GOLD / wonderful olive / 19030 posts
@Running Elley: no :(. With my blood pressure down she didn't have a medical reason for one anymore unless it goes back up.
coconut / 8681 posts
@jessiejo17: Well that's a good thing then!! At least you know you could potentially find out for sure in just over a week! Eeeee. What are you leaning toward regarding the induction?
squash / 13764 posts
@jessiejo17: oh wow! are you guys thinking you'll go for the induction? When is your Due date again?
GOLD / wonderful olive / 19030 posts
@Running Elley: @hilsy85: Right now I think we are going to do it! With DH job it will be nice to have a date planned (of course it could change but would help with planning.). I'm due the 6th so it's only 5 days early! The only downfall is I have 12 weeks maternity leave, this would puts back at Christmas week instead of the week!!!
bananas / 9357 posts
@jessiejo17: Wow, I can't believe we could have an Oct baby very soon! I think you'll be the first! I would not want to go back to work the week of Christmas though! Do you have vacation you could use to take the extra time off? Or are you using up all your vacation time during your 12 weeks?
GOLD / wonderful olive / 19030 posts
@mrskc: using my vacation time during the 12 weeks. I might email HR tomorrow to see if there is any way I can take 2 additional days and come back after Christmas.
nectarine / 2834 posts
@jessiejo17: what exciting news! I can't believe the first October baby could be here in just 11 days!
I had my 34 week appt today (34 weeks and 4 days) uneventful. But on October 1, she is scheduling an ultrasound, an internal exam, and Strep B, so that'll be quite an exciting appt. I just can't wait to see the little one...haven't seen him or her since 20 weeks!
GOLD / wonderful olive / 19030 posts
@hilsy85: @Tidybee: I know!! We aren't telling anyone so you guys are my only outlet for the next week and a half.
coconut / 8681 posts
@jessiejo17: Wow that's so exciting!! You're so close to meeting LO then Amazing! Yeah, I wouldn't want to go back to work the week of Christmas either....I hope that HR can work something out for you!
grapefruit / 4120 posts
Hey girls! Sounds like we're all eager to meet our babes! I can't wait to find out the sex but at the same time I'm on maternity leave and having a great time hanging out with my toddler so I am definitely NOT doing anything to provoke labor. I have six weeks off before my EDD and I don't get that time carried over afterwards (Mexican law) so I'd like to use it all! At the same time I have almost no hope I'll make it to Oct 20 since my other baby came two weeks early. My doc will do an internal in two more weeks... She said she didn't want to provoke anything down there and that was fine with me. She's mentioned inducing at 38 weeks because of the baby's size but I am not down for that!
GOLD / wonderful olive / 19030 posts
@Running Elley: yes I'm hoping I can at least just come back after Christmas, I'm waiting to hear from doctor's office to make sure I got a room at the hospital (they only reserve so many for inducements) and then I will email HR to see what my options are!
pomegranate / 3917 posts
@jessiejo17: Worst case could you schedule induction for Oct 3, to get those additional two days for after Christmas? Hopefully HR can give you something -can you take vacation days before you accrue them? I know sometimes that can happen!
Sept 30th I end my sick leave, and Oct 1st I begin my maternity leave, nothing really is any different, but that is craaazy to think about.
I think it is insanely exciting to think these October babies will be here soon!
I seriously lose it every time on these damn baby shows when the babies cry for the first time, I have a feeling if I am not already bawling during our birth at that time that will be a huge trigger for me, unreal!!
pomegranate / 3917 posts
I wish I could show you all right now, our dog curled up beside me on a pillow totally fixated on the TV (baby crying).
I keep telling him "good boy" reassuring him it's a positive!! One woman just delivered at 34w, the Mom has been in hospital for 57 days already...! I hate being so sick, but that much time in the hosp pre-baby would be really, really tough.
pomegranate / 3917 posts
Apparently I have lots to ramble about this morning! I know this is so silly and will not be anytime soon, but does anyone know they have a babysitter? Beyond family/friends for a date night or something, there is a family 6 doors down from us, and they have a dog the same breed as ours and just are such a nice family, the daughter is 13 and will definitely be our babysitter sometime down the road when we begin needing one! Her Mom has even offered too, love them, and love how close they are!! I did a lotttt of babysitting as a teenager, and this girl reminds me of me at that age!
