Hellobee Boards


May 2012 Due Date Thread

  1. Rainbow Sprinkles

    eggplant / 11287 posts

    Geez, all this contraction talk is making me go crazy. I have not felt a single thing... no BH OR "real" contraction. Geez.... maybe I am gonna end up getting induced on Sunday because my body just won't do labor itself! Shoot!
    Yesterday and today I walked three miles and feel great.

    @Goldilocks1107: I totally get the "overanalyzing every symptom" thing. I swear I run to the bathroom five times a day thinking that I lost my plug, but it's usually just a tiny bit of discharge. I am always so disappointed! That's exciting about your contractions though... fingers crossed for you.

    @LAGS: Good luck to you too! You guys all seem so close!

    @cvbee: Yay for fitting into your pre-preg clothes! Congrats!

    @winniebee: Happy birthday to your DH!

    @aunt pol: I think how you are feeling is completely normal. The only thing our SO's have to feel right now is anticipation and excitement/happiness. However, as the ones carrying the baby(ies) we have a whole lot more emotions to go through! I don't think the whole "I am bringing home a baby" thing has sunk in for me because I am just so focused on NOT BEING PREGNANT ANYMORE!

    Man, Sunday night is feeling SO FAR AWAY.

  2. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @Mrsdaredevil: Don't be too jealous of the contractions - I didn't progress much in the past week!

    @cvbee: Three weeks already?! Goodness time is just flying!!

    @volksgirl64: That's awesome - two more days til you can breathe a little easier!!

    @LAGS: Sounds very promising!! Good luck!!

  3. LAGS

    clementine / 916 posts

    @winniebee: Thank you! Have your contractions still been persistent? Happy Birthday to your husband, do you have plans to celebrate?

    @volksgirl64: Good luck at your appointment! I don't blame you for taking the extra time off.

    @Goldilocks1107: We totally packed the bags just in case, but I'm back home now Although I don't think it'll be too long before we'll need them anyways! (I hope)

    @cvbee: Wow 3 weeks already?? That's absolutely crazy, you
    almost have a one month old on your hands! Go you! for fitting into your old jeans!

    @Mrsdaredevil: You never know, you made some good progress at your last appointment. I hope you go into labor before Sunday and get your natural delivery!!

    Back from my appointment. This morning my contractions were all 30-45 seconds or so ranging anywhere from 2.5-5 minutes apart. I had an exam, am 3cm and 80% effaced now and since then my contractions have become more intense and they've all been around the minute mark. They have better spacing too.... I'm hoping to goodness it stays this way because my Dr. wasn't convinced at all that my earlier contractions meant any true labor.

  4. Goldilocks1107

    clementine / 878 posts

    @LAGS: I think your doc is wrong But now you have a definite benchmark to go by if you head in today or tomorrow so they can evaluate your true progress!
    I told DH that there better be significant progress at tomorrow's OB appointment, or there will be tears. He considers "significant" to be dilated to 2 cm (100% change from my 1 cm last week). I need at least 3 cm total.

  5. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @LAGS: Gah, no they subsided completely! Have had low cramping and pressure, but no true contractions today (not counting BH contractions....) We are going out to dinner with our best friends....our first dinner OUT in 2 months!!! Well, 3cm and 80% effaced is pretty darn good.....keep active to keep those contractions coming!

    My husband just declared that this weekend (38w), we are starting with walks to get things going!

  6. Rainbow Sprinkles

    eggplant / 11287 posts

    Remember, we can't get hung up too much on measurements of dilation and effacement! I am dilated to a 3 fully effaced and feel nothing....and some women have their water break merely hours after being told they're only at a 1. Don't worry too much about progress, our bodies do crazy things!

  7. Mrs. Sunglasses

    GOLD / pomelo / 5167 posts

    A day after my doc stripped my membranes, still haven't been feeling any progress. Apart from light cramping. So I decided to sort of take things in my own hands.

