Hellobee Boards


May 2012 Due Date Thread

  1. mediagirl

    hostess / wonderful persimmon / 25556 posts

    @aunt pol: @Mrsdaredevil: so excited for both of you!! I hope your labors go smoothly!!

    @Goldilocks1107: your husband cleaned the bathroom! That's an awesome gift!!

    @winniebee: have you done the 1 hour, 10 kick test? I think the babies do slow down once they get bigger - less room to move - but you should still feel him move a bit when you do your kick counts.

  2. Mrs. Sunglasses

    GOLD / pomelo / 5167 posts

    @winniebee: @Goldilocks1107: Same, I feel less random movements, but when she does move it's pretty intense. But ya, less room to move means less intense movements (in my case anyway)

  3. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @mediagirl: I've never had to do a kick count because when I was on bedrest he was so friekin active. I have noticed a difference really only since Saturday but mama has been so active! I'll be at work today so will do some counts this morning.

  4. pastemoo

    cantaloupe / 6146 posts

    @winniebee: My NP said now to only bother with kick counts about 30 min after eating---and to do it after every time I eat. She never had me do them before I hit term.
    LO is definitely more "squiggly" and less "active" like @goldilocks said. Also, when you move, it can rock LO to sleep.

    @goldilocks: NP total manhandled baby to see his position, but never gave me a size estimate. I wonder if I could do it myself? I can tell where he is now.

  5. Mrs. Sunglasses

    GOLD / pomelo / 5167 posts

    @pastemoo: @winniebee: My doc never talked to me about kick counts. Just told me that baby should move every 2 hours. If that's not the case to go to the hospital and not to wait.

  6. Goldilocks1107

    clementine / 878 posts

    @pastemoo: At my last appointment, I asked for a size estimate. Not sure if she would have told me anyway? But my last appointment was the first one where she mentioned how much I was effaced - before she just told me my dilation. Maybe ask at this week's appointment?

    Anyone else dragging today? It seems like I'm wide awake when I get up, but 2-3 hours later I'm turning into a zombie. I'm trying to avoid the morning Diet Coke, but I even needed a morning caffeine jolt this weekend.

  7. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @blushink: @pastemoo: @Goldilocks1107: Thanks for the feedback! I definitely feel him moving consistently, I guess I just feel like it's "lazy" movement - ie, not as strong of movements as when I was on bedrest. I also still feel him hiccupping which I think is a sign of fetal well being?

    @Goldilocks1107: Uh, yeah. I fully thought I'd have a baby by now so I'm definitely dragging. I can't bear the thought of going past my DD. So sweet about your DH and mother's day treats : )

    I asked baby for one week on my feet after bedrest so that I could rejoin society. In that week, I got a facial, my haircut, mani/pedi, have been to work 3x, out to dinner 3x, brunch once, Target, mall, and have been on a walk. Also have washed more baby clothes, organized ish at home, and gotten my car detailed. What a week! Come on labor!!

  8. Mrs. Sunglasses

    GOLD / pomelo / 5167 posts

    @Goldilocks1107: YES!!! it's been tough lately. I need to rest or lay down for a bit. I'm gonna go "rest" outside in the sun in a bit. Maybe some vitamin D will do good.

    @winniebee: Wow you got lots done in 1 week. Geez! But I guess when you are on bedrest all you want to do is get out. I'm sure I would of done as much as you have!

    Yesterday I took a bath with Mavrick and when I got out I looked in the miroir and WOWZA!!! I could see all my veins on my arms, chest, breast it was scary... like I was transparent or something. It's nothing to worry about just the change of temperature from a hottish bath to cold. Has this happened to you?

  9. cvbee

    nectarine / 2039 posts

    I was never asked to do kick counts. I think I have the most laid-back OB ever. He'd just always casually ask "lots of movement?". He also only did the one internal when I got my strep test. He also never estimated baby's size, but since my ultrasound showed me being 'several weeks earlier' I was convinced that meant large baby. For what it's worth, my friend had a normal sized baby and then her second one was over 10 pounds. She also happens to be a very tiny person, so it blows my mind. She said the babies 'felt' the same coming out, if that helps at all.

