bananas / 9357 posts
@TurtleDoves: Yay for progress!
@Running Elley: Report back with how your appt goes!
coconut / 8681 posts
@Beebug: I just emailed you
Ohhhhh I think you were the one I was meaning to respond to! I couldn't remember who it was who was thinking about naming their baby Danielle. Was that you? That's my name and I've ALWAYS loved it
pomegranate / 3917 posts
@Running Elley: Yes, Danielle is up on our current list, and after seeing your email, I understand why! I have added you as a friend, and then once you ok, I will add you to group!
5 members strong, lol!
pomegranate / 3917 posts
Danielle and Alexandra are my current faves. Not sure where DH is at, I think he's still a little unsure as Brianna was "taken" from him, lol.
squash / 13764 posts
@TurtleDoves: yay! That's still progress! And you still have lots of time to get even further along.
@Running Elley: definitely report on your appointment! I'm so interested to see if these are actually good indicators on when we'll all go into labor, lol.
Ooh a facebook group! Wait, so how do we join? I need to go back a page and look I think.
pomegranate / 3917 posts
For Danielle, Karen (my Mom's first name)
For Alexandra, either Evelyn (DHs Grandmother's first name, and also a first name contender) or Anne (DHs Mom's middle name)
pomegranate / 3917 posts
@hilsy85: Use that email to look me up on facebook (I think type it in search!) and friend req me, I will ok, then am able to add you to the group!
pomegranate / 3917 posts
@Running Elley: Who knows what she'll end up being named, I think it's funny how clueless we are and just hope to goodness it comes easily once she's in our arms!
squash / 13764 posts
@Beebug: Okie doke just friended someone who I hope is you! I'm Hilary, in case you're not sure!
Also, I really like the flow of Alexandra Anne!
coconut / 8681 posts
@Beebug: We still only have a top 5 list!!!! I have a favorite but DH refuses to commit. I REALLY hope that once he gets here DH won't have a problem with it lol.
Our top 5 are Elliot, Ethan, Beckett, Bennett and Samuel.
pomegranate / 3917 posts
@Running Elley: Funny, I know an Ethan Beckett and Samuel Beckett (brothers!). Love all of the options!!!
What is your fave?
pomegranate / 3917 posts
You ladies will see my last name now in the group too, and think most of them have good flow with the last name thrown in there too!
coconut / 8681 posts
@Beebug: Lol that is too funny! I was telling DH the other day that I really like the way Samuel Beckett would sound butttt Beckett is my favorite so I don't want to "waste" it as a middle name
GOLD / wonderful olive / 19030 posts
@Beebug: I added you to FB (I hope) and sent you a message so you would know it was me! ha
squash / 13764 posts
Quick question: is the FB group private? Like can other people I'm friends with see that I'm in it/see the posts/pics, etc? I am so clueless when it comes to this stuff, lol.
pomegranate / 3917 posts
@hilsy85: I have it locked down so that anyone that is not in the group would not even know it exists! Part of the reason is was a pain to figure out how to add people as it's only viewable to those in the group, so no worries for you I hope with anyone else seeing it!
bananas / 9357 posts
@Beebug: Both of those are pretty names! We are considering Alexander for our little man.
I'm glad I'm not the only one not decided on a name. I thought we were going with Jack (my DH's name), but we've changed our minds a million times. lol Jack is still on the list though. You guys can see my last name on the FB group and I've had so many names that I love, but just don't work with our last name. Now on top of it we have to come up with a Chinese middle name.
@Running Elley: Elliott and Ethan were on our list too! But DH likes Alexander more.
squash / 13764 posts
@Beebug: ok great! @mrskc: I love Jack and Alexander...Alexander would be on our list, but DH's name is Alex and I don't really want a Jr
bananas / 9357 posts
@hilsy85: Thank you. The whole reason we hesitate with Jack is b/c of the Jr. thing. We feel like he should have his own name. So Alexander (Alex) it may be! I could change my mind next week though. lol
Man I'm like the worst employee lately. I cannot concentrate at work. Instead I'm on here and I'm obsessing over baby stuff. Baby is all I can think about right now.
coconut / 8475 posts
@Beebug: I no longer have a FB:(
but I have half a mind to reactivate it for you girls though because like you, I won't be posting pics on here. I post my belly (with no face) but I couldn't do pics of the baby I don't think-mayyybe. It's a far shot. I can give you ladies my husbands name so you can see baby pics on his page ecause he will absolutely post baby pics:) I will do a birth story though just to share my experience an for other women to learn from it. God knows I've learned a lot from other bees' stories!
honeydew / 7235 posts
Ooh, I want in on the fb group -- I will send an email later or tomorrow!
@mrskc: I feel the exact same way about work! I have been a terrible employee - I am counting down the days until I am home!!
Loving all of the names! I really like Alexander - we tossed that around for a bit! We were all over the map with names but we finally landed on one that we feel nothing can top -- we still bring up names if we hear one, and will consider but we always like the name we ended up with better...
It's so traditional, but we love it -- James. (NOT Jim or jimmy) just James, maybe Jaime.
Middle name is a combination of our dads names (Richard and Arthur) ..... James Archer. Yay!
nectarine / 2834 posts
@hellobeeboston: I really like James! That was in the running for us...but FIL is James and goes by Jim, so I think most would end up calling our boy Jim. So now it's John James after both of our fathers, but we're going to call him Jack.
honeydew / 7235 posts
@Tidybee: john james is great and I loooove jack. We would have probably gone with Jack but that is our nephew's name.
