Hellobee Boards


September 2013 Mamas

  1. Charm54

    cantaloupe / 6885 posts

    Yikes ladies - I had a scary episode last night. After not having any cramps yesterday, I awoke from a deep sleep with MAJOR cramps - almost as strong as the ones I get when AF is full on. I went to the bathroom (had a BM-sorry, TMI) and felt a tad better but they were still strong enough that I was doubled over.

    I woke up DH who was so sweet and kind - told me that it was just my uterus growing: "You know it can become up to the size of a grapefruit?!" (he has been reading those books more than I thought!) He reminded me that without bleeding the cramping isn't too worrisome & that overall my chances of miscarrying are significantly less than carrying a healthy baby to term and he'd take those odds at the casino any day.

    So I started to calm down a bit and the cramping went away COMPLETELY within a couple of minutes. It was bizarre - full on pain, then nothing. I have been checking like crazy and no blood since so I am thinking everything is still on track and until someone (or AF) tells me otherwise I am going to continue enjoy being pregnant.

    Looking back it might have been cramps/IBS/stress/anxiety all coming together in the perfect storm. I have pretty severe IBS and since becoming KU haven't been able to take my (6!) pills a day to keep it under control.

    Anyway...I was pretty scared last night but so comforted by DH and thrilled to wake up this morning and not see blood.
    Hope you all have a happy Friday

  2. mlm2934

    grapefruit / 4311 posts

    @char54: so glad you are feeling better! That does sound scary!! Symptoms being AF or pregnancy in TWW, has now turned into every thing can be pregnancy or miscarriage symptoms! The worry never ends!

    Sounds like your hubs was perfect in the situation.

    My poor hubs, was being great last night, but I was inconsolable with my fear of miscarriage.

  3. mlm2934

    grapefruit / 4311 posts

    Should I be worried that the line isn't darker today?

  4. futuremama

    clementine / 854 posts

    @char54: I had a similar experience last week. I woke up around 4:30 am with a terrible stabbing pain. I was in tears for about a half hour. Then, it subsided. I was terrified, but in the end, I think mine was the "perfect storm" like yours. I never had any bleeding, but my digestive system has been a wreck ever since my BFP.

  5. JoJoGirl

    cantaloupe / 6206 posts

    @runnerd: No!! Don't worry, they don't necessarily get darker

  6. Mrs squirreld

    nectarine / 2522 posts

    @runnerd: definatley not at this early! My first test at 11dpo looked the same as yours!!
    @marionberry: somehow between the first appt list and the last one I got dropped off first appt jan 22nd!

  7. jetsa

    grapefruit / 4663 posts

    @char54: @runnerd: What a scary situation! I'm glad it seems to have resolved itself. I'm worried about mc but I'm trying to not let it dominate my excitement, ya know? But I'm sure if I had any unusual signs I'd be freaking out majorly. =/
    I'll be soooo happy to hear the hb.

  8. jetsa

    grapefruit / 4663 posts

    @runnerd: I know you said you are a runner. Are you going to try to continue it throughout pregnancy? Do you have any races coming up?

    Any other runners out there?

  9. mlm2934

    grapefruit / 4311 posts

    @JoJoGirl: @Mrs squirreld: thanks ladies. I had no idea I would be so fearful! I really hope I shake this soon and get excited. I think it's cause I still have 3 days until when AF is due.

    @jetsa: I plan to keep running, but I'm finding I'm more cautious than I thought I'd be - for example, instead of running 3mi last night, I stopped at 2 when I started cramping and just walked for another 10min. Of course then I searched google and it said cramps during exercise were completely normal

    I have a half marathon 2-16, and maybe a 10k next weekend. Also a half on 2-23, but I'm a little nervous to do back to back races, plus morning sickness may have kicked in.

    So you run, any races for you?

  10. Izzy

    pea / 19 posts

    I'm a little late to the party but @jetsa: @jbean: congrats and welcome!!!

    @char54: Glad you are feeling better! It sounds so scary, especially happening during the middle of the night. Hope the rest of your Friday is happier!

