Hellobee Boards


New Year, New Babes - January 2015 Moms

  1. charmed

    persimmon / 1177 posts

    @sorrycharlie: @namaste: hi and congrats!

    @pmrlady: glad to hear your appointment went well today, and you were able to see the baby on the ultrasound!

  2. Oliviapope

    cherry / 243 posts

    Ok, so I am so not used to posting on these boards! My lurker status didn't help me figure out how to write posts correctly. Was trying to write back to a few of you, and because the thread is now on a new page, I lost the @'s with the names - does that make sense? How do you all reply to everyone without losing what you previously wrote?

    Anyway, welcome to the new January ladies! And love reading through everyone's updates. Love how this thread keeps growing!

  3. Kelli_Deluxe

    apricot / 288 posts

    @Oliviapope: I hate when it rolls over to a new page! Haha I read/reply on my iPad and I hit reply, type to the person, select & copy, then reply to the next person, paste and copy again. It sounds like a lot but it goes fairly quickly. Or you can reply and submit individual posts for each person

  4. Pumuckl

    pomegranate / 3601 posts

    @sorrycharlie: @namaste: Welcome ladies! Congrats and glad to have you here!

    @Oliviapope: @Kelli_Deluxe: This is how I do it too...

    So I went to the dr.'s office this morning to get my blood draw for testing for that weird virus. If I am not immune to it I'd have to take medication to make sure it doesn't get passed on to lil bean. Another thing to fret about. Also I seem to have caught a stomach bug. NOT FUN and it doesn't exactly ease my worries about the lil bean... I wish it were Monday already...

  5. ValentineMommy

    pomelo / 5791 posts

    @sorrycharlie: & @namaste: Welcome and congrats!!!!!

    @Pumuckl: Ugh a stomach bug now?! That's no fun! I'm sorry you're not feeling well and I hope it passes soon!

    My nausea seems to be getting worse and I'm already waking up in the middle of the night to pee.....wth?!? That didn't happen to me until the end of the last trimester last time....ugh. I can see this is shaping up to be completely different than the first time around already.

  6. namaste

    persimmon / 1313 posts

    @Pumuckl: Thank you! So sorry about the stomach bug. It's been going around here so I've been steadily trying to avoid it.

    @ValentineMommy: Ugh nausea and peeing all night here too. The only sleep I'm getting is daytime nap intervals.

  7. ValentineMommy

    pomelo / 5791 posts

    @namaste: I wish I could sleep during the day!!! Work wouldn't appreciate it lol

  8. namaste

    persimmon / 1313 posts

    @ValentineMommy: I made the switch to full time WAH for my business in February and never did I think I would appreciate it so much. I give all of my kudos to WOHMs!

  9. ValentineMommy

    pomelo / 5791 posts

    @namaste: I WAH Mondays and Fridays....I WISH it could be all the time! I haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaate working, but DH is unemployed so there's not much choice for me

  10. mfa_lady

    pomegranate / 3921 posts

    I keep getting lightheaded today...just took a hot shower (I WAH on Wednesdays) and had to sit down afterwards to catch my breath. I'm chalking it up to the little babe growing like a weed in there! How's everybody else feeling today?

  11. ValentineMommy

    pomelo / 5791 posts

    @mfa_lady: Woke up nauseated today (and woke up overnight feeling sick!), but I'm feeling ok now. Just bloated. Like....really, really bloated. I have gotten a few lightheaded spells though, and for whatever reason, I get hot flashes every evening around 5pm.

  12. Pumuckl

    pomegranate / 3601 posts

    @ValentineMommy: @namaste: Thanks ladies. Feeling a little better after a 3h nap this afternoon. But I did end up calling in sick to work, luckily I was working from home today anyway. Since all I pretty much need to do my work is a laptop, phone and internet connection I'm able to do it regualarly.
    I have been peeing a lot too. But I remember it was a symptom last time too. It stopped at about 7-8w and didn't return until the very end.

    @mfa_lady: Def. the baby growing up a storm in there. I had some bloodpressure issues as well. I ended up wearing compression stockings at like 4m until the end. Not exactly pretty but very effective. It kind of scares me that it would mean august this time though... (B was a march due date baby. born in april)

  13. mfa_lady

    pomegranate / 3921 posts

    @ValentineMommy: Feel better, lady! I have been feeling weird in the evenings, too...like starving but I have no appetite at the same time, if that makes sense.

    @Pumuckl: I tend to have really low blood pressure as a general rule (nothing scary, but on the really low end of healthy), so I'm glad you mentioned BP. I bet that is partially why I keep getting lightheaded!

