GOLD / wonderful olive / 19030 posts
@hellobeeboston: Glad I'm not the only one, I did it again just now a coworker was like "how much longer do you have" and I said "3 weeks" when in reality it's 3 1/2 until my due date!
My appointment went okay, I left a little perturbed because my doctor was an hour behind and I felt a little rushed. I had my Strep B test and they nurse said she would check me, well she didn't and I really wanted to know if anything has happened!
I had to purchase a portable blood pressure machine today and I'm required to test 3 times a day and give my results on Friday, if they are concerned I will be on bed rest and run some labs to see if it is pre-eclampsia, although she doesn't think that is the case.
Next week I purposely scheduled my appointment for the first one after lunch so I can hopefully not have to worry about being behind or rushed. And I'm hoping to schedule an ultrasound to see how little girl is doing (and checking to make sure she is still a little girl not a big one like all my nieces were ha!)
bananas / 9357 posts
@hellobeeboston: Yay for your glider arriving! Post a pic of your nursery!
@jessiejo17: Sorry your appointment didn't go as well as you'd hoped. That happens at my doc's office too. Except they are pretty much always behind. I try to get the first appointment after lunch and last time I still had to wait b/c my doc was out on a delivery.
How much newborn sized clothing do you ladies have? I'm not sure how much I should have. I have a pack of long sleeved onsies, short sleeved onsies, a couple gowns, a few sleepers. Is that enough?
squash / 13764 posts
@hellobeeboston: Yes definitely post pictures!
@jessiejo17: Boo, sorry you didn't get a check! I definitely hope I get on at my next appt and I REALLY hope there's some progress! I hope your BP stays ok!
@mrskc: I have 3 newborn footed sleepers, 2 little outfits (kimono tops and footed pants) and a bunch of s/s onesies that we got as gifts. I figure he'll at least have enough for the first day or two and then I can ask my mom or DH to pick up some more if needed. I've heard such varying things on the amount of NB stuff to buy!
GOLD / wonderful olive / 19030 posts
@mrskc: I have way too much newborn clothing, not because I have purchased but because my sister is a shopaholic and it was given to me leftover from her daughter. No joke I have at least 25 sleep and plays, plus several outfits, onsies, pants, ect. It just dpeends on the size of your baby too.
pomegranate / 3917 posts
Hi ladies,
Just checking in a little hello! I have been feeling slightly better lately, thankfully, but still taking it super easy!
Baby moving like crazy here as I type, so it seems she is doing well too!
Today is one month away from my EDD! I have it in my head I will be preggo for 6 more weeks though so I am not disappointed/even more anxious as my EDD comes and goes!
pomegranate / 3917 posts
Oh! Funny story....neighbours of ours were due Oct 7th.....had their baby 3 days ago (not the funny part) baby is in NICU with a few issues, but hopefully everyone will be ok -they should be.
The name we have probably liked the most, the longest? Brianna.
Their babies name? Brianna!
Figures, lol. We didn't tell them, so it's just funny coincidence, DH met with the husband up at the park with the dogs and ended telling me the story with "scratch that name off the list", our uselessness at this name thing just got all the more funny/terrible!
GOLD / wonderful olive / 19030 posts
@Beebug: That is a great mindset, I wish I could do it but I keep rounding down instead of up! I think I have hit my Pregnancy Wall and ready for Baby Girl to be here! haha she is officially full term on Saturday (37 weeks) so I know she can come anytime.
I am waiting for the nurse to call me back, I have been taking my BP at home with a portable Blood Pressure Cuff/Machine and it has been spiking again. So we will see what the doctor says, I'm guessing I will be going in for lap work and possibly have to do the 24 Urine collection (not fun!) to determine if I"m slowly getting pre-eclampsia. Fingers crossed for no preeclampsia!!
pomegranate / 3917 posts
@jessiejo17: I will be just about 37 weeks by my appointment next week, depending on what is going on with me (nothing staying in, no weight gain, measuring behind) I might not have the 6 weeks to go, but trying to keep it in my head 6 weeks is it! I would loveee a due date baby or even a baby a week late (one of my bffs is getting married, supposed to be in wedding that day). I just think we can make things worse on ourselves expecting baby by EDD and I want to keep the stress down if that date comes and goes!!
bananas / 9357 posts
@Beebug: Glad you're feeling a little better. My DH and I are struggling with the name thing too. We've been set on names and then change our minds. I have a feeling I'll go into labor with a short list and then pick one after he's born.
