GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@Adira: Sorry!! I texted SMIL and she called in prescription for DH. Why didn't I think about that for myself? Or he think about it?
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@Smurfette: You can get a prescription to help with it?? Must be nice. Although bummer you didn't have one for yourself!
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@Adira: Yeah Zofran or Phenergan ( think this is what she called in) he isn't moan anymore so maybe it is helping
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@Smurfette: Although maybe I wouldn't be able to take it while nursing anyway? How long were you sick for? I'm hoping that this is just a 24-hour bug like last time I was sick!
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@Adira: 24 hours on the dot. I never puked though, just the other end:(
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@Smurfette: Last time Hubs and I both had the same stomach bug, he had the diarrhea and I had puking. I'm not really sure which is worse! I've got puking again. The worst is when your stomach is empty and you still have to puke! I'm feeling better at the moment and trying to stay hydrated, but I don't have high hopes for my night...
pomelo / 5621 posts
@Adira: Hope you feel better soon, sick is no fun.
@Smurfette: I hope your DH gets better quick. How are you feeling?
This weekend I taught Isaac how to eat out of a pouch. He loves it and now doesn't want to be spoon fed. So I figured I would try a straw cup again with him but he just doesn't get it and will only chew on the straw.
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@ALV91711: I am feeling better. Yesterday I felt great all day. This morning a little off. Hopefully it is mental cause I am afraid of getting it again!
Yeah for pouches! R loves them. We just used them when out mostly.
What sippy cup does everyone use? I bought some take n toss ones and she drank her milk from that lady night. They leak but at least their is a lid for when in the diaper bag.
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@Smurfette: @ALV91711: Thanks ladies!!! I actually felt okay by the time I went to bed and am feeling back to myself this morning!! Yay for short-lasting illnesses!
@ALV91711: How did you teach him? I've been wanting to try pouches, but I honestly don't even know where to begin!
@Smurfette: We still only have the Zoli cup. I always just put it in a ziploc bag when I put it in the diaper bag!
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
Not going to lie ladies, both Saturday and Sunday, I felt so much anxiety about the fact I wasn't pumping after Xander's first feed of the day!! I was so paranoid I was just going to dry up, I almost broke down and pumped anyway!!!! But I stayed strong! And it was sooooooo nice to get an extra 20 minutes of sleep this morning!
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@Adira: When I put milk in the Zoli cup it just overflows from the top. hate those things!
Yay for staying strong!!
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@Smurfette: I had that problem the other day and I unscrewed the cap slightly to let the air in (or out, I don't know what the issue was) and then screwed the cap back on and it stopped leaking. Not sure it that will always work, but might be worth a try!
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
Feb. 20? - L (@dojo)
Feb. 22 - J (@Mrs. High Heels)
Feb. 26 - Xander (@Adira)
Mar. 6 - K (@shopaholic)
Mar. 11 - R (@Smurfette), Baby Dudes (@Mrs. Blue)
Mar. 14 - L (@travellingbee)
Mar. 17 - J (@silver1)
Mar. 18 - K (@sheskrafty)
Mar. 21 - Isaac (@ALV91711), Peter (@QueensBee)
Mar. 26 - Vi (@Arden)
Mar. 28 - C (@jodyblair)
pomelo / 5621 posts
@Smurfette: The ones that he drinks best out of are munchkin ones. They are like this image but with handles. He has ones that are similar, same brand, with the silicone no spill top but he just chews them and now they leak.
@Adira: Glad your feeling better. I just squeezed a bit out of the pouch and stuck it in his mouth. After a few times he wanted to hold it and then he stuck it in his mouth and started sucking. Although yesterday when I gave him a full pouch he started squeezing first and we had a huge mess.
That is so awesome that you get that extra time in the morning with not having to pump.
Teething sucks! Isaac is getting tooth 6 and last night it was keeping him and us up. He did so good at the beginning of the night too. I just cuddled him when he woke up miserable at 3:30. After that he slept just under an hour until we got up. I probably would have just let him cry for a while but DH starts a new job today and I wanted him to not be awake half the night too.
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@ALV91711: Okay, I'm going to have to try a pouch! Even if I can't get him to eat textured foods, it would be cool if he could feet himself a little bit!!
Yikes! Bummer about teething and your night!! New teeth are so rough. Hopefully it comes through soon and stops bothering him!!
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@ALV91711: I am sorry y'all are having such rough nights lately. Teething just plain sucks.
pomelo / 5621 posts
@Smurfette: It is crazy because you think he would be so tired, but he is just happy as ever.
@Adira: The worse that can happen with the pouch is you will have a huge mess!
And someone just climbed up the first stair! He fell off before I could take a picture. Time to break out the other baby gate.
Yesterday I went and bought almost all the rest of our party supplies. Now to just hit up target for the rest. I've decided on one craft only, but will have lots of other decor. Our party count should be 10 including the 3 of us. I'm getting a bit excited, but kind of sad at the same time.
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@ALV91711: True! I'll have to make sure we try it in the kitchen where it won't be a big deal if he makes a mess!
