clementine / 825 posts
@FarmWifeGina: Gotta love in laws! At least you're not close to them any more!
@anbanan15: Where are you from??
pear / 1571 posts
@Cara M. 17: Actually, I do still love them and get along better with them than I do my own family, but I think they will always hold our 1,700 mile move away from the little family community against me. That was the one thing that came up when we announced this pregnancy the other night, was that they were sad because they didn't get to see Tractor Girl until she was 7 months old. Which is sad, yes, but it doesn't help that they're total homebodies and never, EVER travel and have come to see us once in the 4 years since we moved and that was kind of a once-in-a-lifetime occurrence. We make the trip (driving) at least once a year.
pear / 1571 posts
Oh my gosh, it SUCKS having to choose. Both kids are actually going down for naps, a rare occurrence. For how long, no one knows, could be 30 minutes, could be 3 hours (HA!). Now I have to decide, do I take the chance to go snuggle up for the nap I've been longing for, or do I battle through the exhaustion and get bills paid or clean the bathroom or work on business stuff or any of the host of tasks I find hard to accomplish when they're awake (mostly Tractor Girl because she is into EVERYTHING these days). What to do, what to do? I'd really some seafood salad.<-----that might be my ADHD talking, lol.
honeydew / 7909 posts
@MrsTiz: that farmer photo is hilarious. My mom set me up with dh and when she said he's a farmer I immediately thought of bib overalls and I said no! Then I saw his pic and reconsidered. Hahah!
@FarmWifeGina: this is me and dh... probably similar to what your dh looks like on agood day huh?
[Pic removed]
P.S. I hate this pic of me but dh looks sexy. Hahah
pear / 1571 posts
@Ash: Aw, you guys are so cute! Yep, a good day, that about sums it up. Sometimes I wonder if he just jumped into the oil tank and then rolled around in the dirt for awhile, lol.
honeydew / 7909 posts
@FarmWifeGina: Awe, thanks! I'll probably delete the pic since that's our marriage license app and I don't want it online hahahah but that's exactly what I think about my dh. I have no idea how he gets so filthy some days.
pear / 1571 posts
@Ash: Baha, yes, I'm sure! Even with a hat, I'm astounded at how much he sometimes manages to get in his hair!
cantaloupe / 6800 posts
Eeeek, I accidentally slipped and told one of my co-workers wife, so I knew she would tell him and he'd tell I gave DH the OK to just tell the rest of our co-workers. I hate being the center of attention, so DH is in charge but they all keep coming to my desk to say something.
It feels so good/weird to be out!
cantaloupe / 6791 posts
So I told my extended family today after my Granddaddy's funeral (I told him a couple of weeks ago, so glad I did!) because I figured they needed some uplifting news. They were so excited, especially my aunt who talked to me a lot after my m/c. She had a m/c before her son so she can relate to my worried-ness (even though I think its getting better
Both her and my mom told me about separate people who wondered if I was pregnant at the funeral because I have a "pooch." Yikes. Oh well, I'm embracing this early baby bump!
Its been a rough day, but I keep thinking about my Granddaddy who said he couldn't wait to meet his first great granddaughter in Heaven. I'm sure he's telling her lots of stories about her mom right about now The funeral was nice- we even put his beloved John Deere tractor in front of the church (He was a farmer too!)
Also, woke up this morning and decided I'd try the doppler since I haven't in a few days. For just a few seconds, I think I heard the baby's heartbeat. I found the placenta (swooshing noise) and angled it a certain way and for just a second, I heard a heartbeat that was faster and quieter than my own!
pear / 1571 posts
@lilteacherbee: Aw, your post just made me smile and tear up all at the same time. Sounds like an emotionally-charged day!
blogger / clementine / 985 posts
@lilteacherbee: Aww, thinking of you. It's tough to go through happy and sad moments at the same time - my uncle passed away two days before our wedding and I know it was overwhelming.
I told my boss on Friday and he was so good about it! I want to get through this next ultrasound if they order one for me (the doctor offhandedly mentioned a 'bleed' on one or both of my last scans and didn't explain more) and hopefully we'll have good news we can share with everyone! I'm getting nervous about telling the world.
pomelo / 5132 posts
I get so behind!
@MrsDragon: thinking of you! Hope that bleed is nothing!
Seriously so many "farm" girls on this thread! I cannot even remotely claim that status lol. But I understand the enjoying of DHs working in good fitting jeans...dh has been working on our kitchen and I just stare at his butt lol. Mmmm
these weeks have been a little rough...dh has been so bummed our lately and on top of it, his grandpa just got diagnosed with cancer. He was the healthiest 80 year old ever, so it's been hard for the family. And of course on top of it, I feel like puking all the time. Can't wait to get to the 2nd trimester!
