grapefruit / 4717 posts
@MrsBeluga: Aaahhhh! Wonderful news! Welcome to the speedy L&D and no meds club!
apricot / 442 posts
@agold: I was given sleeping pills when they discharged us, but I was in so much pain that no position - bed, shower, chair, walking, fetal on the floor - felt okay anymore - lots of moaning and having a hard time breathing with each one. I was so afraid to come back to the hospital so soon and have them tell me I was a 3, but I was in so much pain I didn't care and was going to make them admit me:)
I showed up the first time in a cute outfit with makeup, and the second time with wet hair, no makeup, and DHs larger clothes on - total hot mess!!
apricot / 442 posts
@pregnantbee: As awful as active and transition were, I feel 1000x better than I did with my first post delivery! I'm up and walking around, going to the bathroom on my own, and not on any pain killers (last time I was on a little of everything for three weeks). Natural was never something on my bucket list, but now that it's been done, it was a once in a lifetime experience and I'm already happy about it!
kiwi / 595 posts
@MrsBeluga: yay! Congrats! Glad you had such a positive med-free birth, my crunchy mama self is proud of you!
Enjoy these wonderful newborn moments!
grapefruit / 4717 posts
@MrsBeluga: Super Mom! All I know is med-free birth, as I've done it twice. I didn't know it was on my list either until I did it for my first. I'm glad you decided to return when you did. Hope baby lets you rest. Great job!
wonderful clementine / 24134 posts
MRSWHIT1 (Born 7/15) - 0 Months, 25 Days
Thismustbetheplace (#2 born 7/28) - w, 0 d
APRILFOOL (#2 Jack born 7/22) - 0 Months, 14 Days
Umberto (#1 born 7/29) - 0 Months, 7 Days
TeawithPaloma (#2 Dominic born 8/5) - 0 Months, 0 Days
dcw6411 (#3 Luke born 7/21 ) - 0 Months, 15 Days
pregnantbee (#2 born 7/29) - 0 Months, 7 Days
Mossyslane (#2 born 7/13) - 0 Months, 23 Days
AANDMKLOVER (#3 Wes born 7/12) - 0 Months, 24 Days
MrsBeluga (#2 born 8/5) - 0 Months, 0 Days
Coffeemom (#2 born 7/12) - 0 Months, 24 Days
mrschickpea (#1 Anya born 7/18) - 0 Months, 18 Days
August 11: silva (#2 ) - 39 w, 1 d
August 11: coopsmama (#3 ) - 39 w, 1 d
Glitter (#2 Juliet born 7/31 ) - 0 Months, 5 Days
August 16: oldpuebloJenn (#2 ) - 38 w, 3 d
August 16: MrsSCB (#1 ) - 38 w, 3 d
August 16: T.H.O.U. (#3 ) - 38 w, 3 d
August 17: KOALAHUGZ (#2 ) - 38 w, 2 d
August 18: pwnstar (#2 ) - 38 w, 1 d
August 19: stratosphere (#2 C/S 8/16) - 38 w, 0 d
August 20: jojogirl (#2 ) - 38 w, 1 d
August 22: shootingstar (#2 C/S 8/16) - 37 w, 4 d
August 24: agold (#1 ) - 37 w, 2 d
August 25: LCTBQE (#1 ) - 37 w, 1 d
August 28: mrskerch (#1 ) - 36 w, 5 d
August 29: clairhuxtable (#2 ) - 36 w, 4 d
August 30: pirouette (#2 ) - 36 w, 3 d
nectarine / 2591 posts
@MrsBeluga: Congratulations! Second births are crazy. Glad to hear you are both doing well
nectarine / 2461 posts
@MrsBeluga: aw congratulations!!! sounds like a great experience and so glad you're doing well pp. are you going home soon?
@pwnstar: you have a date great news, that is so soon! I'm thrilled for you to meet him. also, where does a donated placenta go?
@T.H.O.U.: more list magic thanks for the update. wild that about half of us are all wrapped up with newborns here.
