cantaloupe / 6791 posts
@MrsDragon: it feels so weird to be "out" doesn't it?? But yay!!
@Ash: I'm sorry, I know how you feel. I'm 10.5 weeks now and I'm still scared. I got my doppler at 8 weeks, but didn't consistently find the heartbeat until this week. When I get home from work stressed and/or worried, I turn the doppler on for about 5 minutes and the sound of that heartbeat makes the day's annoyances go away! Try not to worry if you can't find it right away. How far along are you now? 9ish weeks?
pomegranate / 3160 posts
Not much new to report here. I had my 12 week NT screening today (ultrasound and bloodwork)--should have results next week. Again, I'm not too concerned, but just wanted the excuse to have another ultrasound! Baby was moving aaaalllll over, which was SO crazy to see! We're starting to tell extended family, and will probably facebook it in the next few weeks. Hope y'all have a good weekend!!!
honeydew / 7909 posts
Any advice on finding the heartbeat? We found the placenta but couldn't find baby.
cantaloupe / 6791 posts
@Ash: my baby hangs out to the left (my left looking down) of my belly button about 3-4 inches down. I found the placenta and then angled the wand. I didn't move it, but just pointed it in different directions until I found it. Good luck!
blogger / clementine / 985 posts
Yeah, I didn't figure out the angling the wand part until recently and it made things tough! I usually find baby near the placenta noises too - but for me it's moved from one side to the other in a week!
honeydew / 7909 posts
We found baby!! We tried again last night.... DH looked around for about 10 minutes with no luck so I took over and found it in about 5 seconds. What a beautiful sound!
pomelo / 5132 posts
I am so behind! We haven't bought anything yet, but we did talk briefly about crib style and where we might register.
My plan is to talk to my principal and department chair this week and then we will come out officially because I will be 13 Weeks on Thursday. Anyone else nervous to tell the boss?
honeydew / 7909 posts
@Mrs. J: I'm not nervous at all... what makes me nervous is I'll be off on maternity leave during our busiest time of the year... Eeek!!
We bought our carseat the other day because it was super cheap on NBD. but that's all.
blogger / clementine / 985 posts
@Mrs. J: I was super nervous to tell my boss but he took it really, really well. It made me feel so much better!
cantaloupe / 6791 posts
@Mrs. J: I told my boss right away because I work in a close-knit environment. I also had 2 other coworkers due in November. It went well when I told and afterwards (not so much for another coworker...she was told she was "crazy" for having a baby at 40 and they were really rude to her about it). Now, all 3 of us won't be coming back next year due to ridiculous drama.
Obviously, my work environment is not typical. I told my boss early because she knew about my previous m/c. I work with small kids so lifting things (cots, etc.) is part of my job. I'm getting out of there as soon as possible because the stress is absolutely outrageous because of the people I work for.
pear / 1787 posts
Just checking in to say hi, ladies! Glad to hear things are going well for all of us, it seems.
I'm feeling a little less ill, and it's nice to be "out" to everyone we talk to on a regular basis. After my next appointment a week from tomorrow, I'll post an announcement on Facebook (I'll be 14 weeks then).
I had a weird experience this weekend--we were out of town and went to a department store and I was looking at the baby clothes (it's the first time I've done that since getting pregnant, as there isn't a mall or big store in our town), and after a few minutes I totally freaked out and left! I was thinking of buying a cute gender-neutral outfit but I think looking at all the clothes and realizing that in a little over 6 months we'll be DRESSING OUR OWN CHILD made the news hit me all over again! It was very strange and unexpected. I also just felt overwhelmed with all the clothing choices! Anyway...I'm assuming this feeling will fade as time goes on, especially in a few months when I can feel the baby move and it all gets more real.
Hope you all have a good week!
honeydew / 7909 posts
@Mrs. J: we got the britax chaperone. We will use it with the b-agile stroller. It should arrive soon!
Well I totally thought my all day nausea was getting better until tonight... when I barfed 4 times. Yuuuuuuuuck! 1st time at 10w2d.
blogger / clementine / 985 posts
Blergh, I forgot my afternoon pill and I'm so sick.
pomegranate / 3160 posts
Whew, told the boss today; it actually went really well. He was happy for us but then admitted that there will be a liiiiittle work that'll have to be done as far as figuring out what happens next--I'm the first person at the company to ever be pregnant!
Things are going well otherwise, still never had any morning sickness whatsoever, my zits on my chest and back are out of control though. I seriously would have taken a trimester of nausea/throwing up over this body acne that will. not. quit. I've tried everything and nothing works, and now with the weather warming up, I feel even worse about it. Boo.
I got a call from my doctor's office earlier today, but missed it. I'm assuming it was regarding the first trimester NT screening we did last I'm of course freaking out! I'll call tomorrow morning and find out what's up. I'm definitely starting to "show," though "showing" seems to involve a good 10 pounds that I've put on since finding out I was pregnant...hahaha. I"m looking forward to looking pregnant and not just...bigger (and zitty-er).
