Hellobee Boards


August 2013 Mamas

  1. MrsMccarthy

    honeydew / 7295 posts

    @redsmarties: I so feel your pain! I was overdue and I wanted to kill everyone who told me to be patient hahah. I was an evil beast. You are so much more dignified than I was. I finally had to be induced at 5 days past due because my fluid levels were low. I was not wanting to be induced and scared but it was making me crazy waiting too. I have vowed with my next baby I am going to add a week to the due date so I don't go insane. Sending you labor dust.

    Hope you girls don't mind my lurking. I hope you all have healthy deliveries real soon and congrats to those who already have.

  2. MrsB2012

    nectarine / 2466 posts

    @Sapphiresun: isn't public health wonderful to work with? They did 3 home visits in my first week home and then called twice on the weekend to see how things were going. Now that things are getting better, they come back next Thursday to check up on us again. They've been really helpful for me as we were having problems with babe gaining weight as well. It's true, breastfeeding is a lot of work. It's taking a lot of strength for me to not start pumping and giving her a bottle. I had to supplement her ( I used breast milk ) and give it in a cup so she's just learning how to latch properly again. Once she gets her latch perfected again I might give a bottle once a day or so just to give myself a break. Breast feeding has definately been the hardest part for me. And I agree, those peri bottles... life savers. I would have died with out those and my frozen tuck pads haha.

  3. Mrs D

    grapefruit / 4545 posts

    @Sapphiresun: SO precious!!!!

  4. Mrs D

    grapefruit / 4545 posts

    @JamieLee: Sawyer is SO darn cute...I juts love those eyes. Sorry your labor wasn't exactly what you wanted but you did the right thing to get your little man here safe and sound! Does Munson (I'm presuming that's where you delivered) have a LC that can support you even when you've left the hospital? I'd take full advantage if they do...I think the support of an LC can help you stick with it when you get inclined to give in! Fingers crossed it works out fo you soon!!!

  5. StbHisMrs

    pomegranate / 3329 posts

    Things have been hectic for me, it's 10:30 and this is about my first chance to get on my phone.
    Everything is great with Charlie (Charlize Randi), there was meconium in the water and she got a lot, she's great now. Nurses like a pro!

    We came in at around 12:30, to a different hospital because mine was full! Checked in at at least 5, contracted on my own for a couple hours and decided to get my epi before the dr planned on breaking my water. Got through the epi (had to be numbed 3 times) then it was ok. Super pain before the numbing was done though. I had been going through transition just before they placed the epi, and was a good 9 just afterwards when my water broke on it's own (first time ever!) I pushed for just over an hour, felt it all and thought I was going to die! It started there, dizzines, needed oxygen and couldn't breath. I finally got her out, no idea she was coming with that push! A ton of blood came out too, I haven't stopped bleeding, I lost quite a bit over a liter. No tearing though. Still kinda dizzy, still bleeding, they gave me methagin (sp?) in my thigh along with the second IV line with pitocin. That's the long and short of it, it went really quick! She weighed 7lbs 6oz and 19.5" long. Absolutely in love

    That was what I wrote at 10:30, it's now 4:30am and the bleeding is down to normal!

    @Delight: @Mrs D: @Redsmarties:
    I was just thinking about what was different the day before and I did a little walking, nipple stimulation (4 minutes left side, rest 4 minutes, 4 minutes right side, 4 minutes of rest, and repeat for 30 minutes), my husband came home after working for 3 days and we dtd. I woke up feeling achy, nose stuffy, like cold symptoms. Good luck ladies!!

  6. delight

    pomelo / 5326 posts

    @JamieLee: welcome to little Sawyer, he is adorable! I'm sorry your birth plan didn't go exactly as planned, but it sounds like your section went about as well as it could. I hope your first few days are great!

    @Sapphiresun: oh she is precious!!! I want one!

    @MrsMccarthy: lurk away! We enjoy the company and the support! Thanks!

    @MrsB2012: it's so you were able to get the help you need from the public health nurse. In our city they've changed home visits to drop in clinics. They are run every day at various libraries, but I'd much rather have someone come by the house. I hope breast feeding continues to go in the right direction for you!