And yay stairs! Xander fell the first time he climbed a stair - he went up one and then fell backwards off it and conked his head! He didn't try again for a while after that, haha. But now he LOVES climbing the stairs!
And yay party supplies!!! So exciting!!!
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@Adira: If he can do a straw up, I bet he can get a pouch. I gave it to R, and squirted some into her mouth. It took a couple pouches before she got it. Now we can just leave on the table and she picks ups and goes to town! Might help him to get him to start eating table food, when he feeds himself.
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@ALV91711: I hear ya. I am so excited for her party but at the same time, I keep getting so sad about how fast this year has gone.
blogger / eggplant / 11551 posts
@Smurfette: I use the insulated Foogo straw cups for on the go, but I use take n toss straw cups when at home. I also use Zoli at home, but haven't had the leaking from the top problem you're having.
@Adira: That extra 20 min makes a world of a difference!
@ALV91711: I'm sorry about your rough nights... Teething is the worst.
blogger / eggplant / 11551 posts
@ALV91711: I was excited but sad too. Such a bittersweet feeling. Which craft did you decide to take on?
Yay for I climbing his first stairs!
pomelo / 5621 posts
@Mrs. High Heels: I'm going to make a balloon wreath. I'm also going to have helium balloons, streamers and a happy birthday banner. Plus I'm making the cupcakes and decorating them as cookie monster. I'm doing a sesame street theme.
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@Smurfette: Yeah! I'll have to buy some next time I go shopping and give it a try!!
@Mrs. High Heels: Yes!!! Waking up after 5:00 felt AMAZING!!! Though I'll admit I was a little sad not to have those 20 minutes of downtime in my morning!
blogger / eggplant / 11551 posts
@ALV91711: oh nice! i made a balloon wreath for noelle's 1st bday, it looked nice.
pear / 1718 posts
Wow, I can't believe we are fully in swing with the birthday season on the boards! What an exciting month for everyone!
@Adira: Glad you are feeling better today! Definitely try the pouches with Xander- they are so convenient for eating on the go!
@ALV91711: Oh gosh, once they start on the stairs, they get obsessed! Watch out!
And yes, we can cry together on 3/21. Thrilled to be celebrating their big day but so sad about how quickly this precious time passes.
I've never heard of a balloon wreath- I am going to google it in a few!
We tried giving Pete a sippy cup with a few ounces of whole milk in it yesterday. He gulped it down and really seemed to enjoy it. of course, he then had an explosive diarrhea poop about 8 hours later. I am wondering if they could be related? I decided to wait a few days before trying again.
@Smurfette: I remember that R had a little bit of an issue with the cow's milk and her poop. Did that work itself out? How long did it take?
We are still on the hunt for daycares but we did find a new car this weekend, the 2014 Subaru Outback. Our old car was a 2003 Outback so I feel a little lame and unadventurous getting the same car but it seems to be the right size for a family, good in the snow, etc.
Pete's been walking more and more each day. This morning, he looked at DH and said, "Da!" I'm not sure if it was a fluke or if it counts as his first word. We'll see if it happens again!
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@QueensBee: Well she is still pooping 2-3 times a day. But the last couple days I wonder if she had a touch of the stomach bug I had and then DH. A friend told me that the formula we use, Similac Sensitive, doesn't have lactose. So she is still adjusting to it. Now that I think about it she pooped more when we started yogurt and cheese. So I guess we just have to give it time. She only had diarrhea once, otherwise they are solid poop, just a lot of it.
Congrats on the new car. I have had three cars and all have been Accords. Yay for Da!!
apricot / 338 posts
@ALV91711: J squeezes the thing and a big mess if I take my hands off the pouch!!
@Adira: Pouch is great but will get messy if Xander wants to play with it
I wish we had some stairs for J to climb and run off his excess energy! I did get a rocking horse for him as an early bday gift and hez so cute trying to play with it. I have to post a pic.
@Smurfette: Wow shez so good eating with the pouch!
@QueensBee: J had runny poop the first few times on whole milk and then it got to normal in a few days. I think his digestive system was getting used to it. Congrats on new car! Yay for Pete's first word!!!
@Adira: I still sometimes miss my quiet time pumping. esp when LO wants attention and DH just hands him over to me!
pomelo / 5621 posts
@QueensBee: That is good that he like the milk. Last year when I had to get a new car I just got a newer version of what I had. I think if you like something why change. Yes, the 21st will be a big cry fest, my poor coworkers.
3 weeks today and I'll be working! That is just so crazy. I'm working on daytime weaning Isaac. The last couple days he has only nurse 4 times, that includes wake up and before bed. So there are only 2 times that have to be dropped right now. I think it will be a bit hard because those are the 2 before his naps and nursing is what totally relaxes him. I think for the rest of the week I will try and move these two times to after naps and then drop them.
@silver1: A rocking horse sounds like it would be fun. I agree that pouches can be messy since he likes to squeeze it out and then he will swirl it around the tray.
pear / 1718 posts
@Smurfette: Okay, good to know! Pete poops 2-3x a day too but they are usually solid (yet not hard). Since having the milk, his pm poop is a big loose mess! But, I will ease him in and hopefully we will adjust with time.