    I called for an acupuncture appointment hoping she could trigger some labour "pressure points". She had space at 6:30! whoot whoot. Seeing I'm not at 40 weeks, she didn't want to induce me (which is okay) but said she would "help" a little by triggering certain areas, and even gave me a sheet of spots I could "work" on at home to speed things along.

    During the session, baby was moving a lot and i had cramping. But that was about it. The main reason I was going too was for my back pain ... boy I hope I can sleep after this baby is out.

    Well... 1 hour after my session, i started feeling some cramping and something is definitely up. Went to the bathroom and lost my muscus plug and in ALL OF IT (and it had some bloody show)

    So who knows.... maybe tonight (or tomorrow) I'll be in labour. Fingers crossed.

  8. Mrs. Sunglasses

    GOLD / pomelo / 5167 posts

    @LAGS: I also think your doc is wrong. You seem to be making progress. I hope you get to see baby soon!

    @Mrsdaredevil: Im so sorry things are progressing. Hoping they will... either way you'll see your baby girl soon!

  9. mediagirl

    hostess / wonderful persimmon / 25556 posts

    @blushink: Woohoo for losing your mucus plug!!! Fingers crossed things start tonight!

  10. MsMini

    grapefruit / 4056 posts

    Hey all! I have been reading on my phone while nursing, but I haven't made it to the actual computer much to reply, I have been getting lots done around the house, as well as taking care of a needy newborn (Sawyer sleeps awesome in the cradle at night, but wants to be held for naps all day long, which actually allows me to get a nap or 2 in).

    I hope you "ladies in waiting" (Daredevil, Winnie, Goldie, Lags, Blushink) all have your little ones soon, and that everything goes quickly and smoothly! I think the waiting must be the worst part! Enjoy your last days of pregnancy though, because pregnancy is precious, and if you are anything like me, you will miss it once it is over!

    Congrats on packing away your mat clothes cvbee! I was thinking about starting that today, but it made me a little sad! I have some clothes I will really miss in those mat clothes, although only some of them actually look even decent right now. I might pull out all the pre-pregnancy bins soon though.

    I hope to see some good news on the thread over the next few days, some of you are incredibly close!

  11. Goldilocks1107

    clementine / 878 posts

    I think I freaked DH out a little bit last night. After getting my evening back rub, then staying on the exercise ball to help relax my back, I told him that he really needed to review the labor coach worksheets ASAP because I really could go into labor at any time.
    He replies - when you say you feel "crampy" what does that mean? Do you think you're in labor now?!?
    And I told him that for some ladies, contractions feel like menstrual cramps, but mine don't have a set pattern so I don't really know what's going on. It's not like I've done this before!!
    This morning, he tells me he's read through most of the worksheets
    OB appointment this afternoon - fingers crossed for some sort of progress (or a set date that the OB will let me be induced so I don't have a 15lb baby). And after that . . . pedicure! And I will definitely be telling the pedicurist to NOT avoid the pregnancy pressure points.

  12. pastemoo

    cantaloupe / 6146 posts

    @Goldilocks1107: Aww, your poor DH.
    Mine says baby needs to come Wednesday and we can leave for the hospital at 8am (because of his work schedule). So... here's hoping.
    @MsMini: You miss it, even with how tough yours was?
    @winniebee: Do anything fun your husband for his birthday?
    Careful with the walks! I walked a little too fast at the gym last night (DH is still running, so we went for the treadmill instead of the neighborhood) and now I'm limping. Not sure if it's baby or from my injury from the car accident a while back. I'm all for triggering labor--but be careful!
    @Mrsdaredevil: I know what you mean on the disconnect between bringing home a baby and not being pregnant anymore!

  13. pastemoo

    cantaloupe / 6146 posts

    LAGS: May 12 (or 8)
    MrsDareDevil: May 13
    aunt pol: May 17
    Blushink: May 18
    Goldilocks and PasteMoo: May 21
    volksgirl64: May 22
    Winniebee: May 27

    Who else are we missing?

