clementine / 948 posts
We have bought nothing at all bc 1. we have no space in our 700 sf apt 2. are condo hunting and hope to move within two months 3. I'm holding out to the 2nd tri.
I can't wait though
And agreed with @digapony - I read the threads but sorry that I don't post much
grapefruit / 4681 posts
We haven't made any purchases yet, but aside from clothing (mainly if we are having a girl...I still have all of DS's clothing), I don't think we will really need to purchase anything! We are planning on using DS's nursery for this baby since he sleeps with me and we don't think he has any real attachment to his room. I plan on adding a reading nook in there for him and making it his as much as the baby's, but we just decided it would be better to reuse it as is for this baby.
I asked DH about a double stroller and he doesn't think we will need/use one since DS hates the stroller anyway and liked to (still) be worn and/or held. I tend to agree, as we hardly used our city mini, but I don't know how I'm going to juggle carrying both! I do need a new diaper bag and I'm eyeing up the Danzo Weekender or San Ysidro but can't decide which size is best. I need it to be large enough for a toddler and NB in cloth, but not overwhelming (our current diaper bag we managed with cloth but it could never be closed in the early months).
@DigAPony: Same here! I've been trying to keep up by reading everyone's posts but it is hard for me to reply regularly. I'm usually mobile and lately surfing the Internet on my phone as been messing with my eyes and making me feel icky (can't really explain it but it is weird). Hoping it goes away or I can get on a real computer soon to catch up!
grapefruit / 4681 posts
@MrsDragon: That happened to me with DS! I quickly went from a small A/B to a DD++ early on (let's not even talk about how big they got immediately after giving birth! My milk came in SUPER fast and those puppies were HUGE!!). Starting this pregnancy I was back down to a small A/B (I actually measured myself using VS info and I was an AA, but the rep at the store said I was a small B?) and I have not noticed the same gigantic size increase. I think my breast tissue is still getting back into "shape" from BFing for 21 months. However both times I just bought a VS bra, which I don't usually wear, right before getting my BFP and the quickly stopped fitting as well lol.
cantaloupe / 6800 posts
@MrsCB: Wow! You have tons of stuff! I'm the same way, we'll probably have everything bought and set up before I hit the 3rd tri.
@anbanan15: I want a Danzo so bad but I just can't see spending the $$$ on it!
grapefruit / 4681 posts
@MrsTiz: oh no way am I getting one if it's not from a discount site with a coupon code! And even then it's sort of pricey to me which is why I hesitate since it's an investment bag and discount sites have a no return policy. I need to be sure
coconut / 8472 posts
@anbanan15: I love the way the Danzo looks, but it might be too big for me. Plus DH was super opinionated about the bag, lol. He didn't want me to get any purse type or girly ones. Since I may want him to carry it sometimes, I agreed, lol. We ended up getting the JuJuBe BFF in Stargyle -
I've been pretty lucky so far with the boob/bra stuff. I already have a large chest (DD) and have been dreading what pregnancy would bring. So far they're a little fuller, but no need for new bras yet, thank god. I really don't want to end up looking like some circus freak :-/.
For right now we're just filling up our guest room with baby stuff. We kept going back and forth on which room we want the baby to be in. I live in a townhouse and have a weird-ish floor plan. We have this giant loft on the 4th floor which is only accessible through the master bedroom. I think we're going to move our bedroom up there and put the baby in our room so we can keep the guest room. Not exactly ideal, but we plan to move in a couple years.
grapefruit / 4681 posts
@MrsCB: haha my DH said/did the same thing with my first bag. He ended up approving an OiOi messenger style bag with large blue and brown flowers on it claiming he would be more likely to carry that over a purse style or other girly bag (this one is pretty girl IMO, but some reason he doesn't think so?). I can honestly say he rarely carries it, so if I'm getting a new bag I want one I love! He can deal or use the old one as his diaper bag.
pear / 1571 posts
Hi guys! Sorry, have been keeping up very well. I was gone Friday, Saturday, and Sunday for super awesome DONA (Doulas Of North America) doula workshop and was so completely inspired, but also completely exhausted. So yesterday I mostly just laid around and now today I'm trying to get caught up around the house. Of course, I found out yesterday that my grandfather is not doing well and only expected to live a few more weeks, so now I'm also trying to figure out when I need to be headed 1,700 miles to the East Coast with the kids (Farmer Man will fly out separately when there's actually a date for the funeral) and making arrangements for various obligations I have here so I can be gone for what will possibly be several weeks.
