Hellobee Boards


May 2012 Due Date Thread

  1. aunt pol

    kiwi / 525 posts

    @Goldilocks1107: I feel for you, I've been swelling up to my knees and feeling sorry for myself at that! My SIL was like the bloomin' Michelin man on her second, and it did take a couple weeks to go down, so she consoled herself with the knowledge that as water weight at least it'd just fall off without needing lots of visits to the gym!

  2. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @blushink: I like how he declares today is the day! Men!!

    @aunt pol: Oh, pretty confusing with twins!! I hope you make it past the 10th too!

    @Mrsdaredevil: You know, people here DO have that accent. I don't though : ) I grew up in NH (where people have the accent, too, but I guess I just never picked it up).

    @Goldilocks1107: The good news is you don't look at all swollen in your recent bump pic!

    I just went to the grocery store to pick up a few things as all we have in the house are leftovers (of takeout) and carbs and canned goods. Holy god it felt like I climbed Everest. Back to the couch I go, hahah!

  3. LAGS

    clementine / 916 posts

    @Goldilocks1107: Did you pack anything special for DH, or just his necessities/electronics? So far I've packed mine a change of clothes and gum and then we'll have our laptop, phones etc. I can't think of anything else he'd need.

    @winniebee: Yesterday I rested, but today I'm bound and determined to stay on my feet. I did a lot of major nesting last week so its getting really hard to find any projects left to keep me busy. I'm so desperate I snaked our tub drain this afternoon and may or may not edge our garden beds. It has to feel so good for you to be able to do those normal day to day things again!

    @blushink: I hope your husband is onto something! I had to ask DH what his gut was about going into labor yesterday... he was right about gender, so I'm pretending that he has some magical intuition about this stuff. Fortunately, I liked his answer.

    @winniebee: I didn't realize the accent was more of a NE thing until DH and I moved to Maine. I'm sure each state has it's own twist on it but some Maine-ahs sound ridiculous!

  4. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @LAGS: I forgot you were in Maine! Oh yeah, there's some interesting accents there, too : ) What did your husband say?? My husband says by this Sunday....

  5. Mrs. Sunglasses

    GOLD / pomelo / 5167 posts

    @LAGS: I wish he had magical powers, but alas... his prediction is totally off (unless I start getting contractions and give birth in less than 3 hours. ha)

    @winniebee: ya! men.... i mean how the heck are they suppose to know when it will happen when we don't even have a clue and we have all this stuff going on with our bodies.

  6. Goldilocks1107

    clementine / 878 posts

    @LAGS: I made DH pull out clothing for himself - he chose 3 t-shirts, athletic shorts, a long sleeved t-shirt, 2 pairs of socks, boxers, toiletries and some swim trunks (for if I want to hang out in the shower at the hospital (I'm just going to be naked because, really, what's the point of modesty with everyone and their grandma poking around my lady bits!).
    Beyond that, I grabbed some breath mints and snacks for him. Since we live 30 minutes from the hospital, he's going to go home to sleep after the baby is born so he doesn't need a lot of items since he'll be showering and changing at the house.
    @winniebee: I've been pretty "lucky" about the swelling - it's mostly confined to my feet/ankles/legs. I'm a little puffy everywhere else, but thankfully not nearly as bad!

  7. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @LAGS: Jumping in here, I just packed DH a backpack with gym shorts, tee shirt, a few pairs of underwear, socks, flip flops, scrubs, shorts and a polo, jeans and a light sweater., and his toiletry kit. I have the ipad, camera, and other items in my bag.

    I am going into work for a few hours before my OB appt today - they are throwing me a little shower - so sweet! (Though I havent been into work in 7 weeks, so I feel like I'm going in just for the cupcakes). Interested to see what's going on down there, too....last night was super uncomfortable with cramping and contractions and really didn't sleep well. This baby is RIGHT on my cervix so anytime he moves too much it really hurts.

  8. Goldilocks1107

    clementine / 878 posts

    @winniebee: Have fun at your shower!

  9. LAGS

    clementine / 916 posts

    @winniebee: He's thinking tomorrow. But for some reason he thinks they're going to admit me after my appointment... so I hope he's only half right! Have fun at your shower, that's really sweet of your coworkers, sounds like they planned it just in time! Thanks for sharing your list for your husband, it doesn't sound like I'm forgetting much.