  14. Goldilocks1107

    clementine / 878 posts

    @pastemoo: That's so cute "we can leave for the hospital at 8am". I like how he's convinced himself that he can plan when everything will start happening

  15. volksgirl64

    apricot / 384 posts

    @cvbee: Moms group sounds like fun! I never found anything like that when I had DD1. And congrats on the pre-preg clothes already!
    @lags: Do you have a baby?? It sounds like you were getting so close!
    @winniebee: Yay for walks! I bet your have yours before I have mine!
    @blushink: wow, actupuncture really must have made a difference for you. Can't wait to hear if things are really moving.
    @goldilocks1107: Keep us posted on any progress.
    @pastemoo: I like that your husband thinks he has a say. Mine is ready too, mostly because he wants a break from work. The end of the school year and the kids attitudes are driving him crazy.

    So, doctor appt. yesterday showed ZERO progress, which I was pretty much prepared for. I did ask about having my membranes stripped at my next appt. and she said that I could, but I wasn't aware that you had to be dialated to have that done. So, it's all up to my body to start doing something.
    LO has definitely dropped and I get a ton more pressure and jabs to the cervix area but nothing else is happening.
    Pregnancy brain strikes again - today I forgot my wedding ring (which I'm fortunately still wearing) AND some bars I made for a potluck! Ugh!
    I think I've got DH on the "encourage the baby to come out" train. Last night we DTD and he's taking me for walks and feeding me spicy food. Haha.

  16. pastemoo

    cantaloupe / 6146 posts

    @Goldilocks1107: He's happier thinking he can influence the little guy!
    @volksgirl64: Sorry there's no progress. I don't feel any and probably won t get checked this time... I don't think I could bear that news.

  17. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @blushink: wooohoooa! sounds like you are almost there!

    @MsMini: Hey!!! Glad to hear things are going well at home - and you are actually getting stuff done around the house/yard, too? Go you!!!

    @Goldilocks1107: Why is it that men assume we know our bodies?! My husband is like, oh you'll know. Ummm, says who?? Good luck at your appt. today!

    @pastemoo: Cute that your hubs wants the baby on a certain day ; ) Yeah, my idea of a walk is waddling around the walk. We have lunch w/ my family Sunday afternoon and then I'm thinking a late afternoon stroll around the neighborhood : )

    @volksgirl64: I'm not so sure about that! I feel like this baby is content where he is right now (which is snuggled up and beating me up with cervical pains : )

    Nothing to report here - Dinner out last night was fun! I have also been sleeping like a rock lately (re-introduced the Snoogle into my sleeping....or maybe it's that I'm more active??) This morning I woke up feeling *off* - like I'm getting a cold or something. I hope it subsides soon. Uncomfortable and lots of stabby cervical pains and some cramping and sporadic contractions, but nothing consistent.... Have a feeling this baby isn't coming for a while....which is fine, still only 37+4.

  18. Mrs. Sunglasses

    GOLD / pomelo / 5167 posts

    @Goldilocks1107: Ah!!! that is so cute! I love our men. How clueless they are yet want to help out so much. In my case constant cramping is just false labour. Trust me, you'll know when real contractions kick in, they will feel different then just cramps. (even if they aren't super intense)

    @volksgirl64: @winniebee: I'm still here. Lost even more of my plug this morning (i had no idea that was even possible considering the amount I lost yesterday) I had cramping for 2 hours last night but my friend (who works in the delivery room) told me it was false labour and if I layed down on my left side and the cramping stopped... then it was false labour.

    I'm feeling fine today so far. Nothing to report really. I had 1 contraction. but that's it. I have to wait until i have them 10 mins apart for 1:30 hours before going in... so i hope that will start soon.

    My friend (who delivered my son) told me, see you saturday, I work from 8-4! I wonder if baby is waiting until she's working. Because I'd love for her to birth my daugther too.

  19. Mrs. Sunglasses

    GOLD / pomelo / 5167 posts

    @volksgirl64: I hope you will be dilated by your next appointment to get your membranes stripped but even if you don't I wouldn't worry about it because it seems more times it doesn't work then work (plus it's not super comfortable!)