    @StbHisMrs: welcome to little Charlize, what a great name!! Your birth story sounds like it had a few ups and downs! How come you felt everything with the epi? That scares me! I'm sorry you had so much bleeding, that must have been scary. But your little girl is here and is doing great and that is what is most important! Thanks for the tips on how to make our babies come! I'm achy and nose is stuffy today. Haha. But it's probably all in my head father reading your post!

  7. .twist.

    pineapple / 12802 posts

    @StbHisMrs: so happy for you! Congrats! Can't wait to see pics!

  8. skipper2010

    kiwi / 597 posts

    @StbHisMrs: Congratulations!!!! I really like the name!

  9. StbHisMrs

    pomegranate / 3329 posts

    @delight: I think I got it too late, I was 9 once it was in. I wouldn't worry!

  10. Mrs. Oatmeal

    blogger / honeydew / 7081 posts

    @StbHisMrs: Congratulations! So excited for you!! What a great name!

  11. Mrs D

    grapefruit / 4545 posts

    @StbHisMrs: Congratulations!!! Cant wait to see her...love the name!!!

  12. Mrs D

    grapefruit / 4545 posts

    Well...my freezer is officially full! I made the Lara Bars today and they turned out amazing!!! Cant wait to make more of those...and experiment with different flavors. I also made zucchini soup and zucchini quiche - I decided against freezing the soup bc I just dont think it will freeze well.

    For you ladies who have not gone into labor yet - I also put a shower liner under my side of the sheets when I made the bed today. My mom recommended it - and my sister told me that when her water broke its the only thing that saved her mattress.

    Going to pack my bag (LO's is already packed) yet today and try to maybe get an hour or two of work in. We have the cleaning company coming (found one who will do $80/bi weekly cleans - score!) this week. After I get through 5 more days of work and the wedding this weekend I will be totally a-okay with Ms Kate deciding to make her arrival!

    Dr's appointment tomorrow with U/S to confirm her positioning!

  13. greenebee

    cherry / 189 posts

    Wow! I have been out of the loop! Congrats to all you new August Mamas and I am glad to hear good updates from everyone! My due date is tomorrow, but I am now thinking I'll be late. I had been losing the mucus plug slowly for a while now, no blood, but the yellow-snotty stuff, and have BH/contractions infrequently and I feel like he is so low in my pelvis that walking has become waddling...but I guess I'll be patient!

    I agree! There should be no predictions allowed! I had been told by so many people that I'd go early, but due date is tomorrow and I have no inklings that he'll be here tonight or tomorrow. UGH! Waiting is hard!!!

  14. Mrs. Oatmeal

    blogger / honeydew / 7081 posts

    @Mrs D: Ooh, I might give the Larabars a try, now that I've heard a few great reviews. I have a ton of dates in my cupboard, so it might be worth a try! Any flavour you liked best?

  15. JessKas

    pear / 1693 posts

    @greenebee: I'm in the EXACT same spot as you. Due tomorrow, been losing plug, and some irregular BH. I totally think I'll be late now. My midwife previously told me to not expect to go late. ARGGGH.

    Waiting is soooo hard.

  16. Grace

    cantaloupe / 6730 posts

    @Sapphiresun: @JamieLee: Your babies are such cuties!!

    @StbHisMrs: Congratulations. Sounds like a bit of an adventure. Beautiful name!

    @Mrs D: I've got 5 more days of work too. I think it's going to be the longest week EVER. ...well, i guess until my LO decides to be late.

  17. JamieLee

    clementine / 930 posts

    Thanks for all the well wishes ladies. We're at the hospital still, planning on going home in the morning. Recovery has been a little rough, but I'm feeling better now. Hoping it continues that way. We've been working a lot with the lactation consultant and the nurses to get nursing established. It has been a bit of a challenge because he was very sleepy and out of it the first 24 hours, which I'm told is normal. He just didn't seem interested in eating anything. And then he had his circ this morning which supposedly also makes them extra sleepy. His best feedings were probably the very first one after delivery in the recovery area of the OR, and then the one I just finished. Hopefully things will continue to go in the right direction. I guess I was pretty naive that everything would work properly, but breast feeding is seriously hard! We've had to supplement with formula because his blood sugar was a little low, but I've been trying to get him to nurse first before offering the bottle. I've been pumping every three hours as well to stimulate my milk production.

    @Mrs D: I did deliver at Munson and they have some awesome resources for nursing. My LC told me to call and come in for an appointment once my milk comes in, so I think they will prove very helpful.

