Hellobee Boards


August 2013 Mamas

  1. StbHisMrs

    pomegranate / 3329 posts

    @Grace: Yep, a pain in the...well all over! I even went for a long walk last night and couldn't get them to pick up in intensity, so baby girl isn't ready I suppose. He's told me that I need to come in when they're intense, but also if there's a change in what they have been. It's almost like I'm stuck in the first phase of labor and can't get my contractions to get strong enough.

    Here's a new TMI symptom for you guys

    I've had this really weird urge when I stand up, sit down, or pee, I feel like everything down below is stretched or "open". I'm not sure how else to describe it, it's the oddest feeling..

  2. Sapphiresun

    nectarine / 2220 posts

    @Mrs D: I'm on the same daily kick counts. I'm less than 6 kicks in two hours = call the hospital. Usually takes about 15-25 minutes, but I had one session take an hour and 22 minutes, and was getting a little nervous!

    @delight: sorry about the bleeding. That sounds scary!

    @modern daisy: I keep thinking I never have contractions either, but at my non-stress this morning they said I had 6 sessions of braxton hicks in the 24 minutes it took. So, apparently I know nothing and am completely oblivious to what's going on down there.

  3. Sapphiresun

    nectarine / 2220 posts

    @StbHisMrs: That sounds kind of strange. Sometimes when I get up I'll feel like there's just a lot weighing on my pelvic floor. Which I suppose makes sense because at this point there kind of is.

    Had a OB appt this morning, and they went over my ultrasound results from last week. Baby is currently estimated to be in the 51st percentile for head circumference (acceptable) and 94th percentile for height. Yeah... I'm 5'3" and one of the tallest people in my family... so my dr looks at me and is like... ummm... is your husband REALLY tall?? So, if they got the weight estimate right at almost 8lbs, guess I might have a lot of unworn newborn size clothes to pass along somewhere!

    Today's stress test was good, but I'm back at the high risk OB tomorrow due to the GD to talk about an early induction since it really appears that there's no size issues. So, interested to see what they have to say tomorrow, since I'm still not sure how I feel about the idea of inducing "for size" if there's no other issues. I'm hoping it'll just happen on its own over the weekend and it'll be a non issue.

  4. JamieLee

    clementine / 930 posts

    @Modern Daisy: @Grace: No BH here either...

    My baby boy is also pretty mellow for long stretches. And I feel like the type of movement has changed. It's more like he stretches out and sticks a body part out. I also get small rhythmic little movements which I'm guessing are hiccups. Less often are the big movements that move my whole belly in waves.

    So I started my freezer cooking yesterday and today. I did a big grocery shop and made 30 breakfast sandwiches, 40 breakfast burritos, 2 dozen muffins, and two types of cookie dough. I have pizza dough rising right now and sauce for a penne ricotta casserole going on the stove. Still on my list for tonight is a few types of meatloaf, turkey burgers, spaghetti sauce, vegetable beef soup, and enchiladas. Tomorrow is chicken day. I'll be glad when this is done and the freezer is stocked!

  5. Mrs. Oatmeal

    blogger / honeydew / 7081 posts

    @JamieLee: WOW! That's impressive. I made 2 kinds of muffins and was DRAINED afterwards - don't know how you managed al of that! Awesome!
    @Sapphiresun: Hope that appt goes well - and hope that baby just comes on (her?) own so you don't have to worry about induction at all.

    Well, MY new TMI symptom is.....hemorrhoids! Yep - noticed this morning...how wonderful! Haven't even gone through the pushing stuff yet, and...there they are. Awesome!

  6. JamieLee

    clementine / 930 posts

    @redsmarties: I've been taking frequent brakes, I got sent home from work at noon because we were slow so I've been cooking for an hour then breaking for an hour, cooking for an hour, then laying on the couch watching Drop Dead Diva for an hour, etc. I'm feeling it though. I will sleep good tonight!

  7. Alivoo01

    wonderful olive / 19353 posts

    @redsmarties: Hemorrhoids already?! Oh no!!

