Hellobee Boards


November 2016 moms!

  1. avivoca

    watermelon / 14467 posts

    @delight: Oh my gosh! Congratulations!

  2. LatteLove

    apricot / 441 posts

    @delight: omg, SO happy for you!! Grow little bean, grow!

  3. dragonsword

    cherry / 175 posts

    @delight: i teared up seeing this pic! A thousand congrats on being able to see that babe and measuring perfectly for you!!

  4. dragonsword

    cherry / 175 posts

    @CedarMagnolia: congratulations and welcome to the board!

  5. littlebear16

    cherry / 116 posts

    @delight: How amazing! Can't imagine how difficult waiting for this scan was!

  6. teacherbee

    cherry / 106 posts

    @delight: Fantastic news!!!!

  7. Mrs. Sunshine

    hostess / cantaloupe / 6486 posts

    @delight: wow. That's amazing!

  8. Goldengirl

    kiwi / 566 posts

    @delight: this makes me soooo happy, I've been waiting for your good news! As you know I'm going back for my second "is there anything there" scan next week and so anxious about it. This gives me hope. Congrats! I had a feeling it would turn out well for you

  9. mfa_lady

    pomegranate / 3921 posts

    @delight: I'm totally creeping here, but YAY! So, so, so happy for you. What amazing news!

  10. delight

    pomelo / 5326 posts

    @Mrs. Sunshine: @Goldengirl: thanks guys. I know I am not the only one waiting on follow up appointments. I pray for good news for all.
    @mfa_lady: love the creeping!!! Thanks so much!
    @avivoca: @LatteLove: Thanks girls. I'm hoping things are uneventful from here on out!
    @littlebear16: thanks! It was definitely an awful two weeks. I googled way too much, binge watched way too much tv and didn't sleep a wink!!
    @teacherbee: thanks! I'm excited to be back in the november board and get to know everyone!

  11. delight

    pomelo / 5326 posts

    @Aimed121: Thanks for stopping back in. I wish you all the best in your TTC journey.
    @CedarMagnolia: crash away! Welcome to our group and congrats!!
    @winniebee: Right before he started the scan today I started talking about my tilted uterus. Haha. Maybe he ended up positioning the wand differently. I have read though that around 9 weeks it starts to right itself, so maybe that's what happened. It is just so strange to go from nothing to this. I didn't even have a yolk sac!
    @Mrs. Sunshine: @Goldengirl: thanks guys. I know I am not the only one waiting on follow up appointments. I pray for good news for all.
    @mfa_lady: @MRSRCCAR: love the creeping on the thread!!! Thanks so much!
    @avivoca: @LatteLove: Thanks girls. I'm hoping things are uneventful from here on out!
    @littlebear16: thanks! It was definitely an awful two weeks. I googled way too much, binge watched way too much tv and didn't sleep a wink!! Welcome to our group!
    @teacherbee: thanks! I'm excited to be back in the november board and get to know everyone!
    @plainpistachio: Yes, it was a bad April Fool's Joke, that's for sure!
    @dragonsword: Thanks for all your support over the past couple of weeks. I definitely had tears flowing at the scan!

  12. CedarMagnolia

    grape / 78 posts

    @dragonsword: Thank you!

  13. Plainpistachio

    cherry / 116 posts

    @delight fantastic news! What a relief! Baby's first game of hide n seek. So happy for you! Yippee!

  14. delight

    pomelo / 5326 posts

    @lazb: I updated the list. Want me to keep it up? Thanks for updating during my "absence"!

    November 2016 Mamas!

    Caterw - 11/1 {#2}
    RARA0614- 11/2{#1}
    Narwhal - 11/3 {#1}
    Delight - 11/3 {#2}
    Mrs. Sunshine - 11/5 {#3}
    Deserttransplant- 11/5 {#1}
    PinkElephant - 11/7 {#3}
    evelyn_jane - 11/9 {#1}
    LazB - 11/13 {#3}
    Teacherbee - 11/14 {#1}
    Dragonsword - 11/19 {#2}
    Lattelove - 11/20 {#2}
    Cedarmagnolia - 11/20 {#1}
    Kes18 - 111/23 {#2}
    Plainpistachio- 11/29 {#1}
    Ksommer- 11/30 {#2}
    Littlebear16 - 11/30 {#2}

  15. CedarMagnolia

    grape / 78 posts

    Hey guys, thank you for creating this board, you are all so friendly and supportive!