Edit: we have told our families and some accidental people, but we won't tell anyone else until the 2nd tri
cantaloupe / 6791 posts
@FarmWifeGina: @MrsDragon: Thank you Its been rough but it helps to know that he was ready and he's no longer in pain.
I for real heard the heartbeat on the Doppler today! I heard it for just a couple seconds on Friday. I had been searching for awhile this morning and DH took it and found the heartbeat within 10 seconds!! Made me feel so much better because yesterday (8w6d) was the day in my last pregnancy that I had my first ultrasound and found out there was no heartbeat. Baby measured right on track, so we knew the heart stopped beating just a day or so before the ultrasound.
Also, had a crazy weird pregnancy dream last night where I had just had the baby and it was a boy!! So you can add me to the list of thinking its a boy for now FWIW, I thought the last one was a boy and I was wrong.
I took a video of the Doppler this morning to show my grandma when I go visit her today. I'm sure it will make her smile
cantaloupe / 6791 posts
@Mrs. J: so sorry to hear about DH's grandpa! My DH's grandmother was diagnosed with cancer a month before our wedding and it was so tough. I'll be praying for your family!
pear / 1571 posts
I had dreams on two consecutive nights that I had a girl and I'm not sure what to think. Both dreams featured how crushed I was about having a girl instead of a boy and trying to tell myself that it was ok. So I think it's more my subconscious trying to work itself out so I really am not too disappointed if we find out we're having a girl. Yes, I fully admit to really wanting a boy this time and will probably have some gender disappointment if we don't, but I'm working on it (and that's partly why we're finding out the gender this time, so in case we do have a girl, I have time to get my heart in the right place and be excited on birth day).
cantaloupe / 6800 posts
@FarmWifeGina: I've been having very crazy/vivid dreams too!
The last two nights were both about giving birth. Saturday night I dreamed I had just had LO and was up and walking around the hospital (in jeans!) like nothing had happened, I was in the waiting room and for some reason one of our work clients was my Dr who kept bringing me to see different patients and then a lady with rabies bit me on the leg. (weird, I know)
Then last night, I dreamed that I was laying on the operating table and DH and my mom were in the waiting room bc they didn't want to watch LO's birth, but I was alone and the doctor was literally ripping my ..girl to make room for LO to come out.
..I should probably keep these to myself. I feel gross having written that out now lmao! I don't know what is wrong with me.
ANYWAY. On a lighter note, we are now officially public with it! Everyone at work and both sides of our families know! I'll put it on social media either this week or next! Eeeee!
hostess / wonderful persimmon / 25556 posts
@lilteacherbee: I'm so sorry about your Granddaddy but your post made me smile knowing he'll see your baby in heaven. Hugs!!
clementine / 825 posts
@lilteacherbee: So sorry to hear about your grandfather, but excited for you that you've had success with the doppler!
@farmwifegina: @mrstiz: I keep having gender dreams too! Twice now I've dreamt about it being a boy, but I still think it's a girl!
clementine / 825 posts
I saw this posted on the December board, so I thought I'd ask you ladies, if you haven't told your families/friends yet, how are you planning to do so?
We bought my FIL a grandparent ultrasound frame from Amazon and printed a poem for my best friend's parents (they're like my own parents since mine passed). We are putting the poem inside of a card with a Boston Terrier on it (our dogs) and are including an ultrasound photo.
For my DH's siblings, we bought a onesie that says "I'm gonna be a big cousin" for our nephew and we are just going to casually give it to them and say we found him a cute outfit (we do this all the time anyway!).
That's all we've got planned for now!
cantaloupe / 6800 posts
@Cara M. 17: We just told our parents because we knew they would be worried because of our previous loss.
I sent my sister and SIL texts that asked if I should buy this shirt, they asked what shirt and I sent them each a picture of a onesie that says "I love my aunt". They were so excited!
We had our 3 year old niece tell DH's grandparents that I was gonna have a baby, then we let SIL make a video that we sent to the rest of DH's family.
We just told everyone at work point blank
Told my extended family this weekend in person!
I plan to recreate this picture for when we tell FB and IG.
pomegranate / 3160 posts
We gave my parents (well, was just there) this t-shirt with the onesie inside of it. She ALWAYS sang "You Are My Sunshine" to us when we were little, so it was fitting! As soon as she saw the onesie she flipped out! We ended up just using the same thing to tell my sister ("Look what I got Mom...") and she also flipped out.