  11. jetsa

    grapefruit / 4663 posts

    @runnerd: Yep I have lots of races coming up lol. I have a half 2-9, a 5k 3-16, another half 4-6, and I'm supposed to run River to River relay 4-20. I'd love to do another triathlon at the end of May but I think thats probably pushing it. I'm going to buy a heartrate monitor but other than that I'm going to keep running as normal. My pace has slowed down quite a bit already, it should have been a sign but I'm always slow so I didn't think about it. Has your pace changed?
    I want one of these (http://fortwofitness.com/category/long-sleeve-tees/running-for-two-long-sleeve-tee) to announce to our close friends after we hear the heartbeat. Ideally we'd take the picture 2-9 and then just wait until we hear it and then text out the picture.
    Yea I'm interested to see how the morning sickness affects it. One blog I read said that running was the only thing that kept the morning sickness at bay.

  12. mlm2934

    grapefruit / 4311 posts

    @jetsa: sounds like a fun spring!!! I had planned to train for a marathon for April, but I def won't do that now!!! I am going to try to keep up with a few more half marathons while i still can though! Of and why hadn't I thought of that!!!!! Incorporating running into our announcement to people!! I actually have a running blog but I haven't updated it much lately.

    Last night was my first run after finding out, and before that I had a really lazy 5 days of no running. So not sure if my pace was affected yet, but I went about 20-30sec slower pace on purpose

  13. futuremama

    clementine / 854 posts

    @runnerd: I am by no means a runner but was worried when I felt cramping during exercise. I also read that it is normal, but it sometimes can be worse if you're dehydrated. Keep drinking that water!

  14. jetsa

    grapefruit / 4663 posts

    @runnerd: yea I've never done a full but that's the way I feel about the triathlon it probably won't happen.
    Tommorow will be my first run since finding out 11-12 miles. I've decided I'm going to tell my running partner bc 2-9 is her first half and I don't want to slow her down.

  15. jetsa

    grapefruit / 4663 posts

    @futuremama: thanks for the tip!

  16. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @mrssquirreld: All fixed! Going forward to all, if you notice your date is missing or if you have a new appointment, feel free to copy/paste then add your info and resubmit. I won't be offended whatsoever, lol. It's a lot to keep up with.

    rosie girl 9/3
    duckduckkristen 9/6
    bisou7585 9/8
    misskabers 9/8
    nblchicago 9/9
    evenstar982 9/9
    mrsmoreau 9/9
    mrsrey122 9/10
    futuremama 9/13
    ktgee04 9/13
    izzy 9/13
    merr 9/17
    marionberry 9/18
    mamamagpie 9/19
    colee 9/20
    littlegbee 9/20
    mrs squirreld 9/20
    char54 9/22
    mango.sprays 9/22
    jetsa 9/22
    mrsclownfish 9/23
    mrsstormy 9/23
    runnerd 9/24
    jbean 9/25

    1/22 mrssquirreld
    1/22 mrsmoreau
    1/28 marionberry
    1/29 nblchicago
    1/30 jetsa
    2/1 littlegbee
    2/4 mamamagpie
    2/4 futuremama
    2/11 mrsstormy
    2/13 colee
    2/14 runnerd
    2/15 char54

  17. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @char54: I've had the exact same thing before. Really intense cramps! They woke me up in the middle of the night too. That was days ago and still no period so I think we're ok. Everytime I get them now I just remind myself cramping is normal and go back to bed. Having horrible constipation too, and I'm sure that isn't helping either.

  18. MapleMoose

    grapefruit / 4213 posts

    So excited to join!! Had an HSG this month and I guess it did the trick! POAS twice this morning and both quickly turned positive. I surprised DH with a "Daddy Loves Me" onesie and the two tests this morning before we left for work. (He was scheduled for a SA so I told him right away so he could cancel.) He is ecstatic.

