Hellobee Boards


September 2014 Mummas - Come out where ever you are!

  1. Kate6214

    cherry / 245 posts

    @Pancakes: and @Lindy: Welcome!!!

    @gingerbebe: Hope you hear some more good news in the morning.

    I'm excited about my appointment tomorrow. Although I feel a little bad skipping out on part of the first day back at work tomorrow. Hopefully my students won't be too crazy for a sub in the afternoon.

  2. Pancakes

    nectarine / 2180 posts

    @Mrs. Confetti My DD will be 3 in March. It's taken over a year and 2 m/cs to get to this point, so I'm hoping 3rd time's the charm! Most of LO's friends already have siblings who are nearly a year old!

  3. tequiero21

    honeydew / 7968 posts

    @Lindy: welcome! We only told our parents... and hb too lol.

  4. tequiero21

    honeydew / 7968 posts

    @Pancakes: sorry for your losses! Hoping this one sticks! H&h9!!!

  5. Mrs. Jump Rope

    blogger / coconut / 8306 posts

    My RE called me this morning, and my heart stopped when I saw her name on my caller ID! I can't think of a time, ever, that she's called me herself. It's always my nurse or coordinator!

    She was just calling to check up on me, and let me know everything is perfect and right where we'd expect it to be//what we should see at 5w. She said I'll have a consult with either her or the other RE next Monday after my ultrasound to discuss how many babies.

    WHAT?! I didn't have a consult when we had our first us with Chloe. Does she know something I don't know?!?

  6. tequiero21

    honeydew / 7968 posts

    @Mrs. Jump Rope: hahaha! Oooh can't wait to hear!! I do think tripling and quadrupling is definitely on the higher side! And how many?! Any possibility of more than two?!

  7. T.H.O.U.

    wonderful clementine / 24134 posts

    @Mrs. Jump Rope: That is really suspicious! I'm sure its just that she has reviewed your beta's and is maybe preparing for the possibility like you are! Good luck!

  8. T.H.O.U.

    wonderful clementine / 24134 posts

    @Pancakes: Yea and hello (I'm lurking from August)! I hope you have a healthy and healthy 9 months! I too will have a 3 year old that I can't wait to give a sibling!

  9. Mrs. Jump Rope

    blogger / coconut / 8306 posts

    @tequiero21: I had two follicles this cycle, so there's a chance it could be twins. We saw one sac at my u/s on Saturday and I did ask the tech if that meant just one baby, and she smiled and said it was too early to tell.

  10. gingerbebe

    cantaloupe / 6131 posts

    HCG is back! 267! We needed 232, so we more than doubled. I know the number is low in general, but its doubling and the nurse said my progesterone looked wonderful and that I just may be really early on. Either way, we have our first appointment on January 27th to confirm via ultrasound and if everything is where it should be, we're being booted over to my OBGYN.

  11. tequiero21

    honeydew / 7968 posts

    @gingerbebe: doubling is all that matters!! 27th can't come soon enough eh?

  12. psw27

    pomelo / 5220 posts

    wow @mrs. jumprope that is super interesting she called you herself + said you would discuss how many!

    I feel weird that my appointment is still so far away.. They wanted me to come in a week earlier but my DH is out of the country that week and he wants to come along. I don't think it will feel real until a doctor tells me it is!

  13. Mrs. Jump Rope

    blogger / coconut / 8306 posts

    @gingerbebe: great numbers!!

  14. tequiero21

    honeydew / 7968 posts

    @Mrs. Jump Rope: I have a feeling u have twins but she didn't want to tell you over the phone, yet she wanted you to be prepared.... Things that make you go hmmmm....

  15. Mrs. Confetti

    blogger / pomegranate / 3491 posts

    @Pancakes: we are rooting for a third times a charm sticky one for you! On the bright side, it sounds like you will have a lot of friends to go to for advice when dealing with two little ones (not that that makes up at all for the time and the losses, but...silver lining? )

    @gingerbebe: yay for great numbers!!

    @Kate6214: hope this afternoon goes well!!

    @Mrs. Jump Rope: that is amazing that your doc was so caring to call herself. Glad it was all good things.

