Hellobee Boards


August 2013 Mamas

  1. delight

    pomelo / 5326 posts

    @JessKas: ahhhhhhhhh! Awesome! Good luck. Maybe I'll try mine out after my doc appointment tomorrow!

  2. MrsB2012

    nectarine / 2466 posts

    I just wanted to drop a quick note - I got this present at a baby shower and it's the best so I had to share. It's a flower that you put in your sink to bathe baby. Brooklyn LOVES it. It's so easy to bath her. Jut wanted to share it. http://Www.bloomingbath.com. You can get them at bru.

  3. Grace

    cantaloupe / 6730 posts

    @JessKas: Yea!! Good luck!

    @MrsB2012: So cute. I love little wrinkly baby foreheads!

  4. StrawberryBee

    nectarine / 2530 posts

    @delight: @redsmarties: I love fall! So looking forward to pumpkin patches and apple picking in the years ahead!

    @JessKas: how exciting!!!!!!!!

    @MrsB2012: I've always wondered if those really worked. Thanks for the heads up! And oh my goodness, look at that hair!

  5. MrsB2012

    nectarine / 2466 posts

    @StrawberryBee: Yeah, they're awesome, makes it so easy to bath them. It's on my top 5 must have baby items for a newborn for sure.

  6. Mrs D

    grapefruit / 4545 posts

    @JessKas: Very exciting....cant wait to hear how its going!!!

    @MrsB2012: I almost got this...maybe I'll go back for it now!

    Pretty boring appointment. Had an U/S but the tech was so behind she couldn;t do any just for fun stuff like check the size. She did tell me that she is head down..."way down". I saw the Dr (the one I LOVE that I really hope delivers LO) and she first apologized for not letting me go to my cottage a few weeks ago (seriously unnecessary for her to apologize). She said based on babies placement there is no way she'll turn again...so no chance of a breech baby (which was surprisingly relieving to me). She also told me I am positive for Group B - apparently it has very very little impact on me/labor - just some antibiotics.

    She did the internal and said "you are definitely a solid 1 and her head is 'RIGHT THERE'". I should have asked what the emphasis on "right there" meant (like what station she is at or something) oh well! As I left she said "we'll see you in a week - unless we see you before then"...she's never said anything like that before...who knows!

    For now I am happy with another 4 days of work. Then we'll think about some real home remedies. I got my RRL tea in the mail yesterday and EPO. I think I am going to have a cup of RRL tonight. Not sure if I'll take the EPO or not - do I just pop a pill? Anyone been using it 'down there'?

  7. delight

    pomelo / 5326 posts

    @MrsB2012: Oh wow she is so so cute! I've heard of those flowers before, what a great idea. I wish I had registered for it! And again, she is so cute! Waaaaaa I want my baby! Haha

    @Mrs D: your appt sounded good! gSB positive is no biggie. Nice that baby's head is right there too! And while it is too bad you didn't go to the cottage, there is no predicting these things. Although I know I will be kicking myself for awhile for not letting my DH go watch his precious Tiger play. Blah! I hate tiger woods anyway. Haha.

    My appt isn't for a few hours. Hoping for another sweep, one that actually sends me into labour. I am getting a billion texts a day now and just one of these times I want to be able to say "yes! It's on it's way!" Alas, my due date is still a day away.....

  8. Mrs D

    grapefruit / 4545 posts

    @delight: I told DH your golf story...he was like "man thats a tricky one - I'd totally want to go but totally feel guilty for going too"....better safe than sorry is my opinion in these situations!

  9. Alivoo01

    wonderful olive / 19353 posts

    Love hearing all these progresses towards labor/birth!! Can't believe we're pretty much half way through August already!!

    @MrsB2012: Do you use baby wash/shampoo?

  10. Modern Daisy

    grapefruit / 4187 posts

    Just popping in to say hello! This thread is super exciting, I love reading through all the updates

    I've been working from home since last Thursday and unfortunatley it hasn't been going very well. It's been really busy and we had a software upgrade over the weekend that I finally finished downloading today so the work is piling up. I told DH that I just want this baby to come so I can get a break from work already, lol!

    I had my growth scan yesterday and it seems like the baby's growth has slowed since he was in the 65th percentile and now he's in the 45th, but he's still totally normal and 6 lbs 6 oz, at 37 weeks that is exactly where he should be. I see my Dr. on Thursday and I don't know if he'll do a cervical check or not, I hope he does though since I have no idea if we've been making any progress. I do have lots of aches and pains down there, but no actual contractions - none showed up in my nonstress test yesterday either.

