coconut / 8475 posts
@CarrieLouWho: wow, you're progressing so nicely!
I am excited for tomorrow:
I am going to the salon
and I get my first internal check!
Seeing as everything is very ready for baby---I hope I am progressing somewhat so that he can be here by his DD. I am so impatient and can't wait:)
nectarine / 2834 posts
@CarrieLouWho: Whoa - you're definitely making strides in the right direction! I'm like you -- even though I'm a bit uncomfortable, I'm totally happy to stay pregnant and for baby to stay put. He/she is a lot easier to take care of on the inside!
@hellobeeboston: adorable baby announcement! My baby's movements are starting to hurt too! I guess they're getting stronger AND running out of room.
@Running Elley: Hope you had a great shower! Where did you end up ordering most of your cloth diaper stash from? I put ours on our Amazon registry and got a few as gifts, but we need to complete our stash.
@mrskc: You are on the ball!!
We spent this weekend doing some baby stuff too. We picked up a bassinet we bought from Craigslist (Contours Classic + 4 sheets that was only used for one baby for 1 month for $65!), got our stroller assembled, had our crib delivered, and picked up some little things off our registry at BRU. I just want to be home, sitting in my glider, and looking at the room! We have another car load of gifts to bring up to our apt from my shower last weekend, so that's the plan for this weekend. We still have a lot of work to do...and laundry, but I've been warned to to not wash everything "too soon." How soon is too soon??
coconut / 8681 posts
@TurtleDoves: I have my first internal check tomorrow too! I'm both thrilled out of my mind and terrified lol.
@Tidybee: Wellllllll we put the BG all in ones on our registry at BBB but nobody bought any. So I bought 5 online at because they were having a buy 4, get one free sale. After I did that one of my best friends told me that she started with BGs but ended up switching to some that she bought off of a random website. I was able to see them (she's using them with her 5 month old) and they look exactly like BGs, just without the label. And they're $4.75 per diaper instead of almost $18! So I ordered 20 of them yesterday. The 20 plus 2 wet bags only came out to $106- free shipping. Score! Oh, I also washed and put away baby's clothes at 32 weeks.
coconut / 8475 posts
@Running Elley: when? I have mine at 2:30 which is earlier in the day for you....make sure to post after!
coconut / 8681 posts
@TurtleDoves: Mine is at 3:15 so yours will be way before mine!!! You post after too so I can be prepared
bananas / 9357 posts
@Tidybee: You're only a day behind me I think, and I washed all my baby stuff over the weekend. I think now is a good time and not too soon. You can always rewash it if you feel so inclined. I noticed I'm starting to feel more uncomfortable, so I'm glad I got it out of the way before I start feeling even more uncomfortable. You can at least get it ready. I didn't realize how long it would take to take off all those little tags! Those little plastic things are so annoying.
bananas / 9357 posts
@TurtleDoves: @Running Elley: You girls are getting your first internal at 36 weeks? I don't think I'm getting my first until 37 which I don't mind at all. I'm not looking forward to them.
coconut / 8681 posts
@mrskc: Oh my gosh I was SO annoyed when I was prepping the baby clothes to wash because taking off those tags took FOREVER. Especially for the sets of clothes where the onesies and pants and caps came together. They're all connected with little plastic tags- they're just all over the place.
ETA; Regarding the internal, my doctor is doing my group B strep test and giving me a pap at the appt tomorrow so he figured he'll do an internal while he's at it!
coconut / 8475 posts
@mrskc: same as Elley, were doing S-B test tomorrow so the internal is at the same time for us. I am 36&4 tomorrow anyways so half-way through my 36th week. Also, she said: If baby isn't head-down at this appointment, she starts talking c-section details. I wouldn't go for it but it is when she explains to my husband and I all the deets of what to expect if we did end up in csection.
clementine / 961 posts
@CarrieLouWho: Yay for progress! I wish I was as patient as you but I am SO done being pregnant.
@TurtleDoves: @Running Elley: I have my first internal check on Friday. I will be 36w5d so I'm hoping for some good numbers! Good luck and let us know how it goes!
@Running Elley: Do you have a link to the website? We are starting with gDiapers but may switch to conventional pocket diapers.
coconut / 8681 posts
@Mrs.B: We bought ours from We got the B series ones with extra inserts!
pomegranate / 3917 posts
I will be 36+5 Wednesday when I have S-B test/first internal! Funny how spot on the timing seems to be for all of us to have these done!
