Hellobee Boards


October due dates yet?

  1. CarrieLouWho

    persimmon / 1408 posts

    Yay @MrsKC! Hearing the heartbeat is so reassuring!!! You'll love the 13 week appointment... we got to see arms & legs & toes & fingers... they grow so fast in that timeframe!

    @HelloBeeBoston - it's so hard not to have those nerves. I was sooo nervous at the last U/S. My suggestion is to ask the U/S tech how they will let you know what everything looks like. @ our 8 week U/S the tech told us she would be quiet for a little bit and would then let us know, that way we wouldn't freak out when she didn't say anything. That helped me out a lot, the U/S tech we had at our 12 week appointment didn't mention the protocol and I was waiting for her to say "Everything is ok", but she never did and I almost started crying when she started shouting "Come On BABY". I finally spotted the heartbeat and knew everything was ok, but it was nervewracking.

    Oh, you should definitely be able to hear the heartbeat... we heard ours at 8 weeks!

    Hope ya'll are having great weeks :o)

  2. hellobeeboston

    honeydew / 7235 posts

    @CarrieLouWho: good advice - thank you! I still can't believe that story I would have started crying I think! Now I just have to get to tomorrow!

  3. LuLu Mom

    GOLD / wonderful olive / 19030 posts

    I have my monthly appointment today, and can't wait to hear the heartbeat. I had a nightmare last night that they coudln't find it, and I woke up bawling. So realistic! Hopefully there is no troubles and we find out my cyst has strunk and surgery won't be necessary...fingers crossed for me please! 4 more hours!

  4. mrskc

    bananas / 9357 posts

    @hellobeeboston: I'm sure everything will be fine at your appointment. They should be able to find the heartbeat. They couldn't find it for me since my uterus is tilted back.

    @jessiejo17: Fingers and toes crossed that you don't have to have surgery! I've found that my dreams are more vivid since I've become pregnant. I don't like it. Every night I wake up to go to the bathroom and I have trouble falling back to sleep because of some weird dream I was having.

  5. CarrieLouWho

    persimmon / 1408 posts

    @JessieJ - you'll have a great appointment, I'm sure! Good luck!

    I also have CRAZY town dreams all the time. Some are very realistic, others are so far fetched (there are usually giants, ogres or giant Fraggle Rock creatures involved - I'm not into any of that stuff, so it's super random). Another one of these fun pregnancy symptoms :o)

  6. hellobeeboston

    honeydew / 7235 posts

    Hey all, thought I'd update..... Just got back from my OB appt and it was great! We heard the heartbeat! It was around 150 - my husband recorded it (I cried), it was so awesome !

    Then I had to do an internal exam/pap - uncomfortable! Yikes. I also bled right away when she was in there - she said she saw it, the blood was from the outside of my cervix, so it's fine, but she said it was all good - so I feel so relieved now! Woohoo!

    I may go buy myself a Bella Band for a reward for the day, I haven't bought a single baby-related thing yet, but feeling positive now. ---- and most of my pants are unbuttoned at this point! Ha

  7. LuLu Mom

    GOLD / wonderful olive / 19030 posts

    Update from my appointment, they were unable to check my cyst due the ultrasound lady not being there. But baby was good, hearbeat was 154 and I'm growing normal. 1 pound gained

  8. CarrieLouWho

    persimmon / 1408 posts

    @HelloBeeBoston & @ JessieJ - WOOHOO! So happy you had a great appointment!

    @HelloBeeBoston - get that BellaBand! I don't know how you've resisted this long... I've bought way too much baby & maternity stuff already!!!

    I've had a crummy day at work, so your news has brightened my evening! Back to work now :o(

  9. mrskc

    bananas / 9357 posts

    @hellobeeboston: & @jessiejo17: Great news ladies! So glad everything is going great.

