Hellobee Boards


August 2013 Mamas

  1. StrawberryBee

    nectarine / 2530 posts

    @.twist.: thanks! I don't know how anyone sleeps through this, but I guess I should try. Oh, and I should never google 'bloody show bright red' because words like placental abruption come up.

  2. delight

    pomelo / 5326 posts

    @Mrs Hedgehog: sounds like a great appointment. That is some good progress in 5 days. I'm hoping for some good news at my appointment today!

    @StrawberryBee: wow this could be it! Don't google anymore Believe me I've done my fair share of googling "bloody show" and "bleeding at 35,36,37,38.....weeks". Just relax, your body is just doing its job! Sounds like you could be next! Good luck!

  3. Mrs D

    grapefruit / 4545 posts

    @StbHisMrs: You are SO hardcore!!! Fingers crossed this is it for you!!!

    @StrawberryBee: Good Luck! Keep up posted! Have you had more "red" color?

    I just love how exciting this thread is every day now!!!

    Any of you late August Mama's feel like time is flying? I feel like for weeks 20-32 time dragged on and on and on...now I feel like its flying. Now maybe its because I am terrified about delivery and motherhood - but holy crap I just want things to slow down a touch!

    My mom was over last night and is convinced I am going to "go" soon. I told her I am not quite ready and that I'd like LO to stay put until 38 weeks...She was getting all sappy and like "this may be the last time I see you before you're in labor"...Geez mom!

  4. Grace

    cantaloupe / 6730 posts

    @StrawberryBee: Yippee!!

    @Mrs D: I definitely feel like it's flying. My dad asked me if I was getting anxious yet and I'm not at all. Maybe it's denial...

  5. Mrs Hedgehog

    pear / 1812 posts

    @Mrs D: I wish! I feel like time has come to a stand still! Esp now that we now things are beginning to happen. I know it could still be a while until she is here but knowing just how close we are, time has pressed pause! I still have a bunch to do but my energy level is so low these past couple weeks it makes it hard! I also feel like I still have all the time in the world to get everything done when, in reality, I don't.

  6. skipper2010

    kiwi / 597 posts

    @StrawberryBee: Eeek! Sounds like things are happening for you! Keep us posted!

    @Mrs D: If you think time is flying now, just wait until your LO is here. I delivered at 39 weeks and in hindsight those last few weeks are a complete blur! In fact, it feels like the whole pregnancy flew by. I remember wishing the days away because I couldn't wait to meet him, and now there are times I miss being pregnant. Having him here is WAY better, but looking back pregnancy is such an amazing experience too.

  7. StrawberryBee

    nectarine / 2530 posts

    @.twist.: @delight: @Mrs D: @Grace: @skipper2010: okay, so I just got off the phone with my doctor because I'm concerned that it's still bright red every time I go to the bathroom, and they're sending me to L&D to get checked out. Will keep you updated!

  8. Mrs. Oatmeal

    blogger / honeydew / 7081 posts

    @StrawberryBee: So exciting! I really hope this is it for you - you've waited long enough! Keep us updated!!

  9. Grace

    cantaloupe / 6730 posts

    @StrawberryBee: Good luck! And stop googling!

  10. delight

    pomelo / 5326 posts

    @StrawberryBee: GL at L&D! This very well could be it. I'm jealous!!

    @Mrs D: totally feel the time is flying by. I remember how brutally slow time went in the beginning. I can't believe we are well into August and that my due date is next week. Ahhhhh! I can't wait for baby!

    @skipper2010: I wondered if I would miss being pregnant. I've had a good pregnancy for the most part and I think I'll miss the feeling of keeping babe safe in my belly and feeling him/her move around. It's also kinda nice being allowed to rest and nap whenever I want

  11. Modern Daisy

    grapefruit / 4187 posts

    @StrawberryBee: Ack, so exciting!!

    @Mrs D: I actually feel like time is slowing down, probably because I get bombarded with questions/comments every day about when the baby is coming. People tend to think I'm a lot farther along than I actually am. I know it's only fast forwarding a few weeks, but that means I get confused/surprised looks every time I go into work since people are like "What are you doing here?". Um.. I'm not due until the 30th, lol! Then they insist on knowing when my last day is. Um.. I don't have one, whenever the baby decides to arrive!

  12. Mrs D

    grapefruit / 4545 posts

    @Grace: My mom asked the same thing...my response was "no I am not anxious to go through L&D"...

    @Modern Daisy: @Mrs Hedgehog: I am guessing once I go to the doctor and hear anything about being at all dilated things could come to a mental standstill. DH really thinks I am having the baby next Thursday which totally freaks me out.

    @skipper2010: I can imagine. I was thinking just last night that I will miss feeling her kicks - but then I remind myself that I will be pregnant again and it makes me feel better about it coming to an end!