  14. namaste

    persimmon / 1313 posts

    @ValentineMommy: I totally understand! DH gets Mondays and Fridays to WAH with his job as well and it's surprising how little that helps when we have our business needs throughout the week. Those two days aren't enough.

    @mfa_lady: I was light-headed often last week. Today, I'm steady with working but still the occasional nausea and slight headache.

  15. keepcalmcarrie

    persimmon / 1096 posts

    Hi lovely January ladies!

    I am SO tired today. LO is normally a great sleeper, but the past few weeks, not so much. Last night was the absolute worst - he got up at 2:45, fell back asleep with a fresh diaper and a little snuggle, woke back up at 3:45, and didn't really fall back asleep until 6 AM! I gave him a bottle, Motrin, walked him around - nothing worked. He was very happy when I was with him, but just could not settle on his own. He's napping now, I might catch a few zzz's in a minute too - I feel like a zombie.

    I'm now slightly more afraid of functioning with a newborn and a toddler

    I really don't have any noticeable symptoms at this point other than very mild nausea when hungry and occasional twinges/pulling in my abdomen... so I'm still pretty nervous. What happened to Anya yesterday is in the back of my mind, and was front and center last night in the wee hours. I hate the first trimester for so many reasons - just want to get it over with and know this little bun is safely cookin.

    And it's DH and my anniversary today - 3 years. My parents are coming to babysit and we're going out for a quiet dinner tonight. I got him cologne and he got me perfume, so we might be pretty rumpled and bleary eyed by 8 PM tonight, but at least we'll smell nice

  16. Kelli_Deluxe

    apricot / 288 posts

    @keepcalmcarrie: I am right there with you with those symptoms and worries. That paragraph might as well have been taken out of my mouth! Happy Anniversary!

    This is the 3rd morning in a row I've woken up at 5a completely worried and overwhelmed. I pray, try to think of other things, then come up with a whole speech I'm going to call and tell my doctors office at 8a about how I need weekly betas or an early ultrasound. I finally fall back asleep then wake up feeling better. It's exhausting!

    @mfa_lady: My sore/hard boobs "disappeared" today; I spent 5min groping them in the kitchen this morning. Not feeling sick but had my first aversion during breakfast which made me happy!

    @Pumuckl: I'm sorry you're sick! I hope this bug passes quickly.

    @ValentineMommy: Nausea is so awful.... But so good at the same time. Never thought I'd say that! Haha

  17. ValentineMommy

    pomelo / 5791 posts

    @mfa_lady: I am having the SAME thing. I'm starving, kinda nauseous, and feeling full all at once. WTH?!?! Lol And Pumuckl is right....I actually have low blood pressure as well, and it constantly would spike when I was preg with my son. Pregnancy does really weird things to you!

    @namaste: I basically only use my computer and definitely would WAH every day if I could! Then I could at least do laundry and make dinner much easier!

    @keepcalmcarrie: Happy anniversary!!! I've been thinking of Anya too and it frightens me greatly. I am upset that I'm not having an u/s for a few more weeks for this very reason!!!

    @Kelli_Deluxe: It's true...any symptom is better for those of us that are anxious as opposed to feeling nothing! It's still so unreal!

  18. pmrlady

    apricot / 316 posts

    @keepcalmcarrie: happy anniversary! I was also thinking about Anya and so upset it happened to her.

    I have had on and off nausea but my doctor gave me a script for zofran which worked like a charm. She said it was safe to use but I'll only use it if I really have to.

  19. Pumuckl

    pomegranate / 3601 posts

    @keepcalmcarrie: amen sister, wish it could already be July and we'd all be safely in the 2nd trimester. Happy anniversary. Our third anniversary is coming up in june too.

    @ValentineMommy: @mfa_lady: yeah, I know the hungry not hungry but sick antagonism too but I'm still doing okay in the sickness department so far. My son's dirty diapers make me gag though so I'm always hoping he doesn't go while at home during the week

  20. mfa_lady

    pomegranate / 3921 posts

    @keepcalmcarrie: Happy anniversary, lady! I'm sure you'll have a great time tonight--sleepy or not.

    @Kelli_Deluxe: My main consolation on the less-than-sore boob front is that they're still huge. (Well, I guess that's relative...but for me, they're huge.) I figure all that soreness was them growing...and, well, they've definitely grown. Glad I'm not the only one groping myself! (That's me hanging my head in shame. Ha!)

    @ValentineMommy: It's the pits!! I'm doing it right now...I'm hungry, but I feel gross, but I know I need to eat, but I'm full even though I'm hungry. WEIRDEST. What would it feel like when your BP would spike? Wondering if that's pretty much what's happening to me.

    @Pumuckl: Our third anniversary is in June, too!

  21. ValentineMommy

    pomelo / 5791 posts

    @mfa_lady: I would get lightheaded and warm all over, especially in my face/cheeks.