But, other than being exhausted as usual, and being a little sick in the mornings yet, Cricket and I are doing well. We were supposed to see the midwife sometime in early May, but I'm not sure if that's going to happen now. A friend sent me a Doppler to borrow and I tried it the other night, but couldn't find any heartbeat but mine. Of course, I only had Vaseline on hand and none of the actual jelly you're supposed to use, so I don't know if that made a difference or not.
We haven't bought anything yet and probably won't for awhile. I was hoping to get a bunch of new stuff to replace the broken down gear we've used for the first two babies, but we'll see if that happens.
And my boobs are just the same, thankyouverymuch, lol. They don't generally do any kind of growing during pregnancy, which is one if my markers for IGT (Insufficient Glandular Tissue) and I'm not expecting anything different this time. Although, I'm already taking some supplements in an effort to develop more mammary tissue and my nipples have been way more tender for a lot longer amount of time this time, so a girl can always hope that something is happening!!!!!!!!!
pear / 1614 posts
Like @anbanan15, I don't think we'll really have to buy much of anything unless we are having a girl. Even then, we have lots of friends with little girls that will give us hand-me-downs so we might luck out like we did with DS and not have to buy any clothes at all. We also use cloth diapers! So awesome to not have to buy any diapers to be ready for LO, although we might end up buying one more pack of pre-folds since we were doing a load of laundry daily with DS when he was a newborn. Would be nice to have a few more.
grapefruit / 4681 posts
How is everyone feeling?
@shellio: That's what I LOVE about cloth! No diaper buying!! We had to switch to sposies with DS the last few months (after he had an allergic reaction to nutritional yeast he would develop an ulcer on his meatus while in cloth! Switching is the only thing that kept it away even after stripped the CD's multiple times ) and it kills me that we are buying diapers while we have a huge stash just sitting here! DH even commented that he can't wait until we go back to cloth and he wasn't a huge fan of cloth when we used them! I am hoping to thin out our massive stash a little and maybe pick up a few girly diapers if we are having a girl, but everything is mainly GN, just like most of our other baby items. So nice!
coconut / 8472 posts
@anbanan15: I'm feeling ok. I've had a small bit of nausea this week, which I haven't really had before. I'm also utterly exhausted most days. Trying to drink more water and eat some healthy snacks today to see if that helps.
@shellio: @anbanan15: We're going to use cloth diapers too, which I hate telling people because they think we're crazy and try to argue with me. I plan to use fitteds with covers for the newborn stage and try out a few AIOs to see if we want to use them after LO outgrows the newborn ones. Do you guys like what you use?
cantaloupe / 6791 posts
UGH!! So I was going to switch OB offices because mine now won't do an NT scan and its really important that I know everything is going well since I had a missed m/c last time. I took my records over to my old office (switched last summer before my m/c because of insurance craziness). They called me back today and said the doctors reviewed my records and said they wouldn't take me on as a new patient because I have already established this pregnancy with another office. What?! I'm so confused.... I really want the NT scan and the nurse at my office now called yesterday asking for me to call her back. I don't know what to do...
coconut / 8472 posts
@lilteacherbee: Oh man, that sucks. I would either call the new practice and tell them you're really uncomfortable seeing your current OB and really want to switch, or call the old practice and demand they give you an NT scan. I just had to fight with my practice about getting a test when I wanted it. I was nice but unrelenting :D. You deserve the kind of care that YOU want, don't settle for less.
blogger / clementine / 985 posts
@lilteacherbee: Ugh, so frustrating. It's so bizarre that they won't do a NT! I really thought they were standard practice. Keep at 'em!
I got our doppler in the mail today and finally found a HB after trying for about 10 minutes (totally terrifying my cats with the noises, haha). Baby has moved up and over in the last week and a half! I don't know what is going on with my doctor and a followup appointment (still not scheduled and they haven't called me) so it was SO reassuring to hear that heartbeat going strong.
cantaloupe / 6791 posts
@MrsCB: @MrsDragon: Yeah definitely. I left the nurse a message to call me back and I'm going to demand it. Even if they don't do it there, can't they send me somewhere else to have it done?