    @blushink: I'm really pale so I'm always see-through! After a bath, I usually have different coloured skin on the parts that were in the water.

    Well, I survived a night of constant breastfeeding. I've heard all the rumors about the growth spurt times, but when it really happens, it's crazy! I am really glad that I did side-laying feeding all night because I got to sleep some. I also stopped changing his bottom overnight because he was getting soooo mad about it inturrupting his constant feeding. We were a mess by morning. This morning at 8am I turned to Nico and I said, "Hey man, I have just fed you constantly for 12 hours. Please let me go have my shower". And believe it or not., he obliged. Now we are both clean and happy......but Nico says he wants to eat a lot again......see you later.

    Can't wait to hear from Aunt Pol and MsDaredevil!!!!

  10. Goldilocks1107

    clementine / 878 posts

    @winniebee: The hiccups now are so weird - I'm feeling them super low, since that's where her head is hanging out, so it feels like she's hiccupping on my cervix!

    @blushink: I've always had pretty transparent skin, but my veins are definitely more noticeable now.

    Well, I left a message for my OB asking if I could go ahead and schedule the induction for Friday or Saturday. I figure it's easier to cancel an induction based off information from my appointment this Thursday, than to get one scheduled on a shorter notice. If I do end up getting induced this weekend, I told my mom she's on call for DH's birthday (Saturday). If we spend all weekend in the hospital, I've asked her to pick up cupcakes for his "birthday cake" and bring a treat for the nurses. I'm going to feel super bad if DH has to spend his birthday as my labor coach. But I want this baby out even more!

  11. cvbee

    nectarine / 2039 posts

    @Goldilocks1107: Nico hiccuped my cervix for a while too....agree that it feels super weird!

  12. pastemoo

    cantaloupe / 6146 posts

    @Goldilocks1107: I'm dragging, too. Woke up after sleeping for an hour or so--and it had taken an hour plus to fall asleep. Then... more awake time, tried to sleep on the couch, maybe got 2 hours, up a bit, back to bed--SO GLAD I am not working right now, I would be a wreck!

    I guess I could ask for a size estimate. And I still haven't gotten an internal since the one at 27 weeks. My next appt is Thursday, and I'm hoping to have the baby before then....
    I guess you are, too.

    @winniebee: Sounds like an awesome week.

    @cvbee: aww, that's cute. Good luck with his growth spurt!

    Hope aunt pol and mrsdaredevil are doing great.... let's go little babies!

  13. Mrs. Sunglasses

    GOLD / pomelo / 5167 posts

    @Goldilocks1107: When is his birthday?! DH is the 16th, I'm the 23rd

    @pastemoo: Really? I have internal checks every appointment after my 24th week appointment. I guess every doc is different.

  14. Goldilocks1107

    clementine / 878 posts

    @blushink: DH's birthday is the 19th.

    I left a message for the nurses asking about scheduling the induction so I don't need to do it after Thursday's appointment. Called at 8:30 and haven't heard back yet (2 hours later). I'm thinking I should call back after lunch if I still haven't heard anything?

  15. mediagirl

    hostess / wonderful persimmon / 25556 posts

    @blushink: I haven't had an internal check since I complained that I had some tightening in my belly while I was traveling. Other than that, it was too long ago to really remember! I guess every doc is different. I'm wondering if I'll have an internal during my strep-b test this week. What I read about says it's not necessary, though.

    If you don't have internal checks when you're 36, 37, etc weeks along, how do they know how dilated you are?

  16. Mrs. Sunglasses

    GOLD / pomelo / 5167 posts

    @mediagirl: They don't! It's impossible because dilation is calculated with the spacing of the fingers in the space. My friend gave me a course. haha.

  17. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @mediagirl: My OB's office doesn't start internal exams until 36 weeks (which is when I had the group B strep test), then you get one every week until you deliver.

  18. Mrs. Sunglasses

    GOLD / pomelo / 5167 posts

    @winniebee: @mediagirl: Okay that makes more sense... because knowing if your body is prepping for labour is important.