    I have a question: how do you cope with the waiting period before the first ultrasound (or after an inconclusive u/s waiting for a follow-up!)? I am normally a very patient person but I've never been so impatient waiting for anything in my life! I think about it pretty much all day, every day, and I'm not sure if that's healthy

    I know it's harder to be the person carrying, but it also feels weird to be the partner, I wish I could feel all the physical feelings too, I'm sure my wife is sick of me checking if she is still nauseated

  16. LAZB

    pomegranate / 3904 posts

    @delight: amazing news! I'm so happy for you! And yes please, I suck at being the list keeper haha

  17. delight

    pomelo / 5326 posts

    @CedarMagnolia: oh man I am not a good person to answer your question as the last couple weeks of waiting for me has been hell. Just keep thinking positively and know that the strong majority of the time, everything turns out well. I'm sure your wife loves your attention and caring.

  18. Mrs. Marshmallow

    blogger / apricot / 389 posts

    @delight: after you told me about your tilted uterus I had SUCH hope for you!!! Ahhh this just made my night!!!

  19. LAZB

    pomegranate / 3904 posts

    @CedarMagnolia: welcome and congratulations to you and your partner! I am terrible at being patient. I haven't had my first scan yet, and I'm so nervous that something is wrong even though I have no reason to think that. I have no helpful tips, just well wishes that time goes quickly for your next scan.

  20. Mrs. Marshmallow

    blogger / apricot / 389 posts

    @CedarMagnolia: Just know it's normal? I was an absolute wreck waiting on our ultrasound... just knowing it would determine everything was enough to stress me out beyond measure. I am hoping for the best for you both (and your little one!)

  21. Mrs. Marshmallow

    blogger / apricot / 389 posts

    @delight: Oh and I just realized we're due date twins! Yay

  22. delight

    pomelo / 5326 posts

    @narwhal: yeah I even got bumped ahead a day after all that nonsense!!!

  23. Mrs. Marshmallow

    blogger / apricot / 389 posts

    @delight: nice little reward - speed up time a bit what was the heart rate?

  24. delight

    pomelo / 5326 posts

    @narwhal: no idea what the HR was! He just pointed it out on screen but never gave me a number. I have never had a doctor tell me a heart rate before in any scan! Only later on when it's the Doppler and I can see it on the machine myself.

  25. PinkElephant

    grapefruit / 4584 posts

    @dragonsword: @littlebear: The OB I had intended to me also wasn't concerned about not seeing me until 11 weeks (even though I told them I wasn't positive about my dates....ummmm what if I was actually further along than I thought and missed some testing windows?!) - I decided to see someone else who could get me in earlier for a dating scan. Now I'm trying to figure out who I want to see for the long run!!

  26. PinkElephant

    grapefruit / 4584 posts

    @delight: Hooray! I'm happy for you to hear this! I also didn't get told the heart rate this time (my old OB used to tell me), and didn't want to ask and get labelled as trying to guess the baby's sex too early, haha

    I had my first appointment Tuesday - I'm measuring 8w3d, so the "official" due date they're giving me is Nov 7 - kind of funny because that would mean EVERYONE in our family has a 7 in the day they were born! It's also my younger DD's half birthday.

  27. delight

    pomelo / 5326 posts

    @PinkElephant: thanks so much! Glad everything looked good at your appointment. I changed your EDD to the 7th!

  28. Mrs D

    grapefruit / 4545 posts


  29. littlebear16

    cherry / 116 posts

    @PinkElephant: I keep thinking about calling to see if I can get an early dating scan or even betas, but then I randomly feel confident that baby's okay. I should probably just call. I keep obsessively searching blighted ovum on Google.