    @Goldilocks1107: We're super close to the hospital so I'm assuming DH will have no problem running home to grab whatever he needs too. DH always has me pack for him and it drives me crazy because I always hear about how I packed the wrong pair of jeans or something equally as ridiculous. Here's hoping he'll know better than to complain this time!

  10. Goldilocks1107

    clementine / 878 posts

    @LAGS: If I hadn't nagged him, DH never would have thrown his bag together as we were getting ready to head to the hospital. And what would have happened is what did happen when we packed ahead of time - he couldn't find a clean pair of athletic shorts and was running out of deodorant and needed a new one. Luckily, I'm a planner so we had time to fix both situations!
    I've drawn a line in the sand in our relationship - he folds his clothes, I fold mine, he packs his bags, I pack mine. Sometimes, when I'm feeling extra nice after doing laundry, I'll fold some of his clothes

    We had a free BP screening at work today, and my BP is staying in the 120s/70s range. It seems like the super high BP was a one-time thing (thankfully!).

    Now I need to run to the store and return a duplicate outfit someone bought for us.

  11. aunt pol

    kiwi / 525 posts

    @winniebee: you were right of course, my babies have clearly stolen my brains:) I'm 36w 6d today. Eek!

  12. cvbee

    nectarine / 2039 posts

    Just wanted to pop in and say that I'm really enjoying reading all your posts about anticipation. I'm totally anxious for you gals....all day long if I haven't checked for a while I think "Maybe one of the May Babies just got born....I should check!"

  13. volksgirl64

    apricot / 384 posts

    Wow, take 3 days off and see how much you miss?! I will have to reply to people later except to @duckduckkristen: CONGRATS!! Can't wait to hear about it!
    No real progress with me though I'm pretty sure she's dropped now so hopefully that means sooner rather than later. Dr appt. tomorrow so I'll find out if I'm making any progress at all though I'm doubting it. After dr. appt I plan to walk more and spend some time on an exercise ball!

  14. Rainbow Sprinkles

    eggplant / 11287 posts

    @Goldilocks1107: My DH is good about doing his own things too, but since I haven't been working I kind of feel guilty and feel like I *should* fold his laundry and stuff like that... He lived alone for 5 years before I moved in so he is good at taking care of himself! LOL Good for you and your BP, it's encouraging to hear!

    @winniebee: Hope you're having fun at your shower! I think what you are feeling definitely means dilation/progress. I have been feeling that lately (only mildly, minus the contractions) and was surprised to see how much progress I have made at my Dr's. appointment today. Baby Winnie is close!!

    @LAGS: DH has me pack for him too. Last time I packed for him (a formal wedding) I forgot a belt AND dress socks. It was funny to see him in a suit with white Puma socks.... bahahaha. Do you have an appointment today? If so, hope it goes well.

    Well, I have a serious UPDATE! Had an appointment today and am dilated to a 3. I know I can't get too excited about that, but it's better than 1 (what I was expecting to hear). Doctor said she could feel the baby's head and I could come in and get induced TONIGHT if I wanted to. I decided to wait as long as possible, and she said that Sunday is about the latest I can go because my blood pressure is continuing to rise. So, I have an induction schedule for Sunday (the 13th) meaning baby will most likely be born on Monday.
    She stripped my membranes and OMG, it was totally not painful at all! I was so surprised! I could feel her fingers up there and once she made it to my cervix I said "wow, exactly where you are right now is where I have been feeling cramps for the past three days." And she responded "Well, that's because I am touching the baby's head right now!" WEIRD!!
    My BP was super high today, and so they put me on the NST and baby only moved once or so in 20 minutes. The hypertension has kind of started things shutting down early, which I was told could happen. Something about cord flow issues? Anyways, this is the reason I can't go past Sunday.
    However, because my membranes were swept and I am dilated already, I am hoping something happens naturally before Sunday! Who knows.
    Sorry, I feel like I just wrote a book... I wanted to get everything in there!

