Hellobee Boards


August 2013 Mamas

  1. Grace

    cantaloupe / 6730 posts

    @Sapphiresun: Hahaha! 6'1" is plain tall, no relative about it! Sounds like Baby got Dad's tall genes!

    @Mrs D: In my prenatal class, she said that DTD will likely only start labour if you and baby are already primed for it. AND, I read a paper a month or so ago that was talking about what causes labour to start and the best "they" can determine, it's a complicated cascade of hormones that starts at least 2 weeks before delivery. That's all I got for you.

    @StbHisMrs: I hope everything is ok. Those symptoms sound concerning.

    @delight: Chapters carries A&A blankets!?!? Thanks for the tip!

  2. Mrs. Oatmeal

    blogger / honeydew / 7081 posts

    @Sapphiresun - crazy that your LO could come this weekend. Are you going to call them, do you think, or just wait and see how it goes? I guess, if baby’s not measuring HUGE, there isn’t a huge push for induction...but I don’t know! How’re you feeling?

    @MrsD: not terrified that it will start labour...praying that it will start labour! Its super uncomfortable, but the midwife prescribed it, right in front of DH. And I think I’m LESS scared of DTD than of the membrane sweep she promised me next visit, aha.

    @delight: What?! That’s fantastic - Do you get an additional discount with a membership card? I haven’t seen the A&A blankets here anywhere - and I LOVE Chapters. Might just do some shopping this afternoon!

    @lawbee11: whoa...crazy to think that your baby will be here so soon! How have you been feeling? Other than mucus plug stuff - contractions?Cramps? General sense of impending doom? Haha - hopefully we meet Miss Molly before your induction! I seriously think you’ll be next!

    @Grace: so thankful that the 'rhoids don't burst lol, I hadn't even thought of that, but I'm glad you asked! One less thing to worry about!

    AFM, just picked up a pamphlet from my midwives on getting labour started. Most of the things I already knew, but there are a few new ones that I might try. Because my blood pressure keeps spiking, they’re sort of pushing for things to happen a little sooner than normal. Standard practice is not to do a membrane sweep until 41 weeks, but they offered it to me yesterday (39 weeks) and will do it for sure next week. Also, this brochure doesn’t usually go out until the due date, but she’s given it to me now - they’re thinking baby will be here in the next week. I can’t even wrap my HEAD around that (I was SO prepared to go late).

    So, back to bouncing on my exercise ball, walking like crazy, drinking RRL tea and evening primrose oil, and (unfortunately, lol) DTD like mad.

  3. StrawberryBee

    nectarine / 2530 posts

    @redsmarties: Glad to hear everything went okay!

    @Mrs D: @JessKas: me three on the shooting pains. I'm assuming she's pushing on my cervix?

    @lawbee11: Thanks, I hope so! And wow, you'll have a baby in a week!

    @Sapphiresun: isn't it weird to still feel so normal?

    @Mrs D: we've been DTD a couple of times a week throughout the pregnancy and nothing has started early labor for us. Of course, everybody's different, but I think it would only trigger if your body was ready for it to happen.

    @StbHisMrs: wow, how odd! Hope you don't experience any more of those particular symptoms!

    As for me, I spent my due date cleaning house (or trying to), giving the 7lb dog a bath, and walking around Ikea with my sister. Picked up the three octopus hangers and maybe tomorrow I'll wash the CD stash. Had to talk myself out of a lot of the things in the kids section of Ikea ;).

  4. .twist.

    pineapple / 12802 posts

    @StrawberryBee: isn't it hard walking through there? I have such a hard time not buying everything!

  5. StrawberryBee

    nectarine / 2530 posts

    @.twist.: Always! especially since they just came out with their 2014 catalog, and had a lot of the new stuff on the floor. I came away with only spending $30 (three octopus hangers plus a drying rack), which is probably a new record low for me ;). It helped that I was tired by the time I got to the small stuff section.

  6. delight

    pomelo / 5326 posts

    @Grace: @redsmarties: I've never seen them at the store but they have a bunch online at chapters/indigo! Hope you guys found them!

  7. .twist.

    pineapple / 12802 posts

    @StrawberryBee: haha! I didn't know the new stuff was out!! I'm going to have to make a trip!