  10. hellobeeboston

    honeydew / 7235 posts

    @CarrieLouWho: ugh - sorry you had a bad day at work! Hate that... And yes - goin to get that band ASAP! I think I may buy a few more things as well

    @jessiejo17: Bummer the u/s lady wasn't in, but glad your appt went well!!

  11. hilsy85

    squash / 13764 posts

    Hi ladies! I feel like I have been Mia for so long! We finally got Internet in our new apt, yay!@hellobeeboston: that sounds like such a goodappt! I hope we get to hear the heartbeat at our next one
    @jessiejo17: Woohoo, great appt as well!

    We have our nt scan on Tuesday so I'm just hoping everything goes well. Hope you all have a good weekend!

  12. mrskc

    bananas / 9357 posts

    @hilsy85: I was wondering where you've been! Glad you're back. I always worry about you ladies when you don't comment for awhile. Good luck with your appointment next week! That's so exciting. I have my NT scan on April 16th!

  13. hilsy85

    squash / 13764 posts

    @mrskc: Aw thanks for thinking about me hun! Yeah, moving was just crazy, but I'm glad to be settled in now Yay, your NT scan is so soon!! I'm beyond excited for mine, and then I also get to schedule for our anatomy scan! FINALLY we'll get to find out if little ziggy is a boy or a girl I'm hoping they can give us a clue at the NT scan as well.

  14. CarrieLouWho

    persimmon / 1408 posts

    We had our first daycare visit/interview today and it went pretty well... just curious, what are ya'lls plan for childcare? And do you know the range for your area? I'm in Richmond, VA and it seems to be $210 - $320 / week on average for a day care facility.

    Hope ya'll had a great weekend! Happy belated Easter or Passover if you celebrate it!

  15. LuLu Mom

    GOLD / wonderful olive / 19030 posts

    @CarrieLouWho: We are planning on an in home daycare that is $175 a week in Nebraska. This seems to be pretty standard for in home, a center is a little higher.

  16. mrskc

    bananas / 9357 posts

    @CarrieLouWho: I haven't actually started looking yet. Probably end up with a daycare or an in home daycare. I'm also considering a nanny for a few months. I'll probably go back to work around Feb and my husbands a teacher so he'll be on summer vacation starting in June. I've considered having a nanny for those 4 months and then put the baby in daycare when my DH goes back to work in August.

  17. spaina96

    grape / 79 posts

    @CarrieLouWho: I see you are in richmond, I live between charlottesville and richmond.

  18. hilsy85

    squash / 13764 posts

    @CarrieLouWho: I'm most likely going to be a SAHM at least for the first 6 months or so. We also both have our parents close by, and our moms would be itching to be able to take care of baby if we let them!

    We had our NT scan today and everything went GREAT! Our measurement of the neck fold was 1.0mm which is well below the cut off, and we got to hear the heartbeat (161bpm) and see baby bobbing around. We also got some 3D pictures which are awesome--its little head is pillowed on its hands, so sweet. No clues as to the gender though--my sister is convinced we're having a girl and now I"m not so sure, even though I was leaning toward boy!

  19. mrskc

    bananas / 9357 posts

    @hilsy85: Great news! Too bad we can't post photos so we can try to guess gender with the nub theory. lol I can't wait for my scan on Monday now!

  20. CarrieLouWho

    persimmon / 1408 posts

    @Hilsy - So glad you had a great appointment!

    Thanks for sharing your childcare plans... I'm always curious what others are going to do.

    I'm very sleepy today... ready to go home and take a nap :o)

  21. hellobeeboston

    honeydew / 7235 posts

    @hilsy85: yaay! Great appointment!! So glad it went so well ! Our nt scan is on Friday, can't wait!