  30. kes18

    apricot / 485 posts

    @CedarMagnolia: welcome!
    @delight: awesome news! congrats!
    @CedarMagnolia: I don't really have any advice, just take it one day at a time and assume everything is fine unless there are specific concerns (re: bleeding, extreme pain, etc). I probably won't have a ultrasound until 12 weeks at the earliest. In the majority of cases, everything is going along just fine. Also, around 10 weeks they can start listening to the heartbeat with a doppler at every appointment so you can confirm with that. And then it's much easier after 16-20+ weeks when you feel movement. So it's not the whole time at least you're left wondering if everything is okay!

  31. M4mi

    coffee bean / 47 posts

    @delight: I'vd been creeping since I deleted my post but I have to congratulate you! I've been crossing my fingers and hoping for you since I saw your post..yay so happy for you!

    I have my Scan in 2 weeks and will hopefully be posting details soon! Fingers crossed and happy healthy babies for everyone!💗

  32. littlebear16

    cherry / 116 posts

    Well, I called the nurse line and just got a call back. She said that spotting is normal after a positive test. She thought it might be implantation bleeding, but doesn't that happen before a positive? She doesn't think I need an early ultrasound or extra blood tests other than the first trimester screening. I'm going to get that done later today.

    I hope they'll be testing to see the amount of hcg and not just whether or not it's present, because that would a lot more helpful!

  33. Maysprout

    grapefruit / 4800 posts

    Congrats to everyone! I've been watching this thread. I think I'm due the first week of Nov, i was still nursing so I just have it narrowed down to when I tested neg vs pos. I have an appt next week so hopefully they do a dating scan and I find out then. This is my third child but a different OB since we moved so no idea what they're like. Been the most tired and naseous this time, with my other pregnancies I still ran ( slowly the first tri) but this time I'm sooo depleted of energy the rest of the day I just can't.

  34. delight

    pomelo / 5326 posts

    @littlebear16: just so you know, I always spot. This pregnancy I got my positive at 10dpo and had a gush of blood at 14dpo and then spotted for a day. I spotted for weeks with my healthy DD too. My doctor has always told me that it is "normal" to have some spotting in early pregnancy. This is your second right? Did you spot before?
    @M4mi: thanks for stopping back in! I wish you all the best at your scan in two weeks!
    @kes18: thanks so much! Looking forward to getting caught up here and getting to know everyone!

  35. littlebear16

    cherry / 116 posts

    @delight: yeah, it's my second. I didn't bleed at all with her. I guess every pregnancy is different, though! It does help to know that it happens to others!

  36. NorCalWayfarer

    nectarine / 2134 posts

    Hello lovely mamas!

    Location: Northern California
    EDD: November 27th
    How far along: 5w5d
    First child? 2nd! I have a 20 month old son.
    First doctor appointment: April 18th
    Any symptoms so far? Pretty darn tired
    Who have you told? DH, some of the ladies from my previous HB birth month board I keep in touch with and now HB!

  37. CedarMagnolia

    grape / 78 posts

    @delight: @lazb: @narwhal: @kes18: Thank you so much for your responses, they help a lot! Yes, just need to keep thinking the odds are on our side (all our sides!) and try not to obsess.

    I would love to have someone else's appointment to look forward to and send positive vibes for - does anyone have one coming up in the next few days?

  38. CedarMagnolia

    grape / 78 posts

    Welcome and congratulations @norcalwayfarer! How are you doing? Jealous of your location - Northern California is so beautiful!

  39. LAZB

    pomegranate / 3904 posts

    @NorCalWayfarer: welcome!
    @CedarMagnolia: my appointment is Wednesday afternoon, you can join me in waiting for it! Lol. I am so anxious, even with no reason to be. This is my third, and the first time I have morning sickness and no spotting, so I should be glad for the reassurance, but I still worry.

  40. Mrs. Sunshine

    hostess / cantaloupe / 6486 posts

    @CedarMagnolia: my follow up is Wednesday. I need all the positive vibes I can get. My mom has my other two kids today so I'm really struggling this afternoon without the distraction.

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