@jessiejo17: I hope you're not developing pre-e!
34 weeks today! Time feels like it's going by fast. Still am not ready for this little guy yet. I need to wash his clothes and organize all his stuff. Plus, I still have a lot of things I need to purchase. My hubby told me last night, that's it's starting to feel more real to him the bigger my belly gets.
persimmon / 1408 posts
@BeeBug - hope things keep getting better for you! Great mindset on the due date, that's what I've tried to do too.
@Jessie017 - I'm 37 weeks on Saturday too... and I'm just not ready yet. My mom is coming up this weekend though, so I'm hoping by Sunday I will feel better.
As for newborn clothes... I actually only had 1 or 2 things, but a good friend just gave me 2 big bags of clothes from her DD and there was a lot of NB stuff in there! So I washed and folded it in preparation to use it!
Good news - My glider is being delivered tomorrow!!! I can't wait to see it!!!
Has anyone else been getting Braxton Hicks? I was in class last night and they started coming pretty regularly for around an hour or so. Really strong cramps up high near my ribs. They eventually subsided... but they were uncomfortable (I kind of thought BH were mild). Feeling much better today.
bananas / 9357 posts
@CarrieLouWho: I was getting BH for a few weeks, but it's been awhile since I've felt one. I would get like 1 or 2 a day. I think they're common as you get near the end. My instructor in my childbirth prep class said they could be painless or they can be really strong.
clementine / 961 posts
@jessiejo17: I hope you're not gettin Pre E!
@Beebug: Glad you're feeling better and I wish I could have your mindset but sadly I am SO over being pregnant at this point. We will most likely schedule an induction for sometime after 39 weeks.
@CarrieLouWho: Yes I have been getting strong ones the past week or so. Sometimes I wonder if it's labor starting but it never is. Mine are always low though but feel alot like menstrual cramps.
pomegranate / 3917 posts
I finally got going on my hospital bag today! Bought some pads, nursing bra, button-down-front night gown (oh so comfy, I want to wear it now!).
Looking forward to the weekend, even though I am not working, I definitely still know when the weekends are and treat them differently than weekdays, especially for DH! I still need to meet with HR for my mat leave stuff, looks like I will return around the beginning of October, 2013......seems so far away! I am not going to add on vacation time to it like I originally thought I would, I am going to bank it and see what happens (will use it over Christmas and perhaps for baby #2 down the road!)
@CarrieLouWho: No BH for me, I am wishing I had any clue what they were/are! I feel like the other stuff I am dealing with is the (unfair!) trade off I guess.
squash / 13764 posts
@jessiejo17: fingers crossed for no pre e!!@CarrieLouWho: Yes I have been getting a ton of bh contractions recently. They are getting more uncomfortable too!
Least exciting baby related thing I did today: put a waterproof mattress pad on our bed, lol don't want our mattress to get ruined by my water breaking!
coconut / 8475 posts
@CarrieLouWho: that's funny-I had insane BH last night too. I never knew what BH were or if I'd had any, but yesterday I can say for sure I had them. I even thought I could be in labor but they were consistent nor were they getting close together.
@Beebug: i knooow, I wanted to wear my comfy postpartum pajamas as soon as I bought them:)
I just now posted a pic on our bump thread of me at "36w" even thought I technically won't be until tomorrow morning (Fri). I am jumping the gun:)
pomegranate / 3917 posts
@TurtleDoves: I will take my 36w pic one day early tomorrow and I may go take a peak at the bump pic!!!
squash / 13764 posts
@TurtleDoves: ha I totally do this too. My "changeover" day is Tuesday, but I usually just mentally go by Monday
honeydew / 7235 posts
@hilsy85: I need to do that! Did you cover your whole bed or just your side?
@CarrieLouWho: Woohoo for your glider!!!
I get some BH at the end of a long day - they dont hurt but they feel uncomfortable.
@Beebug: I want to get going on my hospital bag and items for me this weekend! I feel like I have plenty for the babe but now I need to get my post partum items!
