Hellobee Boards


August 2013 Mamas

  1. JamieLee

    clementine / 930 posts

    @StbHisMrs: is your DH a train engineer? My DH also loses track of how many beers he has had...

  2. StbHisMrs

    pomegranate / 3329 posts

    @delight: whoops! I've told him I'm not taking him to the hospital if he's had too much to drink! It would be so embarrassing to show up with him like that!! He doesn't do it all the time, but too much for my comfort, especially this close!

  3. JamieLee

    clementine / 930 posts

    @StbHisMrs: Mine asked at our childbirth class if beer was allowed at the hospital! And the instructor actually said it was...so embarrassing!

  4. StbHisMrs

    pomegranate / 3329 posts

    @JamieLee: Yes he is. I can always tell how many he's had because even just 3 make him start talking funny

    We know a couple that actually had people bringing in beer after delivery. I'd be livid!!

  5. Grace

    cantaloupe / 6730 posts

    @Mrs D: I hate that feeling too. One of the things I am looking forward to the most is getting some semblance of stamina back!

    @JamieLee: I'm not telling anyone that things are happening. I have daydreams about phoning my parents up at the crack of dawn and saying "Good morning Oma!" after the baby is already here. I don't want to risk having anyone waiting around at the hospital. Just knowing that people were there would make me antsy.

  6. StrawberryBee

    nectarine / 2530 posts

    @Sapphiresun: congratulations on your little girl! Sounds like you had a pretty nice birth experience :).

    @skipper2010: nope, nothing to report here! I'm drinking RRL tea and bouncing on my ball; went out and hit up four stores (got some really sweet headbands at Carters for 40% off clearance price). I boiled some bottles and pacis and washed the entire CD stash. Induction is scheduled for the 12th with a non stress test on the 9th, so if the stress test is in the clear I may reschedule the induction. They'd let me go as far as the 16th if I really pressed it, as long as things looked good. Still nothing so much as a BH.

    @JamieLee: yes, I feel a little bad because I kind of took it out on my sister, but seriously, if One More Person starts out a conversation with me with "how are you feeling" I'll scream. Every time DH calls me now he starts out with that. My mother texted me yesterday with it. My sister messaged me on facebook with it. Just...grr.

    And yes, I'd freak if I were trying to get in touch with DH and he didn't respond. Luckily he's always been really good about being available.

    Oh, and I've already warned everybody that I don't want people coming to hang out at the hospital before she's born. Even my mom's okay with this (though she does want to have updates on when early labor starts, active, etc.). Knowing that there's a bunch of people waiting on me is too much stress. Can't imagine my MIL or SIL thinking they could come into the delivery room!

  7. Mrs D

    grapefruit / 4545 posts

    @delight: DH is pretty much convinced I will go into labor during the club championship (which I think he has hopes of winning this year). It is Aug 24-5 and I am due Aug 28. If I have not had her by then he will be on total pins and needles. I have my mom and dad each prepped to spend the day with me those two days so he feels safer playing.

    @JamieLee: We had a chat about the hospital room after our tour. All our parents will be called when we are admitted to the hospital - truth be told...I'll probably tell my mom just when we leave as she is most likely to come down. In our hospital - you can have up to 4 people in the LDR room with you - I have told DH that if my mom wants to be there I'd like her to be helping us get through labor. We have agreed no one will be in the room when I am delivering and all parents have been informed of this. We have 2 hours in LDR (assuming all goes well) after the birth - this is when our parents will have a chance to come meet her ASAP if so inclined. My mom is the only one who is likely to take us up on this if it is the middle of the night. DH's parents are very "hands off" and sometimes a little uncomfortable in intimate situations - however both their other grandchildren live states away...so I'd like to offer them the opportunity to meet her when she is minutes old. My dad just doesn't move that fast (he always has SO much to accomplish before leaving the house - I dont get it) so I cant imagine him getting there in time for LDR visit. Once we move to PP care they are confined to strict visiting hours of 11am-8pm. So I have told them (the parents) that if they want to meet her quickly get there before we leave LDR...otherwise come to PP at 11am.

    Our friends and extended family will be invited to come once we are in PP which means following hospital visiting hours. Since we are only in the hospital 24 hours...I honestly dont know how many people will come to the hospital or just wait till we're home?!

