Hellobee Boards


August 2013 Mamas

  1. delight

    pomelo / 5326 posts

    @greenebee: beautiful nursery, I love it! We are using the same fabric for our rug and bedding. Lots of Grey and yellow in ours. Yours is stunning. Is the mobile Etsy?

    @chanzi: hope your platelet count rises so you can have your MW! We don't have our name 100% picked out yet. Lots of options for boys and girls but we want to wait and see babe first.

  2. chanzi

    cherry / 233 posts

    @Grace: Yep, the last test was 105 (and the previous one was 109). I'm just barely hanging in there! Assuming the new test is over 100 I still won't really know what's going to happen until I go in to deliver since they'll test me again then. I don't think there will be a huge difference since I'll be at the same hospital either way... I was also told that the midwives and OBs from my practice have the same c-section rate for first time pregnancies.

  3. chanzi

    cherry / 233 posts

    @delight: I feel like we're close enough on our girl names that we could do the same. For boys we had a clear leader so that's why it's pretty set. Although yesterday DH was going through my family tree and got really excited about the name Hawkins. Apparently Hawkins was a great guy who took care of his grandfather in his old age, but baby Hawk is still not really appealing to me as much...

  4. .twist.

    pineapple / 12802 posts

    @chanzi: I enjoy Star Trek, too, is that allowed? Haha will the nerd gods allow that? I honestly wish I would have done the nursery more nerdy.

  5. Grace

    cantaloupe / 6730 posts

    @chanzi: You'd think they'd want to avoid surgery with you at all costs, no? But, it'll be moot. Your platelets will be awesome!

    @.twist.: You could always add some nerdy components. Light sabers on the wall, criss-crossed like swords.

  6. greenebee

    cherry / 189 posts

    @delight: Actually, I made the mobile inspired by the beautiful (yet, very costly) mobiles I saw on Etsy. It's super easy! I'll try to post a tutorial---it only cost me about $10 to make!

  7. delight

    pomelo / 5326 posts

    @greenebee: oh my gosh please post! I'm crafty and would love to do it myself. Got lots of punches and machines to cut out circles. Just need your instructions!

  8. StrawberryBee

    nectarine / 2530 posts

    @Sapphiresun: sorry to hear about the octopus hangers, but somehow I have a feeling that's the least of your worries right now ;). I'm glad I didn't read your post earlier, or I would have been afraid to leave the house today!

    @lawbee11: I posted in your other thread, but so excited about your little Molly's arrival into the world! Sounds like you had a pretty okay birth experience?

    @StbHisMrs: kitten :3

    @Mrs D: I think you're more likely to have contractions/go into labor in the middle of the night because your body is more relaxed. Except me, I just get anxiety attacks at night :P. I wish I could turn my brain off.

    @greenebee: beautiful nursery, I adore the rockers!

    So today I actually went to DH's grandmother's memorial service, an hour's car ride away from us. DH just went to my grandmother's service a plane ride away in early spring, so I felt really bad about possibly not going. Felt okay this morning so I just went for it. Glad I didn't have to pick up any boxers!

    Highlight of my day? Sitting at a table with DH's ex while 40 weeks pregnant *rotfl*. Pretty sure she felt more awkward than I did. At least she was a captive audience and I was able to pump her for info on the kids' schedules (usually she tells us last minute or not at all, or blows us off to talk to her friends if at an event). Things are going to be pretty crazy the next four months!

    When we finally got home I completely crashed on the couch.

  9. greenebee

    cherry / 189 posts

    @delight: http://boards.hellobee.com/topic/diy-nursery-mobile?replies=1#post-987690 Here's where I posted the tutorial if you like!

  10. Sapphiresun

    nectarine / 2220 posts

    Thanks for the wishes! I lost my roommate soon after I posted so was able to get a little sleep before contractions started badly. Ended up with a relatively intervention free birth so I'm super happy about that!

    baby girl is famous with the nurses born at 11:11 on the dot! Funny when all the visitors went down to the gift shop they were asked if they were there for the 11:11 baby. 7lbs 9oz and 20 inches long but still looks teeny! Taking the evening to get to know her a little better before we finalize name. have been torn between Natalie, Alexandra (once the royal ones definitely didn't use it) or Amelia mostly for a few weeks. I think she's a little too spunky to be an amelia :). Seems to like a good practical joke as she scared drs a few times only to turn it around 30 seconds later.