  22. Running Elley

    coconut / 8681 posts

    I haven't checked in here in so long…eek!!! We had our NT scan last Thursday and everything looked perfect. I'll be 13 weeks tomorrow. Neck measurements came back in the normal range, baby's heartbeat was going strong and steady at around 156bpm. The pictures that we got were AMAZING and the tech guessed girl We'll find out for sure on May 22nd! My mom also did the wedding ring on thread over the belly gender "test" twice last weekend and both times it came back as girl so my fingers are crossed! I'd be really happy with a little boy but I'm very girly so I'd love to start us out with a girl. We'll see

    I'm glad to see that everyone is doing so well over here, lots of good NT scan results!

  23. hellobeeboston

    honeydew / 7235 posts

    Any other October mama's going to wait to find out the sex until delivery?? We decided we don't want to know - as tempting as it may be, we thought it would be more fun to wait!

  24. hilsy85

    squash / 13764 posts

    @mrskc: @CarrieLouWho: @hellobeeboston: Thanks ladies! I'm excited for you, mrskc and hellobeeboston! It's so cool to see the baby looking like a baby!

    @Running Elley: so exciting! When is your next appt?

  25. mrskc

    bananas / 9357 posts

    boo. They moved my NT scan to the 23rd. I'm so disappointed I have to wait an extra week.

  26. ameals

    pea / 17 posts

    Hi October Ladies!

    I'm due 10.23, starting to get excited! Thought I'd hop on the October thread.

    Can anyone give me some NT scan advice? I had mine today and I think it went well, but I can't really tell. We had a super uncommunicative Dr at the hospital (not my OB).

    It took a while for the Nurse to get LO in the right position for the neck photo (it was very stubborn about facing with it's back to us) The Nurse finally got a shot but then the Dr. came in and looked at LO from some more angles bc the picture made the neck look really thick. But she kept murmuring "seems fine" and then told me she'd see me at my anatomy scan and left!

    I know we have to wait for the blood test results to see if it's a "positive" result, but am I right in assuming if she saw something wrong we'd know? It all went so fast!

    LO looked super cute though, we got to watch for a long time since it took so long to get the right shot.

  27. hellobeeboston

    honeydew / 7235 posts

    @ameals: hey there! I am due oct. 24! I also just had my NT scan this morning. Sorry to hear the doc wasn't communicating - not cool. You will probably have to wait for results but I bet you are fine, they would have maybe talked to you about more invasive testing if they thought something was wrong. I think baby was just being stubborn and not cooperating to give them the right angles!

    Same happened with us.... Baby was upside down or something and she got some readings, then she had me cough, shook my stomach a bit and we saw the baby turn around and face the right way -- it was so cool!! I cried, god, I can't stop sometimes.
    The babe looked perfect though and we got some awesome pics! Think we will start telling more people!

    Oh. Ha to do a glucose test today (family history - my mom had gestational that turned into Type 1) - and the drink is disgusting! Ugh. Tastes like cough syrup.

  28. hilsy85

    squash / 13764 posts

    @ameals: Hi due date twin! Sorry that the doctor wasn't more forthcoming It's always nice to get reassurance, but I definitely think that if something had been wrong she would have said something like, you should schedule an appt with your OB. But if your'e feeling unsure, I would call and ask whether the preliminary results from the scan seem normal. At mine, they had no problem telling me that, and also giving me the actual measurement of the neck fold.

    @hellobeeboston: Yuck! I guess that's the test we have to look forward to in second tri as well?

  29. hilsy85

    squash / 13764 posts

    @mrskc: Aw so sorry hun--that's so annoying! I hope the next weeks fly by for you! And I hope you're feeling better!

  30. mrskc

    bananas / 9357 posts

    @ameals: Welcome! Like Hilsy85 said, try calling your doc to get the results. Just to ease your worries.

    @hellobeeboston: So glad your NT scan went well! I'm so looking forward to mine on the 23rd.

    @hilsy85: Thanks. Still battling this headache. Day 5 of it. I drank some caffeine for the first time in months and it helped. I'm going to call my doc on Monday to get some help. Although I'm leery of taking anything prescribed. As much as they say it's safe to take certain medications. I'm just not so sure.