This thread is so great because it seriously helps to remind me all of the things I need to do!
squash / 13764 posts
@hellobeeboston: I bought a fitted mattress cover so it goes over the wholebed. I figure it'll be helpful if we have LO in bed with us and he spits up/pees as well. And, ya know, in case dh has an accident
persimmon / 1408 posts
Speaking of covering the bed... My mom is coming to visit this weekend and since she works at a nursing home, I've asked her to grab me a diaper pad for the bed hahaha
coconut / 8475 posts
@CarrieLouWho: omgosh too funny. Isn't pregnancy so lovely? Having a mattress pad makes me feel: SEXY!
bananas / 9357 posts
@hilsy85: Mattress cover! Good idea. We have one on ours already, but I'm not sure if it's waterproof.
I can feel my hips widening lately. Have any of you had this feeling of your hip ligaments stretching? They feel kind of sore. And the last couple of nights, I noticed when I roll over, my hips crack. It's amazing how our bodies work!
coconut / 8681 posts
@mrskc: Yes to the hip soreness! They've gotten worse in the last 2 weeks and I definitely think it's them widening. It's almost game time
Just a quick update- we had our hospital tour last night and I was seriously jealous of the women there in labor. I think that means that I'm ready for him to be out! We have our final baby shower tomorrow with my MIL's side of the family and I can't wait to be able to complete our registry. I hate having stuff still out there that we need! 35w2d today!
squash / 13764 posts
@Running Elley: yay, have fun at your baby shower! I think we might complete our registries tomorrow and get everything that's left.
Have you guys started thinking about birth announcements yet? I just looked through and am in love with these:
coconut / 8681 posts
@hilsy85: I LOVE the last one and the new kid in town one! Too cute I was just looking at birth announcements on shutterfly yesterday. I think we've decided to combine birth announcements and Christmas cards though
bananas / 9357 posts
@Running Elley: yay! Have fun at your shower. My plan for the weekend is to go complete our registry too. I have lots of baby laundry to do and lots of organizing to do this weekend. So exciting how close we all are! I'm off to my 34 week appointment pretty soon!
coconut / 8681 posts
@mrskc: Have a good appointment!!!
Just booked our newborn photographer! Eeeeee
persimmon / 1408 posts
@MrsKC - I totally can feel the hip widening, have been for a few weeks... Definitely sore when I'm sleeping.
@RunningElley- have fun at your shower!!! I think we are going to do the combo announcement/Christmas card too. I need to figure out what we are doing for newborn pics...
My mom is on her way up now to help finish getting stuff ready this weekend! I'm 37 weeks today... FULL TERM! How did the time go by soooooo fast?
pomegranate / 3917 posts
36 weeks today!! That is c-r-a-z-y!
I don't think we'll do birth announcements, but I am going to make a nice thank-you card with baby pics, and just order oodles of them so some can act as announcement if need be!
Our waterproof mattress cover is already on, oh so sexy (lol @TurtleDoves:) it's noisy when moving, but I don't really notice it once we're in our spots and settled!
I also love this thread for remembering things some of you mention that I either didn't think of (usual!) or forget!
I spoke with my Nanny today (I still call her Nanny, she isn't related, literally my Nanny when I was a wee one!) and I am visiting her this week, but she said she and her daughter's wanted to host a shower for us! She said before or after, and at our house or hers, I said after and here, and she said we'd set the date as soon as baby is here, SO excited! I was getting a little worried no one had mentioned anything yet, but probably because I've been so pushy with not wanting one before! Nanny hosted one of my wedding showers and it will be lovely, excited that it will be here too, won't have to go anywhere, show off the nursery and everyone will get to meet our baby girl!
I won't post it in bump thread, but here is my 36w bump photo!
GOLD / wonderful olive / 19030 posts
@CarrieLouWho: I agree!! Full term today too! Crazy to think any day we could be meeting our baby girls!
clementine / 961 posts
@CarrieLouWho: @jessiejo17: Congrats on being Full Term! SO exciting!
@Beebug: CuteBump
We went to a family day at my Dad's work today and ended up walking/standing for 3 hours straight then we went and picked apples. I'm hoping keeping active will make Baby B arrive early!
squash / 13764 posts
@jessiejo17: @CarrieLouWho: eek so exciting!!! Your babies could be here so soon!!@Beebug: adorable bump pic!!