    To everyone, thanks for the well wishes on Sawyer's birth. I can't wait to "meet" the rest of our August babies!

  18. StrawberryBee

    nectarine / 2530 posts

    @JamieLee: glad to hear things are getting better! I hear you on the.breastfeeding; even when things are going right it's a challenge. She spit up several times this morning; not sure what that means! I managed to feed from a side position several times last night (so my bum thanks me) but it means we accidentally coslept, which freaks me out because I had no recollection of that feeding.

    I also tried the pump out for the first time. Two separate sessions, both boobs and I think I got half an ounce total lol. I really hope she's gaining weight properly; a bit scared for her first appointment.

  19. Mrs D

    grapefruit / 4545 posts

    @redsmarties: I was not a huge fan of the blueberry flavor. However, blueberrys are not my favorite - nor is lemon. So - I'm sure its me not them! They cherry are the best. I plan to make some prune ones also. and - just FYI...at the grocery store the mejdool dates are $5.99 for 12oz and the plain old california dates are $1.99 for 12oz. So the cheapy in me got a package of east and used half and half in each recipe to cut the cost down! All together I spent $22 for the three batches (6 bars each) - I have enough nuts/dried berries left over to make at least 1 more if not 2 more batches - so 30 bars for $25...(since I'd have to buy more dates).

    @Grace: I'm terrified this week is going to fly by. I have so much work to do (at work)...if I can just 5 more days at work I'll be a happy camper.

    @JamieLee: I'll keep my fingers crossed he continues to improve on his feedings! You'll get there! I have heard the same thing about the first 24 hours...it seems like you really need that first feeding after birth bc within 2 hours of delivery they become zombies for 24 hours!

    Appt & U/S at 3:30pm...excited! Baby basics class tonight from 6:30-9:30 so DH and I can learn how to put a diaper on a baby!

  20. chanzi

    cherry / 233 posts

    @Sapphiresun: @JamieLee: Those baby faces! Oh my gosh, seeing them definitely makes me more impatient for my own to arrive.

    @Mrs D: I have a flat, waterproof crib mattress pad on my side of the bed. I really got it more to avoid blood on the mattress postpartum, but maybe it will help if my water breaks in bed too... I'm pretty sure it will be too small if it happens with a gush though, so I'm hoping for more of a leak if anything!

  21. .twist.

    pineapple / 12802 posts

    @chanzi: it will also help if you are laying with babe and they decide to shit through their diaper. Which happened to me this morning.... Oh joooooy. He's smiling about it right now, like its some kinda joke. Haha make mom do laundry!

  22. Mrs D

    grapefruit / 4545 posts

    @chanzi: My doctor said its usually a gush if you are laying down...the trickle is more likely if you are sitting or standing as the babies head/gravity plug the opening!

    SO....my boss (VP of Audit) just tells me that he has a presentation today with our CFO, COO and a few other executives. He wants me to present 5 mins or so of the topic that I was involved in. He tells me that his wife has informed him that at 9 mos pregnant it is unacceptable for him to presume I am comfortable doing that and that he should not force me to. He tells me he totally understand if I want to or dont want to but wanted to give me the exposure opportunity (since these are people we hear about but rarely have the chance to interact with). Of course I say I'd be thrilled to...I now have a totally irrational amount of fear that my water will break while I am up there.

  23. Mrs Hedgehog

    pear / 1812 posts

    OMG ladies! I just got back from what very well could be my last Dr.'s appt! I am a "loose" 3 cm, fully effaced and "very ripe", baby's head is engaged and no plug to speak of. She is a little surprised I am not having regular contractions.

    Due to my continued nausea and the fact that LO is already measuring big plus a higher than normal BP the last couple weeks we have scheduled an induction for next Wed! Our EDD was the 27th but because of all these factors she is moving the Latest Due Date to the 21st! It is insane to think that AT MOST I will only be pregnant for another week and a half!

    She really thinks I will go before then though, esp considering I have been dilating and inch and a half (or more) each week and I am already at 100%. I really really really hope to avoid the induction but that means extra walking, bouncing, squatting, and tea drinking this week! (Mr. Hedgie has vetoed DTD because it weirds him out knowing there is no cervix to "block" her.)