  8. Mrs. Oatmeal

    blogger / honeydew / 7081 posts

    @StrawberryBee: Ooh, I hope that the RRL tea and bouncing helps - that's pretty much what I've been doing for the last two days as well. ANd I hear you about the "How're you feeling" and "Had that baby yet?" questions. Honestly? I feel like junk, my crotch hurts, and don't you think I'd tell you if I'd had the baby? Haha. Hang on there - we'll make it.

    @Mrs D: Sounds like a great plan as far as letting family know goes. I'm planning to call our family when we call the midwives, because my dad's 5 hours away, and my mom and MIL will want to be at the hospital. That being said, becuase of the midwives and the doula, there will be NO ONE else in the delivery room (and I kind of want it that way). Since we're aiming for early discharge (4 hours post-birth), there won't be a switch to a recovery/post-partum ward, so people won't even really get to see her at the hospital. They can all just meet her at our house!

    Feeling like junk today - just tired and sore and nauseous. Thanks to the midwives encouraging us to pull out ALL the stops to get baby here on time, I feel like I'm sitting on pins and needles just waiting for SOMETHING to happen.

  9. StbHisMrs

    pomegranate / 3329 posts

    My Mom was in the delivery room when my oldest was born, she was the biggest help ever, my ex-husband was/is a pansy Seriously, he sat in the corner with his nose stuck in the newspaper, he didn't even touch me. I was so thankful for my Mom being in there.

    She was also in there when Maddy was born, but it wasn't planned that way. Things went so quickly right after the EPI that they wouldn't let her out! So she helped hold my leg, my husband was outstanding during delivery So if she wants to be there again, that is fine, if not that is fine too. Everyone else can wait in the waiting room. It did get irritating right after she was born and they were delivering the placenta, somebody kept texting dh if they could come in yet...

    I think it'd be awesome to keep it a secret until delivery, but it won't happen for me. We have to coordinate who watches which kids! My parents and his parents will know right away.

  10. JessKas

    pear / 1693 posts

    @JamieLee: I'm totally thinking of not telling people when we head to the hospital. Maybe just my mom. I have a friend who keeps asking me to text her immediately when I go into labor, because she really wants to be in the waiting room. I want to conveniently "forget".

    @StrawberryBee: Everyone asks me how I'm feeling alllll the time too and it definitely makes me grumpy. Ummmm, large, uncomfortable and hella pregnant?

    I feel like I'm going to be pregnant forever. My due date is next Monday, but at my appointment on Friday the midwife said I'm not dilated or effaced at all. SO DISCOURAGING. I feel so antsy, I'm ready to get this show on the road!

  11. StrawberryBee

    nectarine / 2530 posts

    @redsmarties: @JessKas: lol, I know, I feel like saying "Oh, it's such a good thing you called/IM'd, I completely forgot to tell you that I'm having contractions!" I'm just being a tetchy preggo b though, I know they're just asking because it's at the front of their minds and they're excited.


    btw, this in no way applies to you girls! we're all in the same boat here :).

    I made the mistake of posting a status update to FB saying that nothing was happening yet (thinking that I would nip some of those questions in the bud) and ended up with a bunch of suggestions about how to start labor, including one from my unmarried, no-children-yet brother, where he suggested DTD!

    @StbHisMrs: awesome that your mom was such a help! I know that mine would just irritate me; she's never been good at managing my doctor anxiety and tends to half pay attention to things and then repeat back half-truths to the doctors, so I spend most of my time correcting her.

  12. JamieLee

    clementine / 930 posts

    I think if my mom was still alive, I would be cool with her in the delivery room, but no one else. My MIL and SIL would just annoy me too much. And when I went to the BBQ finally when DH got home, after 20 people asked me how I'm feeling, his aunt said she wanted to come hang out in the waiting room...DH has 7 aunts who live around us...I do NOT need that many people in the waiting room! Too much pressure! I do have one friend who wants to come to the hospital, but she is like my sister and has been so supportive during this whole pregnancy that I would love for her to meet DS in the hospital.

    @StrawberryBee: OMG, I would die if my brother suggested that! And I was telling DH about that website. I might have to post that one on FB if I start to get too many questions.

    @JessKas: my doctor hasn't even checked to see if I'm progressing. Apparently their office just doesn't do it until you're actually in labor. So I'm totally in the dark over here!