@MrsDragon: Yay!!! In all my pissed off-ness I forgot to mention that I found the heartbeat in like 10 seconds last night...I was so excited!!! So that was 10w2d. How far along are you now?
grapefruit / 4681 posts
@MrsCB: We use mainly pockets. Our initial stash was bum genius and rump-a-roos. The RaR's were great for smaller babies since they have a 4th raise snap. BG is my overall favorite. I tried a TON of other brands too, but those would be my all time favorites. SmartiPants are nice for the price and the insert self agitates out during the wash which is nice for dads :). We tried a few AIO and my favorite hands down is Ragababe, but they are pricey and hard to get your hands on a large quantity (stocks 1-3 colors and in 1 size at a time), but they are AMAZING! Some WAHM diapers are also great and more absorbent. I like Pirate Booty Fluff who has an AIO. We used sposies the first 3 weeks until DS's umbilical stump fell off, but this time around we may do cloth right away with our RaR's.
blogger / clementine / 985 posts
@lilteacherbee: I'm at 11 weeks + 5 days. The doc heard it right around 10 weeks so I figured I might be able to!
pear / 1571 posts
@MrsCB: Oh my gosh, so many people did that when I said I was going to CD with our first baby! Sooooooo many people. Said I wouldn't last longer than 2 weeks. HA! Over 4 years later, I'm still CDing! Sure, I've used sposies here and there, but 90% of the time my kids have been in cloth. I think part of the reason people think it's such a pain and you won't stick with it is because they simply don't know how much cloth diapering has changed in the last 10 years or so and it's not just cotton diapers and diaper pins and rubber pants anymore.
cantaloupe / 6791 posts
So I called and got a nurse at my OB office to ask one of the doctors (the one I saw at 6.5 weeks... He seemed understanding) if they would refer me to a perinatologist who does the NT scans in a specialist office. Fingers crossed!
Are y'all going to try to find out gender early or wait for the anatomy scan? I originally said I'd just wait because my best friend did a 3d ultrasound at 16 weeks and they were wrong! But I just realized that I'd be 17 weeks on our anniversary and that's generally too early for the anatomy scan, but I think it would be cool to find out on our 2nd anniversary hmmm....
grapefruit / 4681 posts
@lilteacherbee: I had an anatomy scan at 16 weeks (measured 17 weeks) with DS and we found out the gender then. It was order for dating purposes but was the same type of ultrasound, anatomy scan, they ordered again at 20 weeks. Gender was confirmed at both scans and was actually better and easier to determine at the earlier one (DS cooperated better). I don't think the same thing will happen this time and we will probably wait until the 20 week unless we get the MarterniT21 test done (which isn't likely), but it just happened to work out that way with DS due to how our appointments were in the Begining (had to start going after first tri due to insurance issues).
honeydew / 7909 posts
I caved and bought a doppler tonight... Now that we've seen/heard the heartbeat I'm afraid something is going to happen. So I ordered one to ease my nerves. :)) Should be here in a couple days.
nectarine / 2705 posts
I've been pinning a lot of items for a while, but I haven't made any purchases. I probably will continue to do research and wait to make any purchases until 18-20 weeks. But you better believe I will be locked and loaded
nectarine / 2705 posts
@lilteacherbee: I hope you're able to get the appointments you want. It really shouldn't be this frustrating! Sorry you're having to deal with this.
I think we'll be waiting for the anatomy scan to find out the sex of our baby.
blogger / clementine / 985 posts
I just bought a zillion baby clothes items. Damn you, Old Navy & Gap online sales!
grapefruit / 4681 posts
@MrsDragon: Ohhh I keep seeing ADORABLE girl items that I so want to purchase but I am holding off until we know the gender. Must stay strong....
I actually was tossing around asking about the MaterniT21 test so we could find out the gender now, but I don't know if that knowledge is worth the extra $235 if our insurance does not cover the test (which from what I could tell from looking up a few things online is very likely). I still think I am going to ask about it since I was exposed to radiation at 6w and my thyroid condition has me nervous, but I doubt I will end up getting it done. Is anyone doing this test?
blogger / clementine / 985 posts
@anbanan15: I got a ton of orange and green stuff -- I am going to be unstoppable if/when we find out the gender, haha!
cantaloupe / 6800 posts
@MrsDragon: links! I need links! haha
@lilteacherbee: My office doesn't to NT scans either! How weird! They are sending me out to another doctor within the next week or so to to the MerterniT21 because I have Downs Syndrome in my family, so they'll take blood but I need to ask if my insurance covers it (which I don't think it will)
My appointment was pretty boring. I was under the impression that I was getting an U/S and was going to ask if they would do the NT scan. They didn't give me an u/s and the office doesn't even do NT. Uhg. We got to hear the heartbeat on the Doppler though, so that was cool..I'm going to order one today so we can check it all the time.