  24. Mrs D

    grapefruit / 4545 posts

    @Mrs Hedgehog: Awesome appointment! Great to hear you have made so much progress...thats fantastic!!! Fingers crossed things happen on their own in the next 9 days!!!

    Now I am anxious for my appointment...

  25. Mrs. Oatmeal

    blogger / honeydew / 7081 posts

    @Mrs D: I love blueberry and lemon, haha - so I might just try them all. 25$ is way cheaper than you can buy them for, so its worth a shot! Hope your appointment goes well!
    @Mrs Hedgehog: What a great appointment! Wow - 3cm and 100% - and no contractions! Sounds great to me - hope things really progress well for you and that baby decides to come without the induction!

    I'm headed into the clinic this afternoon around 3 - the midwife will do a cervical check, listen to baby, and see whether she's engaged enough to do a sweep. I personally feel like baby's dropped a ton, so it could be good news. I've been warned to "prepare for a rough night" - but hey...if baby makes an appearance, I'm okay with a rough night!

  26. delight

    pomelo / 5326 posts

    @Mrs Hedgehog: great appointment! I hope to hear similar tomorrow. Last week I was more than 3cm so I'm hoping ill be at 4 tomorrow, have another stretch and sweep and TADA! Good luck to you, sounds like it could be any day now!

    @Mrs D: hope the presentation went well if you ended up doing it!

    @redsmarties: good luck! Can't wait to hear your after appointment update. I know how anxious I am about baby coming and I still have two days til my due date. I'm sure you're very ready to get the show on the road! Hope you have a good sweep and it doesn't hurt you too much! It'll be over in a flash!

    Nothing new to report. I've been told to eat pineapple, so my goal for today is to eat a whole pineapple!

  27. chanzi

    cherry / 233 posts

    @Mrs D: Good to know! I don't think I am going to share that information with DH though... I'll just hope that my water doesn't break in bed! I was wearing a blue and white striped skirt the other day and thinking about how it wouldn't be a very good wardrobe choice if my water broke. I wasn't at work but it would still be awkward just being out in public.

    @.twist.: Good call! Really I think it could be helpful for any of the various fluids from either mom or baby. DH typically does the laundry in our house but I'm going to be in charge of baby laundry... He's definitely getting the better end of this chore!

  28. Mrs. Oatmeal

    blogger / honeydew / 7081 posts

    Just got back from the midwife clinic. Another disappointing visit, unfortunately. My cervix is soft, thinning out, and a "generous" 1 cm dilated. Baby's at a -2 station. But my cervix is still so posterior that she couldn't reach to do a stretch and sweep. I don't know *how* it could have moved backward from two weeks ago - she was able to reach it just fine then.

    She reassured me that things are progressing well, and that obviously my body's preparing itself. Its just a little annoying to be 4 days overdue, and having a CONSTANT influx of texts, emails and messages.

    Blah - sorry for the vent. I'm sure baby will be here soon.

  29. MrsMccarthy

    honeydew / 7295 posts

    @redsmarties: poor baby! I went insane around this time. I feel your pain. Hope you get LO in your as soon. I don care what anyone says it sucks to be past your EDD!!!

  30. Mrs. Oatmeal

    blogger / honeydew / 7081 posts

    @MrsMccarthy: Thank you!! I feel awful to be whining about this, but it's just getting old, haha. I need to find a project to occupy myself.

  31. greenebee

    cherry / 189 posts

    Guys, I really thought my waters had broken today. I had just finished breakfast and (TMI) felt a 'wet' down there. Then DH saw that it had (again, TMI) gone through my shorts! It wasn't like a huge gush or anything, but a lot more fluid than I was used to down there. So we called and went in to the doctor's. The pH was 7 (neutral - and usually a sign that it is water) but sometimes it can be discharge. The doctor checked and said that it was in fact not amniotic fluid and that my waters had not broken yet. I went from being so hopeful, to super disappointed.

    The good news is though that I was hooked to a non-stress test, and the baby is doing very well and I am contracting a little. I went from 0 cm dialated, 0% effacement at the last appointment a week ago to 2 cm dialated and 80% effaced! So I guess even though things aren't happening right now, progression has been made! Today's the due date so --- eviction notice is posted. I have another doctor's appointment tomorrow. Hopeful for more progress!!!

