Hellobee Boards


September 2013 Mamas

  1. mrsmoreau

    apricot / 251 posts

    Appointment at 5:30 pm today!!! (EST)
    I am excited/anxious/nervous - you name it I am feeling it today.

    Today I am 7 weeks 1 day - hopefully I will get an ultrasound so that I can see/hear the heartbeat.... I will let you know how it goes, fingers crossed everything is ok in there!!

  2. mlm2934

    grapefruit / 4311 posts

    @mrsmoreau: gooood luck!! Can't wait to hear your good report

  3. jetsa

    grapefruit / 4663 posts

    @mrsmoreau: Yay! Good luck, I hope everything is perfect!

  4. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @mrsmoreau: good luck! So excited for you!

  5. mrsmoreau

    apricot / 251 posts

    @Mrs squirreld: when is your appt? keep us posted!

  6. MrsStormy

    clementine / 818 posts

    Wow this moves fast, I feel so behind! Well since I'm a few pages behind I'll reply without replying!

    I agree with whoever said being on HB makes the nerves and fear worse than they would normally be, it makes me feel like my chances mc are so much higher when in reality they aren't, I keep having to remind myself the odds are in my favor, but I have been doing much better about just enjoying it and not stressing as much the past few days.

    I have terrible gas and bloating, I feel like my stomach is constantly full of air, no so comfortable.... My poor DH. I also have not been sleeping well, I fall asleep and do fine for the first part of the night then wake up super early and can't go back to sleep, its very aggravating!

    @mrsmoreau: Good luck at your appointment, can't wait to hear how it goes, and hopefully you get to hear or see a beautiful baby heartbeat!

  7. duckduckkristen

    clementine / 959 posts

    @runnerd: I didn't actually get an appointment. Lol. DH is a radiologist so I can pretty much get an ultrasound anytime. Usually I would have just waited until my official one, but I wasn't really sure how far along I was so I just had him do the ultrasound to find out.

  8. mlm2934

    grapefruit / 4311 posts

    @duckduckkristen: ahhhh I see! Lucky!

  9. mlm2934

    grapefruit / 4311 posts

    Anyone called around to get quotes on daycare? I did this morning and it sounds like we should expect a little over $1k a month. I know that's lower than a lot of cities, and at least we can afford it, but damn that's a lot of money!

  10. LittleGBee

    apricot / 319 posts

    @mrsmoreau: So exciting! Good luck today!

  11. mrsmoreau

    apricot / 251 posts

    @runnerd: we pay $44 per day for our LO. Thankfully he only goes to daycare 3 days per week... not sure what we are gonna do once this bean sprouts.
    I am hoping I will be able to adjust my work schedule so that we can go down to part-days (less than 5 hrs) which is only $31 per day per kid.
    Actually I am having a panic attack over the cost of daycare at the moment LOL

  12. LittleGBee

    apricot / 319 posts

    You guys. Maybe I'm behind the times, but I just found the cutest site for maternity clothes that doesn't cost an arm and a leg. So cute. Check it out!


  13. jetsa

    grapefruit / 4663 posts

    @runnerd: I haven't called yet but this is the thing I'm most worried about. One of our friends (due in June) is staying home and she was a preschool teacher so she offered to do it for us but she tends to be a bit selfish so we don't know how we feel about that. My husband is set on a nanny and while we can afford it I don't want to pay a lot more than daycare for it.
    $1000/month doesn't seem bad at all but yea it's so much money!

  14. mlm2934

    grapefruit / 4311 posts

    Ladies - I had a few cramps the past few days, but nothing intense. Anyways, I ran 4 miles on my lunch break and have been feeling great today because finally past my AF due date, then I had a cramp just now so went to bathroom and had some reddish brown spotting, not much, but now I'm a nervous wreck. Cramps are gone. Not sure if the run got my body out of whack, or if I should call the doctors office... This is the only spotting I've had at all.

  15. futuremama

    clementine / 854 posts

    @jetsa: I haven't looked yet, but I definitely will as soon as we hit 2nd tri. There's a possibility we'll be relocating before the baby is born, so I don't even know which city to look in. I think it's around the same cost in both cities, between $750-$1000/month.

  16. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @runnerd: Wait and see if the spotting continues. If it does call your doctor. If it doesn't dont worry about it.