  13. JessKas

    pear / 1693 posts

    @StrawberryBee: haha that's my favorite website lately. Annnnd, my SIL suggested DTD yesterday. Awkward.

    @JamieLee: I wish they hadn't checked. I felt so much better not knowing! It doesn't really mean much, my friend was 3 cm dilated from 34 weeks, and was induced at 39 weeks. On the other hand, my mom had NO progress until the day of labor.

  14. greenebee

    cherry / 189 posts

    @delight: @Mrs D: Love those ideas! Such awesome crafty pieces for baby!

    I agree with all you ladies! The "Have you had the baby yet?" questions are so nerve-wracking and we haven't even reached his due date yet! It's weird that people truly think that we wouldn't say anything.

    I'm going with just the DH in the LDR. Parents will be called when we are on the way to the hospital.

    I've been eating pineapple, drinking RRL tea, and bouncing. I feel like I can't stop anticipating...asking myself if tonight will be the night. I'm also super tired and quite tetchy at times. We're so close!

  15. greenebee

    cherry / 189 posts

    @StrawberryBee: that URL is hilarious!!!

  16. Mrs. Oatmeal

    blogger / honeydew / 7081 posts

    So, I'm officially a freak.

    I was talking to the midwives about getting labour started naturally, and one of the things they suggested was nipple stimulation. Right, so we've all heard that by now I think. But then she suggested I break out my breast pump. I was like "Hell no, that's just crazy talk." And yet, here I sit...just having pumped for 20 minutes each side (in intervals of 10). BH contractions are picking up, but I'm not sure if it actually *did* anything or not.
    How crazy am I, really?

  17. delight

    pomelo / 5326 posts

    @redsmarties: haha I've never heard of doing that, you'll have to keep us updated! Was it easy to figure out how to pump? I kinda wanted to try out my pump!

    @greenebee: just DH and I will be going to the hospital. We promised to let my MIL and mom know when we are close to delivery so they can come to the waiting room. I want an hour of skin to skin before people come in. I've been assured by my friends who have delivered at the hospital that its at least an hour cleaning and fixing you up after the delivery anyways.

  18. StrawberryBee

    nectarine / 2530 posts

    @JamieLee: I think it's probably better to be in the dark! It really doesn't seem to mean anything.

    @redsmarties: I'm debating bringing my pump to the hospital for just that reason, so not crazy at all!

    And my mom just called a little while ago to ask how I'm feeling. Lol. I actually mouthed the words before she said them. Because I'm not psychotic enough about going into labor! I will let you know! Honest!

  19. JessKas

    pear / 1693 posts

    @redsmarties: I've SERIOUSLY considered trying the breast pump...

  20. Mrs. Oatmeal

    blogger / honeydew / 7081 posts

    @delight: So easy. I have the Avent single electric pump, and I literally just opened the box, plugged it in and started pumping. Was a little uncomfortable, because, obviously I'm not used to machines sucking on my boobs, lol. But so easy.

  21. delight

    pomelo / 5326 posts

    @redsmarties: mine is probably similar, it's a single electric pump too, but Madela. This may be a stupid question but did you get any colostrum? Maybe I'll test mine out tomorrow.

  22. Mrs. Oatmeal

    blogger / honeydew / 7081 posts

    @delight: Oh my gosh, yes. I was kind of mortified, but I definitely got some. It was REALLY watery though - not like I thought. I guess the thicker stuff comes in time? There was enough that I could see it on the bottom of the bottle, but not TONS.

  23. delight

    pomelo / 5326 posts

    @redsmarties: haha I wasn't going to ask that question but glad I did. I hear of people leaking near the end of pregnancy, but I haven't noticed anything, so I am curious if I am actually producing anything. I'm sure I am, but I could test it with my pump!

    If you go into labour tonight I'm totally pumping tomorrow!

    Sorry for the thread jack girls!

  24. lovehoneybee

    GOLD / wonderful pea / 17697 posts

    @redsmarties: FYI...it didn't put me into labor, but when I was in early labor and my contractions kept stalling or just not getting any closer together/more intense I definitely pulled out my breast pump. I felt ridiculous (and looked it, to my DH who bust in on me) but it definitely revved up my contractions. It took several more hours, but I went into active labor that night and had him the next afternoon. Nipple stimulation is one of the proven natural induction techniques (my midwife recommended it as well!)