I cut our back lawn this afternoon, and am now zonked on the couch, I am so stubborn and stupid, shouldn't be doing these things! I would rather just do it myself then bug DH too, I am the do yardwork/outside all the time type over him, and just can't be bothered to ask him to do it!
I met with HR today, return to work date is October 3, 2013!
I will accrue vacation days while I am off and will have 19 vacation days upon my return! I have a print a form from the Canada Revenue Agency website though to ensure they deduct as much as possible from me taxwise while I am off so I don't owe more at tax time....I guess that's a thing here? They don't take enough off I guess and then I'd owe something crazy like $4K at tax thank-you! Would rather the deductions come off a little more cleanly each pay.
Lamp is officially added to the nursery, finally found one, lol.
2nd Birthing class tonight!
@Running Elley: I didn't know you were CD'ing! Us too! We did buy one pack of nb diapers, and size 1's disposables to start though.
DH and I babysat last night, the two of us changing poopy diaper? omg should have been on film us gagging and heaving, I was the worst, it was SO funny, we're gagging and laughing all at once, oh it was awful and so, so hilarious.
DH goes away (across country!!) next Wednesday to Sunday, dear baby....please don't come then!! I insisted he go (he was going to skip the trip!) but it was too much of an awesome opportunity (he coaches university hockey and the team is playing in a tournament out west!) so I think I will have my sister stay with me just so I am not on my own, I am ok with being on my own, but heaven forbid -will be great to have someone with me.
pomegranate / 3917 posts
PS....what is everyone else doing for family (parents, mostly!) for labour/delivery time?
I think I had it in my head (thanks to the movies) everyone would be waiting in the waiting room for DH to come out and announce the birth.
Realistically......I am really hoping/wanting it's just DH and I and when the baby arrives and after we've had a couple hours to then invite fam to the hospital to come meet her (pending no NICU/all healthy of course!) We would of course (well DH would) call them as soon as possible after, but then just have them wait a bit? DHs parents will be flying across country, so not sure what they will do depending on when I go into labour and booking flights, but my fam will be chomping to meet her, but also respect what we what I am thinking sound reasonable? It would be my Mom, Step-Dad, and sister, and of course this is their first Grandbaby!
bananas / 9357 posts
@Beebug: DH and I had a similar poopy diaper changing situation when we babysat my niece one time. I was gagging like crazy. DH and I wore face masks. He held open a trash bag, while I wiped up all the poop. It was gross and hilarious all at once! I think your plan with your fam for labor & delivery sounds perfectly reasonable. Our family knows that we'll call to let them know I'm going into labor, but wait for a call for when we're ready for visitors. Of course we'll call right away to let them know he's here, but I'd like an hour of skin to skin before we invite people to come.
coconut / 8475 posts
@Beebug: we're calling my parents and sis and my inlaws. Were not allowing anyone else to come until after baby arrives and even then were just doing family. I'm not taking visitors at the hospital. I just don't want to entertain and don't want baby being passed around dring flu season. During my pushing only DH will actually be in there
squash / 13764 posts
@Beebug: It depends what time I deliver/go into labor...if it's the middle of the night, we'll wait for an appropriate time to call/text parents and tell them I'm in labor. Once they know, I assume they'll be waiting for news about progress, so we'll tell them once LO is born. I don't really want visitors until LO and I are both cleaned up and somewhat settled, and maybe have tried breastfeeding for the first time. As for friends/other relatives coming to visit, I'll play it by ear and see how I feel.
On a different note, baby keeps head butting my bladder! I keep having the urge to pee really intensely for like 2 seconds and then it stops, lol. Silly boy!
bananas / 9357 posts
So what have you ladies decided on for a going home outfit? I can't decide if I should do a kimono top w/ pants, a long sleeved onsie and pants, or a footed one piece. Maybe I'll end up taking a couple of different things and decide at the hospital.
squash / 13764 posts
@mrskc: We're probably going with the kimono/onesie/footed pants combo, but like you, will bring a footed sleeper as another option in case the first one seems like too many clothes to deal with!
