coconut / 8475 posts
@Beebug: I'm starting pineapple now (bought some this passed weekend) and I've been doing RL tea. I am even doing small dosages of evening primrose oil. I figure once I hit 37weeks, all bets are off. I'll only have 21 days to ensure he comes by his due date. I am really not too eager to get him out of me, because I feel OK, but I am eager to MEET HIM.
clementine / 961 posts
@TurtleDoves: I'm ok waiting until 39 weeks to go into labor. I can't imagine going any sooner. I'm feeling oddly patient but yet not. That probably doesn't make sense but I do not want to go into labor before 39 weeks.
I tried EVERYTHING when I was pregnant with DS and nothing worked. This time around I think I am just going to let nature take it's course and if I don't go before 39 weeks then just be induced.
coconut / 8681 posts
Regarding baby equipment...We have everything set up but it's all in his room. The only thing that's out is his bumbo and it's in one of the dining room chairs.
@TurtleDoves: I'm also calling all bets off once I hit 37 weeks. I will be eating pineapple, drinking red raspberry leaf tea, eating eggplant, walking twice a day, bouncing on my exercise ball...etc etc etc
clementine / 961 posts
Are you ladies planning on getting an Epi?
I've really been struggling with my whole birth plan. Going into this pregnancy I really wanted a super natural med free labor and birth. Now due to logistical reasons I think being induced before spontanious labor may be the best idea for our family. Now I'm really starting to doubt my ability to get threw labor even natural labor without an Epi. DH is convinced I can do it but I'm not so sure.
bananas / 9357 posts
@Running Elley: Sorry your appt wasn't what you had hoped. But you'll get checked next week! I thought the internals don't really give you any idea when you'll go into labor anyways.
I definitely don't want this guy to come sooner than 39 weeks. It's better for him to get a couple extra weeks of growth in there. But I'm definitely starting to feel antsy. I'm ready to meet him. I'm ready to start maternity leave. Work has been brutally boring lately.
@Mrs.B: My plan is no epi. I really want to try for a med free birth with as little intervention as possible. I have to admit though, I'm getting more nervous about it the closer my due date approaches.
coconut / 8475 posts
@Running Elley: are you going to start the tea or oil? My doctor didn't know anything about the tea but she recommended the oil (said I can start being aggresive with it at 37w). She also & a yoga ball! So, now I have
-yoga ball
-walking (already doing this A LOT)
@Mrs.B: I totally get you. I am not to my brink yet either. But, I know I will be if I go to 41w or something. AH...If I could time it I'd go the day I turned 39 weeks, it's a Friday so DH would have all weekend with me without having to take phone calls from work or anything:)
The epi: I hope to be able to *not* have it...that'd be ideal. But, at the same time, I have never had a baby so I'm not going to make myself promises yet. I wouldn't mind if I did have to get it...I wouldn't feel like a failure by any means. I would just be AWESOME if I could do without. Did you have it with your first? Tell us about your first, Mrs. Experienced! Let us live vicariously through you:))))))
GOLD / wonderful olive / 19030 posts
I need to get raspberry leaf tea (never heard of it, can you get it at any store?)
I plan on using an epi and will be following the advice of my birthing team. In my mind they know way more than I do so I'm going to let the experts lead this for me. I think being an extremely type A person, this is weird, but I think I want to hand over the control and just do what they tell me to be less stressed! I really want to "go with the flow" and hope I can keep this mindset.
coconut / 8681 posts
@TurtleDoves: Girlllllllll I have a list too lol. Pineapple, tea AND oil (vaginally after 37 weeks), eggplant, walking, spicy foods, acupressure (apparently there are specific acupressure points that you can find on youtube), birth ball, sex, nipple stimulation, pedicure, speed bumps (??? Read it on a blog haha), peppermint oil.
clementine / 961 posts
@TurtleDoves: DS's delivery was super dramatic so I'm hoping to have a better experience this time. I was induced for medical reasons and made it to 7cm before getting an Epi which I will admit was AMAZING! DS had issues with his heart rate so I was stuck in a doggie style position for my entire 18 hour labor. I pushed for 3 hours but was able to have him vaginally with only 3 stitches and he was perfectly healthy when he came out. I actually really enjoyed the pushing process because I felt no pain. I was on the verge of a C Section for most of my labor so my Epi was super strong and they never let it wear off. They did have to tell me when to push because I couldn't feel anything but I was able to watch him come out with a mirror and was able to help pull him up. That is the quick version of my birth story I was also up and moving really quickly after having him and my recovery was super easy.
coconut / 8475 posts
@Running Elley: SAME! I started them already but I am too scared to start them vaginally until Friday when I hit 37w. My OB specifically told me: they will not put you into labor but will efface you so that labor is much quicker. < that sounds like a plan to me! Also, if you go overdue and they have to induce, taking the oil will have effaced you to the point where you'll be a great candidate for a *successful* induction.
coconut / 8475 posts
Sorry I am replying individually: my iPhone is not letting me do things correctly today!