    I give all you ladies who are prepping freezer meals mad props!

  8. Mrs. Oatmeal

    blogger / honeydew / 7081 posts

    @Alivoo01: I KNOW. I was like...what the hell? Wasn't expecting these until AFTER baby. Ugh, oh well.

  9. MrsB2012

    nectarine / 2466 posts

    @JamieLee: you're gonna be sooo happy you did that! I was saying like last week how we ( husband) kept eating ours. Now babe is here and we have nothing left. It's funny cuz all of a sudden it's 8pm and we realize we haven't eaten since breakfast. I wish we had all that kinda stuff left.

    @redsmarties: I had hemorrhoids as well, they came around 34 weeks maybe? They were really painful and uncomfortable at first. I used tuck pads to sooth and that helped. I also got some prep H ( I learned today from a public health nurse that won't do anything except sooth, you need an prescription cream to actually make them better.) Anyways, in a moment of desperation, I was reading online what helps them. I found a thing that said Apple Cider Vinegar.. so, I put some on toilet paper and then put it against them and sat on it for like 20 mins. It burned like HELL but they never bothered me again ( they got smaller and I never even really noticed them) I had to do it for a few days probably. They are realllllllly bad now, I got a prescription today from a Dr, I might try the vinegar again soon if the prescription doesn't help ( I'm sure afraid if the vinegar touches any other sensitive parts right now haha ) Also, I said a few weeks ago I made "padsicles" Used small kotex day liners, cut them in half, soaked them in water and then added a tuck pad on top and froze them. They have been a LIFESAVER in that area. Nothing feels better then one of those on those babies after delivery haha.

    I know a while ago lots of people were saying they have the snug a bunny swing, we have the monkey one, and Brooklyn loves it. She's chilling in it right now happy as a clam

  10. skipper2010

    kiwi / 597 posts

    Hey ladies! I'm so sorry I haven't checked in in a while. For those not in our FB group I delivered my precious little man last week via c-section due to IUGR that was discovered during ultrasound. We have been crazy busy adjusting and recovering, but I'm so happy and still can't believe he's really here! Can't wait for you all to have your babies. It's truly amazing!

  11. delight

    pomelo / 5326 posts

    @skipper2010: thanks for checking in! Congrats on your little guy!

    @redsmarties: what a bummer (haha) about the 'roids. I hope you can get some relief, it doesn't sound fun at all. Tucks should help relieve some pain!

    @Sapphiresun: glad the stress test went well! Let us know what they say tomorrow about the induction!

    Thanks all for your concern with my bleeding. Is no one else spotting or bleeding at all?! Mine is every day now,but like I said my doc said its just normal cervix changes. I bled for the first 8 weeks of this pregnancy so I am probably just "sensitive" down there.

  12. Sapphiresun

    nectarine / 2220 posts

    @redsmarties: Ugh... these are the thing that freaks me out the most. Maybe second to an epistiotomy. And yes, I'm the one with the secret girl... but team green as far as anybody else is concerned.

    @skipper2010: Congrats!

    @delight: Not bleeding, but at 38-2 dr today said it wouldn't be surprising or an indication that things are going badly. Just bloody show and a normal indication that baby is coming soon, assuming it's not like a LOT of blood.

  13. Mrs D

    grapefruit / 4545 posts

    @MrsB2012: Thanks for those updates...I need to make those recovery pads too...everyone seems to rave about them. Glad LO is doing well and enjoying the swing...I'm looking at mine right now and while it takes up a lot of space I am super optimistic about how much LO will love it!

    @redsmarties: I have had these sporadically throughout the pregnancy but never bad enough that I felt I needed to do something about it! Hope yours feel better soon!

    @delight: I have had no bleeding...they keep warning me it may start but it doesnt. Probably a good thing too because I would FREAK out.

