persimmon / 1259 posts
@peaches1038: We bought registry completion stuff too! My amazon stuff should get here tomorrow and we hit up target last night! Just working on finding homes for it all...
apricot / 448 posts
@Miss Sarah and @peaches1038: I am so ready to use our Amazon completion code. No one even knows about my registry (since this is our second LO and I didn't want anyone buying me presents) but I keep wondering what I actually want to purchase with the code.
persimmon / 1436 posts
I started us a labor and delivery thread. I'm 37 weeks and cannot wait to meet this little turkey. Ok, she will probably be huge (runs in the family)!
nectarine / 2047 posts
@Miss Sarah: @AggieDaze: It was so fun buying everything else we needed. I got packages for dayyyyyyz!
@Finfan: Ack! So exciting!!!
apricot / 448 posts
@Finfan: Yours could be here any day!
I'm at 35 weeks, and so ready for the 37 week mark (although I'm sure I'll be even more impatient for labor at that point).
pomelo / 5084 posts
@Finfan: SO CLOSE!! Can't wait to hear! I am 36 this week and feeling pretty done with this whole thing .....
persimmon / 1436 posts
@AggieDaze: @wrkbrk: Yes, I am so very ready to meet this baby! Except that I still have a long to-do list.
pomelo / 5084 posts
Anyone else having period-like crampiness?? I have been having this along with a lower backache on and off for 2-3 days. I think it's normal ... just curious!
nectarine / 2047 posts
@wrkbrk: I've been having those same symptoms as well as increased pelvic pressure. Also - TMI - frequent BMs. I was going to ask my midwife Thursday.
pomelo / 5084 posts
@peaches1038: YES! Omg. I hope this means something positive! Can you let me know what she says??
persimmon / 1259 posts
@wrkbrk: Just got some tonight for the first time in awhile... I'm not ready yet! Haha, she's still pretty much hanging out in my ribcage, so I think I'm OK for a while.
grape / 95 posts
I had my baby!
On Sunday my water broke a tiny bit, and at 36 weeks 6 days, I was in denial that it was actually happening and convinced myself I was just peeing a little.
Nope! Went into L&D that evening and contractions started soon after. It was a long labor, and I was given pitocin after many hours with slow progress. I had hoped for a med-free birth and was already very upset about the pitocin, and insisted on not having an epidural. 5 or 6 hours of labor with pitocin later I was having panic attacks in between contractions since they were so bad. I was so upset to have the epidural but once it went in I passed out, and was woken up an hour later being told I had to push! The pitocin contractions were so extreme that my body was tensing up and refusing to progress. The epidural made me finally relax and I went from 5 cm to pushing in an hour.
I hated not being able to feel anything, and the team was awesome to bring in a big mirror so I could see what was happening. It was SO gross, but so helpful. Baby Theodore Francis was born 15 minutes later at 6 lb 5 oz.
Overall it was a very scary experience for me, I really felt like I had at least 3 more weeks! Our baby is beautiful and healthy, and my hubby and I are slowly getting the hang of things.
Hope everyone is feeling well and looking forward to hearing some of your birth experiences!
nectarine / 2047 posts
@MrsGeePerez: That's crazy!!! Congratulations and I love the name so glad to hear that everyone is happy and healthy!
pomelo / 5084 posts
@MrsGeePerez: Oh wow! Theo was on our top 3 name list!! So glad it went well. So baby was fine early? Good to know! I am thinking about that now (36 +1)!!!!
grape / 95 posts
Thanks ladies!!
@wrkbrk: yes he was born very healthy with no issues whatsoever. Right on the line of premature since I was exactly 37 weeks at the time of delivery.
The only thing is he's on the small side so breastfeeding has been a painful challenge. The size of his mouth makes it difficult to get a good latch!
persimmon / 1259 posts
@MrsGeePerez: Congratulations!! Sorry things didn't go as planned (though they rarely do), but I'm so glad you and baby are healthy!
pomelo / 5084 posts
Anyone else getting close to desperate? Full moon tomorrow, and November 25. HA. I am doing ok ... but I wouldnt say no to a baby a week or two early!!!!!
persimmon / 1436 posts
November starts THIS SUNDAY! I'm 38 weeks today and ready to meet this little girl already!
persimmon / 1259 posts
@Finfan: I'm almost 37 weeks. A week ago, I was not ready... Now, she can come whenever she'd like (sooner rather than later please!)
@wrkbrk: I thought about the full moon too, haha. But mostly because my students are nut cases right now!!
persimmon / 1461 posts
@Finfan: in Melbourne, November always starts with a 4 day long weekend for the Melbourne Cup Hubby will be home, and we are picking up our brand new car tomorrow (Volkswagen Passat) so once our car seats are in, we are ready for babe! My hospital bag is packed and ready, I'm 36 weeks on Friday. Feeling heavy, sore and dizzy/short of breath today.... c'mon weekend!
persimmon / 1259 posts
So today I had my 37 week check up (I'm 36+6). Baby girl measured 37 weeks exactly, is definitely head down, but still needs to go a little lower. I'm a fingertip to 1cm dialated and my cervix is very soft. She said these are all good signs that things are slowly starting to progress!
nectarine / 2047 posts
I waver between being so excited and ready for him to come and so scared!! I'm not too worried about the labor and delivery, more for how much our lives will change when he's here! We have to keep this little human alive?!? Are we qualified?! Ha, I know it'll be ok - it's the fear of the unknown I suppose. I'll be 38 weeks Sunday so anytime! It's crazy!!