    @StrawberryBee: Yay - cant wait to hear updates!!!!

  13. Mrs Hedgehog

    pear / 1812 posts

    @Modern Daisy: I get that from work all the time. People shocked I am still there, my manager constantly thinking I am going into labor (nice guy, he really does care. He is so oblivious to how this whole baby making thing works!) And other co-workers trying to plan their vacation time around when I will be leaving, they just don't get that I don't know!

    @delight: I know I will miss aspects of being pregnant. I will miss feeling her move and seeing my tummy grow/her grow. The anticipation of getting to meet her is also kinda fun! (To an extent. I mean, I get impatient!) And, not gonna lie, the way people try to take care of me and make allowances, not a bad gig. lol. I am also ready to be DONE. I look forward to being able to roll over in bed in one movement vs 8 and being able to bend over. Heck, going to the bathroom has become hard! Reaching around this belly isn't always easy when she decides to stick her butt up and in the way of the direction I am trying to move! lol. It's all worth it and the stories will be priceless.

    @Mrs D: What is funny is that, up until that appt. Mr. Hedgie has been totally chill with "whenever she is ready, she will be here" and "time is flying by too fast!" and suddenly, now that he knows we are staring to dilate it has changed into "Why isn't she here yet? Go sit on the ball and bounce her out! I want my baby!" and "Gah, can time just start ticking by a little faster please? Honey, is my watch working? I swear it said 5:30 an hour ago." It is so cute!

  14. Mrs Hedgehog

    pear / 1812 posts

    @StrawberryBee: Hope everything is okay and it is just time for that baby to be here! Let us know what happens!

  15. Mrs Hedgehog

    pear / 1812 posts

    I meant to ask you guys, for those who have begin dilating, did you every get sharp pains inside? I didn't start getting them until last week and we went back in to find out we were dilated and effaced. I am wondering if that is my cervix opening. They aren't bad, just, there. like little sharp but not really too painful sensations. I also feel a ton of sharp pressure sometimes in that area as a whole. Could it just be from the weight and pressure of her dropping?

  16. Alivoo01

    wonderful olive / 19353 posts

    @StbHisMrs: Eep!! You're so hardcore for going into work! I'd totally text my boss and be like, not going in today. I'll be working from home because I feel pretty close contractions!

    @StrawberryBee: OMG! We might have another August baby today! Let us know what you find out!

  17. Alivoo01

    wonderful olive / 19353 posts

    @Mrs Hedgehog: For me, starting around 34 weeks, I had to walk slower and somewhat waddle because the pressure down there was intense. When I had my u/s, it was because DS's head was way down there so it's possible that your baby is dropping causing the increase in pressure! It just means the baby is getting ready to join you on the other side of things!

  18. .twist.

    pineapple / 12802 posts

    @StrawberryBee: good luck!!!

  19. Mrs D

    grapefruit / 4545 posts

    @Mrs Hedgehog: Ya, so I dont know if I am dilated or not but I have these pains too - I call them lightening in my vagina...super fun!

  20. Modern Daisy

    grapefruit / 4187 posts

    @Mrs Hedgehog: I'm not dilating at all yet, but I've had a lot of pelvic pain the last couple of days. It feels like I've been working out my pelvis hardcore adn I'm sore from it. There are also sharp pains here and there, but I think they are from baby pressing down on my cervix as he drops. Not that he's dropped yet, but I do think the process just started.

  21. StrawberryBee

    nectarine / 2530 posts

    Quick update: baby's great and we're being sent home. Still 3 cm dilated; contractions I could feel stopped quite a few hours ago, but I was still getting then in the monitor.

  22. StbHisMrs

    pomegranate / 3329 posts

    @StrawberryBee: Please keep us updated, I hope everything is ok and you're just starting to go into labor!

    @Mrs Hedgehog: Yes, the only way I can describe the feeling is like baby is reaching down from the inside and grabbing/pulling on my cervix.

    Afm, still.contracting. My husband says we aren't going in unless my water breaks or I can't walk. Looks like I'll be going up to my due date and most likely being induced. My water in the past has not broken on it's own, my contractions don't get strong enough to do it until after it's broken. So very frustrating!

  23. StrawberryBee

    nectarine / 2530 posts

    @.twist.: @delight: @Mrs D: @Grace: @skipper2010: @redsmarties: @Mrs Hedgehog: @Alivoo01: @StbHisMrs:

    Alrighty, here's the longer story! And full of TMI ;). So as I said I started having contractions last night. Still not sure if they were BH or not since (and I even made DH feel) I couldn't sense my tummy getting tight. The first time I woke up (around 2am) I went to the bathroom and the water in the toilet turned bright red. I was like, okay, no biggie, it's just the bloody show. Except I kept on wiping away fresh bright red every time after that when I got up to pee. The paperwork from my doctor said to call for an 'excessive' amount of bleeding. And most descriptions of bloody show were mucus with strands of red, not all red the way mine were. Contractions never really stabilized into a pattern, and eventually dissipated when I woke up around 9am.

