Hellobee Boards


August 2013 Mamas

  1. StrawberryBee

    nectarine / 2530 posts

    @JamieLee: best of luck and here's to an easy l&d!

  2. delight

    pomelo / 5326 posts

    Seriously. Have any of the other groups got to 113 pages? We are awesome!! Or we have way too much time on our hands.....

  3. Mrs D

    grapefruit / 4545 posts

    OMG...someone talk me out of buying Kate the bottom right "fur coat" for winter time...

  4. Mrs D

    grapefruit / 4545 posts

    @delight: um clearly we are just super AWESOME!

  5. Grace

    cantaloupe / 6730 posts

    @.twist.: @StrawberryBee: @delight: @Mrs D: Thanks!

    @MrsD: You probably did - I stole the idea from Young House Love. And no, I'm not talking you out of that. It's too cute!! Where is it from?

    @Jamielee: Eeeeeeee! Good luck!

  6. Modern Daisy

    grapefruit / 4187 posts

    @Mrs D: Haha, aww I love it!! I've got nothin' sorry.. lol!

    Okay so all this week I've been having pelvic pain as the baby has been dropping. Yesterday and today I've been feeling aches and pains ALL the way down there, like as if my bones are moving/opening. I've also had light brown spotting in the morning.

    No contractions (not even BH) or any other symtoms other than an annoying headache. Is this just normal or does anyone think it's a sign I could go into labor soon?

  7. delight

    pomelo / 5326 posts

    @Mrs D: sorry cant talk you out of something so adorable! Pull the trigger!

    @Modern Daisy: well at this point I kind of am thinking that unless I am having painful contractions or my water has broken, then nothing is a sign of labour. I've had tons of spotting, lots of pelvic pain, regular BH and lost my plug yesterday. Oh and I'm 3+ cm dilated. I hope for you that your signs lead to something, but so far for me, nada! WahHhhhh!

  8. Modern Daisy

    grapefruit / 4187 posts

    @delight: Haha aww, I hope your symptoms are signs of imminent labor!! Yeah, i actually figure the same thing. Unless I'm having painful contractions or bleeding I'm assuming this is just normal and labor could still be weeks away. It is painful down there though, ugh!

  9. Mrs D

    grapefruit / 4545 posts

    @Grace: @Modern Daisy: @delight: Enablers!!!!! You are all bad people... and I just bought it...

    @Grace: YES! Love YHL!!!

    @Modern Daisy: I have similar symptoms...I wouldn't worry too much!

  10. Mrs D

    grapefruit / 4545 posts

    @Grace: Opps...forgot to mention its from Restoration Hardware!

  11. Alivoo01

    wonderful olive / 19353 posts

    @Sapphiresun: My stitches are dissolvable. I don't know why they wait 6 weeks before checking on you. I know things take time to heal, but sheesh!

    @StrawberryBee: I got a 1st degree almost 2nd degree tear on my perineum, and a 1st degree tear on my urethra. For some reason, the stitches on my urethra hurt many times more than the ones on my perineum! They're more irritated even though I use the peri bottle to rinse all the time. I'm 3 weeks PP and am starting to be able to move about without wincing in pain. I was exclusively pumping for DS until this week when we're attempting to BF again (he was born early and couldn't latch so the hospital told me to pump). Pumping is a pain since I still have to feed him (if I didn't have to feed and just pump, I don't mind as much). Now that we're trying to BF again this week, my natural instinct is to get up and pump instead of offering him the boob. Oops!

    @Grace: Love the nursery, and the color of the walls. I have a thing for green...

    @JamieLee: Good luck!! Wishing you a quick and smooth delivery!!

    @Mrs D: OMG!! That is just too darn cute! Can't believe you even hesitated to buy it. LOL!

  12. Mrs. Oatmeal

    blogger / honeydew / 7081 posts

    @JamieLee: so excited for you! Hope everything is going well!

  13. skipper2010

    kiwi / 597 posts

    @JamieLee: Yay! You'll be meeting your LO so soon!!!

    @Mrs D: That coat is adorable! Good choice!

    @Modern Daisy: Could the brown spotting have been your bloody show? I've heard that's a more imminent sign of labor compared to just losing your mucus plug. I hope this means something for you, but if not it sounds like your body is making progress in the right direction!

  14. Modern Daisy

    grapefruit / 4187 posts

    @skipper2010: Hmm, I doubt it since it was really light and only a tiny bit. I know the signs are all pointing to the baby getting ready for labor, the only question is how much longer it will take, lol!

  15. JessKas

    pear / 1693 posts

    @Mrs D: Fuzzy coat WITH ears? So glad you bought it

    @Grace: Cute nursery! Love the dresser.

    @JamieLee: How exciting! Good luck!

  16. Mrs. Oatmeal

    blogger / honeydew / 7081 posts

    @Modern Daisy: I've been having steady contractions (painless, boring) for the last two days *straight*. Totally also in the mindset that unless I'm bleeding or the contractions start hurting, there's nothing exciting going on. Although - there's been no spotting - so maybe that's a great sign for you!

