Hellobee Boards


November 2015 Moms

  1. wrkbrk

    pomelo / 5084 posts

    @Ashleigh3388: blahhh [raises hand on the enormous boob question]!!! i was like oh, I'm one of the lucky ones who never gets boob pain! hahahaha. No. It just took until now. 5wk2days. Owwy. Off to Target tomorrow to see about new bras

  2. peaches1038

    nectarine / 2047 posts

    @MoreCoffee: Good luck on Monday with your ultrasound! Mine will be in a couple more weeks and I can't wait!
    @Ashleigh3388: yup! Same here with the boob-spolsion!! My friend even commented and we aren't telling yet so I was like....uhhh it's a new bra. Haha awkward!

  3. AggieDaze

    apricot / 448 posts

    Location: Texas

    EDD: November 21

    How far along: Almost 5 weeks

    First child? Nope, LO1 will be 2 in May.

    First doctor appointment: Mid April - ugh! So far away. It doesn't feel quite real. Ready for an appointment to see if all looks good!

    Any symptoms so far? Really sore breasts, mild and random cramping.

    Who have you told? DH and my best friend. My parents guessed after I wouldn't drink a margarita

  4. Ashleigh3388

    coffee bean / 47 posts

    @peaches1038 -- I tell you I've has some questionable looks for my answer to various nothing's but I never thought to say a new bra! That's genius! Do you get the deep a achey feeing in them as well? Just random deep aches? Man, this doctor appt needs to be here quickly so I can stop over analyzing.

    @aggiedaze -- welcome & Congratulations!

  5. Miss Sarah

    persimmon / 1259 posts

    @Ashleigh3388: I haven't had consistent boob pain...like when I touch them right now, they don't hurt. But from time to time I get those "random deep aches," but it passes. My DH said they looked bigger today, haha!

  6. Finfan

    persimmon / 1436 posts

    My boobs are huge too! And sore on and off but mostly off. I'm not showing yet in the stomach but I feel like I'm showing in my chest, LOL! Going to need to go bra shopping.

    How is everyone else feeling? I've started to have some on and off nausea throughout the day but no vomiting yet. That was a huge problem with DD so I'm relieved not to be dealing with that (yet)! Other than that, I'm tired but feeling good!

  7. Travelinmoon

    coffee bean / 33 posts

    Massive boobs here too! At 7 weeks I've exploded out of my bras already, did not expect that so soon. No other real symptoms other then nausea brought on by smells! Looking forward to my first ultrasound on Monday

  8. FannyMae

    persimmon / 1461 posts

    @AggieDaze: welcome loooks like there are quite a few ladies due around the same time.

    just starting to get over my cold, still coughing with rib and tummy ache. woke up with that slight gut quease ughh.

  9. peaches1038

    nectarine / 2047 posts

    @AggieDaze: Welcome!!

    @Ashleigh3388: haha I was surprisingly quick on my feet for that!! Yes, mine are really achy. Not all the time but frequently!

    @Finfan: I've had some random nausea but nothing too bad. My mom and grandma both warned me that they had terrible morning sickness so I'm a little scared! I'll be 6 weeks tomorrow, so we will see what happens! Hope you continue to fee alright!

    @Travelinmoon: good luck at your ultrasound Monday!! I'm jealous!!

  10. Calicatlady

    pea / 5 posts

    Yay, I love that this thread has picked up some steam! I feel you gals on the huge and sore boobs. This morning some water from the shower hit and I was like OW OW OW... it's unreal!

  11. AggieDaze

    apricot / 448 posts

    @peaches1038: thanks!!!

    Is anyone else having super super itchy dry skin? My legs are painfully itchy and I haven't changed soap or anything. May just be an unrelated thing!

  12. Miss Sarah

    persimmon / 1259 posts

    @AggieDaze: yesssss! It seems unrelated, but I have had to completely cover myself in lotion after the shower the last few days. It was especially painful today because I shaved. Ow!