@Miss Sarah: did you ask to be checked? I have an appt tomorrow and can't decide if I should or not!
apricot / 358 posts
How's everyone feeling? I had some crazy rib pain for a week, but I'm feeling a lot better now.
Anyone else test positive for Group Strep B?
persimmon / 1259 posts
@peaches1038: I'm with you! I'm beyond excited, but also not ready yet. I think my biggest fear is postpartum recovery... I've read so much about it and its terrifying me! As for the exam, I didn't ask to be check... I had my Group B swab, so since I was undressed anyway they did the exam. They said they probably won't do one again until my 39 week appointment unless I ask for one or I have had some significant changes.
@sometimesshesings: My doc basically made it sound like they'll just discuss the results with me at my next appointment, so I have over a week to wait to find out! I've had a lot of rib jabbing from my baby girl...catches me off guard sometimes!
kiwi / 673 posts
I'll be 36+5 next Tuesday at my first weekly appointment. My ob/gyn said they will start checks at my next appointment, which I assumed meant weekly after that.
I'll flip between terrified and excited as well. I think I'm okay with baby coming any time after my next appointment. My hands and joints are stiff and starting to swell, which sucks since I have a desk job. I think baby is starting to move down. I could actually eat a full meal yesterday and baby's movement a good bit lower.
apricot / 315 posts
Totally dropped off the planet, but chiming back in to wish everyone well as we enter November. I'm 36 weeks today! Feeling very big right now and uncomfortable. Excited to meet baby and find out who it is - but not ready otherwise! I was so ready for my dd, but this time we are just so busy I keep accomplishing one thing and then remembering 3 new ones.
Hoping for no Group B strep this time. Baby is finally head down and so far (crosses fingers and toes) I have had no hypertension issues this whole pregnancy. Kind of amazed to be considered normal this time! Might even be allowed to go late this time...
Hope you all are well! Good luck in the coming weeks. Wishing you happy healthy deliveries!
persimmon / 1436 posts
38+2 over here. I started having some real contractions on and off last night. Kept hoping they would turn into something real but they went away.
It's getting really hard to keep busy at work! My projects are all done and it doesn't make sense to start a new one. I will have to resort to cleaning out my filing cabinet, I guess. Also starting to tire very easily.
My favorite OBGYN is on vacation this week but my 39 week appointment is with her on Monday. I'm hoping I will have made some good progress by then. And my second favorite is on-call this weekend so that would be an OK time to have a baby as well.
persimmon / 1461 posts
36 today as well, Ive been having cramps all day/night randomly, feeling really off and exhausted. babe is pushing me in every direction at the moment. I'll find out my Group B strep results next friday at 37 week appt, and I'm weekly from then on. I think I've convinced myself that I'm going to have this baby early but I will probably go right up to my date lol
pomelo / 5084 posts
@Miss Sarah: That is AWESOME! I went yesterday and there is nooooo progress. Ha. So, we wait!
nectarine / 2047 posts
@FannyMae: ACK! So exciting!!
Found out today at my appointment that I am negative for Group B, so I was relieved to hear that as I hope to labor at home for as long as possible. 37+4 today and no signs of anything yet!
persimmon / 1259 posts
@Finfan: YESSSSSSSSSS. It just started a couple of days ago.
So I spent the morning in the hospital today. I'm so embarrassed, but I tripped and fell on the way into my school this morning. I didn't land on my stomach, but it was a hard fall on my knee and side. So I called my doc and they told me to go get monitored. Crazy! Baby Girl looked great. I had a few contractions while being monitored, but nothing regular, so now I'm home just resting. It felt silly to be monitored for a minor fall, but better to be safe than sorry!
apricot / 448 posts
@sometimesshesings: I just found out I tested positive for group b strep. I'm pretty bummed about it as I was negative for LO1, and now I'm stressed about getting to the hospital with plenty of time to get the antibiotics.
I'm also a little annoyed as my doctor gave me the news electronically and said she'd call to discuss on Monday so now I have wait and stress all weekend.
apricot / 358 posts
@AggieDaze: I know! I was negative with LO1, too. I really wanted to labor at home last time, so I would have been super disappointed if this happened before. This time, with a toddler at home and the likelihood of a shorter labor, I'm less worried about going to the hospital earlier. But it seems like there is some risk to the baby if your water breaks before you receive the antibiotics, so that makes me nervous. I guess I'll get more specific instructions from my midwife at my appointment on Monday. I'm not sure what my hospital's exact protocol is. Try not too stress too much! I think this is pretty routine for our doctors.
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