GOLD / wonderful olive / 19030 posts
@Beebug: We are struggling with this too. I would prefer to be in our actual room before having guests, however I know both sets of parents are not going to wait if they know we are there. So we might just tell parents when we head to hospital and then tell siblings after she arrives, they all live about an hour from hospital.
Friends if we deliver at night, I would prefer to give us the night and come the next day, if it's a morning delivery I will be okay with night time guests (pending healthy baby and momma of course.) I think I would prefer people at hospital than after we get home since it's usually a shorter visit!
GOLD / wonderful olive / 19030 posts
@mrskc: I have packed onsie/pants, a fleece footed sleeper, and a cute outfit. It stinks since we just haev no idea what the weather will be like here! I want her to be comfy and warm, but not sweating if it's a 85 degree day.
nectarine / 2834 posts
@Running Elley: Thanks for that link - will def look into it today!@TurtleDoves: Good luck on your internal checks! Can't wait to hear the status!
@mrskc: hmmm...i was thinking of going with a footed one piece. I'm going to buy a boys outfit and a girls outfit, so maybe I'll see a combo outfit that I can't resist and bring that too...
@Beebug: Since our fams live 2 hours away, we'll probably let them know when i get admitted, and they can decide when to come based on the timing. I know all 4 grandparents want to be there when heshe is born as it is the first grandchild on both sides. We'll have our siblings come in ASAP too. I have to be honest and say I actually don't really want visitors other than our parents and siblings in the hospital. Prob just @Livsmama and our neighbors who we are quite close to. I know I'm prob going to be feeling and looking like heck and selfishly wanting to hold my baby instead of share.
@jessiejo17: I never thought about the fact that a hospital visit will probably be shorter...I may need to rethink this!
coconut / 8681 posts
@Beebug: We’re going to let our parents know when I go into labor. I told them that I’m okay with my mom, his mom and our sisters visiting while I’m in labor (at least the early stages) but DH is the only one who will be there during the actual delivery. We’d like about an hour of skin to skin time and then our immediate families are free to come see LO for a short period of time. Any further visiting will take place after we’re home and settled!
@mrskc: We bought a long sleeve one piece outfit from Janie and Jack when we were on vacation a few weeks ago that he’ll come home in. Let me see if I can find a picture…@Tidybee: My friend started out with all of the name brand diapers but she LOVES these cheap ones. Hopefully they work out just as well for us!
persimmon / 1408 posts
For delivery, we are planning on it just being us, but I'm okay with my mom, stepmom and MIL visiting early on. Is it weird that I feel like I'm going to get bored and wouldn't mind giving DH a break from time to time? I guess it depends on if things go slow or fast.
Our plan is to call parents when we are admitted, but not before that. My parents are 2.5 hours away by car, so I want to give them time to get there. Will probably text close friends as things progress a bit more. Have asked all of them to keep stuff off FaceBook.
We lucked out b/c our hospital mandates 1 hour of bonding time w/ no visitors immediately after birth, so we can blame it on the hospital... not our preference!
I'm all good w/ visitors coming whenever. I don't think we'll have an excessive amount. But I'm an extrovert. I think as long as I feel a little cleaned up I'll be ok. I agree that hospital will be shorter visits than at home.
I have no idea what we're going to do for the coming home outfit... I have a smocked jumper that I'm thinking will be it and may bring a sweater if it's cold. I want her to be pretty :o) Haha.
coconut / 8475 posts
@Running Elley: alright just got back!
I am 1cm dilated and 25% effaced and baby's head is "super low". I wish I were more dilated and more effaced but it's all good: I still only have 23 days until dd!
coconut / 8681 posts
@TurtleDoves: Woohoo!!! Progress is progress girl!! How was the internal?? And the strep B?? Oh also, I emailed you about PUPP. Did you ever find out if that's what you had? I think I may have it.... idk.
persimmon / 1408 posts
@TurtleDoves - Hooray!!! That's still movement in the right direction & way better than nothing at all!!!
@RunningElley - the Strep B was barely noticeable.
I am interested to see how ya'lls internal exams were... I feel like a wuss but I am still sore today. And still have spotting (which now I'm starting to think it may be the mucus plug).