    Good luck to everyone!!

  11. delight

    pomelo / 5326 posts

    @Modern Daisy: I was wondering where you've been hiding! Sorry work has been super busy, especially since you're working at home. It's suppose to be better at home! Good luck to you too with the rest of pregnancy and come back to say hi more often

    My appointment was fine today, but no real progress since last week. Still just over 3 cm, soft, and she can feel baby's head. "Any day now!" Or so I'm told. I had another stretch and sweep which didn't hurt nearly as much as last week, so I guess I'm stretchier today here's hoping her fingers worked some magic!

  12. Mrs. Oatmeal

    blogger / honeydew / 7081 posts

    @delight: Glad your appointment went well! I bet you're glad the sweep didn't hurt as much - here's to hoping it loosened things up enough to get labour going!

    @Modern Daisy: Hooray for a good appointment! Even if you had a check, and you were 3 cm dilated, there's really no indication that you would go into labour any sooner than if you were totally closed up (something that's been encouraging to me!) Hope everything else is going well for you!
    @Mrs D: EPO - do it! I've been taking it daily since 38 weeks (1000mg), and my midwife said my cervix is REALLY soft and stretchy. It certainly can't hurt. I've been popping the capsules...MW said there wasn't *really* any benefit to using it the 'other' way. RRL tea - steep the crap out of it - drink it really strong. I've noticed an increase in BH contractions while I drink it, and for awhile after. Hopefully its helping!

    @StrawberryBee: I love fall, too! Just not when it shows up in the middle of August (currently 14 degrees celsius here).

  13. Grace

    cantaloupe / 6730 posts

    @Modern Daisy: Glad your appointment went well, even if work isn't.

    @delight: Fingers crossed that it is any day now!

    My work threw me a surprise work shower today! I was totally surprised - they are good secret keepers. They pooled money and got us a huge gift cert to this frozen meal place. You buy a meal, pop it in the oven and get to eat. Whoohoo - now I've got a frozen meal stash too! I feel so loved.

  14. chanzi

    cherry / 233 posts

    @redsmarties: That's what I'm telling myself too!

    I didn't seem to be dilated at all when I was checked today. Apparently my cervix is nice and thin, at least, and baby's head is still way down low. My doctor is on call tonight and my mom arrives in an hour, so this would be an ideal time for baby to make an appearance! I'm not holding my breath though.

  15. Mrs D

    grapefruit / 4545 posts

    @redsmarties: ok my EPO capsules are 1000mg...I am going to take one tonight and have a nice strong cup of RRL tea! I'm nervous - haha!

    @Modern Daisy: Sorry work has been sucky...hopefully it will get better! Good to hear everything looks good with LO!

    @delight: Thats good it didn't hurt - maybe that means its ready for progress!!

    @Grace: What a great gift!!!

    @chanzi: Fingers crossed...isn't the head way down low just delightful? NOT!

  16. Mrs. Oatmeal

    blogger / honeydew / 7081 posts

    @Mrs D: I've been taking them for well over 3 weeks now...and I'm still pregnant. So don't be *too* nervous, haha. On the other hand...hope they work well for you!

  17. Alivoo01

    wonderful olive / 19353 posts

    @Grace: That's an awesome gift!!

  18. Mrs. Oatmeal

    blogger / honeydew / 7081 posts

    Woke up at 5:30 to use the restroom, and I lost some big pieces of my mucus plug. I've been timing contractions ever since - they're fairly painful (like a bad period cramp), and are coming every 4 minutes or so. They're varying between about 40-60 seconds, so I'm just waiting to get a decent baseline before I actually get excited.

    Eating breakfast now - going to pop a Gravol like the MW recommended and see if I can get some more sleep. Not getting my hopes up...but this could be good!

  19. Mrs. Oatmeal

    blogger / honeydew / 7081 posts

    Hmm. Longer...closer together...pretty painful. Still debating about paging...

  20. delight

    pomelo / 5326 posts

    @redsmarties: yeah! Sounds like things are progressing. Today could be the day! I lost more of my plug yesterday too and had some painful contractions over night. However, they have seemed to subside. Sometimes I can't tell if I am havig a contraction or if it's just my belly kinda just feeling uncomfy. Hard to explain. I guess I'll know for sure when they get really bad!

    ETA: your contractions are really close together. I hope you aren't one of the lucky ones whose contractions all blend together. What timer is that? I like the looks of it!