Glad to hear everyone is doing well!!!
grapefruit / 4681 posts
Has anyone purchases maternity clothing yet? I don't need it yet, but my mom took me shopping last weekend and we got some cute stuff at Gap and Old Navy. I can't wait to wear those maxi dresses I got! Sadly DH thinks most of it looks like PJ's lol.
I have my first appointment tomorrow afternoon! I'm a little nervous because of the low heart rate observed on my 6 w u/s and also to discuss my Hashimoto's and vitamin D deficiency. I was avoiding doing any research on vitamin d deficiency and pregnancy, but looked this morning and am now worried about some of the possible effects on baby and/or the list of pregnancy complications for myself. Both conditions can cause low birth weight. I'm not so worried about my thyroid, even though I think that is a bigger issue, since that was regulated before pregnancy and is being monitored thyroid panel done last week was good so I am staying on my current dose and will retest again next month. My vitamin d however is very low and the last time it was low it took over 6 months to respond to supplements and that time it wasn't nearly as low :/, nor was I pregnant. I will let you know what they say tomorrow. Is anyone else dealing with either issue among our November group?
pomegranate / 3160 posts
@anbanan15: Ooooh, good luck tomorrow. I'm not familiar with either, but hoping all is good--let us know how it goes! I bought a lot of stuff off of eBay during the last few weeks, a few pairs of jeans, a bunch of Gap shirts, then got some Old Navy stuff during a few of their sales. I'm probably not going to go too crazy, and just be one of those pregnant women that has like, 3 outfits for the entire pregnancy. Hahahahah. I DO need to get some maternity work pants...and SOON. I've pretty much hit my limit with the ones I have, and I have a trade show coming up in the next few weeks...ugh.
grapefruit / 4681 posts
@ms.janedoe: thank you. haha totally fine wearing the same thing the entire time! I basically did that with DS, but my clothing from him was all winter stuff so I needed new. I got my stash last weekend and we will probably just stick with that :). I have awhile in my DS pregnancy pants though, because my post-pregnancy/nursing pants were children sized due to my strict diet (eep!!). The maternity jeans I just picked up require some filling out to be worn lol, but I will ultimately get there.
pear / 1571 posts
@anbanan15: I am in Lancaster at the moment and thought of you yesterday when I ran in to the Lititz Target.
And I am GOING to have some maternity clothes this time! I don't need them yet, won't for quite awhile, but I bought a few cute pieces that were on clearance at Kohls the other day and I'm already planning to buy my first pair of maternity jeans when I go to Park City and Old Navy with my SILs tonight.
grapefruit / 4681 posts
@FarmWifeGina: I live right there!! I'm usually in there often, but wasn't funny because we could have potentially ran into eachother and not known! Have fun shopping! With DS I got my maternity clothing at Bon-Ton (loved these yoga like pants from Three Seasons Maternty) or Motherhood at Park City. There is also a Motherhood at Tanger Outlets. This time around we ventured to Exton and shopped maternity stores we don't have around here. I'm much happier with my clothing selections haha.
cantaloupe / 6791 posts
I'm out of town this week for an early childhood education conference and the hotel is right next to a huge mall. I'm thinking I will be going shopping either for baby or myself At 11w2d, I'm finally feeling confident that hopefully everything will go okay this time, especially since I hear the heartbeat each morning!
honeydew / 7909 posts
@ms.janedoe: I promise you wouldn't want the nausea! I have both and would take the zits over the sickness any day. Hahaha
@anbanan15: good luck today!!!
@lilteacherbee: don't know if it's true, but dh and I read not to use the doppler more than 3 times a week because it can damage the placenta.
blogger / clementine / 985 posts
I'm not having much luck with maternity clothes. An awesome friend sent a bunch of pants but I'm not quite filling out the full panels yet -- the demis are awesome so far! I wanted to buy some demi panel shorts from Old Navy but the duty assessed to get it shipped to Canada is nuts. I think I'm stuck with ordering from Motherhood Canada, which is fine, but most of their bottoms are full panel.
pear / 1571 posts
@anbanan15: I don't know if I will go into Motherhood. Too expensive for me. But any store we go into will be more than we have at home, lol.
grapefruit / 4681 posts
@MrsDragon: I only had full panel with DS and couldn't wear them until the last month or so. My favorite pants were yoga pant style. They were technically maternity, but identical to yoga pants with a fold over waist, so really you could get them anywhere and wear as a demi or full panel. I LOVED them and wore them for awhile pp too just because they were so comfortable.
@FarmWifeGina: They usually have clearance racks on the back end of the store (the entrance down the side mall not the main entrance down the Sears mall) and their shirts are usually if you buy 2 you get them at a discount or something.
pomelo / 5132 posts
@anbanan15: I was wondering about the demi vs full panel fit!
I still haven't bought any maternity clothing or things for the baby. I think once the second tri hits (13 weeks on Thurs!) things will feel safer/more real, plus I'll be "out" to the world.