@Mrs.B: WOW!! That sounds exactly like my dream get the epi very, very late into the game and to have a speedy recovery without an absurd amount of stitching. I hope your next birth is easier still---I've heard they are:)
bananas / 9357 posts
Wondering where you buy this oil?
@TurtleDoves: My plan is to work until the end. I may work until my due date and then start disability. It all depends how I feel. I'm getting 24 weeks off and if I stop working before, it will cut into my time with the baby.
coconut / 8475 posts
@Mrs.B: I got my oil and my red raspberry leaf tea capsules *and* my red raspbery leaf tea bags from
But, I've seen them at GNC as well if you have one in your city. They can be found at whole health food stores too i'd guess. I need another bottle. My doctor told me to swallow 2 and insert 2. So far, I only swallow 2 a day and don't insert any yet.
@elley: do you think we should insert them the same way we inserted progesterone suppositories? (after pricking the capsules of course)
coconut / 8475 posts
@mrskc: good plan! I wouldn't want to take time from baby-time either...unless you are really unable to do your job towards the end obviously.
squash / 13764 posts
@TurtleDoves: did you ok the RL tea with your oB or just start it? I'm not sure if I should ask her or if I can just start chugging it around 37 weeks. Sorry your internal was disappointing! I feel like I will get similar news at my first one At least I've heard that it doesn't really count for much--you can go from 0- ready to go in no time at all.
@Mrs.B: We have everything set up already! The swing is set up and stashed in a corner, and has been for several weeks now. I just was overly excited to get it done I guess, lol.
re: birth plan, I am going to try to have a med free birth. We have a doula, which I think will help. But I"m definitely not anti-epi if I feel like I am really having a bad/difficult time with the birth. We'll see how it goes! I have no idea what my pain tolerance is like, as I realized that I've never really been in intense pain before!
squash / 13764 posts
@Running Elley: boo to that ob not even doing an internal! Hopefully that just means that when you do get one, you'll have made even more progress
coconut / 8681 posts
@Mrs.B: I got them at GNC!
@TurtleDoves: That was my do them the same as the P suppositories. Funnnn
@mrskc: You are a trooper!!! My last day is next Friday and I don't even know how I'm going to make it until then!
@hilsy85: That's what I'm hoping...that next week the progress will be amazing lol. Especially since it'll be the first time I'm actually full term so I'm sure I'll be even more antsy
coconut / 8475 posts
@hilsy85: I asked her at my 34 week appointment if I could and she said "it is herbal and it can't hurt. But, I have never seen any medical studies they say it does a darn thing to promote fast labor". So, I told her I'd try it even if I was wasting my time. It *is* however, medically proven to lessen the pain of period cramps because it strengthens the uterine line--so why wouldn't it strengthen the uterus for pushing? That's just my thought process-I am *not* a medical professional lol. When is your first internal? Right around the corner isn't it?
*Waiting on BEEBUG to come back here with her internal exam results!*
coconut / 8475 posts
@Running Elley: everytime you say full term I choke a little. Seriously---this flew by.
squash / 13764 posts
@TurtleDoves: Ok your logic makes sense to me! I'm not sure when my first internal is...I have my 36 week appt on Tuesday, and I"ll get the Strep swab, and hopefully and internal? If not, maybe I'll ask for it (but like I said, I'll probably get disappointing news!).
pomegranate / 3917 posts
I'm here, I'm here!
No news, she decided she's going to wait until next week (Tuesday!) to do it! I officially hit 37w Saturday and she decided since we're in the middle and we don't want to get anything going (said it would be very unlikely, but just in case!) so wait til Tuesday! Will do internal and sweep every time from now on though I guess!
Did have the strep B swab and I hardly felt a thing, or we were talking enough and I really didn't pay any attention.
Baby's heartbeat was hard to find today, it was honestly worrisome for the first minute she couldn't find it, someone was hiding because when we did find it, sounded great!
I weigh 189lbs, so up 49lbs total, and bp was high for me at 140/68, said all my test results from hospital visit came back nothing, so my sickness is just my body being pregnant, lovely!
The only think I am adding to my 37+ weeks list that you ladies have mentioned above is acupuncture! I don't think I saw it listed above and I have a few women who mentioned it and two laboured the next day and had baby shortly after (insane!! I may chose when carefully!) could be coincidence of course, both did it the day of/day before their due dates!
I am off again, just walked the dog, rushed from appt, visited my Nanny and now heading into the big city (Toronto) to go to final dress fitting appt with one of my bff's who is getting married Oct 20th......was supposed to be in bridal party......way to ruin things!!
honeydew / 7235 posts
You ladies are all funny with all of your tricks to get labor going! I may have to try a couple of those if nothing is happening at 39/40 weeks! Hoping for the little man to come when he's ready.
As for the birth - I am definitely planning on getting an epi. I just don't think I'd be able to do a med-free birth. I don't want to take anything that crosses the placenta or makes me loopy, but am planning on an epi....