  11. JessKas

    pear / 1693 posts

    @Sapphiresun: CONGRATS on the baby girl! Sounds like you had a great birth

  12. .twist.

    pineapple / 12802 posts

    @Sapphiresun: congratulations!! OMG. I'm loving all the babies born! Sounds like a good birth. Love all the name choices.

  13. StbHisMrs

    pomegranate / 3329 posts

    @Sapphiresun: congratulations!! So glad all went well, and those names are all so cute!

  14. Grace

    cantaloupe / 6730 posts

    @Sapphiresun: Congratulations! All those names sound wonderful!

  15. delight

    pomelo / 5326 posts

    @Sapphiresun: just came on to see if there were any announcements from you! Congrats on your little girl!! Can't wait to hear which name you picked. Hope you're enjoying lots of snuggles.

    @greenebee: you're awesome! Thanks for posting. I'm going to make it this week! I was hoping this babe would come over the weekend but now I want a few more days so I can make the mobile

  16. Mrs. Oatmeal

    blogger / honeydew / 7081 posts

    @Sapphiresun: Congratulations!! I'm so glad things went well for you- you deserved it!! Can't believe you're holding your little girl- so excited for you!

  17. Mrs D

    grapefruit / 4545 posts

    @greenebee: I LOVE the nursery and the Beatles quote is great - such a cute print! I have a soft spot in my heart for the Beatles (my dad and I danced to In My Life at my wedding) and I thought about getting some quotes from it for LO's room...there is still plenty of wall space - so I may still do it!

    @Sapphiresun: Congratulations! Cant wait to see her!

    @greenebee: Thanks for posting the tutorial...I'm going to go check it out since I dont have a mobile but may need to make one!

  18. delight

    pomelo / 5326 posts

    @greenebee: haha I just emailed my SIL for her 2" circle punch because mine is only a 1". I showed her a pic of the mobile and she's like "Don't do it! I bought you a mobile for your gift!" So I ruined that surprise but now she's giving it to us this week. So I won't have that mobile but I'm sure mine will be great too!

    I need a new project now......

  19. Mrs D

    grapefruit / 4545 posts

    @delight: here is my new project:


    My mom made these stockings for each of my sisters and I when we were babies...so now I am making one for Kate (and one for DH so he isn't left out). You could make one for your LO if you really need a new craft project

  20. delight

    pomelo / 5326 posts

    @Mrs D: oh that's adorable! What a great idea to make a stocking for LO! I'm totally going to do that!

  21. JamieLee

    clementine / 930 posts

    @Mrs D: fun! I need to make stocking for all three of us. Add that to the list!

  22. Mrs. Oatmeal

    blogger / honeydew / 7081 posts

    Look at all of you crafty ladies! Those projects are way too cute. Wish I had the supplies (ok, and talent) to pull off those stockings. Maybe if I start now they'll get done by Christmas?

  23. skipper2010

    kiwi / 597 posts

    @StrawberryBee: How are you holding up? Any progress? I forget-have they talked induction with you yet?

    @Sapphiresun: Congratulations!!!! So glad everything went smoothly and you have your little girl in your arms!

    Oh also, for all you mama's who haven't given birth yet, my advice is to stock up on some stool softeners! I've never been so constipated in my life! That first BM was no joke. haha Fortunately I didn't have to have one before being discharged because I would've had a nice extended stay. lol

  24. Mrs D

    grapefruit / 4545 posts

    @redsmarties: just FYI - thats half the beauty of it...they send you everything in the kit (all the felt, sequins,thread, etc) you need to make it. I dont know how to sew at all (my mom is giving me a quick tutorial tomorrow night) but I bet you can get the same off youtube...which is what I have used to re-teach myself how to knit!

    @skipper2010: My sister heavily recommended this too. I have stool softener that I have in my bag and my mom is bringing me prune juice tomorrow to throw in as well!