  17. MapleMoose

    grapefruit / 4213 posts

    @mrsmoreau: Super exciting!

    @runnerd: One of the first things DH did was started researching costs for daycare and diapers and all that. But that's not out of the ordinary for him because he's an accountant lol. We are in New England (NH/MA) and he figured an average of $1200-$1300/month but that's because we work in the state with the highest daycare costs as of Aug 2012. Booo!

  18. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @mrsmoreau: Daycare gives me a panic attack too. A friend is pregnant and wanting to stay home after the baby so she has offered to watch our baby to make up some income. It's a great savings but I hope she doesn't change her mind once she has a baby to take care of.

  19. jetsa

    grapefruit / 4663 posts

    @runnerd: wait and see light spotting is fine for less than 24 hours per my Mayo Clinic book. Also I ran 11 miles on Saturday so I don't think that really has anything to do with it. Per this post (http://www.healthytippingpoint.com/2011/11/babyhtp-10-weeks.html): "No one ever told me that spotting can be totally normal during early pregnancy (my doctor said that 1 in 3 experience it with no further problems). I’ve had two spotting episodes (at 5 weeks and 9 weeks, 4 days) that sent me into an emotional tizzy." Her son is now 6 months old =) I'm sorry that has to be soo scary!

  20. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    Heading to Memphis today and was one of those crazy pregnant ladies that opted for the pat down vs the X-ray. They were nice about it. I know that it's far less radiation than I'll get on the plane but at the stage I'm at I wanted to reduce the risk as much as I could. Gonna keep checking in on HB via my phone so I don't miss the action.

  21. MrsClownfish

    cherry / 199 posts

    I am in NY and am scared to start calling about daycare prices. I think it is like $1500 a month minimum......

  22. mango.sprays

    apricot / 446 posts

    @marionberry: Good call on the pat down! Sure, it would have just been a little bit but we're exposed to so much in life anyway, it's worth avoiding the avoidable!

  23. mango.sprays

    apricot / 446 posts

    @runnerd: So sorry you had a spotting scare! I've read so many times on here about people spotting in the first trimester...I'm sure everything is fine!

    @mrsmoreau: Good luck this afternoon!!

    And...it's so comforting to hear that you guys are going through the same things as I am! Still no morning sickness, but HOLY bloating, and I'm so uncomfortable in bed and wide awake at 6am (not the norm for me!!!)

  24. MapleMoose

    grapefruit / 4213 posts

    @runnerd: I hope everything is ok. Hopefully it's just normal first trimester spotting.

    @jetsa: Just ordered that book. Thanks for the recommendation!

    @marionberry: Have a great trip! I'd make the same choice if I were in your shoes.

  25. jetsa

    grapefruit / 4663 posts

    @MapleMoose: I like it so far. It has some redundant info but lots of nice charts and a week by week guide.

  26. MapleMoose

    grapefruit / 4213 posts

    @jetsa: I ended up getting the paperback rather than Kindle edition. I figured it would be easier to view those charts and any graphics in the paperback format. Which did you get?

  27. jetsa

    grapefruit / 4663 posts

    @MapleMoose: I got the paperback also for the same reason. I think the kindle would be hard with the pictures.

  28. mlm2934

    grapefruit / 4311 posts

    @marionberry: @mango.sprays: @jetsa: @MapleMoose: thanks ladies - helps to hear others thoughts! I'm surprisingly less scared by the spotting than i thought id be. i think its gone now. Maybe I'm less nerved by it cause a lot of women have spotting near missed period, and it wasn't much at all - I had to check to find it in the first place.

  29. Colee

    cherry / 153 posts

    @runnerd: Glad to hear the spotting is gone. How scary! My mom works in an ER and she says women come in all the time with spotting and think they are miscarrying. Just yesterday she had a patient like this and the ultrasound showed everything was fine! Spotting is normal. Annoying. Scary. But normal!

  30. Colee

    cherry / 153 posts

    Glad to hear I'm not the only one with serious bloat! It comes and goes. Sometimes I look normal, sometimes I have a pooch. And I am so exhausted! It is so hard not to tell my coworkers what is going on. I want to wait until my first appt. to tell them and I don't want my principle or vice-principle to know until after the first trimester. I teach pre-school and kindergarten and I'm not planning on returning to school next year. Anyone else planning on being a SAHM? I don't earn very much so daycare would eat up a good chunk of my paycheck. Plus I would rather be at home with my own child instead of taking care of others. Luckily, DH is on board and we can afford it, but I feel a little financial guilt. I will have to find ways to live more simply, which may be difficult because I am a shopoholic!