  15. Rainbow Sprinkles

    eggplant / 11287 posts

    Oh, and I also forgot to add that I had my very first experience with swelling yesterday. It was super warm and I spent the whole day in the sun. By 3pm I noticed my feet looked like sausages. By the time I got inside I basically looked like the Michelin Man (even my lips were swollen!) and my ring was stuck on my finger! I soaked my finger in ice for hours and then put olive oil on it in order to get my wedding ring off. Man, it was scary!!
    Woke up this morning and I am as good as new, thank goodness.

  16. Goldilocks1107

    clementine / 878 posts

    @Mrsdaredevil: That is some serious progress - I'm so excited for you!

    Alright, remaining May pregnant ladies. I think we could all use a quick reminder of when everyone's due dates are - here's the two I know for sure:

    Me and PasteMoo: May 21
    MrsDareDevil: May 13

    And . . . go!

  17. Mrs. Sunglasses

    GOLD / pomelo / 5167 posts

    @Mrsdaredevil: Oh my goodness!!! That's awesome news. I really hope the stripping works for you.

    I just came back from my doc appointment too and in 4 days (my last apt was on thursday) I've progressed. I went from 50% effaced to 75% and from 2 cm dilated to 2.5 cm. He even went ahead and stripped my membranes and it definitely hurt less than the first time around (with my first pregnancy) I'm pretty sensitive down there... but I mean can't be worse than tearing.

    I'm really hoping that things will progress naturally. I would much rather start labouring naturally vs induced like I was with my son. PLUS, I'm so ready to see her!!! Fingers crossed.

  18. Mrs. Sunglasses

    GOLD / pomelo / 5167 posts

    @Goldilocks1107: I'm due the 18th (13th according to the Ultrasound)

  19. Mrs. Sunglasses

    GOLD / pomelo / 5167 posts

    @winniebee: oooo yay for a mini shower! That's so awesome. I'm sure they will give you some gifts, I know my work my co-workers were beyond generous!

    @LAGS: My husband didn't stay at the hospital so he didn't really need anything. I preferred he get some sleep (in our bed) and come back the next morning (early) and bring me some good food. Especially if you live close by... shouldn't be a problem!

    I forgot to mention that my husband's car is at the garage to get fixed and he left my hospital bags in the car. ha! Knowing our luck... I will go into labour, and we will have no hospital bags or car (truck) and will have to go in my tiny tercel. It would make for a funny birth story.

  20. Mrs.M57

    kiwi / 515 posts

    haven't been around in a while busy being Miss Lily M's momma! glad to hear everyone is well, how many May babies(or supposed to be May ) are out there now ? And everyone else is getting closer and closer!

    We passed Lily's actual due date yesterday and its so hard to believe shes already 10 days old! Our time home has been hectic! Lily had a hard time catching onto nursing, I at times almost thought we were going to have to give up and bottle feed. We talked to a lactation consultant and she suggested that maybe my nipples were not prominent enough, so I tried breast shields. Lily finally latched, and we have been getting better and better since! I must admit the shield is annoying, just having to have it, plus it hurts a little more than feeding without it. Today I experienced cluster feeding for the first time, oh my, if any of you plan on breast feeding and experience cluster feeding, just a tip pick a comfy spot that you stock with food, water and t.v, magazines or computer, because I literally was not able to move from my couch for 4 hours!

    Other than the bumps in the road with breastfeeding, and a baby who wants to be held all night, Lily is such a joy and I absolutely am loving being her mommy!!

    Hopefully some more May babies will be arriving soon

  21. cvbee

    nectarine / 2039 posts

    @Mrsdaredevil: so happy for you and your progress! Re: doing things for DH. I'm also glad that my DH lived by himself for a long time before we met too, but I also saw the conditions that he doesn't mind living in. (Never ever sweeping the floor, or leaving dishes out for many days, for example). I do more of the chores around here, but it's because I have a higher standard of cleanliness and I am fine with that.

  22. Mrs. Sunglasses

    GOLD / pomelo / 5167 posts

    @Mrs.M57: Aw... thats so awesome. 10 days already... seems like just yesterday you gave birth! NUTS!!! Ya, breastfeeding isn't easy... but you'll get around. Plus when she starts having a stronger latch you'll be able to let go of the shield (i think)

  23. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @LAGS: Interesting! How are you feeling about that?