    So I called my doctor and they said it sounded like just a little bit more than what they would consider normal, and since the baby wasn't really moving at that point they suggested going to L&D just to be checked out. Cue panic. My DH is worried about having all the cameras charged and I'm worried about the half hour drive to the hospital and poking my belly to try and stimulate movement. Oh, and I drank chocolate milk, lemonade, and RRL tea to try and get her to move, and got nothing. Punky kid.

    We get to L&D, get checked in, go to triage where I strip, put on a gown, and have monitors attached to me. First thing she comments on is that I must be anxious, because my pulse was high. Baby's heart beat comes through great (YAY). They decided to do a speculum exam (wheee! surprisingly didn't hurt, I guess everything's very loose down there now) and determined that the bleeding was coming from outside of my cervix, which is unusual but not unheard of. So I lay there for a while (SUPER uncomfortable, the bed made my back ache) while they checked everything out and monitored her/us for a while. I did have contractions again while I was there, and am having them now...maybe every half hour at this point? Unfortunately I think I'm in for back labor, since I can feel it wrap around to my spine. They did an U/S and confirmed head down, she was looking great.

    Oh, and the sound of all the monitors beeping nearly drove me insane. So now we're just chilling out at home and waiting.

  24. delight

    pomelo / 5326 posts

    @StrawberryBee: I'm glad everything is ok with babe! Get lots of ret at home, sounds like it could be soon!

    Had my 38 week appointment, although I'm 39 tomorrow. She did a stretch and sweep. Yowza! That was way more painful than my previous cervical checks. I'm at 3cm and ready to go! Doc said I just need some stronger contractions to get things going more. She's on call delivering Thursday so hopefully I go into labour then. My brother's FIL is delivering tomorrow so I'm keeping my legs crossed as that would make for awkward Christmas dinners. Regardless, my OB thinks I could be going sooner, rather than later and I'm happy to already be at 3cm.

    Hope everyone is having a good day!

  25. Mrs. Oatmeal

    blogger / honeydew / 7081 posts

    @StrawberryBee: Hey, good news that things are normal! Really hoping you get to meet baby soon - sounds like you're making good progress! Hopefully the wrapping feeling doesn't equal back labour - I've heard that can be pretty nasty.

    @delight: They're going to do a stretch and sweep on me on Thursday (due date!). I was pleasantly surprised that my cervical check last week didn't hurt - is the sweep really bad? Painful compared to a pap test/other check? I know it'll be nothing compared to labour...but I want to be prepared! And hooray for 3cm - that's good news!

  26. Mrs D

    grapefruit / 4545 posts

    @StrawberryBee: Thanks for the update. Glad all is well! Hopefully things get rolling for you soon!!!

    @delight: Great appointment update! Fingers crossed you get til Thursday!!!

    I have my 36 (actually 37) week appointment tomorrow. Looking forward to the check to see if anything has happened. What is the Strep B test like? Does it hurt? or just a swab?

  27. Mrs. Oatmeal

    blogger / honeydew / 7081 posts

    @Mrs D: Strep test was just a swab - I actually did it on my own and dropped it off at the lab. Didn't hurt a bit. Hopefully the check goes well - progress would be nice!

  28. delight

    pomelo / 5326 posts

    @redsmarties: well it was definitely worse than any Pap test I've had! Doctor just uses her finger to poke and prod up there and move things around. I won't lie, it hurt. I was like cringing and trying to back away from her! But, it is relatively quick. It's been about 2 hours now and I have mild period-like cramps and the first time I peed after there was maybe a teaspoon of pink blood. My cervical checks didn't hurt either! This probably sounds worse than it was, I don't mean to scare you!! It hurt for 15 seconds. Labour will be worse I will say my best friend went into labour the evening of her stretch and sweep!

    @Mrs D: the swab is nothing! Maybe uncomfy for a second! Don't even give it another thought, it happens so quickly. Mine was more like a swab of the outside from vag to bum, and not really like a pap.

  29. Mrs Hedgehog

    pear / 1812 posts

    @Mrs D: they just swab the outside of your vagina and anus. Not sure why both but whatevs. Nothing goes inside you so it doesn't hurt. The cervical check hurt for me because she had to press down super hard on my stomach just to find the cervix because the many was sitting so high.

  30. Mrs. Oatmeal

    blogger / honeydew / 7081 posts

    @delight: Excellent. No, you're not scaring me, haha. Honestly, I can handle a few minutes/seconds of pain - especially if it means baby will show up faster, haha.

  31. Grace

    cantaloupe / 6730 posts

    @StbHisMrs: That is quite frustrating!

    @StrawberryBee: Glad everything is ok and I hope this is the start of labour!!

