persimmon / 1461 posts
@StrawberryShortie: sorry to hear hope your recovery is quick and all the best in your next cycle
@anbanan15: welcome all the best to you, seems there are a few of us due around the same date!
persimmon / 1259 posts
November Mamas
November 6th: CaliCatLady
November 7th: Sicem07
November 8th: TravelinMoon
November 10th: EleanorRigby, FinFan
November 11th: LadyTron
November 12th: Ashleigh3388, BigSkyGirl
November 15th: Peaches1038
November 18th: Karen
November 19th: WrkBrk, SarahNicole218
November 21st: AggieDaze
November 25th: FannyMae
November 26th: Hoots, anbanan15
November 27th: JennyG
Praying for stick beans!!!
cherry / 178 posts
Jumping in, as I think I'll be a November mama!
EDD: November 29, as a best guess right now. My cycles are far from regular.
How far along: 4 weeks and a few days
First child? Yep!
First doctor appointment: April 20
Any symptoms so far? Tired! Hungry! And my boobs are already up a cup size.
Who have you told? Just DH
pomelo / 5084 posts
I am having some mild cramping (today and last night) that is only on the right side. I know I've read that one-sided cramping is not good but I am keeping myself from googling....
clementine / 912 posts
@wrkbrk: Stay off google!!! It's probably just your uterus stretching. Google will just make you crazy. I speak from experience.
olive / 66 posts
@wrkbrk: just call your dr. I did when that happened and they did an early ultrasound at 6wks and all was good-saw the heartbeat too! They said it was likely muscles stretching.
persimmon / 1259 posts
@wrkbrk: Fingers crossed for you! As long as it's not intense and you aren't bleeding, I wouldn't read too much into yet. But if it worsens, I would call your doc for peace of mind!
pomelo / 5084 posts
@JennyG: Lol right? I know. I am not googling on purpose, just hoping it will go away!
pomelo / 5084 posts
@EleanorRigby: If it continues I will. My first ultrasound is Monday........It's just that I have almost NO symptoms so of course that worries me (weird that I would be desparate to get MS!! haha).
pomelo / 5084 posts
@sarahnicole218: Thanks. No bleeding whatsoever and it's mild. If it were all over I wouldnt even notice. But I had a fibroid removed from my right uterine wall in Dec (sorry, TMI) and it freaks me out that it's cramping in the same place!
persimmon / 1259 posts
@wrkbrk: Then I would definitely not be worried yet! If you have scar tissue there, your uterus probably has to work extra hard to stretch on that side. I bet you're just fine, but call if it gets worse!!
persimmon / 1135 posts
Hi! New to the board
Location: North Jersey
EDD: November 11, 2015
How far along: 7 weeks
First child? no, this will be my second. dd is 10 months old
First doctor appointment: last week. and had dating ultrasound today
Any symptoms so far? queasy early in the morning and late at night and very bloated and gassy. also feel tender near my ovaries. didn't feel that way last time or at least i don't remember if i did
Who have you told? my dad, sister, cousin and best friend. dh told his brother. probably won't be telling too many people for a while since we had a very complicated pregnancy last time and i because of that i am considered high risk this time around.
persimmon / 1461 posts
I come on the boards in the morning and its great to see some new faces! @EBSC: welcome
@littleredhairedgrl: my lower belly is also so incredibly tender right now, bloated and hot.
@wrkbrk: dr google is the worst! maybe try a warmish heat pack on the area?
nectarine / 2047 posts
@anbanan15: @EBSC: @littleredhairedgrl: Congrats and welcome!!! Glad you are joining us!!
@wrkbrk: I'm jealous of you ultrasound in Monday!! I just scheduled mine for April 15th! Seems SO FAR AWAY. I'll be about 9.5 weeks by then. How far will you be Monday? Try not to worry about the cramping. I agree with the others and bet it's just stretching. I'll be thinking of you Monday!!
pomelo / 5084 posts
@FannyMae: Thanks! It's stopped for the time being ...@peaches1038: Thanks for the reassurance! Monday I will be 6.5 weeks. My RE does one then and about 3 weeks later before releasing patients to their OB's. Please cross your fingers!!!!!
kiwi / 673 posts
@anbanan15: @EBSC: @littleredhairedgrl: Welcome!
If all goes well, I have one more beta before my RE schedules my first ultrasound. My third draw was less than stellar, and I found out today my fourth draw was back on track. Tomorrow will be the 5th draw, and I'll get results Thursday. I'm hoping and praying the results are good. It's been a bumpy ride. I'm a nervous wreck until the results are in.
persimmon / 1461 posts
@Hoots: hoping that your bloodwork is back on track, you poor thing your arms must be like pincushions! I had a fair few blood tests with my last pregnancy and my arms were bruised for ages.
grapefruit / 4681 posts
A little annoyed. My endo insisted on ordering a serum pregnancy test because my HPT wasn't good enough for them. They ordered a qualitative one instead of a quantitative one. Basically the test tells them essentially the same thing as the HPT. I was hoping to see betas...I mean if your going to make me have blood drawn and pay for the test, give me some numbers! (My OB/GYN doesn't do betas routinely, so the test was completely unnecessary IMO). Oh and then they call to tell me that it was positive like it didn't know...duh?!