    @volksgirl64: Good luck at your appt!!

    @Mrsdaredevil: So happy you've made so much progress!! Keep on walkin and crampin!!

    .@blushink: That's a lot of progress for 4 days!! I didn't realize (one of) your due date was May 13....that would be pretty cool to have a mother's day baby.

    @Mrs.M57: Good to hear from you and hope you are enjoying time with little Lilly!

    So, work shower was fun! They had a little lunch and cupcakes and was so fun seeing everyone! They gave us a nice gift card to Amazon (registry completion, score!) and books and toys (which we didn't have much of!) It feels great to be human again : )

    In other news, OB appt went well......still 2 cm dilated, but now 80% effaced (instead of 50%) and baby still low - she said -1. Granted, I only started moving around on Saturday and have been mostly resting. So, progress, but not crazy esp. considering the dang cramps I've had! In fact, OB said she thought she would see me at my appt next Tues! Which I'm fine with as will get some time to lead a *normal* life again because.....NO MORE RESTRICTIONS!! OB says I can do whatever the heck I want now. Haven't decided about work yet, though ; )

    My DD is May 27...

  24. Mrs. Sunglasses

    GOLD / pomelo / 5167 posts

    @winniebee: Ya! I agree, seems to be good progress for 4 days, but I've been having contractions on and off still... Happy to hear your shower went well! Aren't co-workers so nice?!
    So you can do whatever you want... that must be so nice to hear!!! Have fun! Go dancing. ha.

  25. LAGS

    clementine / 916 posts

    @Goldilocks1107: Good for you! If I weren't SAH I'd do the same. I still fold DH's laundry... but I've finally given up on his drawers. I'll fold things and put them away on top of all the balled up ones he's riffled through. He doesn't seem to mind so it works for us!

    @Mrsdaredevil: Yay! A three?? I'd be excited too. I was quietly wondering if things were happening for you cause you hadn't been on in a little bit. Even though it isn't the news I was hoping for, for you, that's still something! By this time next week you'll have an outside baby!! You make me feel a little more human too... I forgot DH's dress shirt for a wedding once. He had to borrow a white one from my Dad and of course... guess who also forgot white undershirts!! Oh and my appointment is tomorrow. I was really hoping it wasn't going to be needed... but here we are!

    @Goldilocks1107: Dr's EDD is today, but I've been going by May 12.

    @blushink: That almost sounds like a birth story in the making... especially considering you had your membranes stripped today. Good luck!!

    @Mrs.M57: Thanks for checking in! Its great to hear that, all things considered, you guys are doing so well! I hope nursing just keeps getting better for you!

  26. duckduckkristen

    clementine / 959 posts

    Just wanted to check in and let you all know baby Liam and I are doing well! I'll have to catch up on all of you later and I'm working on my birth story, but here's a summary…

    I woke up 5am Saturday morning with some period-like cramping that was painful enough I couldn't sleep. This went on with a contraction or two per hour until about 4pm, when all of a sudden my contractions were about 4 minutes apart. My midwife told me that since I wanted a natural birth I should stay home as long as possible, but with the sudden increase in contractions I was a little scared, so we left for the hospital. In the car my contractions went to 2 minutes apart, and by the time we got up to L&D they felt like one on top of another, but I was only 4 cm. Twenty minutes later I was 6 1/2, and 20 minutes after that I was 10. After 25 minutes of pushing, Liam was born, only an hour and half after arriving at the hospital! Everyone, including me, was shocked at the speed of my labor. I'm still trying to process it all!

    Little Liam was 7 lbs exactly and 19 3/4 inches. He nurses like a champ and so far has been a pretty easy baby. He just prefers to do his sleeping during the day instead of at night, but we're working on that! We saw his pediatrician for the first time today and he looked little jaundiced but his bilirubin levels came back only a little high, so he should be ok. My recovery hasn't been too bad, just a little light headed when I stand for awhile. Overall, everything is going great!

    Hope you are all doing well and I'll catch up soon!

