Hellobee Boards


November 2013 Mamas

  1. Ash

    honeydew / 7909 posts

    @sweetooth: oh man, that sounds so good!!!!!! Mmmmmm!
    Aren't the shoes the sweetest? I love them!

  2. ShootingStar

    coconut / 8472 posts

    @sweetooth: Welcome back! How was Mexico, other than the nausea?

    I had my first OB/midwife appointment today, which was ok I guess. I met with a nurse, who was really nice, but I was expecting to a see a midwife. Which isn't a big deal, but I would've like to meet one of the people who will be my provider for the next 7 months. Somehow I doubt I'll be seeing a nurse every time. It did feel like a little bit of a waste of time though - I filled out some paperwork, and then we spent the entire time reiterating what I wrote down.

    And then I had to leave before I was able to get the blood work she wanted me to do, or make the next appointment, because someone scheduled a really important meeting for me to lead with a customer. Both the phlebotomist and the receptionist acted like I had 2 heads, when after being there for well over an hour I told them I needed to leave right away to get back to work. And the worst part - their scale had me 20 POUNDS more than my one at home :-/.

  3. MrsTiz

    cantaloupe / 6800 posts

    @MrsCB: My OB's scale is almost 10 lbs heavier than my home one and I thought I had it rough! 20lbs?!?! jeez. I wonder which one is correct/

  4. ShootingStar

    coconut / 8472 posts

    @MrsTiz: I know. Make me want to try to put my dog on ours, because I know approximately what she weighs, lol.

  5. sweetooth

    nectarine / 2705 posts

    @MrsCB: The answer is easy - their scale MUST be wrong!

    Sorry to hear that your first OB/midwife appointment was just ok. I'm not sure what to expect either, once I leave the land of RE appointments. I hope you're able to get your BW appointment scheduled soon, seems like they could have just started with that, you know?

    Vacation was wonderful - just what we needed. Thank you for asking We totally unplugged from the world for a week. We spent our days in our little jungle bungalow, swinging in a hammock, hanging out in our private plunge pool, and ordering drinks and food while on the beach...sigh...I want to go back.

  6. MrsTiz

    cantaloupe / 6800 posts

    @sweetooth: Where did you go?!

  7. sweetooth

    nectarine / 2705 posts

    @MrsTiz: Playa del Carmen, Mexico

  8. MrsTiz

    cantaloupe / 6800 posts

    @sweetooth: Ooh, fun! Just because or for a special occasion? I'm very jealous!

  9. sweetooth

    nectarine / 2705 posts

    @MrsTiz: We booked the trip back in January because we hadn't taken a vacation in a year, and also because I needed something to look forward to as we made our way through the fertility treatments. I knew it would be a great escape no matter what - but after we made it through and ended up pregnant - it was the best thing ever. Couldn't have planned it more perfectly!

    Do you have any trips planned? A babymoon?

  10. lilteacherbee

    cantaloupe / 6791 posts

    @sweetooth: Oh, I'm so jealous!! I'm glad y'all had a relaxing time

  11. FarmWifeGina

    pear / 1571 posts

    @sweetooth: Oh my gosh, that sounds simply amazing and so well deserved!

  12. sweetooth

    nectarine / 2705 posts

    @lilteacherbee: @FarmWifeGina: Thanks you guys! I hope you all can take a little journey or escape before your November babies arrive

  13. anbanan15

    grapefruit / 4681 posts

    @MrsCB: my OB/midwife does the same thing for the first appointment...it's a nurses visit to go over the paperwork you filed out. With DS my first appointment wasn't until ~15/16 weeks and the still only did the nurses appointment! This time they said that I will meet with the nurse for the first half and then the midwife (or if I wanted the OB) would come in for the second half. They got a new nurse so their flow of appointments may have changed a little because that is not the way it was 2 years ago.

    @sweetooth: Sounds like so much fun! I want to go

  14. lilteacherbee

    cantaloupe / 6791 posts

    So I announced on FB tonight! I saw the baby on an ultrasound for just a minute today (long story, more on appointment thread). I figure I've had 3 good ultrasounds and I'm nearly 10 weeks (already 10 weeks if you go by one ultrasound's measurements). I'm at the point where I NEED to be positive, which of course is hard when you've had a loss. I think being out to the world will help me to be more positive. My baby deserves to be celebrated

  15. mrsmacandcheese

    blogger / clementine / 985 posts

    @lilteacherbee: Hurray! Your baby DOES deserve to be celebrated.

  16. Cara M. 17

    clementine / 825 posts

    @MrsCB: That sounds like a frustrating first appointment. Will you get to see the midwife next time?

    @sweetooth: Your vacation sounds so relaxing! I would LOVE to plan a babymoon. It would have to be a weekend getaway since I am hoarding all of my vacation for maternity leave

    @lilteacherbee: That onesie is so adorable! Congrats on announcing - very exciting!