  31. mlm2934

    grapefruit / 4311 posts

    @Colee: thanks! That's reassuring!

    I would love to be a part time SAHM, but I make more than DH, so we really can't afford to lose my income... Maybe one day when there are 2 LOs def dont feel guilty, it's worth the sacrifice

  32. Charm54

    cantaloupe / 6885 posts

    OMG I am so bloated. I feel like I already look 12 weeks pregnant. The extra holiday pounds that I gained probably didn't help ... almost looking forward to when I can tell people so I have a reason to have a tummy

    Daycare here is around $700 a month. If we end up staying here my mom will watch LO for 1-2 days a week I think which would bring it down to about $420 which is much more reasonable than I thought. I never went to daycare as a kid (my 3 sisters and I had a babysitter who came to our house) and I'm a bit reluctant to send LO to daycare. But I realize it's great for socialization and if my mom will take them a few days a week it's kind of the best of both worlds.

    @Colee: If we move I will likely be a SAHM though not entirely by choice. DH's job may take us cross-country where it would be difficult for me to land a teaching job. Subbing wouldn't make much sense as it's unpredictable and daycare costs would be crazy so I would likely stay at home. I wasn't crazy about the idea at first but I'm warming up to it and everyone always says they never want to go back after maternity leave so we'll see! Don't feel guilty - do whatever you want and makes sense for your family!

    My mama spoiled me today - took me out to dinner and brought me tulips. DH is away on business so she's been checking in on me and making sure her future grandchild is doing alright

  33. mrsmoreau

    apricot / 251 posts

    well ladies, here's my update!
    Went to my first appointment this evening. We did the usual - cultures, pap smear (which was really uncomfortable!) weight, pee in a cup, etc.
    My doctor has an ultrasound right in the room so he did an early scan. everything looks great! Baby measured in at 7 weeks 1 day (which is exactly where it should be according to LMP). i could see the heartbeat - 116 bpm.
    I am so relieved! Doc said the chance of m/c is down to 5% now. and for all of those wondering, i asked and he said there is no difference between seeing the heartbeat and hearing it. it reduces the risk the same amount.

    so thats it! now on to the huge task of announcing - when & how? eek!

  34. Charm54

    cantaloupe / 6885 posts

    @mrsmoreau: Wow!!! That's fabulous! I literally can't WAIT to see/hear the little baby's heartbeat. What an amazing feeling that must have been!

  35. mrsmoreau

    apricot / 251 posts

    @char54: it was pretty awesome - the baby looked like a bean with just a tiny blob in the middle of it going in and out - the heart.
    it is the best feeling seeing it on-screen for the first time... can't wait for you to experience it!

  36. Colee

    cherry / 153 posts

    @mrsmoreau: How exciting! I am so happy for you! I still have three weeks until my first appointment and I may go insane during the wait! I thought the two week wait was tough but this is crazy! It makes me happy to hear good news!

  37. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @mrsmoreau: So glad you had a great appointment! I can't wait to see that!

  38. Mrs squirreld

    nectarine / 2522 posts

    @mrsmoreau: yay glad everything went well!!! It's so exciting huh!!

    My appointment went great too! Did urine and blood tests (7 viles of blood urgh!) my dr also had an ultrasound machine in office so had an ultrasound... Couldn't see too much just the gestational sac as I was only 5 weeks 4 days. She said that was perfectly normal! Phew.
    Got another appt booked for the 5th of feb to see the heart beat. exciting! Got a bag of information and found out that my dr is pregnant too!! She is due in August! Won't be a problem for us as we will be moving towns before then and have to change doctors anyway!
    We also told DH's parents who were super excited and surprised!

  39. LittleGBee

    apricot / 319 posts

    @mrsmoreau: Yay! So great, thanks for updating us!

  40. LittleGBee

    apricot / 319 posts

    @Mrs squirreld: Nice to know you're right on track! I'll look forward to your update on the 5th.

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