    ETA: *back to lurking!*

  25. MrsB2012

    nectarine / 2466 posts

    @redsmarties: I put my breast pump on a couple times for a few mins... I read it can work within 72 hours... I can tell you I did go into labor within 72 hours of using my pump .. I only did it maybe twice.? For like 10 mins maybe. I got freaked out when the pump started bringing out the colostrum haha. I also drank the RRL tea, had evening primrose oil, bounced on my ball. My grandma told my mom when she was due that if you walk with one foot on the curb and one foot off the curb that will start labor. I did that the night before on our walk. So no idea if it was one of those or if babe was just ready. Just wanted to let you know that I did the nipple thing haha

  26. StrawberryBee

    nectarine / 2530 posts

    Just felt like sharing ;). It's a gorgeous day out. People aren't kidding when they say freestyles take a long time to dry!

  27. greenebee

    cherry / 189 posts

    I'm totally going to try the pump.
    I actually have leaked a tiny tiny bit of colostrum and it freaked me out! I woke up this morning to a mild contraction, but it was enough to wake me up. Fell back asleep waiting for another. No water breaking so I'm assuming they're practice ones. Waiting is hard!!!

  28. Modern Daisy

    grapefruit / 4187 posts

    Oh wow, two more august babies, congrats Momma's!!

    For those of you feeling discouraged about not being dialated, effaced or showing signs of contractions or labor, I got an email this morning from "what to expect" that said it doesn't matter at all how much you're dialated, etc. You could go to your Dr. in the morning and show NO signs of labor and have the baby a few hours later. Or you could go in and be 5 cm dialated and still have a few weeks left. So don't feel discouraged!

    I saw my Dr. on Friday and I of course wasn't dialted at all myself, but I'm also not due until the 30th so it wasn't a huge shock. I'm officially scheduled to be induced on Sept 2nd, labor day, lol! But I"m still deciding who I want to share that info with, we will definitely tell our parents, but I don't think I'll tell my friends or coworkers. I still have a lot of time left, so I don't want people to be asking me about it constantly over the next few weeks. I like making vauge statements like "Another month!" etc. when people ask how much longer i have left.

    And this weekend, DH and I were crazy people getting the house ready. We oxycleaned our bed linens (they are white), replaced the kitchen faucet, deep cleaned the fridge, cleaned teh entire house, ordered the last remaining baby items from Amazon (clothing, toiletries and a rock n' play), organized the nursery some more and started to pack my hospital bag. There is a TON more I want to do before the baby comes, so just like when I was TTC and had a backup plan for every month it didn't work, I have a list of projects for us for the next few weekends as long as the baby doesn't arrive. We need to make some freezer meals, I want to hang new lighting fixtures, secure some furniture to the walls and finish decorating our bedroom.

    Oh and my coworkers threw me a shower last week! It was really sweet, but very awkward lol! There are a ton of single men in my group, so they all literally hung out in a tight little group in the corner ignoring me the whole time. They weren't trying to be rude, I'ma ctually quite close adn very friendly with them, I could just tell they felt super uncomfortable talking about baby related things. Only two people sat near me or made an effort to talk to me which was strange, I don't kno wwhy people get so weird at work showers. I ended up walkign around and butting in on conversations just to be social. But they were very generous with their gift, we got a $200 Amazon gift card which I used this weekend to buy more baby things.

    Sorry for the novel, that is it for now I think!

  29. Mrs Hedgehog

    pear / 1812 posts

    Just went in for our sono and appt. Things are beginning to happen!

    Last week, 36 weeks, she did a cervical check (my OB does it weekly starting at 36 weeks). She said LO was sitting so high and my cervix wasn't even close t anything. It isn't unusual for this time but with how high LO was she didn't expect anything to happen before our EDD.

    This week she did the check and we are, to her surprise, nearly 2 cm and 90% effaced. That is some hopeful progress in just a week! Actually, it was more like 5 days since my last appt was on Wed and today is Monday.

    I have also had pretty severe nausea my entire pregnancy. To the point where I keep Zofran with me at all times and my Dr. just gives me a bunch of refills rather than having to go back to her every time I run out. I had to ask for some more today because my last batch of refills ran out. She decided that since my nausea is STILL here and getting worse as LO gets bigger, IF I am still pregnant next week, (Did you catch that IF? She said IF! Not WHEN or Since you WILL be) that we could schedule an induction date. My guess is that it would be her EDD. We shall see!