    Due Date: 9/30/13

    Months It Took to Conceive: 2 active (but was being treated for irregularity for years)

    DPO You Found Out You Were Preggo On: 12dpo

    Symptoms That Made You Think You Were Pregnant: Exhaustion. I don't mean *yawn* I'm tired. I'm talking dragging, utter fatigue. DH said he was wondering what was up because I kept telling him I was going to bed immediately after dinner lol.

    Child Number: First

    Where You Live: New England

    What You're Most Excited For: Telling my Mom and MIL. They are dying to be grandparents. Also, showing off my baby bump.

    What You're Most Scared About: Losing the baby (m/c). I'm a worrier.

  19. jetsa

    grapefruit / 4663 posts

    @MapleMoose: congrats!

    Anyone notice the cramping gets way worse when your hungry? I didn't bring enough food to work and omg so much cramping. I'm leaving in 90 mins though.

  20. MamaMagpie

    persimmon / 1436 posts

    @char54: @futuremama: how scary and intense! I'm so glad to know everything is still ok, though, as I'm sure it will be for the next 9 months! And how amazing of your DH to be so calm and knowledgable

    @runnerd: I felt the same way until after AF was due! Now it's been a week since then and I'm feeling like "wow, this is really happening!"

    @maplemoose: hooray! Another September baby! So happy to see you here!

  21. MrsStormy

    clementine / 818 posts

    @MapleMoose: Congratulations! Welcome!

    Well we told our parents last night, which was totally nerve wracking and exciting! It really made it feel more real! DH's parents were so excited, this would be there 3rd grandchild. It will be my parents first grandchild so my mom was freaking out she was so happy, and we had to call my dad at work, but it was perfect because it was his birthday, he thought I was joking! They know not to tell anyone so hopefully they all stick with that!

    @runnerd: I took another test last night after we told our parents since I was freaking out that I jinxed myself by telling, and it was very faint, so that scared me, but I just had to remind myself it was evening, I had been drinking a lot of water, and darkness means nothing, a positive is a positive.

  22. mango.sprays

    apricot / 446 posts

    @MapleMoose: Congrats!!! Welcome!

    Nurse just called with my bloodwork results....we have more than doubling HCG, and "awesome" progesterone!! I'm so relieved. I know it's no guarantee that all will be good, but it feels like we can at least assume it's not another ectopic. Hooray!

  23. mango.sprays

    apricot / 446 posts

    @MrsStormy: Don't worry too much about the faint test....mine took a few days to actually get noticeably darker. Glad telling your parents went well!! It's a weird feeling, saying it out loud...it feels so REAL!

  24. Izzy

    pea / 19 posts

    Ladies, I need a little reassurance. It has been such a hassle trying to schedule my first appointment because my ob is out on maternity leave through the end of the month. And the office is a little disorganized to begin with! They were trying to set me up an appt for the week of jan 27th, when I will be 8 weeks, either with my ob or another doctor. In the meantime, they set me up an appt for feb 14th when I will be 10 weeks.
    I've been trading calls with one of the nurses and I called today to follow up and they said no, they won't see me until feb 14th.

    Does that seem right? It just seems so late! I know I'm probably over thinking it, I just hate the idea of worrying until I'm 10 weeks along!

  25. MapleMoose

    grapefruit / 4213 posts

    @jetsa: @MamaMagpie: @MrsStormy: @mango.sprays: Thanks ladies!

    Waiting on a call back from the GYN office for the "what now" info. Unfortunately my doctor is GYN only. She's awesome but the hospital she works at doesn't do OB so I have to find a new OB at another hospital. I guess I just start Googling...

  26. jbean

    pea / 18 posts

    @Izzy: I just scheduled my first appointment with my ob and I'll be 11 weeks. I mentioned to the receptionist that that seemed late and she said they see most patients for the first time between 10-12 weeks. Not sure if that eases your mind at all...

  27. MrsStormy

    clementine / 818 posts

    @mango.sprays: Thanks! It was so strange to tell our parents (especially my dad) now they know for sure that I've had sex (which was probably a given when I got married, but still so weird for me)!