    I officially can't sleep anymore. I'm up every hour and am so uncomfy in bed. I know I won't get any more sleep when babe arrives but cent wait to be able to lie down and not hurt.

  21. Mrs. Oatmeal

    blogger / honeydew / 7081 posts

    @delight: honestly, I'm getting like a minute and a half break between each one! It's the timer on the WebMD pregnancy app. Free!

  22. Mrs D

    grapefruit / 4545 posts

    @redsmarties: OOOHH...this looks SO promising!!! I think its time to at least call your DR!!!

    @delight: I have the same thing with some cramping over night. I actually asked my Dr about it on Monday and she said "oh you'll know!"...so I guess I'll believe her! and I totally feel you on the sleep. I have the exact same issues...up every 45-60 minutes, uncomfortable and annoyed.

  23. Mrs. Oatmeal

    blogger / honeydew / 7081 posts

    Just paged the midwife. I'm in early labour, but nothing to get *too* excited about. Have an appt at 1:30 this afternoon- she said it could be a loooong day, but to call when I can't talk through them, or when my water breaks, or if I have a bloody show. We'll see how things go! Back to bed for me...as if I can sleep!

  24. jetsa

    grapefruit / 4663 posts

    @redsmarties: I'm lurking from the September board and I realize this may not be the best time, but when you have time. How strong have you been mixing your rrl? Also do you have actual tea or just dried red raspberry leaves? I read online 1 tsp dried red raspberry leaves per cup of water and to steep for 15-20 minutes until 37 weeks and then to increase it. Does this sound right to you? Thank you!
    Also yay on the progress!

  25. Mrs Hedgehog

    pear / 1812 posts

    @delight: I have the same problem! I will think I am having a contraction but when I feel my belly it doesn't feel hard at all. So frustrating.

    @redsmarties: So close! Looks like we will be having another baby sooooon!

    I have been having some contractions and have been feeling like I am leaking but every time I check, there really isn't anything there. Ugh... I wish this baby would stop teasing and just find her way out! I should be in labor right now with how dilated, effaced and engaged I am! I am just trying not to stress about it too much and enjoy our last few days as just "us"... even though I wont really see him for the next 4 days because of work schedules. I just keep reminding myself that at most we only have 7 more days. I am just so desperate not to get induced! I will, if need be (and next Wed. will be a need be situation) but I would so much prefer to experience everything naturally!

    On the upside I finally convinced DH to get over his fear of DTD. I really think it is helping but, OMG! It is soooo tight in there it is close to painful! If it is almost too tight for DH how the heck is a baby supposed to come out of there?!?! Shouldn't I be loosening up? He thinks it is just swollen from all the pressure. Anybody else experiencing this?

  26. delight

    pomelo / 5326 posts

    @redsmarties: well at least it's starting right!? Definitely get some sleep! You're gonna need it!

    @Mrs D: I just keep thinking that I need all the sleep I can get right now but it's just not happening! I am feeling more regular contractions this morning, but they are just like BH, just a little more intense. Not quite painful. I would love to be one of the 5% that has a baby on their due date though!

    @Mrs Hedgehog: I hear ya on feeling you should be in labour already with everything going on "down there"! I'm trying to just enjoy things too. I'm anxious though because my DH is a teacher and goes back to work Sept 2. I was hoping baby would come early or at least by now so he'd have maximum time at home with us. I also would prefer not to get induced. My OB hasn't mentioned induction yet, but next Tuesday is my last appointment so if baby hasn't come by then I guess we will be scheduling something.

    Good luck ladies, I know lots of us are in the same boat!

  27. StbHisMrs

    pomegranate / 3329 posts

    I hope you were able to get some sleep, I'm so excited for you!!

    @Jetsa: that mixture sounds right to me, I used a tea infuser and stuffed it full of dried leaves after 37 weeks.

    Now I'm going to try to get a little more sleep between a pissy toddler who got her milk taken away at night, and a hungry newborn!

  28. Grace

    cantaloupe / 6730 posts

    @redsmarties: Yahoo!!!!

  29. Mrs. Oatmeal

    blogger / honeydew / 7081 posts

    @jetsa: Hey - I know someone else responded already. I bought tea bags at the health food store, because its what they had. I made up a pitcher at a time - one tea bag per cup and a bit of water, and let it steep for probably 1/2 hour. I added honey, then put the whole thing in the fridge. I've heard loose leaf can be better - as long as you're really letting it steep, you should be fine. Good luck!