  17. Mrs. J

    pomelo / 5132 posts

    So we had a faculty meeting today, and the principal asked for any good news, and no one had any today, so she said something to the effect of "No one's pregnant? Good!" We couldn't believe it--it was so awkward and rude how she said it. I can't wait to see her face when I finally announce at work!

  18. Cara M. 17

    clementine / 825 posts

    @Mrs. J: Wow how rude and random?!

  19. lilteacherbee

    cantaloupe / 6791 posts

    @Mrs. J: That's so weird!! There are 3 of us at my school and we are all due within 3 weeks of each other...

    @Cara M. 17: @MrsDragon: Thanks!! It feels kinda odd to be "out," but its good

  20. Mrs. J

    pomelo / 5132 posts

    @lilteacherbee: we had4 last year and 1 this year, so I guess she would be relieved to not find a maternity sub for next year? By the next faculty meeting, I will be announcing! Haha

  21. sweetooth

    nectarine / 2705 posts

    Oh man you guys, this nausea is kicking my butt. No food sounds appealing and grocery shopping is such a challenge. Please tell me some of you are already in the clear and not living on saltines like me.

  22. Mrs. J

    pomelo / 5132 posts

    @sweetooth: I am all over the map..some minutes I am ravenously hungry, then next, I am certain that I will never eat again because I am SO nauseous. It's been getting a little better (granted, I am 11 + 2 now, so hopefully an end is in sight for me), but waking up early for work makes it really bad. I was so happy to sleep in like a lazy person today and not feel awful when I woke up.

    I've been using ginger chews, but my midwife said the important thing is eating small meals often to stave it off, and that you could try to eat a cracker before bed/ eat one in bed when you wake up but don't get up for like 15 minutes. Haven't tried it yet, but I probably will!

  23. Mrs. J

    pomelo / 5132 posts

    Is anyone else busting at the seams to tell people? We were at a dinner party with friends last night, and our one friend did a guessing game for the sex of her baby (luckily I guessed right or I'd have to come up with some reason why I wasn't taking the shot). All night I just wanted to yell "we're having a baby!!!" or share my preggo stories with her (she's 20 weeks). So close...almost to the end of the first tri! My dad keeps bugging me because he is SO excited to tell people--he wants to yell it out their front door.

  24. sweetooth

    nectarine / 2705 posts

    @Mrs. J: Glad to hear it's getting better for you. I have heard about the many small meals thing. A protein and a sugar each time you eat. And the saltines by the bed thing. I'm only about a week into the nausea. I still have a ways to go!

    I can see why you're itching to share the news. You're so close to the 12 week mark! We're having a dinner party tonight. I hope I can make it through and not be hassled when I'm not assisting in drinking the usual 2-3 bottles we all go through together.

    You'll be sharing preggo stories with your friend soon!

  25. mrsmacandcheese

    blogger / clementine / 985 posts

    My nausea has kiiind of let up in the last week or so (I'm 11 weeks today). Still feel queasy in the afternoon but its getting better! Here's hoping we all start feeling better soon.

  26. mrsmacandcheese

    blogger / clementine / 985 posts

    I know I was the last person to post here but I have to share this because it's truly ridiculous to me -- I finally measured myself to buy some new bras because mine don't fit... and the online calcuators are putting me at things like 32DDD and 30F. Apparently in the last two-ish months my boobs have EXPLODED and now I have to buy fancy expensive bras instead of cheap stuff from Walmart.

  27. Ash

    honeydew / 7909 posts

    @MrsDragon: mine are exploding too but I'm only starying as a b cup! I'd take a trip to the mall and get measured... Hopefully for something cheaper Hahah!

  28. mrsmacandcheese

    blogger / clementine / 985 posts

    @Ash: Unfortunately I live 5 hours away from any mall, haha! There's a bra place about an hour away but I went ahead and ordered some online. I sure hope they fit!

  29. Ash

    honeydew / 7909 posts

    @MrsDragon: Ooooooo bummer! I hope they fit too!

  30. Mrs. J

    pomelo / 5132 posts

    @Ash: @MrsDragon: Despite my boobs exploding, I am apparently still the same size bra, lol. I'm starting at a B too, so of course they feel huge now.

    I hope your new ones fit, @MrsDragon:!

  31. lilteacherbee

    cantaloupe / 6791 posts

    Ahhh it's 2:30 am and I've been awake for over an hour....

    @MrsDragon: I ordered some new bras online (I'm up to a D cup from a C). Well the tracking info says they were delivered Thursday, yet they aren't in our mailbox or the apartment complex office. I'm thinking they delivered them to the wrong person. This is the 2nd time this has happened since we moved here in November. I'm so annoyed!!

  32. MrsTiz

    cantaloupe / 6800 posts

    @MrsDragon: Holy boobs! I'm starting at a B over here too, so I don't think i'll even reach a D before this is over lol! No growth yet.

    @lilteacherbee: Celebrate away lady! You are so right I love that onesie! Knocks out any "was it planned?" questions lol

    I am pretty sure (knock on wood) that my nausea is done. For the most part, I get a quick spell every few days but I will gladly take that over being sick 24/7!