OH my gosh, so two of my students ran in today saying "IS IT TRUE?!" Of course I didn't know what they were talking about, but it turns out they heard/thought I was pregnant...of course, I told them no because my bosses don't know yet (I'll tell them this week)....aack! I'm running out of flowy clothing and it's getting hot for layers.
coconut / 8472 posts
I needed new jeans for work so I went out and bought some maternity jeans - one under belly and one full panel. I'm not such a huge fan of either, I usually spend all day hitching up my pants. I tried wearing a be-band with the underbelly ones, but it just got really uncomfortable. And every time I wear the underbelly ones I live in fear that my stomach is showing at work.
As of this past weekend at 10 weeks, I can definitely tell I've gotten bigger. I still haven't really gained any weight though. DH could tell too and thought it was really cute :D. But to most people I probably just look fatter, lol.
cantaloupe / 6791 posts
@Ash: Most things I've read said they're safe. I literally use it for less than a minute each time. I find the heartbeat and listen for a few seconds and then put it away. It helps to keep me sane and not stress as much which is good because I'm a big worrier. I think once I hit the second trimester, I won't be using it as much!
grapefruit / 4681 posts
My appointment today went well. Everything looks good and she was able to find the heart beat easily. We talked about my thyroid and vitamin d. She basically said my thyroid in theory is not an issue since my levels were regulated long before I was pregnant and were at the optimum for TTC and are being monitored closely by my endocrinologist...basically having a regulated thyroid is like having no thyroid condition at all, but of course there are still risks. Regarding some of the conditions that are related with low levels of vitamin d during pregnancy she felt that the risks towards myself (GD, preeclampsia, c-section, preterm labor) were relatively minimal since I already had one pregnancy without any of those issues and suspected that I was always somewhat vitamin d deficient, just we didn't know. She did say that she would be more concerned with the possible effects on the baby. Both vitamin d and Hashimoto's can cause low birth weight/SGA/IUGR, therefore my anatomy scan will be done at 18-20 weeks by a perinatologist and babies growth will be monitored closely...she kept saying "we will get you the best of the best anatomy scan out there". I think she is expecting this baby to be small in general because she said how she was really surprised DS got to be the size he was, 7lbs 7oz at 41w2d, which is average but he was ~39w she estimated him to be "barely 6lbs". Overall she does not expect my vitamin d levels to increase during pregnancy and they are pretty low right now. She also said to expect my thyroid nodule that my endocrinologist is "watching" (basically waiting to grow big enough to biopsy even though it has questionable characteristics) to reach biopsy size by the end of pregnancy. I'm actually really happy about that because I would like it biopsied and to know for sure if it is something to worry about so that is a blessing.
nectarine / 2705 posts
@anbanan15: Sounds like you got a lot of good information at your appointment. I don't know much about thyroid issues, but with the vitamin D deficiency, would spending some time outside each day, in the sunshine, help with your vitamin D?
nectarine / 2705 posts
I haven't bought any maternity clothing, only a Bella band. It is fantastic! I can wear all of my jeans unbuttoned and no one knows but me!
cantaloupe / 6800 posts
@MrsDragon: Almost all of my pants are full panel, I got a pair of shorts from Motherhood that has the stretchy pockets instead. I can't find annyything with a semi-panel. Let me know if you find any!
I've gotten really comfy pants from BBB, surprisingly! They had fantastic sales and I got 2-3 pairs.
grapefruit / 4681 posts
@sweetooth: It defiantly would not hurt, but I'm not sure overall if it would help my levels go up. She said that with how low they are and the added demands of pregnancy on the body that she didn't expect them to change at all no matter what I did....I told her how last time it was low it took 6 months to go up 10 points, but this time it is even lower and needs to go up at least 16 points to be at the minimum they want so I expect it to take long even without being pregnant. This is why she said she suspected I was deficient with DS as well.
nectarine / 2705 posts
@ms.janedoe: did you call your doctor back? Is everything a-ok? Hope so
pomegranate / 3160 posts
@sweetooth: Yes! I got a call yesterday that said my results were 1 in 9,700 (risk of DS)! I'll take it!
pear / 1614 posts
Re: maternity jeans - I couldn't stand them with my first pregnancy. Maybe I just had the wrong kinds but I was constantly hitching them up. I tried all different panels etc. I loved leggings.
Tip for anyone in a bigger town - check craigslist for maternity clothes. I really only bought a couple of items new the last time. My sister had a bunch of mat. clothes that she had bought on CL, often people are selling everything together just to get rid of it and for a reasonable price you're bound to find a few things you can wear. Most items were in relatively good condition. I wore most of my regular clothes through about 7-8 mos before, don't know if I'll get away with that this time since I'm already noticing a little bump at just 12 weeks!
cantaloupe / 6800 posts
Today I am officially in the second trimester! Woop woop!
Baby is the size of a peach, shrimp or pea pod depending on what site i'm on. I'll go with peach
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