  31. hellobeeboston

    honeydew / 7235 posts

    @mrskc: less than a week to go! - you will love it, so great to get to see the baby for that long! Sorry to hear about your headaches too... Not fun. Maybe they can recommend some other non drug alternatives.

    My new thing is waking up to pee in the middle of the night (that's not that new) and not being able to fAll back asleep. I'm usually up from about 3 on, not cool.

  32. hellobeeboston

    honeydew / 7235 posts

    @hilsy85: How's your skin doing? I have been using this Ren product I got at sephora last week, not sure I see any difference though... In fact, a few new one popped up this week. Ugh! I have been bad at night because i am tired, so I have been using Burt bees face cleaning wipes which are faster. Hope this stops soon! I look like a teenager (in a bad way)

  33. hilsy85

    squash / 13764 posts

    @mrskc: Well, hopefully by now you are feeling better! I hope you had a nice relaxing weekend.
    @hellobeeboston: My skin is the same as it was--aka, awful! I bought a "pregnancy safe" acne treatment from Belli, and it smells awful (like sulfer, which is the main ingredient) and so far it doesn't appear to be helping that much...I hope it kicks in over the next week or so! My OB did say that benzyol peroxide is actually completely safe for me to use (she's very very laid back about everything tho) so I have used it twice in the last week or so, just little dabs. Even that doesn't seem to have the same immediate effect that it used to! I'm hoping that as 2nd tri comes closer, the hormones even out and my skin gets better. I hate looking in the mirror without makeup now And it's so weird because it's not even really bad in my T-zone, where I"m oiliest. I'm getting most of my breakouts on my cheeks! So awful.

  34. hellobeeboston

    honeydew / 7235 posts

    @hilsy85: good to know about belli - I was thinking about buying but cannot stand that smell... And, same with me!! Cheeks, sides of chin and upper neck - so gross! Yeah , hopefully it will be done in a couple weeks!

  35. Tidybee

    nectarine / 2834 posts

    @hellobeeboston: I'm team green!

    all of your NT scan reports is making me excited for mine on Friday! So glad everyone is doing well...

  36. mrskc

    bananas / 9357 posts

    @hilsy85: Definitely feeling better. Headache finally went away and I hope it stays that way. I've been breaking out like crazy on my chin, and my forehead is a bumpy mess. Lets hope we get that pregnancy glow soon!

  37. hilsy85

    squash / 13764 posts

    @mrskc: Hi ladies! How are you all doing this cloudy Wednesday?

    We got our NT Bloodwork results back and they were great--less than a 1 in 10,000 chance that baby has DS or Trisomy 18. DH started telling people at work and we've told most of our close friends. So now that cat's out of the bag! I still haven't told people at work--I'm feeling nervous about it because we JUST had 2 people leave to have babies in the last 3 months, and it seems like neither of them are coming back, and I"m not planning on coming back either! Sooo I don't know how they'll take the news that I'm pregnant. I'm just going to put it off as long as possible, lol.

  38. LuLu Mom

    GOLD / wonderful olive / 19030 posts

    @hilsy85: That's awesome, congrats!! So happy the test came back with good results!

  39. mrskc

    bananas / 9357 posts

    @hilsy85: Not cloudy in my parts! Warm and sunny. Glad to hear your tests came back with good results. I'm hoping we get the same kind of numbers.

    I've been doing ok. Still dealing with the nausea and vomiting. The other night I had dinner at my parents house and on the drive home I wasn't feeling too hot. Hubby had to pull over so I could puke in a parking lot. gross. so not fun. lol I'm almost 13 weeks so I'm really hoping it lets up soon.

  40. TheFixIts

    cherry / 168 posts

    Hi Fellow October Mamas! We're finally sharing -- we've got a baby due in late October!

    Official Due Date is October 26 and things couldn't be going any better. So excited to finally join in!

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