@Running Elley: that's a good idea to combine...I think Minted had a few combo layouts, actually.
persimmon / 1408 posts
So, my mom and I went to Walmart this morning (hate that store!). I didn't realize they honor other coupons, so I used my $8 off Babiesrus diapers coupons at Walmart the diapers were already $10 cheaper than at BRU!
Also... How many Newborn diapers have yall stashed? My mom kept saying to not get any bc you won't use them... But while we were in the aisle a new mom came up and said she was picking up her 4th big box of NB diapers and her LO was 5 weeks, born at 7lbs.
So, I bought 2 boxes since I only had a few (40) in NB size. Just thought I would share!!!
honeydew / 7235 posts
@hilsy85: Funny - I just pinned a few announcements! i'm definitely thinking of getting one of them.. I was liking this one in melon & gray:
@CarrieLouWho: I have about 100 NB diapers right now, then I have like 4-5 packs of 1's, and a few packs of 2's -- it was a shower game which is why I have so many diapers! I feel like I'm good to get started because who knows how big he'll be & what will fit! I've heard so many different things.
@jessiejo17: @CarrieLouWho: WOO HOO! Full term - so great!!! I'm jealous, haha, just 2 weeks behind but I want to meet this little dude!
@Beebug: love your bump! cute maternity shirt too!
35 weeks this week, yay! nothing new really to report. His movements have gotten sorta painful! yikes. last night he was moving around and I had to lay down because it HURT!
persimmon / 1408 posts
Sooo, I had my 37 week check up! We've made some progression!
Dialation: 2-3 cm (36 w = .5 cm)
Effacement: 60% (36w = 30%)
Station: -1 (didn't ask last time)
Placement: Head down!
Also, I mentioned last time how painful the internal check was... yeah, I think it was even more painful/uncomfortable this time. (And I don't think I'm really a wuss for pain). Also, I've been bleeding lightly since. I called the dr. and they said it was normal after the internal check (didn't happen last time thought). I think it's slowing down now, but I got a little freaked that it might be the mucus plug. Sorry for TMI, but thought I'd share in case that happens to any of you.
I know most of you are ready to be done... but I think I'm one of those weirdos that actually doesn't mind being pregnant and I'm totally fine if she comes on or after the due date (and not earlier).
How was everyone's weekend?!?!?
squash / 13764 posts
@CarrieLouWho: wow!! it sounds like you're definitely making progress!! I am totally one of those who is ready to be done, but it's good that you're patient @hellobeeboston: aw I love that one too. @CarrieLouWho: we have about 80 nb diapers and 190 size 1s.
coconut / 8681 posts
@CarrieLouWho: You're definitely progressing- how exciting!! I'm totally ready to be done but I wish I was as patient as you are
We had our last shower on Saturday and I ordered our stroller and the rest of our cloth diaper stash yesterday! All we need now is our infant carseat and things for our hospital bags (just little stuff). We're going to get that stuff tomorrow so we can install the carseat and get it checked. It's exciting how real everything is becoming now that it's SO close.
bananas / 9357 posts
@CarrieLouWho: I have about 100 Nb size diapers. I think I'll stick with that as a start and buy a box of size 1 diapers. I also used that $8 off coupon on Saturday, but I didn't know I could have went to Walmart to get it even cheaper. And Yay for progress!
@jessiejo17: @CarrieLouWho: Congrats on being full term!
I worked on baby stuff ALL weekend. Saturday we went to BRU to return a few items from my shower and use the 10% completion coupon to purchase a few small things. I first went around the store with the scanner and added things to my registry. Then I asked for my completion coupon. I guess they mail it to you, but I'm impatient. i have a bunch of 20% off coupons for a reg price item that I'll use to get some of the bigger stuff like our stroller.
I washed all the baby stuff and folded and put it away. I just have some items left to purchase on Amazon. Going to use my 20% off coupon today for some things and then use my 10% registry completion coupon to get the last of the things I want to buy. My hubby thinks I'm a crazy person for buying so much, but I just want to feel prepared. I'm sure there is a ton of stuff I could have waited on and saved us some $$$. Oh well.
GOLD / wonderful olive / 19030 posts
@CarrieLouWho: That's so exciting!!! YAY for progress! I wish they would have checked me at my last appointment, this one for sure i'm requesting it! I want to know what is going on down there!
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