  27. cvbee

    nectarine / 2039 posts

    @duckduckkristen: Super! So happy for you with your quick labour. And you even got to follow your birth plan: that seems rare, so congrats on that too. That's awesome that Liam is so good at nursing. As you probably know, the cure for jaundice is nursing, as the biliruben comes out in the poop. PS. I didn't say this before, but Liam was the name I wanted to call my baby when I was a tween. As soon as I heard of someone with that name I thought it was the nicest name in the whole world. Welcome baby Liam and congratulations mama Duckduckkristen!

  28. pastemoo

    cantaloupe / 6146 posts

    MrsDareDevil: May 13
    Blushink: May 18
    Goldilocks and PasteMoo: May 21
    Winniebee: May 27
    aunt pol:

    winnie--no restrictions! Soooooo happy for you!
    everyone--progress! everyone's coming along and it's getting exciting!

  29. pastemoo

    cantaloupe / 6146 posts

    @duckduckkristen: So fast! Soooo awesome. Congratulations!!!

  30. aunt pol

    kiwi / 525 posts

    I'm going to stick with the 17th as my due date, seems as plausible as any!
    Duckduck- well done you, that sounds like a fantastic labour!
    Daredevil- you're getting there, things do seem to be speeding up for you!
    Winnie- it must feel so great to have an activity green light now! You can stick your tongue out at DH now when he's being super protective
    It's mad how every day is one more day closer to outside babies- in some ways I'm ready, and in others I'm totally not ready. DH is so excited its cute, and he gets quite frustrated with my lack of excitement - to be honest I think it still doesn't feel completely real to me! I know that's cracked- I've known it was real since the feckin 25th of September, you'd think it'd have sunk in by now- but it's becoming an immediate reality rather than a someday reality, and I can't get my head the whole way round it! And of course I'm not exactly looking forward to labour. It seems I'll be popping two fat babas out...
    I had the mother and father of a toothache last night- literally lying in bed moaning for a couple hours- and today was bliss cos it was gone! I'll go to the dentist at the weekend if it returns but money is tight so fingers crossed it stays away another little while. The state covers all maternity expenses here, but dentistry while pregnant unfortunately doesn't fall into that category...

  31. LAGS

    clementine / 916 posts

    @winniebee: I'm thinking he's just worried because of the placenta calcifying and because I always measure small etc. I think its mostly his fears that have him thinking they'll need to induce me, but they don't seem to be making a big deal of it, so I think they'd let me go to 41, so I'm not too worried...yet!

    @duckduckkristen: I can't believe how fast you progressed! Amazing. So glad you had a great labor experience and are doing well with Liam!

    @pastemoo: I'm May 8 technically, but I'm going by May 12.

  32. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @blushink: Yes, music to my ears!

    @duckduckkristen: That is a FAST labor! Way to go!!

    @aunt pol: I think what you are feeling is totally normal! I am also still trying to wrap my mind around everything. I think the bedrest and time at home was a complete time warp for me and I never let myself really go *there*. But, now we are here! I think on some level it won't really feel real until the baby (babies) is in our arms.

    @LAGS: Well good luck today!!

    Last night had contractions ranging from every 8-20 minutes from about 6 p.m. until 11:30. But then subsided (or at least I slept through them). They weren't that painful, so I was pretty sure it wasn't the real thing. I'm supposed to call when they are consistently 7 apart....I feel like this is going to happen every night until actual labor. Already getting sick of my contractions APP!

  33. Goldilocks1107

    clementine / 878 posts

    @duckduckkristen: Wow! I think we're all hoping for a labor like yours!

    @aunt pol: I hear you on not really believing it's about. to. happen. And the babies we've been carrying for the past 9 months are going to be here soon. I'm just looking forward to the side benefits of sleeping on my back and not peeing all the time and haven't given nearly enough thought to the fact that I'll have a baby by the end of the month.

    I have a feeling I'm setting myself up to go overdue by posting this, but I think I'm going to go into labor soon. I was crampy all last night. And periodically when I'd roll over at night, I'd get what felt like round ligament pain x100. Then this morning I had to pee at 4am and couldn't fall back asleep because I was getting some painful contractions. They weren't close enough together for me to start timing them, but they were definitely some sort of contraction. And then they went away when I started getting ready for work. Now I'm feeling nauseous, and when I yawned after parking my car at work, I had a little reflux (gross!). Of course, it's probably like waiting for that BFP - everything is a symptom now! Half of me wants to go into labor NOW, but the other half wants to wait until at least 7pm tomorrow so I can have my pedicure at 5:30pm tomorrow so I'll have pretty toes again!