We have a wedding to attend tomorrow....I definitely need to figure out what to wear......eeeep.
persimmon / 1408 posts
@JessieJ017 - That's great news from your appointment!!! I have the same dilemma as you (same EDD of 10/6)... I don't really want to go earlier b/c I want to be out until the beginning of the year! I have been thinking about going back at 11 weeks and doing 2 weeks of 1/2 days to acclimate. But my work is so stressful, that I don't know if that's how I want to do it We will see!
I can't believe we're going to have one of our October babies soon!!! Everyone please promise to let us know when you can when you have the baby! I am so excited to hear how everyone is doing & how their experience was! And especially for those you on Team Green!!!
@TidyBee - that's awesome you're getting a U/S! I haven't had one since 20 weeks. I bet you'll be able to see some of LO's features pretty well!!!
@SloaneandPuffy - that's great that you're getting to spend so much time w/ your toddler before LO comes!
@BeeBug - Good luck w/ the wedding outfit!!! I'm with you on the baby shows making me cry!
I don't think we really have any babysitters lined up outside of friends/family yet, but I'm sure we'll find one once DD gets a little older!!!
coconut / 8475 posts
@jessiejo17: So exciting to have a date! And it's very close to your EDD so its really not a big deal as far as "being early" goes. I agree with @Beebug: and I say maybe you should consider going on the 3rd so that you won't have to return to work before x-mas. Although I seriously think HR will have pity on you and tell you you're off the hook;)
@Beebug: No babysitters yet....I have a ton of family but I'd like a third-party sitter as well to be "on-call" for emergencies. I know of none. The only ones I can *possibly* use are my friends' sitters but I can't take them on a regular basis-I can only borrow them on occasion. My friends with 2+kids are VERY addicted to their sitters and won't give them up:)
@CarrieLouWho: I hope to be able to at least post that I am in labor...even if I won't have time to give detail. I think if I go through without the epi then I may not be able to send out news but maybe: here's for hope'n!
So, full term today! I have to say I am feeling very emotional today. I spent the ENTIRE first trimester living in denial and worry that I wouldn't get this far. Not for any good reason other than lack of faith. But, here I am now...I mean here "we" are now, my little peanut & I. I am so so grateful and so thankful to be carrying a healthy baby! FULL TERM! DOES ANYONE KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS?! AH! Of course you do...but I am heaven.
After some thought I decided I would post a baby picture online. I'll post here and in a thread about the birth (story). But, I'll remove it very soon after. I'll just use Photobucket for that because when you delete a pic from PB it deletes it from everywhere you ever posted it too. So, that works for me! I also won't give a name but i'll give my husband's and my own because practically everyone knows my name already.
Dani(elley): Today I am going out...getting some pineapples and cutting them up so I can munch on them all week. Also, I am going to the gym to get my behind on an elliptical.
My doctor scared me and said I don't have enough leg strength to push with an epidural so if I plan on one I better up my walking. I walk 60minutes a day! So, i'm upping it to 75minutes and see if that id doable.
pomegranate / 3917 posts
@TurtleDoves: Yay full term day, mine is tomorrow!!! Eee!
I may have eaten an entire pineapple last night, LOL.
Even with membrane sweep on Tuesday next week, no baby is allowed to come until Oct 1st after DHs trip!
coconut / 8475 posts
@Beebug: so jealous of your membrane sweep. May I ask---why is your doctor giving it to you? Did you ask for it or do you have to have like a reeeeally good reason? I'd like one! Maybe at 38w, because I do have some time but i'd def like to learn about it!
clementine / 961 posts
@jessiejo17: That is SO exciting! The first October baby will be here soon!
@TurtleDoves: Congrats on being full term!
So I had my first internal today at 36w5d and I am only 1 cm dialted and 0% effaced I didn't expect much though because I am still so early. I go back again on the 28th for another internal and depending on how my numbers are we will schedule an induction. My OB doesn't want to induce me unless I have a nice soft cervix and am at least 2-3 cm dialted.
pomegranate / 3917 posts
I didn't ask...!