  16. Kate6214

    cherry / 245 posts

    @Mrs. Jump Rope: That's awesome that she called you personally. It's nice to get good news on the phone.

    @gingerbebe: yay for more the ndoubling hcg

    @psw27: Sorry you have to wait for your appointment. I know the only reason I got in earlier is because of my previous loss and since my cycles have been irregular since.

    @Mrs. Confetti: Thanks

    My appointment went well. Cervix is closed and all. I've got bloodwork and such to do and she wants me to go for an ultrasound this week to get a date. So I have an appointment for Wednesday afternoon. I'm so scared since we learned about our loss at our first ultrasound last time. I know I can't change anything, but I'm nervous regardless.

  17. tequiero21

    honeydew / 7968 posts

    @Kate6214: good luck! Too bad they couldn't just kill 2 birds with one stone so u didn't have to go in on Wednesday again.

    I'm a lil nervous about my appointment on Wednesday because I've been feeling a lil crampy. Not pregnancy cramping. The cramping I feel when I have or am getting my period. Like this deep sinking feeling or something, hard to describe. Want to take another test (already took like 7 so far lol) but honestly, even if I lose the baby, don't think my body would know....since it didn't even know my first was gone at 9 weeks and found out at my 12/13 week appointment, when they couldn't find the heartbeat so ordered an u/s... Eh~...guess I will know for sure in 2 days.

  18. gingerbebe

    cantaloupe / 6131 posts

    @Kate6214: Good luck on your appointment! We found out about our first MC at our first appointment too - I know how much that sucks. But at least we've experienced the worst possible first US already. We were so blindsided the first time that DH just spontaneously started crying (I've never seen him cry before). I feel like whatever happens this next time for us, it can't be worse than that first visit because it can't be that shocking. AND we can't do anything about it anyway so absolutely no reason not to be excited for THIS little one. Prayers and thoughts are with you! Keep us posted!

    @tequiero21: I have been having some off and on cramping too. Trying not to be worried about it - everyone says its normal. I can't stop testing still either - we can be POAS addicts together.

    @Mrs. Jump Rope: How cool would twins be!? Or maybe you just have a really super huge and luxurious placenta growing in there.

    Feeling tired today. Not the sleepy kind of tired, but just distracted and can't focus kind of tired. A little lower back soreness too. Our US is in 3 weeks and I feel like its soooo far away. Just want baby to be okay! We should get a definite date at that point bc my dates are all off and my nurse thinks we implanted/ovulated late. I just want to see a HB at the appointment! We've never gotten as far as a heartbeat, so I'm antsy to say the least.

  19. Littlebit

    nectarine / 2932 posts

    Officially joining in! Got my BFP this morning at 12dpo!

    Estimated Due Date (EDD):
    September 18th

    When Did You Find Out?:
    Today, January 7th

    Child Number:

    Where You Live:
    Richmond, Virginia

    What kind of provider will you see?:

    When's Your First Appointment?:
    February 10th!

    What kind of birth do you want?:
    One with pain meds.

    What You're Most Excited For:
    At the moment? A heartbeat! Then finding out if it's a girl or boy!

    What You're Most Scared About:
    Another MC

    Symptoms so far:
    My boobs are a little sore and heavy, and I've had to pee a little more often.

    Do you have a blog?:
    Not one that's been updated in years!

    Share a picture of your bfp, announcement, &/or chart:

  20. mlm2934

    grapefruit / 4311 posts

    @Littlebit: ahhh!! Congrats!!

  21. tequiero21

    honeydew / 7968 posts

    @Littlebit: yay! So exciting, eh? I lived in Richmond, va area for about 4 years!

  22. Littlebit

    nectarine / 2932 posts

    @runnerd: @tequiero21: thanks ladies! I can't even tell you how happy I am to be here

  23. CoprtopMom

    apple seed / 3 posts

    Looks like I missed a bunch of good news posts yesterday. Darn having to do work at work! Congrats to everyone!

    I made the mistake of waiting until the first Monday of the new year to call my OBGYN and make an appointment. I could not get through to them at all yesterday. Fortunately today was better and they found a time for me on the 27th, yay!