    We went to a wedding out of town this weekend and didn't know many people, so DH told everyone he talked to, it was so much fun to talk to so many people about it and see so many strangers that excited! I have my 12 week u/s on Wednesday, so we'll post on FaceBook on Wednesday. I'm so so excited! We've been telling people we see in person, but haven't told the whole world yet and I am ready to!

  33. mrsmacandcheese

    blogger / clementine / 985 posts

    @lilteacherbee: Ugh, I could NOT sleep last night. Feel your pain on that one!

    @lilteacherbee: That would drive me nuts!! Hope you track 'em down!

    @MrsTiz: Hah, holy boobs is pretty much my reaction when I got the measurement. I swear they don't LOOK that big. We're skipping the 12 week screen so I'm hoping the doppler I ordered comes in soon... I want to hear the HB again before we announce.

  34. sweetooth

    nectarine / 2705 posts

    @MrsDragon: So glad to hear your nausea has started to fade! And as for the boobs - I'm definitely noticing some growth, but I'm on the smaller size, B cup, so I look forward to the growth I hope you like your new bras and they keep 'em comfy (I hope that's not a weird thing to say!

    @lilteacherbee: dude! that's the worst! I hope you're able to track them down!

    @MrsTiz: I'm glad to hear your nausea has faded too. I know I'm several weeks behind all of you since I'm the end of the month November mama, but it's nice to hear that nausea isn't hanging around for forever. I bet it was so much fun to tell people this weekend and enjoy all of the excitement

  35. MrsTiz

    cantaloupe / 6800 posts

    @sweetooth: I guess saying "knock on wood" doesn't count as far as actually knocking on it, soo today I had to take one of my nausea tablets. But, hey, at least I kept my lunch down!

  36. MrsTiz

    cantaloupe / 6800 posts

    Has anyone bought anything for LO yet?

    I bought:
    a nursing pillow (before I was pregnant)
    a cow onesie..it was so cute I had to.

    My SIL gave me a carrier I probably won't use, and my MIL is giving me DH's old crib, which I am really excited about so we'll pick that up tonight.

    The nursery is officially cleaned out, there is nothing in the closet except LO's stuff, which is a the carrier, onesie, formula samples, nursing pillow and some soaps my mom got for free. May or may not build the crib tonight

  37. ShootingStar

    coconut / 8472 posts

    @MrsTiz: Um, what haven't we bought - haha! I don't really a repeat of my bridal shower drama, so we're not going to have a baby one. And DH is obsessed with buying baby gear. I told him he's going to run out of stuff to buy long before the baby arrives. And his new rule is if it's a big ticket item he needs to use a coupon to get it.

    I'm not sure I can even remember all that he/we've bought, but here's a rundown of what I can remember:

    Bouncy Chair
    Rock n Play
    Clothes, various sizes (still need more, will wait for gender)
    Closet organizer
    Fisher Price highchair/booster seat
    Shopping cart cover
    Cloth diapers (just a few)
    Bath tub
    Pack n play
    Activity Table

    BTW, a bunch of this stuff we bought at a couple consignment sales, which was so much fun. We got a fisher price rainforest jumperoo for $45, which retails for $120, and a few other really good buys.

  38. Turd Ferguson

    pomegranate / 3160 posts

    Man, I've been MIA for awhile... So awesome that some of y'all are announcing! I'll be 12 weeks on Friday, so I think we might start to spread the news then! Aside from being tired, FULL of zits, and winded from walking down the hall, things have still been going fine--no nausea of any kind the entire first trimester...sorry (though honestly, after seeing the state of my zits, some nausea/NOT eating anything and everything sounded like a good tradeoff...)!

    I've actually been buying stuff for quite some time. I was never "superstitious" about buying stuff before baby, and just felt more comfortable being able to spread out the expenses. I've gotten a few CRAZY deals on NBD (Hudson Babyletto crib, Britax B-Safe carseat), and have otherwise been making an Amazon haul every few weeks (oh, I also purchased the majority of our cloth stash waaaay back). I think it's definitely paid off as we have most of our "big" things (aside from the stroller), and the rest will probably be shower stuff.

  39. DigAPony

    pear / 1787 posts

    Wow, I'm surprised at the purchases you ladies have made already! We haven't bought anything and probably won't for quite a while. Our apartment is pretty small and until we rearrange and clean out a bunch of stuff, we wouldn't have room for any new purchases anyway. I think we'll start rearranging this summer.

    I feel totally overwhelmed at the prospect of replying to everything on all our threads, but just know that I'm reading along and thinking of you ladies! We told our extended families and close friends last weekend, so our news is fairly "out." Very exciting.

  40. mrsmacandcheese

    blogger / clementine / 985 posts

    @MrsTiz: I have a few books and a toy, plus the onesie I gave my husband to tell him I was pregnant, and a pair of booties & a hat that he bought about a year ago when we figured out our timeline for kids. I would totally buy more but we plan on buying a house sometime between now and baby and I don't want to move a zillion things!

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