@coopsmama: ughhh to the comments. I similarly am over receiving them and am hoping I never said anything so obnoxious to any mama-to-be when I was young/dumb, but I kind of can't remember. anyway happy anniversary, that is awesome! 5 years is also how long I've been with my husband and we haven't been nearly as productive I think I've seen pictures of your adorable older two babes up here before, you must be so proud. xx
we put the deposit down for the non-depressing day care place we visited, so that was kind of the last big piece of the puzzle--feeling a little relieved/bummed/relieved. I'm going in to the office one day this coming week and otherwise will be working from home until I go into labor, which is a privilege that I'm so grateful for. other than that, just groovin on the couch at 4am with insomnia, heartburn, rib pain, popsicles, and baby hiccups
nectarine / 2461 posts
@agold: @pwnstar: I've had two cervical checks by two different OBs (my practice has 5, I'm making the rounds meeting everyone now) and they were *wildly* different levels of discomfort--the first one I had to hold back from gasping and the baby went crazy kicking, the second one, NBD. the only thing that set off ho-alarms for me during this entire process was all the STD screening that they do I was like, what is this, the student health center in undergrad?
@MrsKerch: just reading this... I am so sorry about your cousin, that is awful and so frightening. glad that she's had a healthy baby and that you guys have a great-sounding plan in place and offices are bad enough WITH a/c, so I'm glad you got sent home! I'm also kind of alternating between anxious, excited, weepy, and uncomfortable. I wish the last couple of weekends with my husband before the baby we could do some really fun stuff, but I guess we'll settle for low-key fun (brunch).
pear / 1718 posts
@LCTBQE: I hear you on wanting to enjoy the last weekend(s) . . . it is our last weekend as a family of three, and I want to be able to hold my LO as much as possible before this baby arrives. I feel stuck between wanting to stretch out these last few days and wanting to hurry up and meet him! I have had a hard time the last day or two not feeling guilty about having to leave my LO (for the c/s and recovery) and totally upending her universe. She, of course will have a great time with grandparents and is so excited for the baby to come, but she's still my baby and it makes me tear up every time I think about it.
kiwi / 595 posts
I had a NST yesterday, and the nurse kept commenting on how inactive my uterus was. She asked over and over "when did your first come? How far along are you?" No contractions. No tightening- nothing, which I knew, I haven't felt any BH or contractions since 34w.
Of course last night, right at bed time, I had 8-9 contractions in an hour, but I was able to sleep, and already this morning I've had a few. I feel like she jinxed me, and I'm not ready! My DD starts back to school on Tuesday, and my mom arrives on Wednesday- then this baby can come!
pomelo / 5257 posts
@LCTBQE: lol about the STD testing. I told my husband, "good news, I don't have syphilis!" And the cervical checks have been the same for me. The two from my OB were pretty painful, the one from the NP was barely noticeable. Congrats on finding a daycare! And working from home. I keep hoping my boss will suggest luck so far. I'm pretty sure she'd be up for it if I asked, but for some reason I wanted her to offer. I did have a coworker leave yesterday for a weeklong vacation and I said, "bye! I hope to not see you when you return!"
@OldpuebloJenn: I was having some more contractions than normal last night, too, but they also went away. I'm just hoping they're productive in some way. I would love to enjoy the weekend and then go into labor Monday morning right before work, please
grapefruit / 4045 posts
@LCTBQE: your posts always make me laugh! I, too, side-eyed the STD tests. I'm 33 years old, lady, I don't think I have gonehorrea. But I suppose someone somewhere must have so I guess it's necessary. As for something fun the last few weeks, I'm lame and think brunch is fun! At least it was when I could do bottomless mimosa brunches for hours on a Sunday. Maybe you have have a brunch mock tail! I'm taking off work on the 17th and desperately want to do something fun the 18th and 19th. BUT - I need a new car. Husband works dumb days and hours AND now he's going out of town next week for a work conference. Umm... Great and all ... But I swear I'm going to go get a car myself without his help or input because otherwise we will have to go the 18th and id rather just be having a leisurely brunch that day!
and that is soooo nice you can work mostly from home these last days. Are you productive at home???
@pwnstar: now you've just made me tear up!!! You are so sweet. I hope you have such a great time snuggling your LO before your next LO comes.