  19. cvbee

    nectarine / 2039 posts

    @mediagirl: at mine, he only did one at the strep test at 36 weeks and then didn't do any more internals. (Having said that, I did give birth at 38 weeks, so maybe he would have done it again, but I didn't get one at 37 weeks.) But dilation doesn't always mean much. My water broke and he gave me an internal and at that time my cervix was just 'softening and moving forward'....then I was dilated enough to push 6 hours later!

  20. mediagirl

    hostess / wonderful persimmon / 25556 posts

    @blushink: @winniebee: good to know. I'll be prepared for that just in case then since this week is my 36th week.

  21. Nskillet

    persimmon / 1099 posts

    So excited daredevil and Aunt Pol! My water broke too and it was surreal!

    Abbey is doing well but I think having a bit of a growth spurt. She's extra fussy and just wants to nap on her tummy on my chest. She was adamant last night about not going on her back. I flew solo last night cause DH is back to work today. He is working from home for these next 2 weeks so I'm not totally alone but he still has to work!

    Anyone else supplementing while breastfeeding? Training DD on a bottle early was paramount to our operation due to impending daycare come July. It's been working great so far but I'm finding myself paranoid she isnt eating enough? She is gaining fine and has another appt on Wednesday for weight but just curious if anyone else feels this way?

  22. cvbee

    nectarine / 2039 posts

    @Nskillet: if she is gaining weight then she is getting enough....you are doing great but I know you won't feel sure until the weigh-in on Wednesday. I felt such a sense of relief on my first weigh-in for Nico when he had gained a lot of weight. Now I don't worry about that at all anymore. I'm not supplementing nor using bottles, as I'll be off work for quite a while (at least until September, and more likely til January).

  23. Nskillet

    persimmon / 1099 posts

    @cvbee: thanks for this. She is a slow but steady weight gainer she came home 6lbs 6oz which was her 10% weight loss from nursing. First appt she was 6lbs 9oz second she was 6lbs 13oz so I'm sure she is almost to her birth weight of 7lbs 2oz at this point. I guess I just worry im not giving her enough I know she will cry if hungry right? I guess I'm also paranoid of over feeding/ making her vomit so DH and I tend to be more conservative? She nurses till she is nibbling on each side often enough I think this is just a new mom paranoia lol

  24. pastemoo

    cantaloupe / 6146 posts

    @mediagirl:/@blushink: They don't! I requested not to get my internals at my 36/37/38/39 week appts. If I make it to 40, I'll get checked then.
    I got checked at 27 weeks (no choice) after my car accident since I was having contractions.

    If you don't do the internal check you don't know how dilated you are. BUT that isn't necessarily a sign of how close labor is, so it's kind of useless info that can depress you if you're like me. So... I opted out. I knew I wouldn't be able to take it when then said 0cm and 0% (which is what I'm guessing I'm still at).

    @cvbee: This is why I opted out. Even at 0cm now, it's still possible to go into labor today or tomorrow, like you. I'm hoping for tomorrow at noon for my water to break. As if it can be planned. BUT I bet it'll be next week...

    @Nskillet: I won't decide on supplementing until I try breastfeeding and see how it goes.

  25. cvbee

    nectarine / 2039 posts

    @Nskillet: yep. Totally understand the paranoia. I think the internet says babies should get back to birth weight at 2-3 weeks, so you are right on track. Let us know how it goes on Wednesday!

  26. volksgirl64

    apricot / 384 posts

    @aunt pol, @mrsdaredevil - Hope everything is going smoothly! I can't wait to hear about the new babies!!
    @winniebee: everyone's already said it, but movements are less frequent and they're "bigger" movements. Not kicking, but shifting.
    @goldilocks1107: I hear you on the dragging! I'm at work, but I told them it was on my terms now so I rolled in at 10. Whoops!
    @pastemoo: I have basically had internals since 36w.
    @nskillet: we plan to introdue the bottle right away (probably 4weeks old) because we didn't do it regularly with DD1 and she wouldn't take a bottle for DH when I went back to work!

