Hellobee Boards


November 2016 moms!

  1. LatteLove

    apricot / 441 posts

    @evelyn_jane: @rara0614: @janeybee: welcome!!

    Should we start adding appointments to our list? I called my ob to schedule my 8 week appointment but edplained that I'm not really sure what my cycle looked like last month since I had a chemical pregnancy (so it was a "longer" cycle and I don't know when I ovulated)-. She told me to come in at 7 weeks for my first ultrasound to check. So April 5 is when we will go in!

  2. Mrs. Marshmallow

    blogger / apricot / 389 posts

    Our ultrasound went super well! I'm 7weeks 6days - so my due date was switched to Nov 3 (my birthday!!). Little babe had a strong heartbeat of 164.

  3. delight

    pomelo / 5326 posts

    @narwhal: that's awesome! Congrats!

  4. Mrs. Sunshine

    hostess / cantaloupe / 6486 posts

    @narwhal: aww yay! Congrats!

  5. Mrs. Sunshine

    hostess / cantaloupe / 6486 posts

    @janeybee: welcome!

  6. Mrs. Sunshine

    hostess / cantaloupe / 6486 posts

    @kes18: welcome! 2 is pretty fun most of the time! My 2 year old is an awesome big sister!

  7. Mrs. Sunshine

    hostess / cantaloupe / 6486 posts

    @rara0614: welcome!!

  8. Mrs. Sunshine

    hostess / cantaloupe / 6486 posts

    Anyone else's sense of smell out of control? I feel like our sink smells, the fridge smells, the freezer smells, the microwave. No one else smells it but I feel like that's half the reason I feel so bad all the time. It's all these bad smells. I can't make them go away!

  9. Plainpistachio

    cherry / 116 posts

    @janeybee @rara0614 @KES18 Welcome and congrats!

    @Narwhal so cool! Hi baby! I just got really excited for mine now in 3 weeks! If they date mine, I wonder the chances that it will be around my bday too, Nov. 19?

  10. Mrs. Marshmallow

    blogger / apricot / 389 posts

    @Mrs. Sunshine: yes! It's super human and mostly not welcome. But sometimes random foods smell SOOOO good.

    And thanks everyone! Feels so real now! @Plainpistachio: so cool to share a due date with your birthday! At least I know the chances of him/her being born on my actual birthday are slim

  11. ksommer

    pea / 14 posts

    Just joining in I just found out I'm pregnant a few days ago. I have been trying for awhile...

    Location: California

    EDD: 11/30/2016 according to my LMP

    How far along: 4 weeks today

    First child? 2nd; I have a 2 year old son

    First doctor appointment: next month

    Any symptoms so far? sore boobs

    Who have you told? husband, sister and some close friends

  12. LAZB

    pomegranate / 3904 posts

    @rara0614: welcome!
    @narwhal: so glad your us went well!
    @ksommer: yay yay yay! So glad to get to share another birth board with you!

  13. teacherbee

    cherry / 106 posts

    Is anyone else experiencing sore aching legs as a symptom? Mine feel like i've ran a marathon and I certainly haven't...unless speed walking up and down school hallways counts haha.

  14. LatteLove

    apricot / 441 posts

    @narwhal: yay! Glad the appointment went well!
    @ksommer: welcome!

    I am starting to feel sick today - which stinks because I'm at a three day conference with my boss and trying to keep it a secret for now. But I'm gagging!

  15. DesertTransplant

    apple seed / 1 posts

    Hello to all! Just popping in to say hi!
    Location: AZ
    EDD: 11/5/16
    How far along: 7w3d
    First child? numero uno
    First doctor appointment: next month
    Any symptoms so far? nausea, exhaustion
    Who have you told? husband, close friends (parents and in laws are on the other coast, we are planning to tell in person)

  16. Mrs. Sunshine

    hostess / cantaloupe / 6486 posts

    @teacherbee: not currently, no. But that's a thing for me. Both my period and pregnancy can really really make my legs sore. My knees too. It's so strange.

  17. Mrs. Sunshine

    hostess / cantaloupe / 6486 posts

    @ksommer: @DesertTransplant: welcome and congrats ladies!

    @LatteLove: ahh, that stinks! Sucking on peppermint and altoids really helped me last pregnancy!

  18. kes18

    apricot / 485 posts

    @narwhal: adorable!
    @Mrs. Sunshine: that's awesome! I hope mine will handle it well. She is pretty stubborn so it will be interesting...
    @ksommer: welcome!
    @DesertTransplant: welcome!

