Hellobee Boards


November 2016 moms!

  1. Mrs. Marshmallow

    blogger / apricot / 389 posts

    @caterw: Congratulations!! I'm sorry you're feeling so sick

    How is everyone else doing?

    I find I'm okay as long as I don't let myself get hungry, my biggest hurdle at the moment is that food is so difficult to think about... I'm constantly hungry but it's painful to think about what to eat. I am eating a lot of carbs and fruit these days. And my sleep is absolute crap. My first midwife appt is tomorrow

  2. LatteLove

    apricot / 441 posts

    veeery hesitantly joining this group after a chemical pregnant last month.

    Location: San Diego

    EDD: Nov. 20

    How far along: 4w3d

    First child? Second, we have an 18 month old son

    First doctor appointment: not scheduled yet, but likely April 9?

    Any symptoms so far? I have felt pregnant since 2dpo! Had little bouts of nausea, breasts slightly sore, and twinges/cramps in lower belly, bloating.

    Who have you told? We were at family friend's house when I got my BFP, so first I told my husband and then we shared with our dear friends. Because of our chemical, I want to wait until 5-6 weeks before telling our parents and then probably 8 weeks to make it more public.

  3. LatteLove

    apricot / 441 posts

    @narwhal: i basically ate bagels and blueberry muffins my whole first trimester with my first! Just kept telling myself that I'd eventually feel like eating good. What did help with nutrients/good calories was making milkshake smoothies (milk, vanilla protein powder, frozen banana, handful of spinach and almond or peanut butter and ice)

    I'm soooo nervous for the sickness to get worse. It's been very mild so far, but it hit me around 5.5 weeks with my first and lasted until 19-20 weeks. So miserable.

  4. delight

    pomelo / 5326 posts

    November 2016 Mamas!

    Caterw - 11/1 {#2}
    Narwhal - 11/2 {#1}
    Delight - 11/4 {#2}
    Mrs. Sunshine - 11/5 {#3}
    LazB - 11/13 {#3}
    Lattelove - 11/20 {#2}

  5. delight

    pomelo / 5326 posts

    @caterw: @lattelove: hi ladies and welcome to our group!!

    I'm sorry I'm in my car so can't write much. Off to Niagara Falls for a couple nights getaway with DH. Will respond when I'm home!

  6. LatteLove

    apricot / 441 posts

    Just got a call from my little sister to tell me that she is due Nov 9! I couldn't keep my secret after she told me that.

    I'm super excited to be pregnant at the same time as her, but she hasn't gotten sick at all in either of her two pregnancies and I got really sick....so I'll probably be very jealous of her!

  7. Mrs. Marshmallow

    blogger / apricot / 389 posts

    @LatteLove: This is so exciting!! I have lots of pregnant friends in my life right now (and newborns) which is really nice, but being pregnant with a sister and due so close! That's so special!!

  8. caterw

    persimmon / 1445 posts

    @lattelove What kind of protein do you use? I've been thinking about grabbing some to put in a smoothie since I can only keep down plain white carbs and drinks right now. I was a little worried that the powder would make my drink gritty.

  9. LatteLove

    apricot / 441 posts

    @caterw: whatever is on sale at our local health food market! Honestly, I don't even remember the brand, but I know I have tried three different kinds recently and they were all fine. Blending with a frozen banana helps a lot with the consistency!

  10. delight

    pomelo / 5326 posts

    @narwhal: hope your midwife appointment goes well! I'm feeling pretty terrible myself. All day nausea but no vomiting. I find sucking on the Preggie Pop candies help but they're super pricey. I just feel hung over all day.
    @LatteLove: so exciting about your sis and you being due around the same time!! My SIL and my BF and I all had our first babies within a few weeks of each other which was fun!

    DH and I had a great day in Niagara Falls. I'm
    missing my DD but it was nice to go out to a nice restaurant and spend a few hours at the casino. Going to go to a NHL game tonight! These late nights are killing me though.

  11. LAZB

    pomegranate / 3904 posts

    @delight: Glad you're having a nice vacation! Sorry you're feeling sick, I've heard sour candies work as well as preggie pops, maybe try those?
    @LatteLove: @caterw: congratulations!
    @LatteLove: that is so exciting that y'all are due so close together! I'm due within a couple of weeks on either side with three friends, it will be so exciting having our babies together!

    Nothing new going on with me, still feel fine. I'm five weeks today by ovulation, so I wouldn't expect much anyway. I have had a loss of appetite (not sick, just not very hungry), which is the same as with my previous pregnancies. We are going to the rodeo tonight (a big deal in Houston, with concerts from big name artists like Pitbull, Jason Darulo, Kenny Chesney, tonight is Jake Owen), and I'll be designated driver, so I guess we will be telling a couple more friends about this baby. I don't mind sharing early with our good friends, and it will be really obvious when I'm not drinking.