    I am a sucker and agreed to work today and tomorrow but made it clear that THAT IS IT. And I told them it's on my terms now so I took my time, walked DD1 to daycare (2 miles - come out baby!) and got ready. I'll probably leave around 3pm too.
    Mother's Day was low key but nice. DH made me both breakfast and a nice dessert after dinner and wrote me a sweet card. Other than that, a regular Sunday.
    Lots of pressure but nothing's happening. I see the doctor on Wednesday and desperately hope they'll tell me something's starting but I need to prep myself for disappointment.
    Oh, and DH bought me a whole pineapple so he wants the baby out as much as I do!

  27. Mrs. Sunglasses

    GOLD / pomelo / 5167 posts

    @volksgirl64: What's that with Pineapples, are they suppose to kickstart labour? If so, I'm going to get myself a crate full!!!

  28. mediagirl

    hostess / wonderful persimmon / 25556 posts

    @blushink: @volksgirl64: haha I was wondering the same thing.

  29. Mrs. Sunglasses

    GOLD / pomelo / 5167 posts

    @mediagirl: @volksgirl64: IT DOES?! Where was I?

    You do have to eat a lot of it though. Like 7 pineapples. Yikes!!! That's lots of sugar.

  30. volksgirl64

    apricot / 384 posts

    @blushink, @mediagirl: It's supposed to help. I don't think it will actually do anything but he and I both love fresh pineapple anyway. It's can't hurt, right?
    It's DH's way of trying to be proactive - the walking, the pineapple, spicy foods, DTD, you name it. It's cute.

  31. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @volksgirl64: Draw the line in the sand, girl! Well, at least it is a few extra days of pay not taking away from maternity leave. I'm back at work until next Friday.....unless baby comes sooner (please please please).

    My husband is in operation get baby out mode, too...as the days go by I feel more and more normal. WTF!?

  32. pastemoo

    cantaloupe / 6146 posts

    @blushink: My friend said it helped her--but I've already eaten 2 whole pineapples by myself--no dice. I do like pineapple though.

    Wait... 7 pineapples? I can do that!!

    @winniebee: Ditto to feeling more and more normal. So frustrating!
    @volksgirl64: Stop! Tomorrow was supposed to be my last day, too (but then I stopped last Friday instead).

  33. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    Oh, update too on movement - now that I'm sitting at my desk today, his movement is pretty regular and though maybe feels different than it did while resting, I'm assured he's doing well.

  34. Mrs. Sunglasses

    GOLD / pomelo / 5167 posts

    @pastemoo: ya the article said that the enzymes are so little that to really have any "real" effect you need to eat 7 whole pineapples. You will get diarrhea though. ha. (but that's also prepping for labour right?! Emptying your insides. lol. )

  35. pastemoo

    cantaloupe / 6146 posts

    @blushink: LOL. My insides have hated me since the BFP. That can't scare me!


    Also.... what if it helps with the swelling. I am going to the store! Pineapple with li hing, here I come. (No pills though--just in case).

    And, I keep hearing sex can trigger labor. I wish I could get my husband to be interested, but he's just so fascinated (grossed out?) by the baby, it is NOT happening. I swear this baby comes out, and I am NOT waiting another 6 weeks. Not happening.

  36. Goldilocks1107

    clementine / 878 posts

    Finally heard back from my OB's office. I'm officially on the books for an induction on Friday at 7:30pm. I figured the evening slot would work better than an 11:30am induction since the first part is just waiting for the med to soften the cervix to work. And then I'd be well rested for the actual labor portion.

    Now, just hoping baby girl decides to come on her own before then!

  37. mediagirl

    hostess / wonderful persimmon / 25556 posts

    @Goldilocks1107: how exciting!! Your baby is going to be here in less than a week!!

  38. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @Goldilocks1107: Exciting!!!!!!!

  39. Nskillet

    persimmon / 1099 posts

    @Goldilocks1107: yay!!!

  40. Mrs. Sunglasses

    GOLD / pomelo / 5167 posts

    @pastemoo: haha I haven't had sex for 39 weeks. My husband can't do it when I'm pregnant. It was the same with my first pregnancy.

    @Goldilocks1107: Ooooo that's awesome!!! Fingers crossed my doc is a nice a yours oh and you are right about the slot. I was induced at 9am and gave birth at 10:50pm

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