    @Mrs D: So glad you bought it. WAY too cute!!

  17. MrsB2012

    nectarine / 2466 posts

    @Sapphiresun: Brooklyn was kinda a lazy eater as well. She wasn't gaining weight for the first week after I left the hospital so I had to pump out extra and cup feed her. The problem with that is now she tries to 'sip' my nipples. Sometimes she just lets the milk hit her lips then she sips it. She's gaining now so the Dr said to stop the cup feeding to avoid confusing. It's taking all my strength to not just pump and bottle feed. Don't worry, the nips get tougher after a few days and it doesn't hurt so bad when they don't latch properly,

  18. StbHisMrs

    pomegranate / 3329 posts

    @Jamielee: can't wait to hear, crossing my fingers for a smooth easy delivery!

    Pretty quiet here, I'm starting to swell, yuck.
    We were out all morning, picking up last minute things I've forgotten, and we picked up our kitten
    She's pretty scared of our toddler though, my Mom got the hyper kitten!
    I think once bedtime is here I'll try more bouncing, not able to when M is up because she wants to play on it too.
    My husband has been working out of town (1.5 hours) since Wed, I was hoping labor would start either today or tomorrow. If it doesn't then it's possible he could be called to work up to 5 hours away, in the middle if nowhere. That scares me!

  19. Mrs Hedgehog

    pear / 1812 posts

    @StrawberryBee: can't believe I missed this! Congrats!!!!

  20. chanzi

    cherry / 233 posts

    @JessKas: @delight: @lawbee11: Ok, it sounds like there's a good chance that I could totally not notice the mucus plug. Maybe it's already gone, even!

    @Mrs D: @Modern Daisy: @Grace: I'm glad I'm not the only one who isn't ready yet! I still have plenty to occupy my time until whenever baby arrives… It feels like my list keeps getting longer and there's only so many things I can get done in a day! I need to get my hair cut but I'm afraid to schedule an appointment in case I go into labor the day before like .twist.

    @StbHisMrs: I may have been a little overambitious… I only made the lasagnas this morning! The other day I had to rest after my flurry of morning productivity, and I couldn't handle the thought of making lasagna in addition to dinner. I was actually really tired that morning but I was motivated by my worry about having extra food in my fridge/freezer NOT assembled into meals by the time baby arrived. I'm sure it helps that I don't already have kids to chase around too!

    I skipped the cervical check at my appointment on Friday but I have another appointment on Tuesday (since my OB will be gone later in the week). I'd even be ok with a membrane sweep at that point since my mom will be arriving in the evening and it's pretty close to my due date.

  21. Mrs. Oatmeal

    blogger / honeydew / 7081 posts

    Talked to the midwife today, and as long as she isn't up all night with other babies, she'll swing by my house tomorrow and do a membrane sweep. Contractions have been getting more uncomfortable (I won't say painful yet, because they'll get way worse I'm sure), and have been every 6-10 minutes all day. Hopefully these are all good signs! Baby has overstayed her welcome haha.

  22. delight

    pomelo / 5326 posts

    @redsmarties: hey this sounds really promising that they are coming every 6-10 mins all day! If MW does a sweep tomorrow, baby might be here really soon! I was just looking at our due day list and realizing a couple of you are now overdue. I hope things pick up for you tonight!

    Nothing new to report here. I had maybe two contractions today that were slightly uncomfortable, but not much else. I'm starting to get antsy and really want baby here. The girls I used to work with invited me over for a mini shower tomorrow which is lovely!

    Hope everyone is having a nice weekend! Oh and STBHISMRS is in labour if anyone missed her other thread!

  23. Mrs D

    grapefruit / 4545 posts

    @redsmarties: Sounds good! Hopefully the sweep will get things going!

    @delight: Mini Shower sounds wonderful! Enjoy!

    I was moderately productive today. My mom came by to help out and took a picture to show to my SD. He claims he can "see" in a womans face if she is going to go into labor. (Sounds a little wacky but he has been delivering babies for 35 years so I give him some street cred!) She showed him a pic on Monday and he said "nah - nothing" the pic from today he said "ya she's starting to look more ready"...excited for my appt Monday to see whats what! Also my sister finds out the gender of her baby Monday morning...cant wait!!!

  24. StrawberryBee

    nectarine / 2530 posts

    @Alivoo01: The doctor from my practice said they'd see me in 6 weeks. The nurse at the hospital recommended going between 4-6 weeks. 4 seems a lot more appropriate to catch something if it's wrong!

    The last lactation consultant I saw (and *everyone* seemed to have varying opinions on things!) was super excited that I hadn't supplemented with formula at the hospital. I was marked "E" for exclusively breastfed, which meant I would be added to the hospital's statistics ;). I'm sterilizing pump parts now.

    @StbHisMrs: looks like you got your wish! Good luck!!