Unless of course my labor is miraculously fast & I don't have time, but that is doubtful!
squash / 13764 posts
@Beebug: yes yes yes to acupuncture! I really want to find a place to do it around 38/39 weeks.
squash / 13764 posts
eek ladies, needed to share this with someone--I think I may be leaking something (colostrum?)! I just looked inside my bra and there was a wet spot and there's a liquid coming out of my nipple when I squeeze it! This is really exciting (and weird) to me for some reason, lol.
coconut / 8681 posts
@hilsy85: Eeeeee that's SO exciting!!! I have had no leakage yet and I'm kind of jealous
squash / 13764 posts
@Running Elley: hahah this is the first time and I have to kind of squeeze hard DH will be SO excited--I know the first words out of his mouth will be, "So can I taste it?". Anyone else's DHs obsessed with tasting breastmilk? Or is mine the only weird one?
bananas / 9357 posts
@hilsy85: Exciting! I've been leaking colostrum since mid July. Sometimes it just comes out on its own, and it will always come out if I squeeze my breast. Sometimes even just bending over. I think b/c of gravity? My DH is pretty obsessed with it. He's likes to taste it and try to squeeze it out! ha!
coconut / 8475 posts
@hilsy85: lol you're happy about this? I was HORRIFIED AND DISGUSTED when I found colostrum. But, I am happy *for you*. Progress towards baby! wahoo:) Dh wants nothing to do with mine. When I spotted through my cami once he was like "OMG GET ONE OF THOSE PAD THINGS YOU BOUGHT AND STICK IT THERE!" <I bought a 100pack of nipple cover pads the day before and apparently, not a day too soon:)
squash / 13764 posts
@TurtleDoves: ha yes ! I don't know why...I guess it's evidence that things are moving along the way they're "supposed" to?
persimmon / 1408 posts
You ladies are cracking me up!!! Leaky boobs and jump starting delivery!!!
@Runningelley & @beebug - I'm super bummed you didn't get the internal exam I was hoping to have someone to compare to
I am planning on going as long as I can through labor and hope I can make to 6-7 cm until I get the epi.
We have the swing assembled and the bassinet and stroller out (also so the dog gets used to it). We are installing the carseats on Friday at a local carseat safety check.
I still haven't packed my hospital bag (must get that done this weekend!!!).
I am also planning on working until the baby comes (even if it's past my due date). I am taking 12 weeks, but I want it all with her. I think I'd go stir crazy if I went out before. Hopefully I'll continue to feel good and it will be a non-issue!!!
pomegranate / 3917 posts
Tuesday will come quick and I will have results to compare I hope!!
Up early, DH up early to go to practice, and when he woke me to say goodbye I was think too hungry to fall back asleep! I'm ok now (was a little grumpy with myself about it, lol) but I just got some awesome movement from baby! I was really sick again last night, so the reassurance was nice.
We won't/don't have any equipment set up, mostly because we don't have any! All of the swings, bouncers, etc we have registered for, could totally buy if needed right away, but will probably be fine the first two weeks or so without!
I had one day of leaky breasts, it was clear whatever came out, and just a few drops? No idea.
I've said it before, but any of you ladies still working are miracle women....could not imagine I am struggling!! Still not anxious for baby, just being sick really sucking, but need her to stay in until at least DH comes home from his trip out West and as much as I don't believe it still telling myself I will go late.....
pomegranate / 3917 posts
Birth plan stuff? Staying as natural as I can, but making decisions not too late to go to meds if suggested, keeping an open mind and doing what's best for baby, and body! We shall see!!
GOLD / wonderful olive / 19030 posts
I have my 37 (well almost 38) week check up this afternoon! I am finally going to get checked, so hopefully I have some good progress! I have a list of questions for the doctor since I have been upset with the nurses lately, hopefully I can get some answers. My appointment is at 2, so only 5 more hours!! Hopefully we get an U/S scheduled too to see how big she is (and if she has hair haha)
bananas / 9357 posts
@jessiejo17: Report back with how your appt goes! Hope you have some progress.
35 weeks today! Which means 35 days until my due date! Time is flying by, except for work. My work days move at a snails pace. Plan for the weekend is to go get some more baby shopping done and also buy some postpartum stuff for me.
coconut / 8475 posts
@CarrieLouWho: i'm with ya....I wish I had a job right now to keep my mind off of labor. To kill time, I got myself to clean the heck out of my house today and just went nuts. I even organized my husband's tie rack in color order.
@jessiejo17: can't wait to hear how it goes today at your check-up! I go Tuesday again so i'll have things to compare:)
@mrskc: Do you have a BRU coupon? the 20% off ones that come on the receipts? Because they activate THIS FRIDAY! Tomorrow.
bananas / 9357 posts
@TurtleDoves: Yep! I think I have 3 or 4 of them. People stuck them in with my gifts at my shower. Planning on getting the swing and stroller this weekend.
GOLD / wonderful olive / 19030 posts
Hey everyone! Just got home from my appointment and it went good! I'm 75% effaced but only a fingertip dilated. She offered to induce me on the 1st if I wanted too so now we have to make that decision!
coconut / 8681 posts
@jessiejo17: 75% is so good!!! That's exciting! Did you get to schedule an U/S?
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