@silver1: Thanks! And yes, can't wait to see a pic of the rocking horse! We have one but Pete is afraid of it. Maybe I can show him photos of other babies enjoying theirs to help give him some courage.
@ALV91711: Wow, it must be hard to imagine so much change happening so quickly. But, it will all work out. You've done such a great job nursing him for an entire year! I hope you can move the last two sessions around without too much backlash.
bananas / 9973 posts
Hi Ladies! Got my laptop back so I can finally type lengthy responses!
@ALV91711: That's cool about the pouch. I tried squirting some straight into her mouth twice, and what a mess that was!
@Smurfette: We still only use the ZoliBot and the cheap Target ones too. We often let her just drink out of normal cups with a straw (us holding both) and she loves that.
@ALV91711: @Adira: Awesome about the stair climbing! K started doing that a few months ago, but only up, and at other people's houses, since we don't have stairs. We have a sunken living room though, and she crawls down that tiny one step. She fell a couple of times and cried, but she got the hang of it pretty fast! Do you guys need baby gates for the stairs?
@ALV91711: Your decorations sound so cute!
@QueensBee: Oh no! Explosive poop! I don't want to try whole milk! lol! Congrats on the car! Dh would be ecstatic if we got a Subaru. Good luck with the day care! I can't believe Pete is walking so well! K seems to not care about trying to walk unassisted at all.
I just took K to the doctor to get measured for her chalkboard stats! I think the last nurse totally measured her wrong!
29" and 17 lbs 2 oz! Well, at first,t hey told me she was 16lbs 11oz, and I said it couldn't be possible that she lost more weight, so we tried again. Still only gained 4oz in about 3-4 weeks. But at least we're over the 50% percentile for height again! Whew!
Ladies _ the first nap has been killing me lately! She started with pooping shortly after going down, about every other day. Now, she is fighting the first nap I think - but before the naps, she's having all her normal sleepy cues: tired eyes, glazed over, sucking her thumb, rubbing eyes. But then she's standing and talking/screaming/crying in the crib. Yesterday she fought me an hour, and I finally just popped her in the car because we have things to do! She napped in the carseat for 25 min. And then didn't nap again until 4:30pm! Ay! And now she has been standing in her crib for 20 min. How are you guys spacing nap time these days? I'm thinking 2-3-4 isn't working anymore. But she still seems like she needs naps.
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@shopaholic: She will walk before you know it! She gained something so is all that matters. She is just a little peanut!! And a cute one at that!
Naps are driving me crazy. I don't think she is 100% ready but at this point I just want her to move up rooms so she is on one nap a day. She has done it before, fighting at day care, and she did great. I just have no idea what we are going to do with her at home to keep her up cause at home she is ready by 930 for a nap. But then it is going to suck to be stuck at home for hours in the middle of the day. But I guess that comes with the job!
I wonder too is this is the 12 month sleep regression or something. Naps are crap and she is back to waking up so early, and waking up crying in her sleep 3-4 times a night. I don't have to go get her but she isn't getting good sleep at ALL these days.
bananas / 9973 posts
@Smurfette: YES! I think so! I looked up the Wonder Weeks app yesterday and like clock-work, she was a few days ahead of schedule (which is really consistent this whole year). Every time I look up WW like what the heck is going on, we're like 3 days ahead of the next leap. lol. Ugh - but this one is a wonder month again. She woke up about 3-4 times last night. IDK, I was such a zombie from staying up till 2am, like I have been. So exhausted, my back was cramping and my eyelid has been twitching on/off. I put her in bed with us, and she ended up being up for about 40 min. between 3-4am, just wanting to play and "talk" really loud, poking our faces, giggling, laughing. I mean???
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@shopaholic: We have a baby gate at the top of our stairs to make sure he doesn't fall down them, but we haven't installed the one on the bottom yet. Hoping to do that on Saturday before the party!
As far as naps, Xander's usually 3-3-3. If he's up at 6:30 for the day, he'll go down for his first nap at 9:30. That nap lasts anywhere from 50 minutes to 2 hours! Then 3 hours after he wakes up, he goes down for his second nap (usually only an hour, tops). Then bedtime at 7:00-7:30, regardless of when he woke up!
bananas / 9973 posts
@Adira: See, somedays, when I need to go out and get things done, we are closer to a 3-4-4.5 schedule too. (because her naps are shorter too). I think now when I try to put her down at 2hrs, she's fighting it. Finally went down 45 min. later.
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@shopaholic: Maybe don't even try at 2 hours? Xander used to nap every two hours and when he started fighting it and wouldn't nap for an hour and ended up falling asleep nursing, that's when I gave up and started keeping him up for 3 hours. That's working really well for us now! We'll only put him down earlier if he's playing and then just lays his head down - that's how we know it's time for a nap!
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
@shopaholic: If you are out and it is almost nap time, can you just go home, let her nap and then go back out after her next nap? That is what we end up doing on the weekends. It is a pain but that way she gets her naps.
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