    @Izzy: My first appt with the Dr. is at 12 weeks, but I go in for paperwork and such at 8, I'm going to call and see if I will at least get a blood test or something. I think if they said you would get one sooner I would try and push for one, but it really is different everywhere with every Dr. it seems. I think I will try telling them I have wonky cycles (which I do) and see if maybe they can do a dating ultrasound- who knows if that will work, but do you have any discrepancies in your EDD from lmp and ovulation date, maybe you use that as an excuse for an extra appt.

  28. MissKabers

    olive / 51 posts

    @char54: That sounds so scary! I so sorry that you had to go through that - it sounds like your husband is amazing though!

    I got worried yesterday bc I felt like I wasn't having enough symptoms....so I "sneakily" POAS, when I told my wife, she was like "yup, I heard you" and when I tried to explain I just started bawling that it was bc I wasn't feeling pregnant and had no symptoms...she was great, but I think it took all she could to not laugh and finally she said "no symptoms, huh?" (like helllllo, I'm thinking the crying, snotty mess in my arms is a *bit* overemotional, could that possibly be a symptom??) and then I almost got sick on the train to work - guess I was just working myself up yesterday.

    though last night's nightmare didn't help - I dreamt I woke up bleeding and that we were losing the baby but no one at the drs cared or wanted to do anything....talk about waking up in a cold sweat.

    i just wish we would get to see the bean when we go on the 28th,...but we have to wait for our 12 week appointment for that. hopefully I can stop worrying before then...

    @MrsStormy: how fun that you told your parents! what a great reaction to have!

  29. mrsmoreau

    apricot / 251 posts

    @MissKabers: When I was pg with Mr Vic (my first) I had practically NO symptoms the entire pregnancy. I never got sick, I didn't have ANY cramping or cravings... I felt completely normal the entire time.
    I only had slight discomfort when my ligaments started stretching at 20 weeks, and some swelling in my ankles at the very end.... but that was about it.

    What I am trying to say is, having no symptoms is normal too, if you can believe that! I had a healthy pregnancy and was blessed with a beautiful 7 lb 7oz baby boy at the end of it all.

    Hopefully this will help with the worry - although I know that worrying is a part of the whole experience. but getting so stressed is no good for you OR the baby.
    glad you had your wife to console you... best of luck not worrying!

  30. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @mango.sprays: What great news! Did you not have doubling hCG with your ectopic? Just curious because MK0180's hCG doubled but then she found out it was ectopic later.

    @izzy: Many doctors won't see you until 10 weeks. It's pretty normal. Don't worry too much about it. Maybe next time you talk to them ask if that's when your OB traditionally sees all patients for their first visit.

    @maplemoose: I work for a hospital. Google the hospital you want to deliver at and then they should have a place on their website where you can select an OB (some let you find the best one for you based on criteria you enter). If the website doesn't have that info, you can call the main number and ask for information on OBs that match what you're looking for.

    AFM, last night I don't think the salmon we had for dinner really went over well with baby. Totally felt gross. And man I keep having these bouts of lightheadedness here and there. Anyone else dealing with that? Oh and we bought an amazing stroller that was $115 off yesterday..so that was fun!

  31. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    Welcome @maplemoose:! To everyone else, if you notice your date is missing or if you have a new appointment, feel free to copy/paste then add your info and resubmit. I won't be offended whatsoever, lol. It's a lot to keep up with.

    rosie girl 9/3
    duckduckkristen 9/6
    bisou7585 9/8
    misskabers 9/8
    nblchicago 9/9
    evenstar982 9/9
    mrsmoreau 9/9
    mrsrey122 9/10
    futuremama 9/13
    ktgee04 9/13
    izzy 9/13
    merr 9/17
    marionberry 9/18
    mamamagpie 9/19
    colee 9/20
    littlegbee 9/20
    mrs squirreld 9/20
    char54 9/22
    mango.sprays 9/22
    jetsa 9/22
    mrsclownfish 9/23
    mrsstormy 9/23
    runnerd 9/24
    jbean 9/25
    maplemoose 9/30