  19. dragonsword

    cherry / 175 posts

    whoa! I feel like this board exploded (of course when I'm not able to sign on). Congrats and welcome to all the new comers!
    @narwhal: soo cute already!

  20. LAZB

    pomegranate / 3904 posts

    November 2016 Mamas!

    Caterw - 11/1 {#2}
    RARA0614- 11/2{#1}
    Narwhal - 11/2 {#1}
    Mrs. Sunshine - 11/5 {#3}
    evelyn_jane - 11/9 {#1}
    LazB - 11/13 {#3}
    Dragonsword - 11/19 {#2}
    Lattelove - 11/20 {#2}
    kes18 - 111/23 {#2}
    Plainpistachio- 11/29 {#1}
    Teacherbee - 11/30 {#1}
    KSOMMER- 11/30 {#2}

  21. teacherbee

    cherry / 106 posts

    @LAZB: My due date has been changed to Nov. 14th if you wouldn't mind updating.

    Congrats to everyone! It's exciting seeing all the new people popping up!

  22. LAZB

    pomegranate / 3904 posts

    November 2016 Mamas!

    Caterw - 11/1 {#2}
    RARA0614- 11/2{#1}
    Narwhal - 11/2 {#1}
    Mrs. Sunshine - 11/5 {#3}
    evelyn_jane - 11/9 {#1}
    LazB - 11/13 {#3}
    Teacherbee - 11/14 {#1}
    Dragonsword - 11/19 {#2}
    Lattelove - 11/20 {#2}
    kes18 - 111/23 {#2}
    Plainpistachio- 11/29 {#1}
    KSOMMER- 11/30 {#2}

  23. Mrs. Marshmallow

    blogger / apricot / 389 posts

    @LAZB: mine also changed to the 3rd ☺

  24. dragonsword

    cherry / 175 posts

    Okay, how are you guys dealing with pregnancy exhaustion at work?? I only have an hour left but I seriously want to crawl under my desk and just sleep. I think I'm going to grab a cup of decaf coffee just to fool myself.

  25. Mrs. Sunshine

    hostess / cantaloupe / 6486 posts

    @dragonsword: I SAH with my 2 kids and honestly I just do a sub par job. I know that's not a great answer but sometimes you just gotta scrape by.

  26. dragonsword

    cherry / 175 posts

    that's me, I've been just staring at my screen trying to not fall on my keyboard.

  27. PinkElephant

    grapefruit / 4584 posts

    Jumping in now that there's a little more action on this board - though I tend to have early babies, so I may not make it til November! Looking forward to getting to know everyone.

    Location: New York

    EDD: 11/8/2016-ish

    How far along: 7 - 8 wks - I haven't had my dating scan yet

    First child? 3rd! I can't believe I'm typing that...I have daughters who are 3.5 and almost 2 yrs.

    First doctor appointment: Tuesday 3/29

    Any symptoms so far? exhaustion, heightened sense of smell, and oddly, motion sickness! That's a new one for me, and it's frustrating.

    Who have you told? only my husband, but he's over the moon and insisted we tell his parents, and he also spilled to his bff. My daughters are definitely aware something's going on; the little one turned into velcro-baby and wouldn't get off of me in the days leading up to my BFP

  28. Mrs. Sunshine

    hostess / cantaloupe / 6486 posts

    @PinkElephant: congrats! It's my 3rd too and your first appointment is the day after mine! 3 kids sounds way more crazy than 2! Haha

  29. PinkElephant

    grapefruit / 4584 posts

    @Mrs. Sunshine: Hahaha glad I'm not the only one on board the crazy train to 3 kids in this month. I still can't quite get my head around it. This pregnancy was very much planned and wanted, but in my previous pregnancies I was really itching to have a newborn in my arms. This time it's more about the family I want to have 10 years from now.....I'm frankly a bit terrified of what the next few years will hold and how I'm going to manage all of it!

    I'm hoping my current anxiety just stems from not really knowing how things will go this pregnancy (both my girls were born overseas, so I'm not sure what it's like having prenatal care/giving birth in the US). Once I feel like I know better what's going on (and know the sex so I can start planning), I'll be less stressed ( I think!)

  30. PinkElephant

    grapefruit / 4584 posts

    @Mrs. Sunshine: Also just saw that you also have two girls - any inklings on #3? I'm convinced it's a boy because all I can look at is baby boy stuff, but DH thinks there's no way it could be anything but a girl. I see the benefits of either one, so truly don't have a preference this time - the only thing that would really throw me is if we're both right and it's twins, haha!