  24. psw27

    pomelo / 5220 posts

    Welcome @littlebit!

  25. Mrs. Jump Rope

    blogger / coconut / 8306 posts

    @Littlebit: yay!

  26. Torchwood

    pomelo / 5607 posts

    @Littlebit: Welcome! So glad to see you here!

  27. Torchwood

    pomelo / 5607 posts

    FINALLY called and made my first appointment! It's kind of going to be interesting, because I called the midwife, who I've never seen, and I didn't mention my history of m/c. I've heard that some won't take you with that sort of thing, but because I've been tested and came back negative for any blood clotting disorders or anything, mine were apparently just bad luck. Which means I'm not actually considered high risk (according to the ob/gyn I saw when we first moved here right during my last m/c). So they ought to be fine with me. I'm not going to try and hide it or anything, I just wanted to talk to them first and not let them reject me out of hand before they knew my history properly. Fingers crossed a LOT that they're willing to have me! I desperately want to see a midwife. That being said, my first appointment is on the 28th, woohoo!

    September Mamas
    9/1 katie6214 (#1)
    9/3 brownbear (#1)
    9/5 mrs.hawk71 (#1)
    9/6 torchwood (#1)
    9/8 mrs. jump rope (#2)
    9/8 mrs. confetti (#2)
    9/11 psw27 (#1)
    9/11 coprtopmom (#2)
    TBD gingerbebe (#1)

    1/30 mrs. confetti
    2/7 psw27
    2/3 mrs.hawk71
    1/28 Torchwood

  28. Mrs. Jump Rope

    blogger / coconut / 8306 posts

    @Torchwood: glad you made an appointment!

  29. Littlebit

    nectarine / 2932 posts

    Thanks for the warm welcome! I'm glad to be in such great company!

    I added mine below! I hope no one minds that I put the appointments in order of next up?

    September Mamas
    9/1 katie6214 (#1)
    9/3 brownbear (#1)
    9/5 mrs.hawk71 (#1)
    9/6 torchwood (#1)
    9/8 mrs. jump rope (#2)
    9/8 mrs. confetti (#2)
    9/11 psw27 (#1)
    9/11 coprtopmom (#2)
    9/18 littlebit (#1)
    TBD gingerbebe (#1)

    1/28 Torchwood
    1/30 mrs. confetti
    2/3 mrs.hawk71
    2/7 psw27
    2/10 littlebit

  30. gingerbebe

    cantaloupe / 6131 posts

    Oooh, I added mine too!

    September Mamas
    9/1 katie6214 (#1)
    9/3 brownbear (#1)
    9/5 mrs.hawk71 (#1)
    9/6 torchwood (#1)
    9/8 mrs. jump rope (#2)
    9/8 mrs. confetti (#2)
    9/11 psw27 (#1)
    9/11 coprtopmom (#2)
    9/18 littlebit (#1)
    TBD gingerbebe (#1)

    1/27 gingerbebe
    1/28 Torchwood
    1/30 mrs. confetti
    2/3 mrs.hawk71
    2/7 psw27
    2/10 littlebit

  31. Mrs. Confetti

    blogger / pomegranate / 3491 posts

    @Littlebit: Welcome - yay!!!! So happy to have you here! And I am with you on arranging things by date...I'm so uptight about silly stuff like that

  32. tequiero21

    honeydew / 7968 posts

    Looks like I got left out, so putting myself back in! Also adding Lindy, pancakes.