  13. FannyMae

    persimmon / 1461 posts

    @AggieDaze: yes to this on all my pregnancies. dry as a lizard, and I get really dry behind my armpits for some reason. my legs are naaaasty flaky dry and I've slathered oil and lotion on together.

  14. Bigskygirl

    cherry / 133 posts

    Location: Midwest

    EDD: 11/12/15

    How far along: 6 weeks 3 days

    First child? Yes, if it sticks. I was pregnant in August, but we found out it was ectopic and I had to have emergency surgery in September at 6 weeks 3 days.

    First doctor appointment: My first apt was on March 13 (5 weeks 1 day). I was heavily monitored up until then and had an ultrasound to confirm that the pregnancy was in my uterus. Amazing, amazing relief!

    My second ultrasound will be on April 3 (8 weeks 1 day).

    Any symptoms so far? Yes, nausea every day, all day. I have not been vomiting, but the nausea is completely obnoxious.

    Who have you told? My husband, parents, in-laws and best friend. They all needed to know early in case we had another ectopic pregnancy.

  15. Ashleigh3388

    coffee bean / 47 posts

    @bigskygirl -- we have the same due date! Im so glad your little bean is in the right spot this time around!

  16. EleanorRigby

    olive / 66 posts

    @wrkbrk: did you find something comfy at target? I'm in the same boat!
    @sarahnicole218: my DH has been commenting too!
    @Bigskygirl: yay for a good ultrasound!
    @Travelinmoon: yay for your first ultrasound!

    I had an emergency ultrasound for one sided pain on Wed...measuring 6 weeks on the dot with a strong visible heartbeat and I have an official due date of 11/11/15! (one app said 6w1d another said 6w so makes sense!) so reassuring to know all this cramping is just stretching!

  17. FannyMae

    persimmon / 1461 posts

    @MoreCoffee: all the best on your ultrasound today
    @EleanorRigby: hooray to getting to see your baby and a little beating heart

    I spend the whole night tossing and turning, my belly is feeling so incredibly tender and hot, which happened last time too. vetoed the belt on my jeans just to avoid too much digging in and spent the day pulling them up slightly nauseous this morning too, uh ohhh.

  18. wrkbrk

    pomelo / 5084 posts

    @EleanorRigby: Haha yes - a sports bra in an enormous size DW forbid me from wearing it to work today ... yet here we are

  19. Miss Sarah

    persimmon / 1259 posts

    Seems as though we need a due date role call! I'll be honest, I probably won't get around to updating this as much as it should be, so if anyone else wants to jump in and make changes, definitely feel free to update the group!

    November Mamas

    November 1st:
    November 2nd:
    November 3rd:
    November 4th:
    November 5th:
    November 6th: CaliCatLady
    November 7th: Sicem07
    November 8th: TravelinMoon
    November 9th:
    November 10th: EleanorRigby, FinFan
    November 11th: LadyTron
    November 12th: Ashleigh3388, BigSkyGirl
    November 13th:
    November 14th:
    November 15th: Peaches1038
    November 16th:
    November 17th:
    November 18th: Karen
    November 19th: WrkBrk, SarahNicole218
    November 20th:
    November 21st: AggieDaze
    November 22nd: StrawberryShortie
    November 23rd:
    November 24th:
    November 25th: FannyMae
    November 26th: Hoots
    November 27th: JennyG
    November 28th:
    November 29th:
    November 30th:

    Let me know if I need to make any changes to it!

  20. MoreCoffee

    apricot / 320 posts

    Hi all - I had my ultrasound this morning and all it showed was an empty gestational sac. I should be 8 weeks and am very sure of my dates, especially given I got such an early positive pregnancy test. So right now I have to have repeat betas today and Wednesday, and another ultrasound in a week pending those numbers. I'm really hoping my body kicks into gear and recognizes what's happening so I don't have to go the surgical route.