    I'm actually going to call and switch my doctor appointment of next week. (my last before I would get induced) It's suppose to be thursday but I'll call for it to be monday or tuesday so hopefully I can get induced (if i have to) around my real due date.

  20. Goldilocks1107

    clementine / 878 posts

    @volksgirl64: Hopefully the added pressure and jabs will start to get things moving for you. I think that's what made the difference between my 36 and 37 week appointments - LO playing punching bag with my cervix.

    Well, we've officially transitioned from me to a different point person in my department for new projects. Which means that my days at work are pretty dull. Any recommendations on more places I can surf on the internet that would be good for killing some time? I'm already a "regular" at checking out cakewrecks, dooce and pregnantchicken.

  21. calsmom

    persimmon / 1087 posts

    @duckduckkristen: Congratulations! I must say how envious I am of your speedy labor!

    @cvbee: Congratulations on being back to your pre-pregnancy size at 3 weeks!!

    I have been so out of the loop here! It has been a whirlwind week and a half! We had my dad come stay with us after the birth, so when I wasn't feeding, pumping, changing diapers, or sleeping, I was spending time with the pops! Onto a summarized version of Cooper's birth...

    I checked into the hospital on Sunday evening to be induced on Monday morning. All of the nursing staff was incredible. On Monday, I had 1 nurse and 1 intern. Turns out the nurse is a midwife and the intern is a doula. They were wonderful!

    I never thought I would be the patient that needed to be drugged up so much, but during my labor on Monday, I went through 4 syringes of epidural along with other pain killers. I pushed for 3 hours with no success due to Cooper's (big) head getting stuck in the birth canal. It was so frustrating making zero progress after pushing all that time. My Dr eventually had to deliver Cooper via forceps and an episiotomy. I didn't care at that point. I just wanted him out and in my arms. Seeing him for the first time was indescribable. When they placed him on me for the skin-to-skin, he was already trying to find his way to my breast. It was unreal.

    The recovery in the hospital was tough. I could barely walk the first day. The second day was a little better. It has gotten easier as the days go by. The hospital gave me a sitz bath to use, which I tried using once but it was so uncomfortable. I wound up just sitting in the regular bath which was so nice.

    Breast feeding was going great up until yesterday morning. My nipples were so sore. I've been exclusively pumping since that feed just to get a break. Before that, I was doing half pumping and half nursing. He has become very predictable with his feeds. He is a great sleeper to the point that we need to wake him up to eat. He is such a good baby! Mommyhood is the best. I am nowhere near to falling into a routine. My brain is going in a million different directions with everything I need to get done, and I am so sleep-deprived. I know it will get easier though. My husband and I are loving these moments regardless of the craziness.

  22. cvbee

    nectarine / 2039 posts

    @marriedandlovingit: I've been wondering about you! I'm so happy that you ended up with such an ideal birth team with them being a midwife and a doula. Lucky you! From what I've heard, when you get induced you definitely need drugs, so it makes sense that you needed lots of epidural. And I totally know the 'just get the baby out' feeling after lots of time pushing (2 hours for me). Although the sitz bath is uncomfortable, I think it's really really helpful for healing the episiotomy, so keep up the many times a day baths whether you do it in the sitz style or the real bath. Of course, just as I reply to you Nico is starting to wake up. So I'll just keep is short with a 'congrats!!!'. Thanks for checking in!

  23. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @marriedandlovingit: Great to hear an update from you! What a tough birth....glad you are on the road to recovery! Keep us posted on how things go!

  24. mediagirl

    hostess / wonderful persimmon / 25556 posts

    @pastemoo: haha - I'm June 9th. I'm really hoping to make it to June so I get my Pearl. My board is so dead, though I wanted to pop in here and help cheer all my May friends on!

    @marriedandlovingit: it's so nice to hear from you! I'm glad you're enjoying mommyhood. Ow! On the birth, though!!! In the end, glad he's here and healthy.

    @Goldilocks1107: lol I wish that would happen at my work! I have so much to do every day, I don't know how I'm going to pass it all off!! How much time are you taking off?