@OldpuebloJenn: that's funny to comment on an inactive uterus! you aren't due for like 2 more weeks. How active should it be at this point?
@MrsSCB: do you really think your baby could come as early as Monday?? That's so wild!
pomelo / 5257 posts
@agold: doubtful...but I would be OK with it
ETA: this guy at the grocery store just now said, "any day now?" And I said yes, and then he said, "I wish I could say I envy you..." Umm, thanks?
grapefruit / 4717 posts
@MrsSCB: At least you are actually due anytime now?? Still. People!
nectarine / 2461 posts
@MrsSCB: ugh, what a dick. half the reason I'm excited to work from home is to avoid this segment of the population. some idiotic woman took a cell phone picture of my bump on the subway on Thursday--what the fucking fuck? WHY? @pwnstar: lolz to the correct response to that comment. and it's so sweet that you are cherishing your last few days as a family of three. yes to upending her world, but in the best possible way! you only have a few more days, it's nuts. I hope you aren't working up to 2 hours before you go to the hospital like last time
nectarine / 2461 posts
@OldpuebloJenn: awesome that something is happening! I'm sure he or she will stay put for a while longer, but keep us posted
@agold: @MrsSCB: yeah, pretty much to all of this--I got paperwork from my OB the other day with all my test results since the beginning of the pregnancy to take with me to the hospital, and under the HIV screening there was a HUGE bolded box disclaiming that just because I tested negative doesn't mean I couldn't be in the incubation stage of having the disease. let's cover all our bases, yes? @agold: funny you should mention it, I had a small (real) bellini at brunch today with my girlfriend and it was delicious, zero regrets. not quite the same as bottomless brunches of my 20s, but I liked it. and I could walk out of there afterwards what kind of car are you getting?!!
ETA, imagery for the STD screening conversation:
pomegranate / 3331 posts
@pwnstar: ugh, everything you said about upending her where I am right now! I know exactly how you feel, it's so hard to wrap my head around it. is your LO going to come to the hospital?
@MrsBeluga: congrats!!!!!!!!
kiwi / 595 posts
@LCTBQE: @agold: @MrsSCB: no more contractions today-but I am pleased there was some activity!
We just got home from a movie, we have one of those theaters with reclining chairs, food and drink service. So great for date nights. The woman sitting next to me had a freaking blanket on, and I was fanning myself with the menu card. So over having my own personal heater.
pear / 1718 posts
@Pirouette: I want her to come the next day. My c/s is scheduled for 2:15. Assuming the OR is running on time, I won't be out of recovery until probably close to 5. Which is rush hour. And by the time she got to the hospital and home, she'd miss her bedtime. So I want DH to go home the next day and bring her back (we have grandparents coming to stay with her at our house). It's one of the biggest drawbacks of the c/s . . . the extra hospital time.
pear / 1718 posts
@LCTBQE: I am actually planning to go in to work Monday and Tuesday of next week. >.< I want as much time as possible on the flip side with the baby. But. If I don't feel up to it, I won't. I do have one or two more things to do, but I'm certainly not trying to bill full time hours! It's so hard to concentrate on work, but I feel like I would go stir crazy at home and would probably wear myself out straightening and re-re-organizing. *augh*
pomegranate / 3331 posts
@pwnstar: yea, we're planning for next day too. I don't want her to see me right after the surgery, and hopefully I'll be moving around better by the next day. The grandparents will bring her, since the hospital is pretty far from us.
pomegranate / 3331 posts
@pwnstar: oh, and im also doing the same. Working Monday and Tuesday, taking Wed off and c/s either Thursday or Friday. My leave is unpaid, so i don't want to take longer than i have to before baby comes.
pear / 1718 posts
@Pirouette: That sucks! Half of mine is paid. I just know that I needed every day last time (and I still wasn't ready), so while I'm hoping for an easier transition this time, I am definitely trying to keep my expectations low and in check!
coconut / 8472 posts
We decided we're not going to have DS come to the hospital . I think he'll get really upset when he has to leave without either of us. He loves my parents, but not like mommy and daddy. It's part of the reason why I want to aim for a two night stay this time.