  12. delight

    pomelo / 5326 posts

    @LAZB: maybe I'll just get sour candies cause that's exactly what Preggie pops taste like. It's tough to spend like 8$ on 12 little candies. Have an awesome time at the Rodeo! I've shared with a couple close friends too. Oh and my nausea really didn't start til the end of week 5 this time. Hopefully you just feel great all the way through though!

  13. dragonsword

    cherry / 175 posts

    Hi all - I've decided to go ahead and join (I was going to wait for 6 weeks, but why not)

    Location: Northern VA


    How far along:4w4d

    First child? No, second

    First doctor appointment: Haven't set yet

    Any symptoms so far? Sore boobs, sore hips, preggo brain.

    Who have you told? A handful of people and people will find out as soon as they see me and I'm not drinking lol.

    Hope everyone has a healthy FAST 9 months

  14. delight

    pomelo / 5326 posts

    November 2016 Mamas!

    Caterw - 11/1 {#2}
    Narwhal - 11/2 {#1}
    Delight - 11/4 {#2}
    Mrs. Sunshine - 11/5 {#3}
    LazB - 11/13 {#3}
    Dragonsword - 11/19 {#3}
    Lattelove - 11/20 {#2}

  15. delight

    pomelo / 5326 posts

    @dragonsword: welcome to our board! How old is your LO?

  16. LAZB

    pomegranate / 3904 posts

    @dragonsword: Congratulations and welcome!

  17. dragonsword

    cherry / 175 posts

    @LAZB: @delight: Thank you both!
    My DS is 3.5... we've asked him if he's ready for a little brother or sister and his answer is NO! Oops...

  18. LatteLove

    apricot / 441 posts

    @dragonsword: Yay! Congrats, again and hello over here

  19. LAZB

    pomegranate / 3904 posts

    @dragonsword: haha! Well, my dd is 13 months, so she can't talk, but if she could, I'm pretty sure she'd have the same answer lol

  20. delight

    pomelo / 5326 posts

    @dragonsword: mine is 2.5 and we haven't mentioned anything yet. She has a big mouth and she would tell everyone so we will tell her in a few weeks!

  21. dragonsword

    cherry / 175 posts

    @narwhal: I had my ds the day after my birthday, but I checked into the hospital ON my birthday... the receptionist/security guard checking me in was taking his sweet time (while i was doubling over in pain) and made a comment about it being my birthday. I was NOT impressed. In my head I was just thinking, DUDE JUST SIGN ME IN SO I CAN GET THE EPIIIII. I'm sure he thought i was a total B. lol

    @delight: awww, I know, kids are so great at spilling our secrets! We haven't actually told him I was pregnant yet, just dropping hints to get him warmed up to it. hah!

    @LAZB: These kids never know what they want

    @LatteLove: Thanks again! Everytime i see your name and pic, I want a latte. I love lattes!

  22. Mrs. Marshmallow

    blogger / apricot / 389 posts

    Had my first midwife appointment today! I'm so relieved they were able to fit me in, I've always wanted to work with one. I should have my dating ultrasound in the next week or two!

  23. delight

    pomelo / 5326 posts

    November 2016 Mamas!

    Caterw - 11/1 {#2}
    Narwhal - 11/2 {#1}
    Delight - 11/4 {#2}
    Mrs. Sunshine - 11/5 {#3}
    LazB - 11/13 {#3}
    Dragonsword - 11/19 {#2}
    Lattelove - 11/20 {#2}

  24. Mrs. Sunshine

    hostess / cantaloupe / 6486 posts

    @LatteLove: that's so exciting to be pregnant at the same time as your sister!!
    @dragonsword: hello and welcome! 😊
    @LAZB: how was the rodeo? I haven't been in a couple years!

  25. LAZB

    pomegranate / 3904 posts

    @Mrs. Sunshine: it was fun! Jake Owen wasn't the best concert, but the mutton bustin was awesome I'm soooo tired today though. Getting up was brutal, I feel super hungover, but obviously that's not the case!

  26. Mrs. Sunshine

    hostess / cantaloupe / 6486 posts

    @LAZB: I'm glad you had a great time! We were out until midnight on Monday (car shopping) and I felt like I was going to die! I hope you are able to catch up on rest tonight.