  8. Sapphiresun

    nectarine / 2220 posts

    @Grace: I guess it is. He always seems tall when we hang out with my family, but we both work for the police, and THERE he's one of the shorties, so I never think of him as exceptionally tall.

    @redsmarties: I probably should have gotten better clarification about what "not doing as well" meant... I'll probably call on Sunday just to check in and get an opinion since the Dr who told me that is on call. I assume it means issues with sugars or blood pressure or baby starts to move less. 'll probably pop into the pharmacy a couple times over the weekend to make sure BP's in check, and call if my kick counts start to take longer. I guess that's part of the concern with GD besides massive babies, that the placenta gets "old" earlier and may not be serving baby as well as it needs. Also, that if my sugars aren't well controlled baby is getting too much glucose, and it can increase risk of baby being type 2 diabetic in later life, so if there's no real benefit to keeping it in at this point... why risk it? But I'd still prefer to go into labour naturally if at all possible, so we are also following dr's orders to walk lots and have plenty of alone time, and hopefully it will inspire something so I can avoid any further intervention. If not this weekend, they want to do a membrane sweep at my regular appt on Tuesday and possibly start a prostglandin gel on Wednesday to hopefully induce slower than just going 0-baby in hand next Saturday.

    @StrawberryBee: It's totally weird! I'm having a little sciatica today though, so it's cramping my plans to walk lots and get things moving. I power walked IKEA yesterday and tried to pick up those octopus hangers, but silly me grabbed from the wrong bin and ended up with plain old clothes pins. Maybe if I'm still pregnant next week I'll go exchange them... but it's like a 30 minute drive and a toll bridge away, so ugh...

  9. Sapphiresun

    nectarine / 2220 posts

    Well ladies. This evening I baked some cookies, finished arranging the nursery and started some laundry. Bent down to pick up a pair of dh's socks and... SPLOOSH.

    Called the hospital and they said to come in. Looks like it might be baby day (night)!

  10. JessKas

    pear / 1693 posts

    @Sapphiresun: ERMYGAWD! another baby! good luck!

  11. StbHisMrs

    pomegranate / 3329 posts

    @Sapphiresun: Woo Hoo!!!! How exciting, I can't wait to hear!! You're going to do fantastic

    *Going to find some of dh's socks to pick up now*

  12. Sapphiresun

    nectarine / 2220 posts

    @StbHisMrs: haha well in interest of copying the full scientific method... I'll come clean that it was actually boxers

    Just admitted now. No contractions but they're going to wait till morning to see if they start on their own and if not they'll induce then.

  13. lawbee11

    GOLD / watermelon / 14076 posts

    @Sapphiresun: Yay! Labor buddies!

    I made a Gold thread about it, but I'm in labor as well I got an epi about an hour ago, and I was 5.5-6 cm around that time. Hopefully baby girl will make her appearance soon!

  14. Sapphiresun

    nectarine / 2220 posts

    @lawbee11: nice. I'm only 2cm so they sent dh home to try and sleep a bit and we'll call him back if things start happening. The hospital is full to the brim so I'm currently sharing a room with another lady who will not stop barfing. I just hope I don't have to pee anytime soon because she can't hit the toilet either.

  15. Mrs. Oatmeal

    blogger / honeydew / 7081 posts

    Hooray for more babies! And both before induction time, too! Praying for you both- hope everything goes really smoothly- cant wait to 'meet' them both!

  16. .twist.

    pineapple / 12802 posts

    @Sapphiresun: @lawbee11: OMG girls!!! This is it! I cannot wait for you two to join us over in post partum chat!! Rootin for you!!!

    Oh and ew to barf girl, the poor thing!!

  17. Sapphiresun

    nectarine / 2220 posts

    @.twist.: oh, I sound like a terrible person. I do feel bad for her; just wish we didn't have to share a bathroom. I think they just took her out to a proper available room though so hopefully I'll have the place to myself for a bit.

  18. GrapeCrush

    grapefruit / 4823 posts

    @Sapphiresun: congrats and good luck mama!!

  19. .twist.

    pineapple / 12802 posts

    @Sapphiresun: haha, not terrible at all! At a time like this, it's nice to have 100% privacy! I totally understand! Can't wait to meet your LO!