    @Mrs Hedgehog: Thanks! I'm home from the hospital. So weird coming back into the real world with a baby.

  25. BabyMats

    nectarine / 2031 posts

    Even though I can comment it is still so easy to be a lurker! You guys move so fast that by the time I'm done with work its like a couple pages go by and its so much easier to read and cheer you all on.and show my husband all your awesome nurseries! We didnt do a nursery.
    Anyways CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL THE NEW MAMAS! So happy for all of you!

  26. BabyMats

    nectarine / 2031 posts

    Oh yeah...what in the world can I do to get this kid out?!?!

  27. Mrs. Oatmeal

    blogger / honeydew / 7081 posts

    @BabyMats: if you find out, let me know haha!

  28. delight

    pomelo / 5326 posts

    @BabyMats: @redsmarties: and then let me know.

    Walking and bouncing on a ball don't work! Lunges don't work either.

  29. Mrs. Oatmeal

    blogger / honeydew / 7081 posts

    @delight: Spicy food, red raspberry leaf tea, homeopathic remedies, evening primrose oil, using the breast pump and walking the mall every night for 5 consecutive nights also don't seem to work, lol.

    Or else I'm just being impatient. She's only two days overdue!

  30. Grace

    cantaloupe / 6730 posts

    @redsmarties: House calls?!? Man, I wish I had a midwife! I hope this is it for you!

  31. BabyMats

    nectarine / 2031 posts

    @redsmarties: @delight: I did lunges, squats. Walking in deep sand at the beach. Walking in deep water at the beach. Bouncing on the ball. A sh!t load of pineapple..accupressure points on my legs and feet. Swimming laps. He is only 2 days late too but I want him out!

  32. BabyMats

    nectarine / 2031 posts

    Oh yeah and sex and the nipple stimulation

  33. Sapphiresun

    nectarine / 2220 posts

    @Mrs D: Interesting theory. I had a couple people say that as well, that they think the sign is when a woman's lips start to swell. FWIW Thursday at lunch time was the first time the people with the theory said that they could tell she was coming and my water broke Friday evening.

    I can't remember whether I posted a picture here or not yet. Just in case..

  34. BabyMats

    nectarine / 2031 posts

    @Sapphiresun: omg..absolutely adorable! Congratulations!

  35. JamieLee

    clementine / 930 posts

    Sawyer James was born Friday, August 9, at 9:52 pm, weighing 8 lbs., 4 ozs., and measuring 19.5 inches.

    We ended up with a c-section because things were not progressing even with high levels of pitocin and intense contractions. From the time we got to the hospital, and I was checked, I was at three cms, and then six or seven hours later, I was only 4. They started pitocin and the contractions got pretty intense. Fast forward six more house and I was only 5. The doctor basically said that because my membranes had been ruptured for almost 18 hours at that point and I was GBS positive, and my fluid had meconium in it, she was recommending a c-section. This was the opposite of what I wanted, but I was so tired and frustrated with these very painful contractions leading no where, I was just happy to get the show on the road. The whole experience was a million times better than I was anticipating. And in the end, we got our healthy baby boy, which is all that matters.

    My recovery has been kind of rough. I was super nauseated and vomited quite a bit last night/this morning, and I've been super sore. But things are starting to turn around. We've also not had much luck with breast feeding, but I think we're getting better.

  36. .twist.

    pineapple / 12802 posts

    @Sapphiresun: she is so incredibly precious.

  37. .twist.

    pineapple / 12802 posts

    @JamieLee: congratulations!! Sorry things have not been going well for you. I hope you start to feel a lot better really soon! If its any consolation, he's suuuuper cuter

  38. Sapphiresun

    nectarine / 2220 posts

    @JamieLee: I'm sorry you had such a rough delivery. He is amazing though. And even though I think everybody here knows it, I don't think it can be said often enough that breast feeding is so so hard. Totally physically, emotionally and mentally taxing. We've been at it a week now and she still wants to cluster feed all night long and sometimes can't figure out to suck for herself so I'm probably going to end up with a repetitive strain injury from squeezing my own boobs to keep her interested. Take any and all support you can get. We saw a lactation consultant three times last week at public health and it was just such a life saver or I probably would have quit as soon as they said she wasn't gaining weight. The best thing for me mentally was they would weigh her, have me feed right in the office and then weigh her again and tell me how many grams I managed to have her gain right there and show me what 8 grams of liquid looks like in comparison to a stomach the size of a walnut.
    Even with the support I pretty much cried every day for the first few days. Well, on day 3 the tears were about fear of my first poop after delivery. Cried for two hours at the first feelings that it might be coming soon. I have to remind everybody to drink a ton of water. Like, a 2c glass every time you take pain meds or sit down to feed. I think that and the peri bottle was the only thing that made that ok.

  39. MrsMccarthy

    honeydew / 7295 posts

    @Sapphiresun: beautiful perfect angel!!!!

  40. MrsMccarthy

    honeydew / 7295 posts

    @JamieLee: what a little sweetheart. Congrats

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