    1/22 mrssquirreld
    1/22 mrsmoreau
    1/28 marionberry
    1/29 nblchicago
    1/30 jetsa
    2/1 littlegbee
    2/4 mamamagpie
    2/4 futuremama
    2/11 mrsstormy
    2/13 colee
    2/14 runnerd
    2/14 izzy
    2/15 char54

  32. mango.sprays

    apricot / 446 posts

    @marionberry: I never had my hCG checked last time because I didn't know I was pregnant until it ruptured :-/. I did start bleeding/spotting which I thought was AF and continued for 2 weeks, and no sign of that this time... The nurse I spoke to said all my numbers were pretty high and actually said "now let's just hope it's not twins!"....
    I had forgotten about MK0180's situation though.

  33. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @mango.sprays: I'm sure everything is great if your nurse thought your hcg numbers were high enough to mean twins!

  34. MamaMagpie

    persimmon / 1436 posts

    Wierd question: has anyone noticed increased ear wax production?! It's kind of grossing me out! Couldn't really find any answers on Dr. Google

  35. mlm2934

    grapefruit / 4311 posts

    @marionberry: wow stroller, nice! we still can't convince ourselves to buy any baby stuff haha.

    @MapleMoose: welcome!!!!!

    @MamaMagpie: hmmm I haven't but I have read people having that before

    So question: I finally got a nice noticeably darker BFP (yay!) so a lot of my panic has gone down, but I was wondering if its unreasonable to try to see if you can get a blood check prior to 1st appt? I was even wondering if just like a walk in clinic at Walgreens would run blood tests... I want to know my hcg level looks right

  36. futuremama

    clementine / 854 posts

    @runnerd: I don't think Walgreen's clinics do HCG testing. Keep in mind, you'll need two blood tests...not just one. You'll need to see if your HCG is doubling. The ranges for HCG levels are too wide to really tell you anything with only one test. I'm not sure if your doctor will do it or not. It may be worth a call. Just remember...if you aren't having bleeding, you're probably fine. I know it's easier said than done These last two weeks before my appt are going to kill me. Luckily we leave on 1/26 for the beach for a week, and the appt is two days later!

    You may have seen this, but here's some info on HCG levels...


  37. mlm2934

    grapefruit / 4311 posts

    @futuremama: thanks!!! I guess I need to just go back to the trust it plan

    And SOOO jealous that you are headed to the beach!!! What area do you go for beach vacation?

  38. futuremama

    clementine / 854 posts

    @runnerd: We're heading to an all-inclusive in Jamaica with a bunch of friends. We booked it before I was pregnant, so we'll see if I can hide it! I doubt we'll make it through the whole trip.

  39. MapleMoose

    grapefruit / 4213 posts

    @marionberry: Great info, thank you! And thank you for adding me to the list. I might be the last one in the September group (due date Sept 30th).

    My GYN doctor had me go for the qualitative blood test yesterday so that was exciting. I've been having some very mild cramps which would have completely freaked me out if it weren't for you ladies. I read the previous posts and realize that cramping is normal in this stage of the pregnancy so I'm not worrying about it. I admit that I did POAS again this morning, partially because I'm still in disbelief but also partially because it makes me so happy to see "pregnant" flash on the screen. DH thinks I'm crazy lol

    @futuremama: I second @runnerd:, I'm super jealous of your tropical getaway!

  40. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @MamaMagpie: I kind of have. I always clean my ears daily and especially one day it was really a lot.

    @runnerd: My stress about POAS lasted about a week to a week and a half. It should get much better soon. If you really want your hCG tested, call your doctor and ask if they'd be willing to do two beta draws for you. It can't hurt to ask.

    @futuremama: Lucky chica! I've been having the same problem waiting for our first exam. We leave Tuesday for Memphis, get back Sunday and Monday is our u/s though so I think time should pass pretty quickly. I'm just dying to know our baby is developing normally. Until then, I almost feel like I can't truly feel pregnant.

    @maplemoose: Did you get the results back already?

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