  31. Mrs. Sunshine

    hostess / cantaloupe / 6486 posts

    @PinkElephant: my DH keeps insisting that it's twins! lol I'm the opposite. This pregnancy wasn't planned so I'm actually getting over my shock and feeling excited about holding a little tiny newborn. Before we even knew we were pregnant I had been telling my mom that I randomly had this overwhelming desire to have a son when it never really mattered to me before. So I kind of hope it's a boy but i feel like it's a girl haha. Im hoping to be team green this pregnancy but the only person who supports that is my grandmother and she doesn't live close so I'm suspecting that husband/peer pressure will ultimately make me change my mind!

  32. Mrs. Sunshine

    hostess / cantaloupe / 6486 posts

    @PinkElephant: i just wanted to add that last pregnancy I felt very much the way you're feeling now and she was very very planned. And you're in a different country, no wonder you're nervous!

  33. LAZB

    pomegranate / 3904 posts

    @PinkElephant: congratulations! I plan on delivering in October too, but think this is the place for me to be for pregnancy stuff.

    I'll update the list when I get back to a computer, may not be until Monday. If someone else wants to, I don't mind

  34. janeybee

    pea / 22 posts

    Hello All!
    So I had some light spotting about a month ago, only for two days and not even enough to warrant a pad, which is what first tipped me off that I might be pregnant. Tonight I've had some mild cramping and spotting again - bright red, but not a lot and nothing that looks like what is described online by people who have experienced a miscarriage. Because this is my first pregnancy, I'm panicking. I'm about 7 weeks and we have an ultrasound booked for next Monday. Has anyone else experienced anything like this? My doctor told me I would know if something was wrong, but because I've never done this before I am feeling really anxious. Any feedback would be really appreciated. Thanks!

  35. Mrs. Sunshine

    hostess / cantaloupe / 6486 posts

    @janeybee: how far along are you? Did yall recently have sex?

    I had bleeding with my first after sex around 6 weeks and then some random mild bleeding at 8 weeks. Sometimes if you have a "sensitive uterus" it's just a little aggravated that so many things are different. I also had the implantation spotting you're describing. Everything was fine. She's now a healthy 2.5 year old

  36. janeybee

    pea / 22 posts

    @Mrs. Sunshine: thanks so much! I'be had some bleeding after sex, but that's not the case this time. We had gone for a big walk and had a long day, so I'm hoping that played into it? It's not a lot of blood, but the combination with the cramping made me nervous. You've helped ease my worries, knowing someone else experienced something similar at about the same time.

  37. kes18

    apricot / 485 posts

    @dragonsword: I am just 5w5d and so I'm not really feeling the exhaustion yet. It didn't hit me last time until 8w so I am trying to enjoy not really feeling pregnant for as long as I can.
    @PinkElephant: congrats! This is #2 for me and I had baby fever but having it happen so fast sort of has given me some anxiety. Like the unknowns and how I/we will handle two kids. I sure hope going to 2 is easier than going to 1 for me!
    @janeybee: sounds like the first spotting was implantation bleeding. I had lots of that with my first around 9-12 DPO (lots!!). Spotting can be normal so I'll just keep my FX it is something minor like an irritated cervix and GL for the ultrasound.

  38. LAZB

    pomegranate / 3904 posts

    November 2016 Mamas!

    Caterw - 11/1 {#2}
    RARA0614- 11/2{#1}
    Narwhal - 11/3 {#1}
    Mrs. Sunshine - 11/5 {#3}
    PinkElephant - 11/8 {#3}
    evelyn_jane - 11/9 {#1}
    LazB - 11/13 {#3}
    Teacherbee - 11/14 {#1}
    Dragonsword - 11/19 {#2}
    Lattelove - 11/20 {#2}
    kes18 - 111/23 {#2}
    Plainpistachio- 11/29 {#1}
    KSOMMER- 11/30 {#2}

  39. Mrs. Sunshine

    hostess / cantaloupe / 6486 posts

    Just got home from my first appointment. They couldn't find anything in the sac. I'm really upset. She scheduled me for next Wednesday to do another ultrasound but I know there is nothing in there. If I don't miscarry naturally they'll have to schedule me for a D & C.

  40. Goldengirl

    kiwi / 566 posts

    @Mrs. Sunshine: sorry to hear that. Is it possible you are earlier than you thought? Did they give you an estimate based on measurements? Same thing happened to me last week and am waiting 2 weeks to go back for another look. They thought I was only 5.5 weeks at that point so too early to see anything. Fingers crossed for you!

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