  34. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @Goldilocks1107: Ooooh sounds promising though! LOL re: the pedicure. I am debating getting one this morning in lieu of doing some work because, well, you just never know. I feel like everytime I think *this is it* I'm jinxing myself. I just declined a work project b/c it's time sensitive and b/c of the contractions I was having all night....of course, now, I'll feel pretty silly when I go another week : ) Oh, and I texted my sister about the contractions last night and she lined up a babysitter for tomorrow night to "visit me in the hospital!" JINX!!!!

    Oh, forgot to mention, today is DH's birthday.....he keeps saying the little "monster" is going to show up today. He likes to refer to him as the "monster" - sounds weird, but he does it in a cute way ; )

  35. volksgirl64

    apricot / 384 posts

    @mrsdaredevil: Progress!! So hopeful for a natural labor for you!
    @goldilocks1107: EDD 5/22 but hoping for earlier, of course.
    @blushink: Wow, effaced & dialated!
    @winniebee: Yay for no restrictions!! Get out there and do whatever you want! And I think the "monster" thing is really cute.
    @duckduckkristen: Glad to hear things are going well with Liam so far

    Friday is my last day of work! My boss keeps mentioning that I could come in the following week but I'm just exhausted and my to do list just seems to keep growing so I could really use the time.
    I found out that I am positive for GBS (I wasn't last time) so that's what the test result told me I guess. I'll need to remember to ask the Dr today if we need to head for the hospital any earlier.
    Dr appt today - hoping for good news but not expecting anything.

  36. mediagirl

    hostess / wonderful persimmon / 25556 posts

    @duckduckkristen: wow girl! Sounds like you had a fantastic birth experience!

  37. cvbee

    nectarine / 2039 posts

    @Goldilocks1107: It IS like the TWW. And I remember some of you from the TWW threads on weddingbee. Goldi, you were in the next TWW thread after mine, but I was still following you when you were waiting: you were so excited. Now I am equally enjoying your (and everyone's) end TWW!

    @winniebee: My DH tries to call him a little monster too, but I didn't find it that cute, so I made him change it to snugglebug. (Damn, I am a little extra controlling now that I'm a Mommy eh).

    So, it's Wednesday: my favourite day of the week because it is Mom and Baby group day. Today we are supposed to bring our 5 favourite baby things (or bring a pic if they are too big to bring). I feel like I don't have favourites yet: just stuff I use. I guess I'll bring the stuff I use the most.

    Yesterday I packed up my maternity clothes, and got a little teary about how that magical time is all over. But then I tried on my pre-pregnancy jeans and they fit! I laughed out loud and did a little happy dance around the room. I put all my pre-pregnancy clothes back into my drawers and closet, realizing that I have soooo many clothes. I think I will go through and donate the least favourites. (re: the 'they fit' comment.....I do have a bit of muffin top out front, but it's not so bad...I'm just happy to be wearing something flattering again).

    Nico is 3 weeks old as of 8:30 last night. I can hardly believe how fast the time is going, yet I also feel like it's been way more than 3 weeks because of all the experiences. Less than 3 hours til Mom group!

  38. Goldilocks1107

    clementine / 878 posts

    @cvbee: YES! It is a secondary TWW. And congrats on fitting back into your pre-preg clothes! Huge milestone!

    @winniebee: I totally think I jinxed myself too - no more cramping/contractions this morning. Just tired due to the shortened sleep this morning. Ugh!

  39. LAGS

    clementine / 916 posts

    Woke up with mild contractions this morning. They started in my back, but are mostly in my tummy now. Its weird, they're coming pretty frequently, some as close as three mins, but aren't lasting much over 30 seconds.

    If it weren't for seeing some bloody show I'd have completely written things off as another tease... but now I'm super anxious for my Dr's appointment this afternoon, if I make it to it! (I've officially probably jinxed myself).

  40. Goldilocks1107

    clementine / 878 posts

    @LAGS: Good luck! And it's so nice you have an appointment today so you aren't sitting wondering if you should go to the hospital. Bring your bags with!

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