    So after my excitement yesterday my Step Dad (who my mom obviously tells everything to) lost his shit when he found out I saw the Nurse Practitioner yesterday (my Dr office can be difficult to get an appointment at...sometimes it just easier to get in with the NP). I am supposed to see her next week as well and he said "absolutely not - you call and change your appt or I am calling your Dr and changing it myself"...I feel like such a child being intimidated by my step dad. Anyways - going to call today and fib that I have a conflict and need to move my appt...hopefully no one asks any more questions. But on that note - it was interesting because at 34 my Dr checked me and said "totally thin and babies head is right there totally engaged", yesterday the NP said "ya, thin but I dont think her head is there" so I left it at that and figured baby girl was just still doing flips still. Then at the hospital when they did my U/S and again said her head was way low and asked if I was feeling kicking in my ribs. So now my faith in this NP who I really liked is totally busted!

  14. Mrs D

    grapefruit / 4545 posts

    Also - random...for you ladies who have been blessed with your LOs already (and you second time moms) did your hospital take infant pictures?

    Yesterday at the hospital the nurse and I were discussing my preparedness and if I had a couple outfits in my bag for LO. I told her yes, I had a NB and 0-3 mth outfit for her to come home in. She said, but do you have outfits for the pictures? You know they'll allow an outfit change so bring 2. Has anyone had like "newborn" pictures taken at the hospital? I have only seen the very sterile (baby wrapped in a blanky with a hat on) pictures. Nothing photography like. I was too confused to ask about it at the time but now I am totally perplexed. Anyone have any experience with this?

    I threw two heirloom outfits in my bag last night just in case (one I wore home from the hospital and 1 DH wore as an infant) for these pictures. But I am still confused!

  15. JamieLee

    clementine / 930 posts

    @Mrs D: my friend had her baby at a hospital in Grosse Pointe (I think it was a Beaumont hospital) and they had a newborn photographer that visited all the new moms. She got some super cute pics of her little man. Sadly, my up north hospital does not offer such a perk.

  16. GrapeCrush

    grapefruit / 4823 posts

    @Mrs D: my hospital takes pictures of the babies. They took some of DS, but we didn't buy them or anything because he was just in his little kimono type outfit all the babies are in. 2 people I know though have used one of the pictures from the hospital photos for their birth announcement

    Congrats to all the mamas with their babies already!! Tomorrow is the big day here! So excited, yet terrified for 2 under 1 1/2

  17. Mrs Hedgehog

    pear / 1812 posts

    @Mrs D: No LO yet but ours does. They have a lady that comes by and takes them. You have to buy the prints from her if you want them but from what I can see, they are really nice pictures!

  18. delight

    pomelo / 5326 posts

    @sarbear: wow! Best wishes tomorrow! I hope everything goes smoothly. Enjoy the day today!

  19. Mrs. Oatmeal

    blogger / honeydew / 7081 posts

    @sarbear: Oooh, I forgot your big day is tomorrow! Best of luck - hope everything goes REALLY well!
    @Mrs D: They're manageable, just PRESENT. I'm not in much pain, it just sucks, haha. And, sorry about the pushy step-dad...but hopefully when you see the doctor, he'll have a better idea of what's actually going on!

  20. Mrs Hedgehog

    pear / 1812 posts

    @sarbear: Good luck tomorrow! I can't wait to hear all about it and see that precious baby!

  21. Mrs D

    grapefruit / 4545 posts

    @JamieLee: @sarbear: @Mrs Hedgehog: Thanks for the input on photographers. I ended up skipping on a newborn session - so I would LOVE it if these turned out good!

    @sarbear: Good luck tomorrow! We'll be keeping you in my thoughts!

    @redsmarties: Ya, I panicked at first about them but my mom informed me what they were and how to proceed. It was annoying but I have been able to get through them pretty easily.

    So...no availability from any of my 4 doctors next week. Kind of annoyed. So I am seeing the NP again...I think if I am not pleased with what she is telling me I'll just ask for them to send a doctor in. I told my mom not to tell my step dad...just a little white lie!