    @volksgirl64: ha! Hubs is really trying to help that baby along!!

    @winniebee: Sounds like you're doing well. You still have a few weeks if baby winnie decides to take her time now that you're off bed rest, though.

  25. Goldilocks1107

    clementine / 878 posts

    @mediagirl: I'm taking 12 weeks off - so it makes sense that my projects need to be transitioned early, but it's still super dull! And the great thing about June is you can get 2 stones if you want - pearl and alexandrite! I'm a June baby and bought myself a pearl ring last year to "celebrate" turning 30.

  26. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @mediagirl: I'm glad you pop in here! How are you doing girl?? My sister told me that she felt off and grubby before the birth of her first baby. Hmmm. I still don't think he's coming in the next few days though! Pearl is a great birthstone : )

    @Goldilocks1107: Are you going to get a May birthstone something this year??

  27. mediagirl

    hostess / wonderful persimmon / 25556 posts

    @Goldilocks1107: ah that's right! I forgot there were two. I love that you bought yourself a birthday gift.

    @winniebee: ugh, feeling okay. Feet are so freaking fat, it is not even funny. I have one pair of shoes that fit!! I don't know what I'm going to do the next 4+/- weeks!! Yeah, I"ve heard people say they have felt "off" before they went into labor, as well.

    Then again, I've heard people get diarrhea before labor and I've had that for 4 days. Uh...I don't think I'm going into labor anytime soon. (er....TMI much?)

  28. Goldilocks1107

    clementine / 878 posts

    @mediagirl: My last pair of flip flops is starting to not work - I might have to get one with elastic straps! And I figure, turning 30 is the perfect reason to buy yourself a gift!

    @winniebee: I'll probably wait until next year to get something with a May birthstone. That way, if I decide to go with a ring, I can actually try one on! And the birthstone is emerald, right?

    What about the other ladies - getting yourself a "mommy" gift with the May birthstone?

    Well - off to get felt up by the OB. Then my toes beautified!

  29. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @Goldilocks1107: Good luck!

  30. Rainbow Sprinkles

    eggplant / 11287 posts

    @marriedandlovingit: So glad you had a wonderful team! I also am checking in Sunday night to get induced... If you ever have the chance I would love you to PM me and let me know what the induction was like. I am nervous. Congrats again.... Cooper sounds like an amazing baby!

    @Goldilocks1107: Good luck. Anxious to hear if you've made progress!

    Struggling again today. One of my closest friends had her baby today and she was not due until June 10. Baby is super healthy (7 lbs) and she was only in labor for 5 hours all together. I just can't comprehend the fact that her baby slid out so easily at 36 weeks and here I am at 40 weeks trying every trick in the book and still no baby!
    Even though my induction date is set for Sunday, I am still feeling like I will be pregnant forever. I just want the natural birth I dreamed of having... and that's not gonna happen.
    I have been walking miles every day and DTD at least once a day and I haven't felt so much as a cramp. It's pretty crazy how our babies pretty much decide when they're ready to come out.

  31. mediagirl

    hostess / wonderful persimmon / 25556 posts

    @Mrsdaredevil: I wrote to you in your other thread but in here, I secretely hate your friend. I'm due June 9th and I want my baby to be here today after only 5 hours!! (I totally can understand how you feel). Now go read my other post. It's nicer than this one. ;-D

  32. pastemoo

    cantaloupe / 6146 posts

    @Mrsdaredevil: I'm jealous of her for you. Sorry

  33. cvbee

    nectarine / 2039 posts

    @Goldilocks1107: whoa! I just totally realized that my April baby gets me a diamond! Ooooh! I will tell DH....he's been wondering what to get me for Mother's Day. ha! He just told me that we don't have any money for a diamond right now. I know that. Oh well. One day.

    Mommy group yesterday was great and I learned lots of neat products that might come in handy 'down the road'. (Recall, it was 'bring your 5 favourite baby products' day). I'll pass a few I remember onto you gals.