We are all getting so close now!!! Yipes!!!
coconut / 8681 posts
@CarrieLouWho: much worse was the internal than a normal pap? I think paps are REALLY uncomfortable so I'm super not looking forward to the internal! I hope you're losing your mucus plug! Every time I go to the bathroom I get excited and hope that it'll be the time when I start losing my plug but...not yet.
persimmon / 1408 posts
@RunningElley - I'll be brutally honest (and sorry if it's TMI!) but I heard people say the internal was bad and I think I just thought I was tougher. It feels like my OB sticks her entire hand in there and there's a lot of pressure. Not pleasant at all.
I've never thought a pap was bad, they've always been really easy for me... another reason I thought the internal wouldn't be so bad. Maybe everything is just more sensitive down there now? And maybe your OB will be more gentle? I'm curious to hear how it goes and hope it's not too bad!
coconut / 8681 posts
@CarrieLouWho: Thanks for being brutally honest haha. At least now I'm prepared!!
coconut / 8475 posts
@Running Elley: wasn't pleasant. I'm not going to be a baby and say it hurt but jeesh it was uncomfortable? I was clenched the whole time. I have NO CLUE how a baby is coming out of there seeing as she had to SHOVE her 2 fingers in with force. It is quick though and she said no news is good news on that SB test, so we'll see! Good luck with yours.
I haven't checked my email all day; i'll def reply to you right now though.
@CarrieLouWho: i know, I've got to count ANY progress as a blessing:)
coconut / 8681 posts
@TurtleDoves: Eeeeek. I just know that I'm going to be all clenched up too. Luckily (???) during actual labor it probably won't phase us!
pomegranate / 3917 posts
Ladies, I seriously don't understand how much more exhausted I can be (knowing very well how much worse it's going to get!). I finally got somewhat of a full night's sleep (up 3x to pee now, used to just be 1x, weird!) and then aside from two appts this am within an hour and a half, I have slept all day and when not sleeping have been horizontal on the couch.
This pregnancy business is giving me a run for my money, I am usually so go-go and full of energy and this later part of pregnancy has taught me a lot about myself (between this and being so damn sick!)
I am interested to see how much I weigh tomorrow at my appt, I don't know how I will have gained any weight since my last appt.
My two appts today were for a haircut (got myself some!) and for a brazilian! I can't say it didn't hurt, holy moly, I get them done somewhat regularly, but this one I was definitely more sensitive for, but still so glad it's done.....I definitely cannot see down there anymore!
How soon do strep B results come back? I suppose it's likely going to differ from place to place. I hope I will get to learn about how I am doing down there too, I cannot believe how close we all are!
I was thinking the other day, does anyone want to start a private FB group (I realize I am a late joiner on this thread, and maybe shouldn't say this!) at all? I won't be posting birth story, baby pics, etc on here as I am just not comfortable with the whole world able to see, so the private FB group was just a thought to stay connected, share pics, etc but have control of who can see
pomegranate / 3917 posts
@Running Elley: You're fast!!
Ok, I created it on my fb, it's a "secret group" as per facebook, how is the best way to get everyone access if they want I wonder, hmm!!
GOLD / wonderful olive / 19030 posts
@Beebug: I'm interested too in the FB group! Oh and in the last 2 weeks I have went from 1x a night to 3x a night too...not fun!!
coconut / 8681 posts
@Beebug: Haha I'm just killing time until my doctor appt Ummmm you have a WB acct right? We could pm you on there! The only problem would be for people who don't have a WB acct =/
pomegranate / 3917 posts
Ok, it seems like the only way (I did some googling!) to add people to a secret group is for them to be friends on my fb. So the email you can look me up by is themacisaacs at hotmail dot com (fix that for no spam :p) and then once I add you if you want to unfriend me that is totally ok, but it should work to just be able to get us "in" the group!!
If someone else knows another way, your guidance would be appreciated.....!!
pomegranate / 3917 posts
Thanks ladies for the reassurance that we are pretty on track for labour/delivery and family! I definitely want them there asap, but I definitely want some us time too....especially if we are still struggling with naming her, lol. My parents are 20 mins from the hospital, and DHs are 17 hours/plane ride, they'll both get here as soon as they can/they're allowed!
Going home outfit will be a cozy onesie -nothing fancy I won't lie, it will most likely be cold so I am going to keep it fairly practical!
bananas / 9357 posts
@Beebug: I'm glad you mentioned the FB group thing. I was thinking the same thing this morning! I want to share things with you ladies, but don't want to post a lot of photos on here. I'll look you up on FB.
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