  22. Modern Daisy

    grapefruit / 4187 posts

    @Sapphiresun: Oh I am so jealous - they won't tell me anything about the height! They said it is too hard to measure, so they only do scans on his head, stomach, kidneys, legs, etc. I'm absolutely dying to know what percentile he's in for height since I"m only 5'1" and DH is almost 6 ft. And same with me about the contractions, I see them appear on the nonstress test, but I don't feel anything, not even a tightening of my belly.

  23. Modern Daisy

    grapefruit / 4187 posts

    @JamieLee: Your freezer meals sound absolutely delicious! I told DH now that we're done the nursery the freezer meals are our next project. He's been a lot more into the food preparation lately since I can no longer go to the grocery store and need help cooking, so I think it might actually be fun for him. Do you have any advice on what might be good to start out with? And what kind of containers do you keep everything in, just regular freezer storage bags?

  24. Modern Daisy

    grapefruit / 4187 posts

    @Mrs D: That stinks about the Dr.'s! I am 'supposed' to be seeing mine once every 2 weeks but it's been more like once every 3 weeks due to both our schedules. I'm in every week though between all the growth scans and nonstress tests I have to get and I know he's looking at the results in the meanwhile since they don't publish to the online system until he signs off on them. So in a way he's still actively involved in my care in the meanwhile.

  25. JamieLee

    clementine / 930 posts

    @Modern Daisy: My freezer cooking advice:

    1. Make a compilation of recipes you want to make. I can email you my collection if you want. Just put your email on my wall. Then make a grocery list and go shopping.
    2. I divided the recipes up by type, like breakfast, chicken, and ground turkey/beef. Then I looked through the recipes for common ingredients, like 3 needed browned ground turkey, so I made a note to cook it all together. Same with scrambled eggs, cooked diced chicken, chopped onion, etc. Cuts down on prep and cleaning that way.
    3. For storage, I used a couple different things. I bought some of those foil pans at Gordon Food Service for meatloaves and casseroles. I put crockpot meals and spaghetti sauce into freezer bags. I wrapped the breakfast sandwiches and burritos in foil. And for the meatballs, burger patties, and cookie dough, I froze them first on a cookie sheet until they were hard then put them in freezer bags. Another option I saw for things like casseroles was to line your casserole dish with plastic wrap and foil, put the food in, freeze it, then once its hardened, wrap it with the foil and plastic wrap and take it out of the dish. Then when you defrost, just put it back in the right dish. But I thought the foil dishes would be easier for now. I might try that next time though.

    I think the easiest recipes I've found so far are the crockpot meals, because its basically just throwing ingredients into a bag. The most involved was the breakfast burritos, just because there was a lot of prep and assembly. I've been making breakfast sandwiches to freeze for a couple years now, so I've got that down to a science. All I have left to do is chicken. I'm making chicken pot pies, mexican chicken alfredo, cilantro lime chicken (if I can find cilantro - my grocery store hadn't gotten any in a week!), pesto chicken alfredo, crockpot teriyaki chicken, crockpot chicken fajitas, and crockpot bbq chicken. I really just need to cook some chicken breasts up and then assemble so it shouldn't be too hard.

  26. Modern Daisy

    grapefruit / 4187 posts

    @JamieLee: That's really good advice! My DH has been super picky about food lately, so I won't bother asking anyone for recipes. I like the way you organized the cooking though, that is really smart. I'm going to ask him to come up with 10 meals total that he's willing to eat and we'll start there. I will eat anything, but ever since my DH started taking over the meal prep he's been almost impossible, lol! I wonder how long he'll be that way after the baby comes.. I feel like he'll get to a point quickly where anything is better than a frozen pizza or takeout.

  27. Mrs D

    grapefruit / 4545 posts

    @Modern Daisy: @JamieLee: I also used the foil containers from GFS and have been super impressed. Like @JamieLee: mentioned...I divide my cooking days by similar ingredients. Last week was mostly baking which had the common ingredients of butter, sugar, flour...so I wasn't stuck with a counter top full of ingredients. This weekend is chicken...I know I need about 24-36 chicken breasts - so I'll buy them all in bulk and do all my chicken stuff in one day. Same concept with ground beef...buy it and cook it once...make all your meals from it.