    Number one, I learned about BabySteals.com , which we should watch for cheap baby stuff. I also learned about a Canadian (I'm Canadian) site for health products with better prices and no shipping charges called Well.ca

    There is a cool spoon that has baby food dispenser in it. http://www.snugglebugz.ca/boon-squirt-9821.html

    You've probably heard of Sophie the giraffe for teething, and everyone said that was indeed great. There is also this new trio of toy teethers called Chan Pie Gnon. http://www.snugglebugz.ca/chan-pie-gnon.html

    I was also surprised by how many people said the classic crib aquarium works well for helping baby to sleep....not going to register for that but if we run into sleep trouble down the road I'll grab one.

    If you know anyone having a third child, you should pick up this book gift set for them called "You're all my favourites" http://www.amazon.com/Youre-All-Favorites-Book-Gift/dp/0763636851

    I also learned the tip that if your baby won't take a bottle, just try a different bottle and sometimes the cheapest bottles are the ones that babies like.

    This is a toothbrush set someone recommended because the first one has a guard so the baby wont choke, and the second one is so similar to the first that it makes a good transition. http://www.snugglebugz.ca/my-first-toothbrush-2pc-set.html

    Love the medicine dispenser in a soother. (I'm already wondering if Nico has actually gotten any of his D drops down his throat, as with eye dropping it into his mouth he seems to either spit it out or inhale it down the wrong tube!). http://www.toysrus.ca/product/index.jsp?productId=4439849

    And people talked about the favourite books (Goodnight Moon, Guess How Much I Love You) and they said that books with pictures of babies in them are favourites, such as Baby ABC http://www.toysrus.ca/product/index.jsp?productId=2872745&prodFindSrc=prodCrossSell&refProd=2872744

    So anyways, those were the items I added to my registry when I went home from the session. (I'm having another shower in the first weekend of June.....hopefully no more blankets! I've just got the 5 million receiving blankets on the bottom shelf of the change station and I try to pretend they aren't there. I have maybe used one. And out of the 'real' blankets, I've used about 5 of those...there is no need for one baby to have more than 50 blankets.)

    Alright, Nico is going to wake up soon....I should pee while I have a chance.

    Keep up the great final 2WW posts. I love following along with the anticipation! Good luck to everyone!

    PS. And then I got some great information about our local caregiver options, which has motivated me to call our local daycare to get on the list even though I don't know when I'll be going back to work. It is $55 per day. I'm thinking that having 2 kids in daycare is going to be expensive! I'll just deal with the one kid I have now.

  34. MsMini

    grapefruit / 4056 posts

    I keep checking in hoping for more baby updates! I am hoping for a busy mothers day weekend on here! I am loving the Moby wrap right now, Sawyer has been a grump the last couple days, and he settles really well in the wrap, which lets me get some stuff done around the house (like make some super cute tie onesies like they have on etsy).

    Tomorrow morning we have newborn pictures, so I am trying to get my, Sawyers, and DH's outfits lined up today, which led to me going through some pre-pregnancy clothes, and I too am happy to see that I fit into my pre-pregnancy jeans (with a little squish above the waistband) but they do fit (even a pair that barely fit pre-pregnancy). I am thinking I might have to buy some new clothes in a month or so once my belly shrieks back some more (YAY).

    This weekend we are going to try to the get garden in, last weekend we started prepping the garden beds, so I am hoping the weather co-operates. I am looking forward to having more time to tend our veggie garden this year!

    @Goldilocks1107: Enjoy your pedicure, and good luck at your OB appointment.

    @volksgirl64: I am sorry you didn't have any progress this week! I am finding baby brain 100 times worse than pregnancy brain! I forget everything, DH thinks it is hilarious!

    @winniebee: I hope you don't pick up a cold! Enjoy your sleeps, and your pre-baby time, I can only imagine how good getting out and about feels after being stuck at home so long!

    @marriedandlovingit: I hope your episiotomy heals quickly! I can't imagine how uncomfortable that they must be! I hope breastfeeding goes better, and that your poor nipples heal soon (nipple pain is the worst!).