She said she does internals and sweeps each visit after 37 weeks to avoid medical induction beyond 41w. Said she'd prefer me to "go early" over potentially, eventually need a medical induction and said the sweep's can help get things going.....we'll see!!??
coconut / 8475 posts
@Mrs.B: thank you:) Don't worry about your dilation. I did all week and honestly the more I think about it the more i'm like "WHO CARES?!" It is not a major predictor of what will come next week. As long as your progress in the right direction next week I think you're fine:)
Some word on pineapples:
"Most tropical fruits such as pineapples, mango, papaya, and kiwi contain proteolytic enzymes, enzymes which break down protein and are thought to have certain medicinal properties. Pineapples have been used as an anti-inflammatory, digestive aid, diuretic, and also to induce labor. Bromelain, a type of proteolytic enzyme found in pineapples, may help to soften the cervix which could explain how it helps to bring on labor. Since it is also used as a digestive aid, it may stimulate the bowels to move, which could bring on contractions as well.
Even if pineapples don’t help to bring on labor, they may help tone and ripen your cervix, making your body more favorable to start labor. It is important to note that bromelain is found in fresh pineapples, especially the core. The canning process destroys most of the bromelain in pineapples so if you want to try eating pineapples to jump start your labor, make sure that they are fresh pineapples."
GOLD / wonderful olive / 19030 posts
@TurtleDoves: I hope so, I emailed them today and am still waiting for a response. It doesn't sound like the 3rd is an option with my doctor's schedule, so I really hope they show me pity since it's a holiday!
coconut / 8475 posts
@jessiejo17: what;s your job atmosphere like? Is there a chance for a snow day haha? My mom is a teacher and I swear every time she thinks about taking a day off, it's like the heavens hear it, because it'll snow and work will be called off! (we live in MI).
bananas / 9357 posts
@jessiejo17: I hope HR gives you the extra couple of days off. Is it possible to go in the hole for vacation time? My work allows that sometimes.
@Tidybee: Exciting you get to see your LO again!
@sloaneandpuffy: Enjoy your maternity leave. I would definitely take advantage of the time before if it didn't effect that time I got after baby arrived.
@Beebug: Anytime I see a birth on TV I start crying. Sometimes even just reading people's birth stories brings on the water works. My mom will most likely be our baby sitter. I know she'd me more than happy to do it.
@TurtleDoves: Congrats on being full term! Your LO could arrive at any moment!
Speaking of trying to start labor. I was reading in Ina May's book last night that properties in semen are the same as those found in drugs used to ripen the cervix for inductions. So maybe lots of sex for you ladies trying to start labor! If you're up to it that is.
GOLD / wonderful olive / 19030 posts
@TurtleDoves: There is always a chance for a snow day (we actually had a huge snow storm 3 Christmas's ago!) My job atmosphere is very professional & HR is sticklers for following the book, so I have very little hope. The only thing that could save me, is sometimes they will give us Christmas Eve off if it lands on a Monday/Friday, so I might get a paid holiday out of it, but it has not been announced yet.
GOLD / wonderful olive / 19030 posts
@mrskc: I doubt it, my vacation doesn't renew until July 2013, so I don't think they will do that. It's not like they have to pay me, I'm just asking for an additional day of unpaid vacation, even though my FMLA is used up...that's where the issue will be.
coconut / 8681 posts
@Tidybee: I'm so jealous of your ultrasound!!! That's so exciting I'm planning on begging for one at my appt next week!
@sloaneandpuffy: That's awesome that you have so much time to spend with your toddler before bringing another baby into the family. I'm sure that I'd feel the same way and be treasuring those days!
@Beebug: We only have family babysitters so far...but we have LOTS of them! Baby will have 2 aunts and 4 uncles that live in town on top of 3 sets of grandparents so I think we'll be covered
@TurtleDoves: I'm buying like 3 BIG pineapples tomorrow and I'll be eating them like crazy. I love pineapple so it's not much of a sacrifice for me haha. And I've been walking an hour a day too. Do you get really crampy after your walks? I have been for the past few days.
@mrskc: I've heard that about semen too...helping to soften the cervix. I'm feeling so large and uncomfortable but it may be worth it!
pomegranate / 3917 posts
Has anyone felt their LO startle/have the startle reflex inside?