  22. mfa_lady

    pomegranate / 3921 posts

    @ValentineMommy: Sounds about right. I've been having clamminess with my lightheaded spells. Ugh!

  23. sorrycharlie

    hostess / watermelon / 14932 posts

    Um, only 3w4d (?) here and SO BLOATED. Blaming pregnancy even though it's more likely I'm just gassy today hahaha. Keepin it real, folks.

  24. Oliviapope

    cherry / 243 posts

    @Kelli_Deluxe: thank you! I'm going to try to get the hang of it. I like the idea to just write back one at a time if I can't get it to work!

    It's crazy, I have also been waking up at 5 am the last few days. I wake up with a start and can't figure out what's waking me up. I honestly think I'm still adjusting to the news, stressing myself out. I hope it ends for you soon!

    @Pumuckl: hope you are feeling better soon - the flu/viruses are no fun :(. I don't know how you get through it taking care of a LO. I can be such a wimp when I'm sick (though DH is worse) but I guess that will have to change in the future!

    @ValentineMommy: I am having the same crazy bloating - definitely my strongest symptom. Are you able to do anything to alleviate the nausea? Mine comes and goes, but is definitely there at night. More like an uneasy stomach during the day.

    @mfa_lady: I have that out of breath feeling sometimes too. Do you have many other symptoms? Mine kind of come and go which is hard to get used to. Trying to see them as a good sign!

    @keepcalmcarrie: happy anniversary! Hope you have a nice time celebrating.

    @namaste: I wanted to say I love your name! I have done a lot of yoga in the past, but none since my bfp. Are you taking prenatal classes? I have to look some up in my area.

    @sorrycharlie: same symptoms here! DH was making fun of me yesterday for blaming my gas on pregnancy - but I really think that's the case for me!

  25. charmed

    persimmon / 1177 posts

    @keepcalmcarrie: happy anniversary! Have fun tonight!

    @Kelli_Deluxe: @mfa_lady: my boobs were sore yesterday, but not today, so I've been groping myself too
    And they're definitely getting bigger, I was spilling out of the bra I put on today.

    But other than boob issues, I've been feeling so great that it's making it hard to believe I'm actually pregnant. I may have took another pregnancy test today just to make sure Thankfully there was a nice dark line!

  26. mfa_lady

    pomegranate / 3921 posts

    @sorrycharlie: Preach, girl. By the end of the day I totally have a bloat baby already. Haha!

    @Oliviapope: Yeah, the out-of-breath stuff is rough. I'd rather have that than intense morning sickness, though, so I'll take it. I'm 6w2d today, and my symptoms are coming and going all the time. Mostly I just feel a little "off," for lack of a better way to describe it. I've been waking up early, too--it's so weird! I'm so exhausted but I keep waking up before my alarm. Lame!

    @charmed: Next time any of us gropes ourselves, we can just think of our Hellobee buddies across the world, probably all doing it at the exact same time! Hahahahahaha. I took my last test last week, too--I mean, I had one, might as well use it, right?--and the test line was so dark there was hardly no dye left for the control. Overkill? Yes. Encouraging? Also yes.

  27. namaste

    persimmon / 1313 posts

    @Oliviapope: I just finished a prenatal practice. I haven't found any classes in the area that work within my schedule but I'm still searching!

    @keepcalmcarrie: Happy anniversary!

    @charmed: @mfa_lady: Ugh my boobs are gigantic to begin with. These pregnancy boobs are definitely an adjustment for me. I tried jogging last week and lasted only .5 mile with my usual bra. Time to upgrade to a serious compression bra I think! Gropers unite

  28. mfa_lady

    pomegranate / 3921 posts

    Okay, I think it's official that whatever MS/nausea I have is happening at night, post-dinner. Last night and tonight (6w1d/6w2d) I have started to feel super pukey around 8PM. I know it means I need to eat...but it's so hard! My husband is making me white rice right now. Ew! But it's the only thing I can even consider at the moment.

    Also, this is really bizarre, but I have a real fear (I'm not talking "I hate it, it sucks"--I mean an actual, true fear) of vomiting...so I'm praying it doesn't get that far! I have generic Zofran from my first pregnancy if I really need it, but I hope it doesn't come to that.

  29. Oliviapope

    cherry / 243 posts

    @charmed: I feel the same way and am so tempted to buy another test! I'm just afraid I'll start a bad trend and keep doing it

    @mfa_lady: I hope the morning sickness (evening sickness) gets better - sweet of your DH to make some rice for you. I notice that mine is worse toward the end of the day too.

    @namaste: That sounds great. I've been meaning to look online or find a DVD. I find that yoga in the evening really helps wind me down, and am wondering if it would help with the weird sleep patterns. Do you use a DVD, or do you have your own practice figured out?