pear / 1718 posts
@ShootingStar: I would like to get out of the hospital as quickly as possible. If I can do that in two nights, I certainly will! And while I'm really hoping that happens, I am trying to mentally prepare for 3 nights.
cantaloupe / 6059 posts
@ShootingStar: We've made the same decision. I don't want to confuse my kids by bringing them to the hospital or make it harder than it needs to be so they will stay home and meet baby when we arrive home!
wonderful clementine / 24134 posts
One of the sweetest memories was my daughter coming to the hospital. She was 3 as did great. No problems with her going home. They had hung out for an hour or so and with a quick bribe of the playground she was back out the door with my mom.
Last night DS was so sweet to the baby at the party. He kept wanting to hold her and kiss her and he even sang her a song.
nectarine / 2461 posts
@pwnstar: I'm so glad you're able to let up on the gas a little bit at work. now that I'm actually facing a mandated mat leave, I can better appreciate that you don't want to waste precious time off. on Friday I was going through my schedule with my supervisors, and my new-ish boss who just moved here from London was like, oh my gosh if you get to the week of your due date just stop working, take it eeeaassyy, relaxxxxx. I was like, "hahaha, go back to the EU." my boss-boss who is an American woman was just cracking up. ugh, I wish we could all just take until January, wouldn't that be dreamy?
anyway @pwnstar: @Pirouette: @ShootingStar: hope you are all in and out of the hospital super quickly with no complications, healthy babes, and lots of free hospital crap. you guys sound supremely organized
@T.H.O.U.: your kids sound so lovely
pomelo / 5257 posts
@pwnstar: @pregnantbee: @coopsmama: @LCTBQE: luckily that was the first negative comment I've gotten but I still was like, "really??" Today another man said to me at Target, "any day now, huh?" so I must have gotten much bigger recently or something...but at least when I said yes, he just said, "congratulations!" Thanks for being normal! And someone took a photo?? @LCTBQE -- that's bold...
I think I may ask to start working from home this Thursday. I have meetings on Tuesday and Wednesday but otherwise I'm not very busy these days. I can't work on writing anything and I've mostly trained people on how to do my responsibilities, so I feel like I'm just bored all day sitting around.
Meanwhile I'm sitting on the couch right now while my husband vacuums in this apartment for probably like the third time ever. Being almost to your due date has perks
pomegranate / 3331 posts
@ShootingStar: i can totally understand your decision on that. I think it's going to be tough for her to leave us there, but i'm hoping it's nice out and maybe they can do something fun after to make it a fun adventure for her. The hospital is right near the park.
@T.H.O.U.: this is what I'm hoping for! I also feel like it's a long time not to see her, and I want her to see i am ok and everything after the surgery. My mom says it's still her greatest memory as a parent! Not to mention, i don't have a choice, since the grandparents aren't going to wait till i get home to meet the baby!
@pwnstar: the mat leave thing sucks, but i just started a new job, so it is what it is. But i'm so happy about the job that I'm hoping it'll make the transition back easier. It's never easy, no matter how dedicated you are to your job or what your circumstances are.
pear / 1718 posts
@LCTBQE: A photo? Imma chalk it up to (1) your incredible style, and (2) she was documenting her future pregnancy goals!
@MrsSCB: Hahaha-third time ever!
cantaloupe / 6017 posts
I feel like this baby is gas lighting me.
I had cramps and contractions all day yesterday, and for a while in the middle of the night. Nothing is really happening.
My nerves are shot!
pear / 1718 posts
@Silva: I had some monster contractions in the middle of the night last night . . . they eventually backed off and I am at work today putting in a half day. On the one hand, it would be so much easier if the baby stayed put until Thursday. But I feel like he's ready (I know I am!) . . . I feel so conflicted about it!
wonderful clementine / 24134 posts
@pwnstar: @Silva: I almost feel jealous. I was on my feet a lot the last three days and staying busy. But barely any BH even.
coconut / 8472 posts
@Silva: Ha, I've had false labor for hours every single day for a week straight. I'm losing my mind. And today is DH's birthday, so I half REALLY want this baby out (contracting now. of course.) And half want her to have her own birthday.
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