I think I scared her today! I was banging a spoon against a bowl and it was like she startled inside! I felt awful, crazy they can be that sensitive at this point, if that's what it is!!
coconut / 8475 posts
@Running Elley: i get them as soon as i start to walk and the whole time...they taper off after a hot shower...I also cant go very far down my street because he gets so low while I walk that I have to stop and pee every 20min..ahh
coconut / 8681 posts
@Beebug: Our alarm clock wakes him up every day lol. I think it's cute
@TurtleDoves: Mine always taper off too but they are soooo not comfortable. I'm sure that means great things for my pain tolerance haha. I get the having to pee thing too which is why all of my walking lately has been done on my treadmill so I can just pause and pee!
squash / 13764 posts
@Beebug: no babysitter as of yet...but our parents both live close by, and we have a lot of friends who have said they'll be more than happy to babysit (we'll see if they actually mean it!). @Mrs.B: I'm anticipating being the same or even less, since my appt is when I'm exactly 36 weeks. I don't even know if my OB will do an internal...@TurtleDoves: hmm seems like your doc has some funny ideas (telling you you'd gained too much, telling you you don't have the leg strength...). EIther way, walking might help the baby move down faster! Also, yay for full term!!
coconut / 8475 posts
@hilsy85: i'm telling you she's insane about working out. She is a health-nut and she runs marathons and stuff in our city and donates to all these triathlons and races against diabetes and stuff. Ah...she's overly passionate about something I so am not into during this pregnancy!
pomegranate / 3917 posts
Attached my 37w pic, looked at it after my 36w and it doesn't look a ton different! DH said it's a little less of a shelf, lol. I know this sounds silly, but I feel like I've had these love handles develop out of no where on the sides of the bump (like out front my hips, but definitely not the front of the bump) it's weird, lol.
I bought a new outfit last night to wear to wedding today, not feeling a dress AT all, so nice dress pants and top, it's a coolish overcast day so I think I will definitely be more comfortable in that! Wedding is for a work colleague and everyone from work will be there -since I have been off it will be great to see everyone.
coconut / 8475 posts
@Beebug: don't know what invisible "love handles" you speak of: you look wonderful & FULL TERM! Have fun at the wedding:))
persimmon / 1408 posts
@BeeBug ... I must agree with @TurtleDoves!!! You look fabulous! Have fun at the wedding!
pomegranate / 3917 posts
Had a great time at the wedding! Didn't get a pic of DH and I though, we are so bad for that!! I was totally comfortable all night and felt great in what I wore! Got lots of great "you're due in 3 weeks?!??? look great!" type comments which was super nice! We had a great table and had a lot of fun!
Carseat clinic today at noon, to ensure we installed ours properly!
Eeeee full term!
She must wait at least one more week if not beyond EDD is also fine, everyone is joking she's going to come with DH away...not allowed!!
persimmon / 1408 posts
@BeeBug - so glad y'all had a good time!!!
We did a carseat clinic on Friday... Definitely eye opening! I'm so glad we had the police/fire department certify we had everything installed properly.
I had contractions on and off from 5-10 pm last night. Was a little worried baby girl wanted to make an appearance early, but it ended up just being Braxton Hicks. And I was able to sleep last night, so that was good!
GOLD / wonderful olive / 19030 posts
@Beebug: we had our car seat clinic yesterday! Both vehicles good to go!
Having some contractions today, I'm timing them but they aren't consistent. I lost part of my mucus plug yesterday I think, so maybe she won't wait until next Monday and will come on her own!
coconut / 8475 posts
@jessiejo17: same here regarding the mucus plug.
I got 2 little peices last night and then a huge glob (sorry tmi) today (few mins ago!). The small ones where tinged with brownish blood but today's was ...thicker and yellowish-creamy colored yet clear? Just....looked like (TMI ALERT): phlegm.
Going walking in a few....although its honestly way too cold for me today because winter coat isn't maternity and won't close. All my maternity clothing is summery so I better get creative unless I want to catch a cold:/
Made my baby boy a carseat covering blanket today! We are huge soccer people and our carseat is red (Britax) so I made this "no-sew" fleece tie blanket:
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