We also announced it publicly last night! We put this picture up: (I made DH make me a big chalkboard where I'll do my weekly pictures. Gotta make the board tonight for tomorrows picture!)
It's amazing what a good dinner and an angled stance will do to this belly! I look so huge.
grapefruit / 4681 posts
@MrsDragon: haha So funny you say about the green stuff...Our girls name means green and I told DH that I think that if we are having a girl we should only dress her in shades of green :). I saw Gap at the most adorable mint green sweater.
coconut / 8472 posts
@sweetooth: OMG willpower! I've been buying gender neutral clothes for like 6 months, lol. It kind of made me feel better and more hopeful about getting pregnant.
@Ash: Dopplers are seriously the best thing ever. So reassuring. The closer I get to 12 weeks, the more nervous I've been that I'll have a missed miscarriage. But 5 minutes with the doppler and I'm happy and reassured.
@lilteacherbee: Yay for finding an understanding doctor!
I will be finding the gender out as soon as I possibly can. I imagine we'll be told the results of the MaterniT21 test around 12 weeks, so we should be pretty confident then of the sex. I'll probably buy some gender-specific clothes to celebrate, but we'll hold off on bigger items until it's confirmed with an ultrasound. Before I decided to do the MT21 test, we were going to get an elective 3d ultrasound at 15 weeks to find out. But now I'm not sure if we'll do that, or wait for my 18 week scan for confirmation. DH started to think the 3d images were a little creepy, lol.
blogger / clementine / 985 posts
@MrsTiz: Hah, if you go to the Old Navy & Gap Canada websites and see anything in 0-3 or 3-6 months that is orange or green... I probably bought it. There's a 30% off sale -- not sure if the US site is having one too?
Super cute picture BTW! I think we're announcing on Facebook tonight.
grapefruit / 4681 posts
@MrsTiz: You too are adorable!! I just asked if anyone was getting the MaterniT21 done. From what I understand in a lot of my searching insurances still aren't really covering it and almost everyone ends up paying $235 for it if you have insurance. I think I am going to still ask about it, but not sure if we will get it done. I believe I may be a little more high risk this time around so it's worth discussing.
cantaloupe / 6800 posts
@anbanan15: Do you have it in your family or are you older? I am going to call my OB today and ask if my insurance will cover it. I think they can find out the gender at it too, which in my head is more accurate than an u/s (could very easily be wrong, though!) and I think I might be open to paying if I could find that out as well. My office doesn't do that until 20 weeks!
grapefruit / 4681 posts
@MrsTiz: No Downs does not run in my family and I am not older, but I have a thyroid condition and was exposed to radiation (in the room when my son had an upper GI series done) when I was 6w...before I knew I was pregnant and we thought there was no way I was. I did have a vest on, but still nervous about it. I also have another reason for considering it that I will wall you :).
@MrsCB: That's great! Maybe I will call but they usually misquote us on stuff like this. We have BCBS out of Michigan but we live in PA so it's gets billed "out of network blue". When searching I didn't see anyone that said BCBS covered it :/.
cantaloupe / 6791 posts
@MrsTiz: aww I love it!!
So I got my NT scan!! Finally! It's scheduled with a perinatologist on May 7th! So happy
blogger / clementine / 985 posts
@lilteacherbee: Yay!!!
We announced on Facebook last night. So weird to have everyone know!
honeydew / 7909 posts
My doppler should be here tomorrow. .. but I'm all of a sudden a nervous wreck and so scared I'm going to miscarry again. I thought seeing the heartbeat would make me less scared but now I'm worse than I was before.
blogger / clementine / 985 posts
@Ash: I freaked myself out yesterday when I couldn't find it right away with the Doppler. I've read up on the idea of 'I'm pregnant today', every day as a bit of a reassuring mantra and I'm trying to take it on and remember it.
I called the clinic because it's been two weeks since my first appointment and the doctor didn't call to schedule any kind of followup like he said he would so... now I'm waiting 6 weeks between appointments again. I guess if he calls in the meantime I have something as a fallback but I'm kind of annoyed.
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