    @Mrsdaredevil: I am sorry your LO is being stubborn! Fingers crossed she decides to come on her own before Sunday.

    @cvbee: Sounds like you got a lot of great ideas! I was lucky that a lot of my Mommy veteran friends got me their favourite products for gifts.

  35. Goldilocks1107

    clementine / 878 posts

    Well, I got good news and bad news at my OB appointment.

    Bad news: absolutely NO PROGRESS from my last appointment. Still at 1 cm and 70% effaced. Even the OB seemed surprised because she thought I had dropped a bit more. And the OB wouldn't strip my membranes because I'm GBS positive. Ugh.

    Good news: OB is totally cool inducing as soon as I hit 39 weeks (Monday). And the baby is estimated to be over 8 lbs already. So, we decided to see where I'm at next week, then make the induction call. If she doesn't come on her own before Thursday's appointment, I'll probably schedule the induction for my due date (May 21).

    Its a good thing I wasn't told that I'd have to wait until 41 weeks to be induced, because I can guarantee there would have been tears in that exam room. On another positive note, my toes look super cute with their new hot pink nails. And the pedicure massage felt amazing, but I think my legs were too swollen for the pedicurist to really hit those acupressure points to bring on contractions. Oh well.

  36. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @Mrsdaredevil: Awww, sorry that you had a bad day! You DO have an end in sight - SUNDAY! Have you read Hopscotch's blog entry? That will definitely make you enjoy your last few days of pregnancy : )

    @Goldilocks1107: Awww. Well, the induction is good news. At least you know there will be an end point in sight. I haven't even gone there with my doctor yet. But, Murphy's law, after all this bedrest, I'll need an induction at 41w....I'm taking a page out of your book and going to get a mani/pedi today. I really need a bikini wax, but at almost 38w, is that foul???

    @cvbee: Thanks so much for the information!! My sister is due with her third at the end of June and that book/gift set is such a good idea!

    @MsMini: I'm so impressed that you are back in your pre-preg clothes! I can't wait to see your newborn photos! I've gained 27 lbs (5'2...) and while everyone says I'm all belly, I know for a fact that my bum and thighs have gone up a few pants sizes. Thankfully it's going to be summer = thank goodness for jersey dresses! I have a few friends that have the moby, need to remind myself to borrow one to see how we like it.

    This week has been so awesome, living the life of a normal person (well, as normal as one can be at this point). Have done errands, been to work a few times, out to dinner, and just feel like myself again. I was no doubt a little depressed on bedrest and now I feel like I have my life back. No labor signs to report....I am crampy and still have some contractions (and generally quite uncomfortable) but nothing regular.

  37. Goldilocks1107

    clementine / 878 posts

    @winniebee: I doubt your bump is much bigger than mine was when I got my wax - so go for it! And laugh at the waxer when she asks how things look "down there" afterward - as if you can see without a mirror!

    Baby girl and I had a nice chat this morning on our way to work - I told her that I'd prefer if she got things moving because I'd really like to avoid an induction, and it's pretty much in her hands right now. We'll see if she listens to mommy!

  38. cvbee

    nectarine / 2039 posts

    This morning I was watching Ellen and she had a mother's day special where everyone in the audience was pregnant. During the beginning of the show when everyone was dancing around with Ellen, I got sooo teary, I think because I now see how truly special being pregnant is and I also miss it, which is strange but I can't explain it. I was bawling. You pregnant ladies are so beautiful right now.

    Last night Nico and I had what I will call our first really bad night. It all started at first feeding (midnight). I noticed he was really sweaty, so after the feeding (which took almost an hour), I decided to switch him out of his microfleece warm sleep/swaddle sack. But every time I put him down in his lighter swaddle sack, 10 minutes later he would wake up, having escaped from the swaddle. Then I'd hold him to try to get him to sleep, put him back down (trying to make it more secure) and then again 10 minutes into me sleeping he'd be screaming bloody murder. He was all upset and so I'd try to nurse him again to calm him down, which would work, but the putting him down to sleep would never work. Boo! I gave up and put him back into the too-hot sleep sack and he slept. That was an extra hour and a half of bad-times in the middle of the night that I did not want to have. To top it off, I randomly already had a headache as I was going to sleep and it continued through the night. (And I NEVER get headaches, so it really bothered me). I also have chewed-on nipples this morning (like, bruises around my areola? ). By the morning I was bed-sharing again. I have never been more tired.