    Sorry to leave bummer news here! Still wishing you all a happy and healthy nine months.

  21. Miss Sarah

    persimmon / 1259 posts

    @MoreCoffee: Oh no! So many hugs to you!!!!!!! I'm very sorry for your loss.

  22. EleanorRigby

    olive / 66 posts

    @MoreCoffee: So sorry to hear! : (

  23. Hoots

    kiwi / 673 posts

    @MoreCoffee: I'm so sorry.

  24. peaches1038

    nectarine / 2047 posts

    @MoreCoffee: I'm so sorry!

  25. MoreCoffee

    apricot / 320 posts

    @peaches1038: @Hoots: @EleanorRigby: @sarahnicole218:

    Thank you all! I'm doing ok with the news - the worst part is just having to wait.

  26. JennyG

    clementine / 912 posts

    @MoreCoffee: Sorry to hear this. Big hugs to you!

  27. AngelicOne

    persimmon / 1050 posts

    Coming from the Dec 14 group to say congrats to everyone. Last year, my Dec baby turned into a Nov baby.

    @Hoots: 11/26 is a great birthday! My son was born 11/26/14.

    @MoreCoffee: So sorry for your loss.

  28. Finfan

    persimmon / 1436 posts

    @MoreCoffee: so sorry for your loss. Hugs to you!

  29. Finfan

    persimmon / 1436 posts

    @Bigskygirl: Congratulations! I'm with you on the all-day nausea too. Yuck. Have a happy and healthy 9 months.

  30. FannyMae

    persimmon / 1461 posts

    @MoreCoffee: so sorry, I hope its not a long wait for your body to kick into gear

  31. StrawberryShortie

    cherry / 241 posts

    Hey ladies

    Unfortunately it was determined today that this was a chemical pregnancy. I am bleeding and cramping and my levels have dropped

    So disappointed and sad but I wish you all the best & I am so happy for you all.

    I will check in and I can't wait to hear about your lovely LOs

  32. peaches1038

    nectarine / 2047 posts

    @StrawberryShortie: I'm so sorry

  33. Hoots

    kiwi / 673 posts

    @StrawberryShortie: I'm so sorry for your loss.

  34. Miss Sarah

    persimmon / 1259 posts

    @StrawberryShortie: I am so sorry for your loss! Many prayers for quick healing and a rainbow baby soon!

  35. EleanorRigby

    olive / 66 posts

    @StrawberryShortie: So sorry to hear, I have been there and it sucks! Take care of yourself and hold your partner close. fX you get your rainbow baby soon!

  36. StrawberryShortie

    cherry / 241 posts

    @peaches1038: thank you... I know when my body is ready it will happen

  37. StrawberryShortie

    cherry / 241 posts

    @sarahnicole218: @Hoots: thank you ladies so much. Hoping for better news next time

  38. StrawberryShortie

    cherry / 241 posts

    @EleanorRigby: thank you doll, so so much!

  39. StrawberryShortie

    cherry / 241 posts

    @MoreCoffee: I'm so sorry for your loss. Hugs to you

  40. anbanan15

    grapefruit / 4681 posts

    Location: Cental PA

    EDD: 11/26/15 THANKSGIVING

    How far along: 4w5d

    First child? No, 3rd. I have an April '11 and a Nov '13 baby.

    First doctor appointment: TBD

    Any symptoms so far? No symptoms. With my first I had sore breasts before BFP. With these two I have not had any symptoms, but just knew I was pregnant.

    Who have you told? My husband, kids, mom, a few friends and my Nov '13 HB ladies, whom we still talk to regularly outside HB.

    I haven't posted on HB in forever, but wanted to chime in here since I really enjoyed being close with my Nov '13 ladies these past few years. I'll try to post when I can but things are really busy around here, but at the least I'll be following along. Best wishes everyone and so sorry for those who have found out some dissapointing news.

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