We will see if we succeed with just James, I think we will - the nicknames happen later I guess .
pomegranate / 3917 posts
@TurtleDoves: I know I will all still be around on here plenty, reactivating for the group would be fun, but if not, no worries, I am pretty sure most of our discussion will stay here, but sharing more personal info/pictures (which I realize can be the fun part with newborns!!!) will be on there, for me anyways!
@hellobeeboston: I know two guys that go by James, not Jim or anything else, they're mid-20's and have no problem with it at all. Not even something I ever thought of about them as they were introduced as James and I didn't even think about the other options, perhaps an "old school" thing to do with the name?
My appointment is at 2:45 today. I have a boatload of questions, but know we're doing a lot this appointment too, we'll see how much I get in, I do go back next Tuesday so I can try for then if need be!
It's chilly here today (single digits last night, finally!!!!) and I am loving it!
GOLD / wonderful olive / 19030 posts
@Beebug: Single digits!?! Holy cow, I thought our 38 degrees last night was chilly! Welcome to fall I guess
I also have a ton of questions written down for my next appointment , I have been feeling a little disappointed with the service we have gotten the last couple weeks, so I hope this will get me answers! I can't believe I'm almost 38 weeks, just seems nuts that a baby will be here anytime in the next 3 weeks!
Anyone else trying all the old wives tales to get things moving? I have been walking, eating spicy foods, down pineapple like it's going out of style, and having DH hit all the pressure points in my feet!
bananas / 9357 posts
@hellobeeboston: Love James Archer! What a nice name.
@Beebug: Good luck at your appt. Single digits?! I'm still sweltering over here in Cali.
pomegranate / 3917 posts
Single digits in Canada, so probably close to your 38 degrees!!!
I had pineapple all.the.time. Pre this pregnancy, when we lost the pregnancy before this, I had eaten a lot of it, and honestly haven't had any since. I psyched myself out there I think, so think I should definitely start having it again, I love it! Also raspberry leaf tea? And lots of walking! I still walk our dog 2x a day minimum, and I've joked Oct 1st I'm going to start working out again, to get things going!!
honeydew / 7235 posts
@Beebug: wow! Chilly in Canada! It's been cooling off here in the Northeast, but was hot again last night and I barely slept!
It's hilarious because my office is freezing cold, and the women (AND MEN) that sit near me have sweatshirts on, and are hugging warm mugs of tea & coffee to keep warm, and I am sitting here in light layers and my hands are sweating as I drink ice water!
My body temp is WAY warmer than normal, everyone in the office gets a kick out of it!
clementine / 961 posts
When are you ladies setting all your baby stuff up? Our bouncey seat and swing are already put together but are stashed away in our spare room. I also want to set up our playpen in the living room because it has a changing station on it. I don't want to get to ahead of myself so I'm not sure when to drag everything out. When did you ladies get your stuff all out and ready? Or are you waiting till a certain point? I will be 37 weeks sunday.
honeydew / 7235 posts
@Mrs.B: we have everything lined up in boxes still! we have the stroller set up. We are going to do the car seat next week or the week after... I'm going to wait until the baby arrives (i think) for the tummy time thing, and I have a bouncy seat & rock n play - i want to see which one he likes better, may return one.... But I was thinking of setting those up a week before my due date when I'm working from home. Too late?
Curious to see what everyone else is doing.
bananas / 9357 posts
@Mrs.B: You are more on top of it than me! You are 2 weeks ahead of me though. I still have the bouncy seat & car seat in the box. I still need to purchase a swing and stroller frame. I did take the pack n play out of the box and figured out how to set it up, but it's packed away again. I imagine around 38/39 weeks, I'll set everything out. It doesn't hurt to put it out if it makes you feel more prepared.
coconut / 8681 posts
So my appt yesterday was disappointing! It wasn't my regular OB, another dr at the practice was filling in and I really don't like him. He did my pap and strep B but was super quick and basically just left after that. Didn't do the internal like my OB said would happen and didn't ask if I had any questions. I froze because I thought that he was going to come back...that my appt couldn't possibly be over! But he never came back. So I didn't get any progress updates or questions answered. I'd call today but since I have another appt next week it just seems silly. So I'll just wait. Booooo.
clementine / 961 posts
@Running Elley: That stinks!
@mrskc: I'm trying to be as prepared as possible since the first few weeks will be crazy having a newborn and DS. I also plan to ask at my appt on Friday if I can be induced at 39 weeks or a few days after 39 weeks.
coconut / 8475 posts
@Running Elley: OMG!!!!! I would have been like: come back here and check my cervix buck-O! The only positive thing I can say is: maybe it's for the best. I got kind of depressed after being checked yesterday. Ignorance is bliss sometimes:)
GOLD / wonderful olive / 19030 posts
I have the swing set up in the living room, and the rock n play is all set to go in the bedroom ready to be pulled out. For us we set everything up early so that way the dog can get used to them and sniff them now before the baby comes. I'm planning on setting up the bassinet this weekend in our bedroom and living room so the dog can sniff it out! everything else is in the basement lined up and ready to go!
coconut / 8681 posts
@TurtleDoves: Ummmm at the time I was kind of glad he didn't do it because the pap hurt SO bad I was too terrified of him having to go back in there lol. That reminded me, after the pap I told DH that there's probably no way at all that I could possibly get through birth without an epi. No. Way. If I want to cry after a pap??? We have serious issues!
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