  30. charmed

    persimmon / 1177 posts

    @namaste: my boobs are pretty big too (D or DD). I think I'm more worried about how big the girls are going to get than I am about labor

    @Oliviapope: I have around 15 wondfo/surepredicts left, so I'm like eh, why not? Pee on all the sticks!

  31. Kelli_Deluxe

    apricot / 288 posts

    @mfa_lady: @charmed: Yes to boob groping across the nation hahaha.

    Let's all say a little prayer that my Dr's office is accommodating tomorrow when I call; we just found out DH will be leaving for deployment prep on June 3 and my first appt & u/s is scheduled for the 5. I'm hoping they let me bump it up a week so he can be there.

    Speaking if first appt & u/s, for those of you who got betas, did any of your doctor's require a 3rd before the u/s to make sure it high enough to see the sack etc?

  32. keepcalmcarrie

    persimmon / 1096 posts

    Thanks for all the nice wishes

    Just woke up with LO, went in to soothe some fussies, came back to bed, and got hit with severe nausea. Threw up my anniversary dinner (ew, sorry).. I'm 5w5d. Sounds about right - I guess MS has arrived, and I guess I'm relieved to have symptoms again, but can't a girl get a break in the MOTN?!

  33. Pumuckl

    pomegranate / 3601 posts

    @keepcalmcarrie: Oh no, that sounds horrible! Hope you feel better in the morning.

    @Kelli_Deluxe: @mfa_lady: @charmed: Hahaha you guys crack me up. I don't need to grope since B is still nursing in the mornings I know they are still tender/sensitive but then I always think of you.

    @namaste: @charmed: I hear you on the big boobs. I'm filling out my pre-pregnancy bras from #1 again. Hooray for that, I totally would have had to go bra shopping otherwise once I'd have weaned B completely. I'm a good 20lbs lighter now than I was before pregnancy #1. A mere 3 weeks ago they were all way too big. I was a DD before #1 and ended up with a F/G cup while nursing (just to prewarn you ).

    @oliviapope: Thanks for the well wishes. I'm feeling a lot better today. Now I just hope that the weird virus titer is positive. The dr.'s office said they'd call if anything was up and so far no word yet. Guess that's good news.

  34. ValentineMommy

    pomelo / 5791 posts

    @sorrycharlie: hahaha, that gassiness only get worse!! lol

    @Oliviapope: I've found that little snacking throughout the day helps the nausea a bit, just to keep something in your stomach. I'm sure it's not going to help my waistline in the long run though!

    @mfa_lady: did eating help at all?? I hope your m/s is better today!!!

    @keepcalmcarrie: oh no!!! I hope you feel better! That really stinks!

    No groping of boobs for me! Mine stopped hurting (for now). I wish they'd get bigger though! They barely changed for my first pregnancy, and they look the same now.

    Weird (possible) pregnancy thing for me - I seem to be developing carpal tunnel. It is SO painful. My hand burns SO badly. I'm praying it's a pinched nerve or pulled muscle or something because I can not take this for 9 entire months!!!

  35. Oliviapope

    cherry / 243 posts

    Just a quick good morning to all of you ladies!! Is this week dragging for anyone else? My first appointment is on Tuesday and I can't wait. Usually my weeks fly by but this one is going so slowly!!

  36. ValentineMommy

    pomelo / 5791 posts

    @Oliviapope: SO slowly! My appointment is tomorrow and I can not wait. I'm hoping it makes everything more real....though I'm thinking since there's no u/s, that it probably won't.

  37. sorrycharlie

    hostess / watermelon / 14932 posts

    @ValentineMommy: lol I don't remember having gas with my first (well, you know what I mean - as a symptom!). I did get incredibly sick around 6 weeks until..well, 40 weeks. UGH. I hope this one is different! a lot of it was attributed to horrendous postnasal drip. I am so allergy prone year round. thumbs down.

    @Oliviapope: exciting! what type of appointment is it?

  38. bhbee

    cantaloupe / 6086 posts

    @Kelli_Deluxe: for me it was no on third betas with both REs I saw. Once they saw doubling they just scheduled an ultrasound around 6w.

  39. ValentineMommy

    pomelo / 5791 posts

    @sorrycharlie: Ohhh...I had HORRIBLE gas with my first. I mean, it was embarrassing. DH bought me a snoogle (preg pillow thing) and constantly said it smelled like farts....which coined the term "snoogle fart" aka pregnancy related farts. Lol I can't believe I just told you all that.

  40. ValentineMommy

    pomelo / 5791 posts

    @Kelli_Deluxe: My doctors didn't require a third either.

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