  20. Mrs D

    grapefruit / 4545 posts

    Ok - so last night we tried but just could not DTD - I was having terrible pains. Tonight its go time!

    @redsmarties: good luck putting the pamphlet to work! For the EPO did you buy the capsule or actual oil?

    @StrawberryBee: My SD said they are either the babe putting pressure on a nerve or maybe the cervix dilating. He said "lightening shows" in my vagina are "normal". He did like my description of them though!

    @Sapphiresun: Well done lady on making it happen! Fingers crossed your surroundings get better and you have a smooth delivery! Cant wait to hear about it!

    @lawbee11: Yay! You are probably in the home stretch or holding your little girl by now - so happy for you!!!

    Yay for 2 more August babies!!!!

  21. JamieLee

    clementine / 930 posts

    @lawbee11: @Sapphiresun: OMG! A lot happened while I was sleeping. So excited for you ladies. Hopefully by the time I check again on my lunch break today, we'll have a couple more August babies!

    And I hope you now have a room to yourself! Our hospital only has private maternity rooms, but they only have 19 and if they get full, they sometimes move people who are stable postpartum to the women's and children's floor.

  22. delight

    pomelo / 5326 posts

    @Sapphiresun: @lawbee11: yeah girls this is awesome! Two babies coming at once. Good luck to both of you!

    I had painful contractions overnight myskelf with lots more pink mucous but now they have subsided. Darn. My tummy is extra sore this morning. Maybe something is starting. Ill make sure to bake lots of cookies and do lots of housework today! Gardening might do the trick too!!

    ETA: @sapphiresun: just realized you're team grilled cheese! Our first green baby is on the way!

  23. Mrs D

    grapefruit / 4545 posts

    @delight: go pick up all the socks you can find since that was the trigger for @Sapphiresun: !!!

    @JamieLee: thanks for the recipes! You are my new fav person!!!

  24. delight

    pomelo / 5326 posts

    @Mrs D: haha she admitted above it was boxers, not socks teehee. Not a problem for me. DH leaves all clothes around!

  25. JamieLee

    clementine / 930 posts

    @Mrs D: glad to help. I still haven't made the chicken pot pie (ran out of chicken, so I'm going to cheat and pick up a rotisserie chicken after work) but I'll let you know how it turns out. I'm planning to put it in my two leftover foil loaf pans I didn't end up needing for the meatloaves, and I'm just doing a crust on top.

  26. StbHisMrs

    pomegranate / 3329 posts

    @delight: Here's to hoping this is the start for you!

    @lawbee11: Wow! I hope you're holding your lo now

    @sapphiresun: ew on the the "roommate". i hope you got your privacy and a clean bathroom.. Can't wait for an update.

    Afm I have things to do today, I can't go into labor
    We pick our kitten out, and this morning we're going to Babies R Us to pick up bottles, diapers, and whatever other last minute things we can!

  27. Mrs D

    grapefruit / 4545 posts

    @delight: DH must have 5 pairs of boxers laying around our bedroom...I'm going to go pick them all up! Socks are a rarity around here in the summer - so I am glad it wasn;t that!

    @JamieLee: Awesome - I'll be intrigued to hear how it turns out. Our staple "fast and healthy" meal is rotisserie chicken, steamed broccoli and simply potatoes mashed ... I have DH trained how to make (aka buy) it!

    I had a rough nights sleep - I think I was having contractions in the middle of the night, they kept me up a bit. Is it normal to have more action in the middle of the night does anyone know?

    This morning I hit up the farmers market on the way to my nail appointment, so I got tons of zucchini which I am thrilled about. Now I can set my plan for cooking/freezing tomorrow...on my list is: Coffee Cake, Lemon Poppyseed Cake, Zucchini Bread/Muffins, 2 Lasagna's, 2 meatloaves (I freeze these raw), Zucchini soup and Zucchini quiche! After that - I'll feel great about my freezer other than just needing to buy some meat to freeze.

    I'm also going to douse my rocker in scotch guard to try to protect it from LO's inevitable spit ups! Thats it for me for this weekend - lots of lounging in the sun - the weather is perfect here...75 and sunny!