  25. Alivoo01

    wonderful olive / 19353 posts

    @Sapphiresun: Congratulations on the birth of your baby girl, and that's awesome she's already famous at the hospital!

    I agree with @skipper2010:'s recommendation of stool softener. I started taking it well before I went into labor because I was taking iron supplements which make you extra constipated also. It makes the first bowel movement post birth much easier and more comfortable. During my stay at the hospital, I was given them twice a day, and a prescription for them upon discharge also.

  26. .twist.

    pineapple / 12802 posts

    @Alivoo01: @skipper2010: cannot agree more on the stool softener s! Like skipper, if I had to show poop I would have been there a lot longer! I still don't like pooping.....

  27. delight

    pomelo / 5326 posts

    I'm more worried about the post delivery BM than I am about labour itself! I know my hospital gives stool softeners while you are there which is good. I'll make sure to pick some up for after!

  28. Alivoo01

    wonderful olive / 19353 posts

    A concoction one of my nurses made for me to help me go was a can of prune juice with a can of sprite/7-up warmed up. I thought it'd taste terrible, but surprisingly, it wasn't! It went down easily. I think it's the carbonation/dilution of the Sprite that helped.

  29. JamieLee

    clementine / 930 posts

    So does anyone else feel like an emotional mess right now? I feel like I'm either going to start sobbing or bite someone's head off at the drop of a hat. I'm supposed to go to a barbecue at my IL's house...no occasion, they just wanted a get together for DH's entire family. Well, DH isn't home yet, and he's not answering his phone, and I really don't want to go over there and sit and chit chat with his aunts about how I'm feeling. I feel like a biatch, but I just get so irritated that I have to go to everything for his family by myself. My family lives four and a half hours away, and we maybe see them four to five times a year. His family is just really big and really loud and I don't feel like dealing with it today. I just want to lay on the couch and not talk to anyone. Ugh...I'm just not in the mood...we seriously see his parents and sister several times a week, sometimes everyday, and I just need some space!

    Ok, rant done. I just needed to vent...

  30. lawbee11

    GOLD / watermelon / 14076 posts

    I dont have time to catch up with everyone now, but I am sure most of you saw my other thread--Molly was born yesterday afternoon and we are sooo in love with her. My birth experience was really positive other than having to have an episiotomy Luckily recovery hasn't been too bad. Breastfeeding is going really well (knock on wood). The hospital's goal is 1 pee and 1 poop diaper within 24 hours of birth. We've had 3 pee and 5 poop! Hope you're all doing well and I am so excited to "meet" the rest of the August babies!

    @Sapphiresun: congrats on your baby girl!! Our girls had really similar stats! Molly was 7lbs 8oz and 19.5 inches long. Let us know the name as soon as you decide--you can't go wrong with any of those!

  31. Grace

    cantaloupe / 6730 posts

    @JamieLee: Oh, don't go until he's home! You can blame it all on him! It wouldn't occur to me to go to my IL without hubby. Plus, you have an excuse all on your own. I know if I have a bad night, I feel just like you. Hugs!

  32. JamieLee

    clementine / 930 posts

    @Grace: thanks! I just feel so out of sorts emotionally...and then I couldn't get a hold of him on the phone. Like for almost an hour. That's not going to work once its go time. And he just "didn't have his phone on him." Well, that's not okay, especially considering he is an hour from home...I'm getting worried I'm going to have to drive myself to the hospital when the time comes...

  33. Grace

    cantaloupe / 6730 posts

    @JamieLee: I keep having to remind DH of that too!! That he has to be reachable. I find it so odd. On every sitcom I've ever seen, dad is waiting on pins and needles when the phone rings. Haven't our DHs watched these shows?

  34. JamieLee

    clementine / 930 posts

    @Grace: I know! And then I get worried when he doesn't answer the phone. Like, what if something's happens to him...so I call him again. I swear I've turned into a crazy person. I wonder if heightened emotions are a sign of impending labor.

    And now I'm getting texts about going over to the party...don't they know that a 38 week pregnant lady doesn't want to sit around outside on uncomfortable lawn furniture and make small talk with random in laws...?

