really want her to sleep at least 11 hrs, so somehow willed her back to sleep in our bed this morning. Then she slept another 1.5hrs! Then she had her first nap really late - 45 min. and her 2nd nap she was still sleeping at 1.5 hrs! But it was almost 7:30pm, so I woke her up since we start bedtime at 9:00. She ate solids AND nursed for 13 min. before bed! Since she has barely grown in the past 3 months, I really hoping for a length growth spurt! Anyone else going through something similar?
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@shopaholic: Glad that she got some good sleep and food in. R doesn't seem to be going through anything. Still having issues getting her to drink her bottles.
R is on the list to move up classrooms the first of March. I think the last week of this month they start transitioning them over there. Increase the hours every day. I hope it helps her nap better but man, shit is getting real, my baby is growing up!!
pomelo / 5621 posts
@shopaholic: That is a great sleep. Hopefully she grows a bit taller.
@Smurfette: That is so soon. Hopefully it helps out with the naps.
The last two nights nobody has got sleep in our house. I don't know why but Isaac is just fighting sleep tooth and nail. We leave him when he wakes up and he will just scream. It is like he is so mad. We check him to make sure he's ok, but he just doesn't want to sleep. I think it could be his teeth, but we gave him teething tablets at bedtime and then advil when he woke up at 10:30. And it just didn't seem to calm him down. I feel so bad that I just don't know what to do to help him sleep.
Today is going to be a long one. Flying to my mom's for a week. I'm excited, but not looking forward to traveling. Should be interesting sharing a room with him this week.
Happy Birthday @Smurfette:!! Hope it is great.
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
Ugh, I'm the worst. Xander just fell off my bed and landed on his head.
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
OMG, we just traumatized Xander!!! We decided to move his infant tub into our tub in our bathroom and he FREAKED OUT!!!! He just cried hysterically the entire time we were bathing him! And he wouldn't sit down and I had to hold him the whole time while he just stood there and cried!!!
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@shopaholic: Wow! That's an awesome stretch of sleep and some good napping and eating!!! Yay!!! Xander actually slept really well last night too (11.5 hours), but he hasn't been eating great, so I don't think he's going through a growth spurt. I think the long sleep was because he's sick!
@Smurfette: I can't believe R is moving up soon! Do they move based on age or abilities? What's required to move to the next room? Our Infant 1 and Infant 2 are in the same room, so I think Xander will be with the same people for a while... I don't think they move rooms until at least 15+ months, though I know it's based on milestones... though I forget which ones are required to move, haha.
@ALV91711: Poor Isaac (and you guys)!!!! I hope that if it IS his teeth that are bothering him, they give him some relief soon and you all are able to finally get some sleep!
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@ALV91711: thanks! I hope the flight went well and everyone gets some sleep tonight.
@Adira: You aren't the worse!! Our time is coming. I wonder why the bath tub freaked him out so much. Maybe next time try and get in with him. Then when he gets use to it you can stop getting in.
They move up based on age and abilities. The room is for 12-18 months. If they are walking at 10 months they will move them up. Otherwise they try and wait till 12 months. Not sure everything they determine other then they have to be able to sit by themselves at the table for meals, want them to feed themselves (for the most part), and not sure what else. Her teachers said R is most advanced of the 4 moving up ( almost walking, eating, etc).
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@Smurfette: I actually did get in the tub with him, but it didn't seem to help!! I felt so bad! He was so upset! I'm guessing he was scared, but I don't know why.
R is so advanced! I can't believe she's moving to the next room soon! They grow up too fast!
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@Adira: Where you doing it before? On the kitchen counter? I wonder if he has use to you being at eye level? Could you try putting the infant tub in the big tub?
They are growing up so fast!
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@Smurfette: Yeah, we were doing it on the kitchen counter before. I'm guessing he was just used to having it there, so moving to the big tub scared him or something? Poor baby... I'm hoping that now that we've done it once, he'll be less nervous about it next time and it won't upset him so much.
bananas / 9973 posts
@ALV91711: Poor baby. Good luck with the flight!
@Smurfette: Wow! She is growing up!
@Adira: Don't feel bad. My SIL keeps telling us it will happen anytime now.
As for us, I forgot to update last week. Popped into the Dr.'s office to get measurements. She was 16 lbs 14 oz., 27.5" tall. Dropped from 41st percentile for height to 15th percentile.
K has got some kind of bug right now. She had a fever since yesterday afternoon of 101 - which is really her first real fever. We had a play/lunch date and I couldn't figure out why she was so fussy. Just thought it was b/c she had a 20 min. nap, but when I fed her at home, she was so hot - like a furnace. We've been giving her Motrin and she STTN 10.5 hrs, woke to eat, and still sleeping now. She doesn't seem as hot anymore though, which is good. And she was still happy and playing last night once - just wouldn't nap. Isn't that weird?
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