  28. delight

    pomelo / 5326 posts

    @Mrs D: I really need to get my extra freezer fixed! If I don't have baby this weekend that's my job for next week. I need to make some delicious food like you!

    I totally have worse contractions at night. During the day I have BH but not often and they're only slightly uncomfortable. At night they hurt and make it hard to lie on either side cause everything is so tight and sore. When I get up to go pee everything just feels sore. When I wake up and get moving for the day then it's not bad at all.

  29. Grace

    cantaloupe / 6730 posts

    @Sapphiresun: *Sqeeeeeeeeeeee* this is soooooo exciting! You and Lawbee! Now I've got to go check the other thread.

  30. Alivoo01

    wonderful olive / 19353 posts

    @StbHisMrs: LMAO at your comment to go find some socks/boxers to go pick up even though you're "not ready" for labor to start based on your to do list!

    @sapphiresun: OMG! Another August baby on his/her way!! How exciting!!

  31. skipper2010

    kiwi / 597 posts

    @Sapphiresun: So excited for you! Sorry about the roommate situation, that really stinks. Hopefully you get your own room soon.

    @lawbee11: So exciting!!!!

  32. StbHisMrs

    pomegranate / 3329 posts

    @Alivoo01: I know! I'm waffling between wanting her to come right now this very instant, and omg I'm not ready to have 3 kids in this house!

  33. chanzi

    cherry / 233 posts

    @Sapphiresun: @lawbee11: Yay babies! I hope everything is going well with both of you!

    I'm 38 weeks today and we still haven't decided on a girl's name, so I'm happy to have baby wait a little longer! Plus I need to write thank you cards and would like to work on the mobile, and freezer meals... I'll avoid picking up any boxers for the time being. Thursday I found out I have to have an OB deliver instead of a midwife if my platelet count is below 100 (now waiting for my most recent CBC results), so that's kind of a bummer. Other than that things are all good. I'm finally noticing some contractions but I think I've been having them for a while without being sure--I often still can't tell if I'm having one or not. My belly just feels tight, and they're not painful (yet!).

  34. Alivoo01

    wonderful olive / 19353 posts

    @chanzi: Hopefully your platelet count isn't below 100 so your midwife can deliver you!

  35. greenebee

    cherry / 189 posts

    @MrsB2012: Congratulations on your baby girl!
    @JessKas: We have that same chair in yellow! (and now a cute mini one for LO in light blue!) Love it so far!
    @lawbee11: OMG Congratulations!!!!
    @Sapphiresun: Yay! Congrats!!!

    Wow, I've missed so much! I started maternity leave this week and have been busy wrapping up last minute things; finishing the nursery and cleaning. Congrats to all August Mamas who've had their little ones! I hope everyone is home resting and well. This is so exciting!

    I've promised nursery pics for like, months now, but it's finally done! (I want to add family pictures to the walls, but it's all ready for him for now!)

    I'll be way better about posting and keeping on tabs now that we're really settling into the waiting game! (UGH! anyone else getting anxious! With all the adorable July/August arrivals I'm seeing here, I just want him to get here!)

  36. .twist.

    pineapple / 12802 posts

    @chanzi: I totally missed your comment earlier, and yessss it is the Death Star. It's a planitarium of the Star Wars universe... I'm a little nerdy. Lol

    @greenebee: awesome nursery!!!! I love it. I love the curtains! I might steal that style for our nursery. I that's ok!

  37. greenebee

    cherry / 189 posts

    @.twist.: Please do! I am TOTALLY a Star Wars nerd as well!

  38. .twist.

    pineapple / 12802 posts

    @greenebee: Star Wars is like my fav thing ever ever. Haha.

  39. Grace

    cantaloupe / 6730 posts

    @greenebee: I love it! Nice job!

    @chanzi: Fingers crossed for high platlet counts! Have they been higher than 100 so far?

  40. chanzi

    cherry / 233 posts

    @Alivoo01: Thanks! I might try re-scheduling my remaining appointments with some of the other OBs in the practice just in case; it would be nice to at least have someone I've met before!

    @.twist.: DH and I are both total nerds too... He is definitely more of a Star Trek fan than Star Wars though. And we can't really nerd up the nursery too much or everyone would assume we knew we were having a boy and just weren't telling!

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