    Nico was even impatient with me this morning. Normally after he wakes up, I can put him down and he just looks around and coos for an hour while I have my shower, get dressed, do my makeup, and have breakfast. This morning, he cried on and off the whole time and I kept trying to comfort him. Maybe he has a sore tummy? No idea.

    He's napping now, finally. I'm much happier. My headache is gone. I feel rested. But I dread tonight again already.

    I am going to try to stop by Walmart and see if they carry the Sleep Halo swaddle sack in cotton (as that is the microfleece hot one that he's been sleeping in). I know it is sold at Babies R Us and other places, but I live in a small town, so I'd either have to drive 2 hours to get one, or deal with his crying until it can get here in the mail. If I can't find it at Walmart I might just let him sleep in the hot suit and maybe open all the windows to try to make it colder. I know that being hot is a SIDS risk, so that's the only reason I'm so worried about it, otherwise I'd be okay with him sweating if he's okay with it.

    I hesitate to post about this, but am wondering:
    For those of you scheduling inductions, where it is not a medical thing, I am curious as to why. (Trying to phrase this in a non-judgy way, because I totally don't want it to come off that way....just want to understand our difference of opinion). I'm curious because I was ready to fight to NOT be induced. I was going to tell them about my charting and how I could prove that my due date should have been May 10th and to let me go a week after that. I'm just all about letting labour start naturally wherever possible (but not if the baby or mommy has health issues of course). I was scared of induction because I heard that it can be a much more intense and painful experience for Mommy, and I feel like maybe I read that it's not as good for baby too. So, just curious about the wanting-an-induction thing. Don't hate me!

    @MsMini: I agree that the wraps are LOVED by the newborns and their mommies. I have a wrap-sling hybrid by a Canadian company called Blue Celery ( http://bluecelery.com/ ) which essentially gets the same result as the Moby. If I ever need Nico to be calm, quiet and happy, I put him in the wrap. That's how I was able to teach dance and have Nico backstage in the wings while I helped my classes with their recital dances. DH loves to use our wrap too to take baby on walks after work. I notice it gets Nico's gas out too when I have him in the wrap as we walk around. I even breastfeed in public with the wrap. If you gals are considering getting a stretchy wrap, I also say do it!

  39. Rainbow Sprinkles

    eggplant / 11287 posts

    @cvbee: I believe everything you said about induction...not only is labor more painful and intense but it is simply riskier. My induction date is set for Sunday, my due date, because it is the farthest my doctor will let me go. My chronic hypertension has caused the placenta to do something....im not even sure of the wording. Maybe mature placenta? She tried to schedule me for Tuesday night (the 8th) but I asked for more time. Sunday was as far as I could push it. Getting my membranes stripped again today in hopes baby will come on her own today or tomorrow.

    I think the women who get induced for nonmedical reasons are just really miserable and tired of being pregnant....and anxious to meet their baby. Im feeling that way now!

    Going to see my friend in the hospital today.....the really lucky one who had a perfectly healthy baby over a month early and was only in labor for 5 hours! I think I might be a bit weepy when im there, but im sure she will understand.

    Had some crazy contractions last night! They got to be 2 minutes apart and I thought it was the real thing!!!! But they went away and now nothing. Guess it was practice.

    OB appt again today. Will update after!

  40. cvbee

    nectarine / 2039 posts

    @Mrsdaredevil: enjoy your visit! A pregnant friend of mine visited us in the hospital and it was sooo special. Let the tears fly if they wish! And here's hoping your baby gets the eviction notice before Sunday.

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