  32. Sapphiresun

    nectarine / 2220 posts

    @chanzi: @.twist.: If you raise it up a little bit, it'll also help later if you roll onto your boob and squirt breast milk right through the pad all over the sheets like I did this morning. FWIW post partum bleeding since the first couple days hasn't been bad enough that I would worry about it messing up the mattress.

    @StrawberryBee: I've done that a couple times too. Accidentally fallen asleep while nursing, or with her on my chest when she needed a minute to think about re-latching. Freaks me out since I'm usually on the couch in the exact position in the book with the big red X through it. I got a side lie this morning too, which I was pretty excited about.

    @redsmarties: Hopefully it's coming soon! I was 0cm, and "a little soft" at my appointment Thursday morning and had a baby in my hand by Saturday morning.... so things CAN go quickly from any point.

  33. Grace

    cantaloupe / 6730 posts

    @Mrs D: You are a better employee than me. I'm pretty sure I'll get everything done by Friday, but I also don't seem to care if I don't finish... Also, if your water breaks (which it won't), at least you'll know that the execs will remember you!

    @Mrs Hedgehog: Oooh - that sounds so exciting!

    @redsmarties: Boo! I'm sorry you didn't have better news.

    @greenebee: Wow - that's a lot of discharge. I hope that means stuff will be happening soon!

    I had a very uneventful appt this afternoon. Except that I am officially Grp B Strep neg. Whoohoo! Crazy to think that my due date is next week.

  34. .twist.

    pineapple / 12802 posts

    @Sapphiresun: yea, my post partum bleeding wasn't bad enough either. I put a towel down for the first couple nights, but it seems even that was unnecessary.

  35. StrawberryBee

    nectarine / 2530 posts

    @Mrs Hedgehog: How exciting, I hope contractions start soon!!!

    @redsmarties: I got pretty pissy with people asking me how I was feeling all the time. Hang in there!

    I can't decide if it's sweet that one of the dogs has elected herself Ella's protector (she hangs out under the swing and growls when the other two approach her) or an incident waiting to happen. We keep on shooing her out of there and she keeps on going back.

    I pumped an ounce today! Just one pumping session of 15 min, but at least it's increasing. Can't decide if I should be going pumping-crazy or if that will cause my body to overproduce.

  36. StrawberryBee

    nectarine / 2530 posts

    Also, I have SO found Ella's hallowe'en costume!


    annnnd next year (or just fun dress up):



  37. JessKas

    pear / 1693 posts

    @redsmarties: I feel your frustration! My due date is today and I've been getting calls and texts like crazy for a couple of days now. Hopefully you'll progress quickly and get that baby soon! It's hard to feel like a ticking time bomb.

    @greenebee: Sounds like you've had some exciting progress, hopefully babe doesn't stay too long.

    I'm so paranoid my water will break while in bed I bought a waterproof mattress cover a couple of months ago. Now it sounds like that will come in handy for various other things!

  38. delight

    pomelo / 5326 posts

    @StrawberryBee: so cute! Love both costumes!! I am so excited for Halloween this year. I want to carve a pumpkin, stick LO in it and take pictures!

    @greenebee: ah man what a let down that your water didn't break good progress this week though!

    @redsmarties: you avoided the stretch and sweep again! Maybe you'll get through this pregnancy without one. Let's hope so! Sorry you had a disappointing appointment. Hope things pick up!

    Um I never even thought about putting a waterproof sheet on my bed. My prenatal class said water breaks to signal labour in only 10-15% of pregnancies. Otherwise it breaks or is broken at the hospital. In guess I'm playing Russian roulette!

  39. Mrs. Oatmeal

    blogger / honeydew / 7081 posts

    @delight: Haha I guess I should think of it as a good thing that I 'avoided" the sweep...but I was really hoping it would get things moving! I ALSO haven't put any waterproof pad on my bed - I was also told that the odds of your water breaking before labour starts were pretty slim...so I'm just going with it. Wondering if I'm making the wrong decision though!

    @greenebee: Aw, sorry it wasn't your water breaking. But sounds like you're making some good progress!

    @StrawberryBee: Way too cute! Baby Halloween costumes are absolutely hilarious. Love them!

    @Grace: Wahoo! Being GBS negative was SUCH a relief! Glad things are going well for you!

  40. JessKas

    pear / 1693 posts

    Well I broke out the breast pump for the first time tonight to see if that would get labor going...and my water broke about 10 minutes later! So hopefully tonight is baby night!

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