  27. Mrs. Sunshine

    hostess / cantaloupe / 6486 posts

    How is everyone feeling? I get gaggy and nauseous when I need to umm, use the bathroom. Which is weird but better than vomiting. I'm having to force food down because everything sounds and looks gross until it's actually in my mouth. And dang, I am TIRED. I feel like my body is full of lead. I'm getting achy from lack of movement and I know some gentle yoga would help but even that type of movement seems so tiring to me when I actually get the chance to do some.

  28. delight

    pomelo / 5326 posts

    @Mrs. Sunshine: I feel brutal. I always said I wouldn't complain because it has taken so long to get here. But I'll complain here. I feel sick all day long and am also super tired. I don't know how you're doing it with the two kiddos. It's hard enough with one toddler! It'll all be worth it in the end. In my other pregnancies I have felt fine by 16 weeks so I'm counting on that.

    My scan is tomorrow and I'm super nervous. I won't be able to sleep tonight. I am Just praying it isn't a repeat of October when I went in and babe was measuring 2 weeks behind. I'll update tomorrow for sure.

  29. LAZB

    pomegranate / 3904 posts

    @delight: I'm sorry you don't feel well, that's rough. I hope your scan is perfect tomorrow!
    @Mrs. Sunshine: I'm tired too, but the severe exhaustion hasn't sunk in yet thankfully. I know it's coming though, that's always my biggest symptom

  30. LatteLove

    apricot / 441 posts

    @delight: hoping your scan looks great tomorrow! Sorry you aren't feeling well. I'm waiting for it...

    @Mrs. Sunshine: Just this morning I started to feel a little woozy while I was eating my cereal. and then driving to work. Feel ok now, but I told my husband he needs to take me out for a really nice dinner before I feel like crap for 3+ months!!

  31. delight

    pomelo / 5326 posts

    @LatteLove: @LAZB: thanks ladies. I'm praying so hard there is a little bean growing in there!

  32. Mrs. Sunshine

    hostess / cantaloupe / 6486 posts

    @delight: praying for you!! I hope it goes super well tomorrow!! What time is your appointment? (I know we have a time difference, just want to try to be thinking of you!)

  33. delight

    pomelo / 5326 posts

    @Mrs. Sunshine: thanks so much. It's at 9am!

  34. M4mi

    coffee bean / 47 posts

    This comment has been deleted by the original poster.

  35. teacherbee

    cherry / 106 posts

    Location: Nova Scotia

    EDD: November 30th (based on O day or Nov. 12th going by LMP)

    How far along: 3 weeks + 1

    First child? Yes!

    First doctor appointment: Calling to schedule one in the morning!

    Any symptoms so far? I've had mild cramping for the past week. Similar to AF cramps but not painful. Also mild nausea but nothing too bad.

    Who have you told? Just the hubby (and you guys! haha)

  36. Plainpistachio

    cherry / 116 posts

    Just got my BFP! Still in shock and still worried about it not being true, but here goes!

    Location: western Washington state

    EDD: November 29

    How far along: 3w2d

    First child? Yes!

    First doctor appointment: not sure. Blood test on Saturday to get me into the system.

    Any symptoms so far? This morning I was hot under the blankets and my boobs were a tiny bit sore. I'm also more tired than usual, but I attributed that to cutting down my caffeine consumption. Good timing!

    Who have you told? Husband and my best friend who was TTC with me, but she got pregnant back in October and left me behind! It was starting to get depressing that she learned the gender and I was still trying. She's thrilled!

    So much to learn. So excited for this journey with you ladies!

  37. M4mi

    coffee bean / 47 posts

    😳 I decided to delete my post until I see a doctor. Weird dreams that cause paranoia suck! Hope to join in on the conversation soon and Congrats to everyone!😊

  38. delight

    pomelo / 5326 posts

    @M4mi: I totally understand the paranoia. Hope to see you here soon!
    @Plainpistachio: @teacherbee: welcome ladies!!!

  39. delight

    pomelo / 5326 posts

    November 2016 Mamas!

    Caterw - 11/1 {#2}
    Narwhal - 11/2 {#1}
    Mrs. Sunshine - 11/5 {#3}
    LazB - 11/13 {#3}
    Dragonsword - 11/19 {#2}
    Lattelove - 11/20 {#2}
    Plainpistachio- 11/29 {#1}
    Teacherbee - 11/30 {#1}

  40. delight

    pomelo / 5326 posts

    My scan was terrible. He couldn't find anything in the sac. I go back in two weeks but that seems way too far away. I'm 7w, I know he should have found a babe in there. I'm just so heartbroken and tired of all of this. I'm going to remove myself from the list. I've been down this road and know how it ends.

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