    @JamieLee: LOVE the idea of freezing in a 9x13 then removing and wrapping in foil. GENIUS! I'm making lasagna's on Sunday and totally doing that! Also - I would love your recipes since you have so many that I dont. Especially the pesto alfredo and the pot pie. DH loves pot pie but I struggle to find a good recipe. Did you find a GFS container deep enough for that?

  28. Alivoo01

    wonderful olive / 19353 posts

    @Mrs D: My hospital offered to take newborn pics, but we declined.

    @sarbear: Good luck tomorrow! Can't wait to see pictures of your LO!!

  29. Sapphiresun

    nectarine / 2220 posts

    @sarbear: Good luck!

    @Modern Daisy: Yeah, I'm sure it's a very rough estimate. I think they actually project it off the femur length, not a real exact measurement, so it's possible baby's just long limbed. Which woudn't be that surprising actually, since I have a super short torso. Like, I'm 5'3" but wear a 34 inseam pant.

    Interesting about the hospital newborn pics. There did seem to be some up on the walls when I was in the mat ward for my NST with a business card attached, so I kind of wondered if they were examples of someone who came to the hospital. I'm struggling with spending the money on them though. My best friend is a professional photographer so I tend to be spoiled by her "special rates". She's planning to come to town for my shower on the Sept long weekend, and will do a shoot then, but baby will likely be three weeks old by then... so maybe if there's somebody that you can just buy a couple prints/files from that capture the real newborn stage I can justify that!

  30. lawbee11

    GOLD / watermelon / 14076 posts

    @Mrs D: Thanks for that PDF. I did a couple of kick count sessions yesterday afternoon and there were at least 10 movements each time, so that makes me feel better

    @Modern Daisy: I think it's probably normal at this stage to not feel the contractions. I had no idea I was even having them until I went to L&D a couple of weeks ago and the nurse told me I was. I contracted very frequently the entire three hours I was hooked up to the monitors and I couldn't feel a thing. A little before 37w is when I finally started to notice the BH/my belly tightening. I still feel stuff sometimes and I have no idea whether it's a contraction, gas, or just normal pregnancy pains!

    @Sapphiresun: Wow! That's a tall baby! Glad the test went well!

    @redsmarties: Sorry to hear about the 'rhoids--I am not looking forward to that!

    @delight: I haven't had any bleeding or spotting. If your doctor isn't concerned, though, then it's probably fine!

    @sarbear: So excited for you!! Hope all goes smoothly!!

    I am so glad to be done with that 24-hour urine catch. I filled the entire jug! They should make bigger ones for preggos--don't they know we pee every hour?! I also think I am beginning to lose pieces of my mucus plug--it started yesterday afternoon. Hopefully this means some progress is being made!!

  31. Modern Daisy

    grapefruit / 4187 posts

    Okay, I'm really excited - I finally bought us a diaper bag. I was holding out because I wanted to keep it under $100, but I wasn't finding anything I liked that looked like it was good enough quality. i also wanted something that DH would be able to walk around with if he just had LO in the carrier. So I had been perusing Jack Spade's website for a while but only noticed the "Dad bag" today finally since I hadn't even thought to check the sale section. They are having a 15% off special if you sign up for the email list, which made the bag only $109 before tax (free shipping) so I just went for it.

  32. Mrs D

    grapefruit / 4545 posts

    Going to try out making some of these home remedies this weekend...figured I'd share this link in case anyone else was interested!


    @Modern Daisy: Super cute bag! And versatile too!

  33. Alivoo01

    wonderful olive / 19353 posts

    @Lawbee11: Ooooo!! Exciting!!

  34. .twist.

    pineapple / 12802 posts

    @lawbee11: I'm so excited for you!!