    September Mamas
    9/1 katie6214 (#1)
    9/3 brownbear (#1)
    9/3 tequiero21 (#3)
    9/5 mrs.hawk71 (#1)
    9/6 torchwood (#1)
    9/8 mrs. jump rope (#2)
    9/8 mrs. confetti (#2)
    9/11 psw27 (#1)
    9/11 coprtopmom (#2)
    9/12 lindy (#1)
    9/13 pancakes (#2)
    9/18 littlebit (#1)
    TBD gingerbebe (#1)

    1/8 kate6214 (I believe she said she's going in again on the 8th)
    1/8 tequiero21
    1/27 gingerbebe
    1/28 Torchwood
    1/30 mrs. confetti
    2/3 mrs.hawk71
    2/7 psw27
    2/10 littlebit

  33. Mrs. Jump Rope

    blogger / coconut / 8306 posts

    I was left out too

    September Mamas
    9/1 katie6214 (#1)
    9/3 brownbear (#1)
    9/3 tequiero21 (#3)
    9/5 mrs.hawk71 (#1)
    9/6 torchwood (#1)
    9/8 mrs. jump rope (#2)
    9/8 mrs. confetti (#2)
    9/11 psw27 (#1)
    9/11 coprtopmom (#2)
    9/12 lindy (#1)
    9/13 pancakes (#2)
    9/18 littlebit (#1)
    TBD gingerbebe (#1)
    1/8 kate6214 (I believe she said she's going in again on the 8th)
    1/8 tequiero21
    1/13 mrs. jump rope
    1/27 gingerbebe
    1/28 Torchwood
    1/30 mrs. confetti
    2/3 mrs.hawk71
    2/7 psw27
    2/10 littlebit

  34. tequiero21

    honeydew / 7968 posts

    a lot of due date twins, love it!

  35. Kate6214

    cherry / 245 posts

    @Littlebit: I'm so glad to see you here. Fingers crossed for a sticky baby.

    @tequiero21: Thanks for remembering me

    @Torchwood: So glad you have the first appointment scheduled.

    Vent Ahead...So today exhaustion hit bad and I spent the day combating on and off nausea only to come home and have one of my dogs puke all over the floor in front of me. I'm already super nervous about my ultrasound tomorrow and then today has just been awful. I hope everyone else here is having a better day.

  36. gingerbebe

    cantaloupe / 6131 posts

    @Kate6214: So sorry about the dog thing - I remember coming home really late from work one night and wanting nothing but bed. Unfortunately, my dog had gotten the runs during and had basically destroyed my apartment. I was up until FOREVER cleaning and bathing the dog. It was the worst.

    I think the fatigue is finally starting to hit me too. Yesterday I got up just fine, but I had the "tired enough to be cranky and distracted" thing going on yesterday and this morning I straight up just had a rough time waking up. Once I got going I was okay but yeah, I can't focus for very long stretches of time. Also have searing back pain today, like I pinched a nerve or something. I think I've been sleeping in weird positions so maybe that's why. Had a few waves of nausea but pretty muted (probably because I can't smell anything).

    Good luck on your appointment tomorrow - I'm sure it will be great!

  37. gingerbebe

    cantaloupe / 6131 posts

    Also I finally moved to the next week on the CBED!

  38. tequiero21

    honeydew / 7968 posts

    @Mrs. Jump Rope: oops! For some reason, I thought your appointment was this past Monday!

    @Kate6214: I hear ya re: awful day! Here's to a great office day tomorrow!

    @gingerbebe: yay for moving up! I actually tested on Saturday to make sure I moved up too lol.

  39. Boogs

    hostess / papaya / 10540 posts

    I'm ever so slyly going to sneak in here...

    September Mamas
    9/1 katie6214 (#1)
    9/3 brownbear (#1)
    9/3 tequiero21 (#3)
    9/5 mrs.hawk71 (#1)
    9/6 torchwood (#1)
    9/8 mrs. jump rope (#2)
    9/8 mrs. confetti (#2)
    9/11 psw27 (#1)
    9/11 coprtopmom (#2)
    9/12 lindy (#1)
    9/13 pancakes (#2)
    9/18 littlebit (#1)
    9/20 boogs (#2)
    TBD gingerbebe (#1)

    1/8 kate6214 (I believe she said she's going in again on the 8th)
    1/8 tequiero21
    1/13 mrs. jump rope
    1/27 gingerbebe
    1/28 Torchwood
    1/30 mrs. confetti
    2/3 mrs.hawk71
    2/7 psw27
    2/10 littlebit

  40. Mrs. Jump Rope

    blogger / coconut / 8306 posts

    @Boogs: ahhhhhhh!

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