My first appointment is May 4th. My OB/GYN's office does not routinely see patients until 10ish weeks. They also do not do ultrasounds in the first tri unless there is concern about dates being off, so I don't expect to have an u/s until 18-20 weeks (probably with MFM).
kiwi / 673 posts
@FannyMae: Lol. They do feel a bit like pin cushions, but I really love the lady that draws my blood at the lab. She's a really sweet older lady who gave me a hug when I was upset about my third draw. She's drawn out of the same vein every time and no bruising.
@anbanan15: That would be really annoying, but maybe the bright side is you don't have to worry about numbers and doubling time!
grapefruit / 4681 posts
@Hoots: I just find it sort of comical...I mean my actual OB/GYN office didn't think it was necessary to order one, but my endo had to. I'm sorry you have to deal with the stress of tracking betas, but hopefully this last one will bring some peace!
Lab work is no fun when it is so frequent (or ever). I'll have to have at least monthly labs done throughout the pregnancy.
apricot / 374 posts
I wanted to wait until my dating/viability scan to chime in here. All looks good, so here goes:
Location: Maryland
EDD: November 8
How far along: 7w3d
First child? yes
First doctor appointment: Had a consult and confirmation on 3/4, first ultrasound this morning
Any symptoms so far? Empty stomach nausea started within the past week I'm ALWAYS hungry, it's a miracle I haven't gained five pounds already! Everything else has been easier to manage (frequent urination, acne b/c I had to stop taking my meds, sore boobs at night when I'm on my side, and round ligament pain when I stand up or move too quickly).
Who have you told? Just DH and my Pure Barre instructor (I didn't know if I could make it through class last night)
cherry / 178 posts
@nanilani: welcome and congrats on a good scan!
I'm nervous until we have our first appointment (4/20, so far away). So glad to hear everything looks good for you!
coffee bean / 47 posts
My doppler came in today. I realllllllly want to try it! Ekkkk!! I'll be 7 weeks tomorrow. Maybe to soon?
persimmon / 1461 posts
@anbanan15: is your OB the same one that you had with your previous pregnancies? would be great if they gave you the option to have an earlier ultrasound just to see bubs and heartbeat.
@Hoots: its Thursday here but I'm guessing you will get your results later in the day (maybe my night time) so all the best
@nanilani: congratulations and welcome my empty stomach nausea is kicking into gear, that horrible growly rolling feeling when I wake up. My daughter is telling me to "just breathe" and "dance around" and I'll feel better
grapefruit / 4681 posts
@FannyMae: yes it is the same one. I had a dating one with my first at 16 weeks (we started going later, so my first appointment was after the first tri) and a dating one with my 2nd at 6 weeks because my cycles were not regular and I just stopped BFing my first. However, I know that typically they only do a 20 week ultrasound and that *should* be the only one you get. I ended up having about 5 with each pregnancy for various reasons lol so I am not too worried about seeing the little peanut enough. Even when I had my 6 week ultrasound I still didn't have an office visit until 10ish weeks. The bonus is that my ultrasounds will be at MFM so nice and detailed and they tell you everything! The regular techs at our hospital are not allowed to say anything which is frustrating.
persimmon / 1461 posts
@anbanan15: nothing worse than having an ultrasound with a limp fish who won't tell you anything! my OB does check-up ultrasounds in his office, with my first I saw him at about 10 weeks, with my last pregnancy I saw him at 8 weeks, but this time they requested I come in earlier because of the miscarriage. I'll get a quick scan in his office at that appointment, then 12 weeks at a clinic and again at 20 weeks.
its going to be hectic the next few weeks, im dreading to think how i'll manage to keep myself up and at it. easter week we are closed at work (hubby is home hooray) then the following week is orthodox easter so lots of running around for us. I have 2 kids parties in the weekends following our easter (one at a trampoline place) and then we are into may! I'm heading out for easter shopping/dinner with my bestie tonight (child free!!) so excited, I hope I can stay awake hehe
grapefruit / 4681 posts
@FannyMae: aww yes! If there was reason like that they would order one. I think part of it is because they do not have an in office ultrasound like some of the other offices here and those office do them more often. I'm okay with that because my OB/GYN and midwife are a hoot! They really make the entire 9 months a pleasure and keep you at ease.
coffee bean / 32 posts
Hey ladies, unfortunately I ended up having an early miscarriage last week, so you can take me off roll call. Hope everyone has a happy and healthy pregnancy!
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