    Oh! And for the sono, she estimates we are at 7lb 6oz and 20 3/4 in long. In the 83 percentile. Here is to hoping she is a little off! Though, I can tell you now, where her butt is (right under my ribs) and her head is, she is going to be a LONG baby! Also, they could already see hair! I didn't know they could do that!

  30. JamieLee

    clementine / 930 posts

    @Mrs Hedgehog: sounds like a great appointment! I was really surprised by how long it seems baby is based on head and butt location. I think our guy is going to have a long torso as both DH and I do. And the tech could see hair on ours too! So exciting!

  31. Mrs D

    grapefruit / 4545 posts

    @Modern Daisy: Well at least the awkward shower resulted in an awesome gift card gift - score!!!

    @Mrs Hedgehog: Great appointment. If I have learned anything its definitely that no labor can be predicted...they are all different and just because you are this or that really means nothing until your water breaks!

  32. GrapeCrush

    grapefruit / 4823 posts

    @Modern Daisy: when I knew my induction date for DS, I didn't tell anyone. I just kept saying 'when he comes, he comes' with DD, everyone knew I was having a repeat csection so I couldn't keep it a secret really

  33. StbHisMrs

    pomegranate / 3329 posts

    Ok maybe this is just another false alarm but I was really crampy and had a lot of clear discharge yesterday all day, but no contractions until late. Went for a moderate walk, drank 3 cups of rrl tea, did a half hour of nipple stimulation in the bathtub, went to bed around 11. Woke up at 2am felt really nauseous, propped myself up and waited out more contractions and cramps, fell back asleep. Woke up this morning to more cramps, more contractions, and decided to wake my husband and dtd (ouch).
    I've been timing these contractions, which are getting stronger, and they're coming every 2 minutes and lasting 1 minute. I had 30 in the past hour.

    So help me God if this is not the real deal. I'm sitting at work trying to finish things up and not really getting a lot done.

  34. delight

    pomelo / 5326 posts

    @StbHisMrs: wow totally sounds promising!! Keep us updated. I hope it's not another false alarm and that you get to meet baby later tonight or tomorrow!

    I keep wishing my contractions would pick up! So far today I have swept, swiffered then mopped all our hardwood. Did a load of laundry, dusted, reorganized baby's stuff, organized my scrap booking stuff and did an hour of yard work. I'm totally nesting, it's obvious, but also hoping a little manual labour will get the good labour going. I'm getting bored since I've been finished work for 7 weeks now....... There is only so much you can do to clean a small house. I need a baby to keep me occupied

  35. Grace

    cantaloupe / 6730 posts

    @StbHisMrs: Fingers crossed for you! And you are hard core, btw! I couldn't imagine DTD while contractions were going on.

  36. StbHisMrs

    pomegranate / 3329 posts

    @Grace: Ha! More like ready to get this baby out!!

    I think I'm going to head home, luckily I live 2 miles away. The plan is to bounce and do pelvic circles for the rest of the evening until they're unbearable. Nearing that point now though, they've wrapped into my back, so I have a constant ache and then a contraction every minute.

  37. Mrs. Oatmeal

    blogger / honeydew / 7081 posts

    @StbHisMrs: Sounding GOOD! Really hope this is it for you - keep us updated!

    Have had contractions pretty regularly for most of the day, but they're averaging every 15 minutes, and aren't really painful. Aren't getting closer together or stronger, so I'm just chalking it up to false labour. Hoping that things pick up a little though!

  38. StrawberryBee

    nectarine / 2530 posts

    Something's happening!

    Went to bed with what I described to DH as 'discomfort'. Just woke up and went to go pee and it was bright red. Bloody show? Discomfort is definitely coming in waves.

  39. StrawberryBee

    nectarine / 2530 posts

    Okay, contractions are getting stronger but not really closer together. Some are 5 min apart, some as much as 7 or 9.

  40. .twist.

    pineapple / 12802 posts

    @StrawberryBee: OMG!!! Here's hoping this is it!! I can't wait to meet your LO!! Sounds like it will be sooooon! Good luck and keep us updated!

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