We told DH's mom over Easter by giving her an Easter card to "grandma." She totally didn't get it (she has 3 other grandkids from DH's brother/SIL) so luckily I had prepared and had a onesie in a bag that we gave her right after...she got it after that! We're telling his dad next weekend (he's been out of town) but aren't doing anything crazy.
No plans for anyone else.
ETA: Totally not my picture, Etsy shop: littletreetopsbaby
pomelo / 5132 posts
@lilteacherbee: I am so sorry about your grandpa! It must be comforting that he is no longer in pain, though.
pomelo / 5132 posts
OMG, pregnancy brain must be striking...I went to Trader Joe's, and I locked my keys in the ignition with my car running. I had to call my dad to see if he still had a key to my car ( I was nearer to their house than ours), and luckily he did.
Then, I got home and we were making some pork buns in the microwave with a pot boiling on the stove, and as I reached for the microwave, I caught my scarf on fire! Luckily DH noticed because I totally didn't.
pear / 1571 posts
@Mrs. J: Lol, I'm so sorry, sounds like a crazy day, but your post made me giggle!
pear / 1571 posts
I keep feeling my belly when I'm laying down, wondering if I can feel my uterus yet (it was almost the size of a grapefruit nearly 2 weeks ago!) and I'll feel movement from inside and out and I'm like, "Oh, maybe that's the baby!" And then I'm like, oh, der. Gas. HA! It feels just like 20+ week movement though, I swear!
cantaloupe / 6800 posts
@Mrs. J: I hear you on the pregnancy brain. I have lost my ability to form complete sentences, I'll be telling DH something and just completely ruin it, he'll just look at me like I've lost my mind.
I can't believe we're almost in the second trimester!
nectarine / 2705 posts
I'm back from vacation and guess what decided to visit me right at the end of vacation...NAUSEA!!! Bleh. I'm finding that if I don't nibble on something throughout the day, I feel like crap. Good times. Time to catch up on where everyone else is at!
nectarine / 2705 posts
@lilteacherbee: I'm so sorry to hear about the loss of your granddaddy. Big HUGS to you and your family!
nectarine / 2705 posts
@FarmWifeGina: Congrats on all of the announcements with family and friends. The pictures that everyone posted about farmers are cracking me up! I don't think I had any idea what your farmer husband would look like
nectarine / 2705 posts
@MrsTiz: I think we'll wait until 12 weeks to tell most people. My mom, dad and sister know. And so does my best friend and another good friend. But other than that, we're just keeping it to ourselves until 12 weeks. We'd like to tell my husband's parents in person if possible. We'll see if we can make that happen.
blogger / clementine / 985 posts
@Cara M. 17: We just called everyone -- well, Mr. D told his Dad on Skype chat but he was not going to be anywhere near a phone for a few weeks. Kinda boring, but we live long-distance from basically everyone so it was the easy way to do it!
When we announce on FB I'm stacking up our Nikon D200 with a big lens, the D5000 with a smaller lens, and a stuffed camera toy I bought one Etsy (we're camera nerds). Thinking about bringing cupcakes or something into work!
pear / 1571 posts
YAAAAAAAY! My backup doc just called back (I had left a message on Friday, wondering about my labs and some u/s questions and since I won't be seeing her for another 12ish weeks, I put in a call) and said, "Congrats on a beautiful baby, everything looks perfect!" I asked specifically about a heartbeat, since the u/s tech hadn't mentioned it, and she said they got a heart rate of 139. I'm not sure why, but I'm so excited and giddy, like it's really for real now or something, lol. I don't feel so nervous about having announced now.
honeydew / 7909 posts
@MrsTiz: the only people that know are my mom and her SO and DH's parents. We plan on telling my dad and DH's siblings in the next week or so (after the ultrasound).
We bought these shoes and we're gonna have my mom take a pic of us holding the shoes and the u/s....
@ms.janedoe: I freakin love your shirt/onesie!!!!
@MrsDragon: super cute idea, awwwwwww!
@lilteacherbee: So sorry for your loss. :((
@Mrs. J: praying for dh's grandpa...
nectarine / 2705 posts
@Ash: ahhhh! little yellow shoooooeeeesss!!! I love them
@FarmWifeGina: yay for calls that put your mind at ease
And YAY for bean and cheese burritos! The one I had for lunch is making my nausea stay away for a little bit. Maybe I will just eat bean and cheese burritos every two hours. That should make it easier to stay in my skinny jeans a little while longer, right? Right?!
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