  35. Mrs. Oatmeal

    blogger / honeydew / 7081 posts

    @lawbee11: Getting excited for you! I know it could mean not much...but it could mean baby's on the way! Now I keep obsessively checking for mucus lol.
    @Modern Daisy: ooh, nice bag! Helps that its pretty neutral - DH shouldn't have a problem carrying that! Mine's a little girlier, but DH will still carry it (he says).

  36. delight

    pomelo / 5326 posts

    @Modern Daisy: nice bag! We got a black one too that DH said he would carry around!

    @Mrs D: that looks like a great site, thanks for the link! I was thinking of making padsicles this week!

    @lawbee11: said it already but so excited that this might be it for you! You and @Sarbear: can have a competition to see who has the first baby in August!

    Speaking of which, we have almost made it to August! I can't believe it. Best wishes all this month to those waiting for their babes to come and all you ladies already snuggling your LOs. This is going to be a great month!

  37. Sapphiresun

    nectarine / 2220 posts

    @Modern Daisy: Nice bag! I got a fairly manly one too. I learned my lesson with my carry on luggage. I used to have super cute black with pink/white Hawaiian flowers, but then we'd pack it full of both our stuff and I'd end up having to carry it. Mine's one of the grey/orange Diaper Dude ones.

    Had another OB appt today. Did a cervical check and I'm not dilated AT ALL, but he thought it felt a little soft. As for the induction still kind of up in the air. Everything looked good so he agreed to leave me until the end of the weekend unless any issues pop up. But said he'd really prefer for baby to be born by this weekend, so essentially to walk tons and get it on, and we'll talk again over the weekend. He's penciled in an induction for Sunday while he's on call, but we may or may not use it depending how I'm feeling/kick counts/sugars/blood pressures. But just the cervical tablet one that can take up to three doses over a few days to start working. They definitely want it out no later than the 11th... so end is somewhat in sight.

  38. StbHisMrs

    pomegranate / 3329 posts

    I had another appt today and I left pretty disappointed. He checked me and said I was just about 100% effaced, and 1 more centimeter dilated. Then he said if you were 39 weeks I'd have you sent over to labor and delivery in the morning and get the ball rolling, but you're 38 weeks. I said oh so next week, and he said nope I'm on vacation all next week!!!!

    Girls that was the absolute most painful cervical check I've had, I almost jumped off the bed.
    So I got home and was making dinner when everything kind of went black and I almost passed out, I laid down on the kirchen floor and let it pass. I've felt shaky, weak, and run down ever since. I called the on call dr and she ask if my check was more painful today, if it was those are some symptoms of having your membranes swept. She said dr.'s don't always tell you when they do it, but it's to help jumpstart labor. Yuck, I feel like crap now!

  39. .twist.

    pineapple / 12802 posts

    @StbHisMrs: not cool. That's awful he didn't tell you!

  40. Modern Daisy

    grapefruit / 4187 posts

    Thanks everyone! I figured that in reality, the diaper bag will either be strapped to our stoller or carried by DH so I definitely wanted it to be more gender neutral. If it's too big and bulky for me, I can always buy a smaller girlier one, but I want to try to only have one diaper bag so we aren't constantly forgetting things as we repack bags.

    @lawbee11: Ooh, exciting - keep us updated!!

    @StbHisMrs: Oh no, you poor thing! What exactly is a cervical check? I'm getting one tomorrow and I am so nervous.. I hope you feel better!

    I am so happy it's finally August ladies!! I thought it would never come. I'm not due until the 30th, but at least finally being in my due date month is such a relief. I'll be 37 weeks next Friday and I think at that point I'll be doing everything I can to try to bring on labor, lol! The little man has been measuring ahead at every appointment and I'm no Dr., but I assume that means I'll be closer to 38 weeks.

    Oh and for the last three nights, I've been waking up at around 3:30/4am and not getting back to sleep. Fun stuff - not!! I am so exhausted at work and I just can't bring myself to go to yoga at night because class doesn't end until 8 and that is just so late after I've been working all day with no gas in the tank.

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