  35. Grace

    cantaloupe / 6730 posts

    @JamieLee: Meh, just say something vague, like "working on it".

  36. delight

    pomelo / 5326 posts

    @JamieLee: @Grace: I have also been reminding DH to always have his phone on him and check often. I promised to only text him during golf if its an emergency. I have also implemented a 2 small cans of beer a day rule in our house. I was worried he'd have a few more one night and not be able to drive me to the hospital in an emergency.

  37. Mrs D

    grapefruit / 4545 posts

    @JamieLee: 100% feel how you are feeling. I'm uncomfortable, sweaty, gross, cranky and exhausted. Sometimes I just want to cry when DH says something silly or sometimes I want to bite his head off.

    @Grace: @JamieLee: DH and I had the "you have to answer your phone" chat. We dont talk much on the phone anyways (mostly via text) so its pretty abnormal for me to call him. However, he did say that when he is in court (which is pretty rare) he literally may not be able to answer a call - so our plan is for me to text if he does not answer. And if he doesn't answer...he'd better show up in a suit (he only wears these to court) or he will have some serious explaining to do!!!!

    @delight: Our chat actually started because of golf. I said to him (one morning last weekend as he was leaving for the club) "you know I'd only call when I know you are golfing if its an emergency right?" To which he said yes. He has already informed the pro that for the next two tournaments (Aug 16 & Aug 24/5) he needs a separate cart to ride in so he can leave at a moments notice. Good thing we have the golf all sorted out huh?

    I'm flat out exhausted today. Took me twice as long to grocery shop as normal and when I had it all loaded in the car I had to take a 5 minute breather before I was ready to drive home! I hate this feeling!

  38. StbHisMrs

    pomegranate / 3329 posts

    @JamieLee: @Mrs D: @Grace: I've had to remind my husband too, and get all of his emergency numbers at work. There are spots on his "run" where there's no signal and the only way to get a hold of him would be contacting a dispatcher, but then what do they, turn the train around?! Ha! I'm thinking of asking him to only do local runs instead of 12 hour trips.

    @Mrs D: How'd you get your husband to agree to 2 cans a night? I get so mad at mine, he will start working on something and lose track as to how many he's had, until I remind/nag him. It makes me so flipping mad!!!

  39. delight

    pomelo / 5326 posts

    @StbHisMrs: oh it was me that said that about the beer! I had to have a serious chat about it. I said, I've been protecting baby for 9 months without anything to drink and I expected that for the next few weeks he doesn't have more than 2 beers. I know that's his driving limit and I wouldn't feel safe in the car if he has had any more. Just tell your DH it'll be really embarrassing to have to call a taxi or your mom or something when your water breaks cause he has has one too many And you're sure as hell are not driving yourself!

    @Mrs D: I wouldn't be surprised if I go into labour while he's golfing! It would be pretty funny. He doesn't have any tournaments or anything though, just Thursday night men's league, and usually a couple other games. Nothing he would feel bad skipping out on!

  40. JamieLee

    clementine / 930 posts

    @delight: oh yeah, we need to implement the drink limit as well. I refuse to have his mother drive me to the hospital. The last thing I need to deal with while I'm in labor is my MIL and her terrible driving...I will have this baby on the kitchen floor before I call her for a ride...lol!

    I need DH to start driving himself to jobs too. He usually goes to a central meeting place that is about 30 minutes from home in the opposite direction from the hospital and gets into a company vehicle with a coworker. But if I go into labor while he's at work, I would have to wait for him to drive from wherever he's working to the yard (which could be up to 45 minutes) then get his truck, drive to our house to pick me up (another 30 minutes) and then drive the 30 minutes to the hospital. That's once I finally get a hold of him!

    So is anyone else thinking about not even telling people you're heading to the hospital until things are well underway? I do t really want his mom and sister hanging out in the waiting room for hours. I can 100% guarantee I'm not going to want them in the delivery room, and I'm going to want a couple hours of just us with baby before having visitors, but I feel like the longer they are in the waiting room, the pushier they will get about coming into the delivery room. My SIL threw a fit that we made her wait until we got home from our anatomy scan to find out boy or girl, so I'm thinking she's not going to be happy to have to wait to see him.

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