    @delight: That would be totally awkward!! There isn't actually a worry there, right? I mean, aren't doctors not supposed to work on family members?

    @Mrs D: The swab is the easiest thing ever. No speculum, they don't try to reach your cervix. Nothing like that. It's just a swab along the inner lips area (and your butt, but it happens so fast you won't notice).

  32. delight

    pomelo / 5326 posts

    @Grace: well there is a legit worry. He says since we aren't blood relatives he'd deliver. He's my bro's FIL so I don't see him THAT much but definitely for all family gatherings! At my hospital the OBs are on a 9 day rotation and there are 2 of them on each day. So I like to think I have a 1 in 18 shot! He's a great doctor though and has delivered more babies than anyone else in our city so I know I'd be in good hands. But the thought of even having a cervical check by him makes me anxious. I'd probably request the other doctor on call if he was there and I'm sure he'd understand.!

  33. Grace

    cantaloupe / 6730 posts

    @delight: Gah, that's too awkward. But you are right. I mean 1/18 isn't a guarantee by any means.

  34. Mrs D

    grapefruit / 4545 posts

    @delight: I can relate a little bit. Totally would be awkward but based on my many many conversations with my SD to him you're just another vajayjay. Guaranteed he wouldn't even bat an eye at it. And like you said he is extremely experienced and respected - you could definitely end up in worse hands.

    Early on when I was preggo I asked my SD if I had to have a c-section if he would do be allowed to do it. He is not - the whole doctors treating family is a messy grey area I guess as they worry Drs actions may become blurred by their feelings for the person on the table. I definitely wasn't ready to commit to him spending time between my legs during a vaginal delivery - but if I was going in for a c-section or worse an emergency c-section there was no doubt I would have wanted him doing it.

    My appt is at 10:45 - seriously after the lightening bolt pains down there last night I better hear that 'something' has happened. Heading to target and babysrus first to make some returns and hopefully avoid making purchases!

    Anyone else totally wanting to make the homemade Lara Bars from the post this AM?

  35. JamieLee

    clementine / 930 posts

    @Mrs D: so I finally made the chicken pot pies to freeze. I added some extra veggies and made extra crust, so we had one for dinner last night. DH loved it. I would add a little more salt and pepper and maybe some garlic to the filling next time for a little more flavor. But it was good.

  36. Mrs. Oatmeal

    blogger / honeydew / 7081 posts

    So, I'm sort of cursing my midwife for suggesting that I might go into labour early. I'm on MAJOR symptom watch, and DH is getting so excited that its kind of driving me nuts.

    I'm due tomorrow, and I have been having painless contractions every 10-15 minutes ALL DAY yesterday, all through the night, and even this morning. But they aren't getting stronger, or closer together, and there are seriously NO other symptoms going on. Walking, bouncing, etc makes them happen more frequently, but then they slow back down as soon as I do.

    Trying not to drive myself crazy - I'm trying to just ignore the contractions until something changes. Anyone else experiencing anything similar?

    @Mrs D: Hope the appt goes well. If I hadn't just bought some Larabars for labour, I would totally make those. It'd only be a quick trip to the Bulk Barn, too!

  37. Mrs D

    grapefruit / 4545 posts

    @redsmarties: ya, they should really keep their mouths shut on making predictions bc I think it only makes it more stressful on us!!

    So - appointment went well. All looks good with LO and I am 1cm dilated and 50% effaced. She said I may notice some spotting but I am noticing some stringy red stuff too - any chance the internal check could cause me to lose my plug?

  38. Mrs. Oatmeal

    blogger / honeydew / 7081 posts

    @Mrs D: I was told the check could cause some spotting, but its totally possible that it dislodged some of your plug. Sounds good to me!

  39. StrawberryBee

    nectarine / 2530 posts

    Update: had back labor contractions all night at about 11 minutes apart. Timing grew to as much as half an hour though once dawn neared. It's all over the place again now. Wish this show would get on the road! Back labor sucks. I can only hope it's doing something. Still losing my plug.

    I feel like I'm one step forward, two steps back. Every time I get a few that are five minutes or under apart I start thinking this is it, only to have the next one drag out to 12 or 18.

  40. Modern Daisy

    grapefruit / 4187 posts

    @StrawberryBee: I hope things get moving for you soon!! So exciting!

    So I went to my Dr. this morning and he wrote me a note saying I should start working from home now. I talked to my boss and she was fine with it. I am so excited to go home and stay there, it's going to be awesome! There are so many things I want to get done that I'm just too exhausted to do at the end of the day. And it's a relief that I don't have to start my leave yet, burning up potentially 3 weeks of STD/FMLA.

    Also, the baby is getting so big now that my maternity clothes are all super tight and I know it sounds vain, but I don't really feel my best/professional at work so this is really great timing.

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