  30. Modern Daisy

    grapefruit / 4187 posts

    @redsmarties: Ooh, so exciting!! I hope it keeps progressing and you have the baby sooner rather than later

    @Mrs Hedgehog: Oh I totally feel your pain! I have a lot longer until my due date and I'm not showing ANY signs of my body preparing for labor other than the baby dropping and I feel like I'm going to be pregnant forever. What makes it worse is that everyone in my life seems to think I'm due already so I get asked constantly if I've had the baby yet and get tons of "Any second!" comments. Um, no - if baby decides to stay put and wait to be induced it could be another full 3 weeks.. ugh.

    @delight: I am also super uncomfortable at night now. I have really bad carpal tunnel in my hands and soreness all over my entire body and wake up to pee every 1.5-2 hours. I started another thread about this, but my neighbor actually knocked on my door on Monday to complain about all the noise coming from our bedroom, which is definitely from my constant bathroom trips. I've tried to be quieter about it, but I have to order rugs since the problem is only going to get worse after baby arrives!

  31. delight

    pomelo / 5326 posts

    @Modern Daisy: are you guys in an apartment? That sucks about the neighbor. They need to relax!! Oh my gosh I can't imagine having 3 weeks to go. Luckily I only have max 10 days!

    However, I'm pretty sure I'm in early labour. My contractions are getting much stronger. There have been a couple where I have to put down my game of candy crush and close my eyes to get through the contraction! That must mean something is happening. Maybe it's just false labour but my BH have never been this close, nor have they been painful! I'm hoping for baby tonight or tomorrow! So far I've just been going for walks and cleaning the house. I haven't even told DH that I think I'm in labour. He's working so hard building a shed outside so I'm trying to let him try to finish!

    @redsmarties: how are you doing?!

  32. Mrs. Oatmeal

    blogger / honeydew / 7081 posts

    @delight: doing okay. Painful contractions still every 3 minutes. Headed to the midwife for 1:30, we'll see what she says. Luckily I've been able to doze off between contractions for a bit to try and get some relief. How are you feeling? Looks like we might be labour buddies haha!

  33. Modern Daisy

    grapefruit / 4187 posts

    @delight: That's awesome, good luck to you!! Yes, we are in an apartment and my neighbor was being a little immature and ranty, but honestly I feel bad for her and agree that we need to add some rugs. The only reason we haven't yet is because we never hear OUR upstairs neighbors, so I just assumed the soundproofing in our building was really good - and rugs are expensive and harder to clean than plain hardwoods, so it was just laziness. If it's bothering her this much, it's only going to get worse so I'm looking for rugs now.

  34. Grace

    cantaloupe / 6730 posts

    @delight: Ooo - exciting!

    @redsmarties: Sounds good!

  35. MrsB2012

    nectarine / 2466 posts

    @redsmarties: @delight: Hopefully things start progressing for you! Thinking of you two!

  36. Mrs D

    grapefruit / 4545 posts

    @redsmarties: @delight: Fingers crossed for you both!!!

    @Mrs Hedgehog: Yes, 100% feel this way. Both with my exams and with any play with DH - just seems like everything down there is tightened which seems counter productive to what is about to happen!!! Eeek!

  37. delight

    pomelo / 5326 posts

    Thanks ladies! Contractions have been about 5 mins apart now for an hour, so I think we will head to hospital shortly, better safe than sorry, if they send us home that's ok. The contractions are getting just strong enough that they're more difficult to talk or walk through. Hopefully I can update later. Hopefully this isn't a false alarm!

  38. Grace

    cantaloupe / 6730 posts

    @delight: Good luck!

  39. Mrs. Oatmeal

    blogger / honeydew / 7081 posts

    Appointment went well - definitely in early labour. Its been almost 15 hours now of contractions every 3 minutes - TONS of it in my back, thanks to baby's position. As of 1:30, I was a "generous" 2 cm, 50-60% effaced, and baby was at a -1 station. Contractions are picking up in length and intensity - extremely difficult to talk through/walk through. Midwife recommended some Gravol and a glass of wine, and go to bed (she said I would "know" when it was time to call her again).
    Lets hope this little girl doesn't keep us waiting too long!

  40. greenebee

    cherry / 189 posts

    @redsmarties: congrats! Good luck, Mama!!!

    @delight: yay! Good luck!

    I've also been having regular contractions (not painful but feeling it in my back) for about 12 hours, and just now I had one that was longer and harder to breathe through. Early labor? I really really hope so!

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