Hellobee Boards


December 2016 moms!

  1. renee0106

    cherry / 197 posts

    @marley: that's awesome!

  2. Wishingforviolet

    pea / 16 posts

    @Marley OMG I'm so pleased for you!! But your OB has left me speechless. I would be filing a complaint. What a stressful experience you've been through. So glad your little bean is okay

  3. marley

    kiwi / 706 posts

    @KT326: @renee0106: @Wishingforviolet: thanks! So many emotions on top of all the hormones! I thought about filing a complaint, but she's actually really nice and she's been my doctor for like 8 years. So conflicted.

  4. Wishingforviolet

    pea / 16 posts

    @Marley I guess she'll be feeling guilty when she finds out you are still pregnant and baby is well. Still I'd lose a lot of faith in my doctor if that happened.

  5. ocean81

    apricot / 431 posts

    @marley: I am so happy to read this and so happy you didn't follow your OB's advice. Have you told her yet?

  6. marley

    kiwi / 706 posts

    @Wishingforviolet: @ocean81: my husband left the office an angry voicemail. She called back but I missed it. She left a vm saying that she hasn't seen the reports yet, but that it's good that the tech told me that she saw a heartbeat. She sounded skeptical. On with the new OB search!

  7. mrsmacandcheese

    blogger / clementine / 985 posts

    @marley: !!! I'm so glad it's good news and so mad at your OB.

  8. marley

    kiwi / 706 posts


  9. KT326

    pomegranate / 3438 posts

    @marley: I would definitely find a new OB! especially after that voicemail!

  10. catlady

    grapefruit / 4988 posts

    I had my first appointment with my new OB today and I really like her. My heart sank when the nurse couldn't find the heartbeat using the doppler at first but when the OB came in, she tried again and managed to find it for a few seconds. Both my missed miscarriages were discovered around this time so I can't even describe how relieved I feel. Looking forward to the NT scan in 2 weeks.

  11. wheres_c

    pomelo / 5789 posts

    @marley: so so so happy theres a heartbeat! I have been thinking of you. I am SOOOO angry at your OB!
    Makes me so mad!
    Are you on progesterone?

  12. wheres_c

    pomelo / 5789 posts

    @catlady: Glad they were able to find a heartbeat with the doppler, even if for a few seconds!
    They didn't do an early ultrasound?

  13. catlady

    grapefruit / 4988 posts

    @wheres_c: Yes, I had an ultrasound two weeks ago and all was well. But my last loss was discovered at the NT scan after I'd had a successful early ultrasound, so I think I am just super anxious these days.

  14. marley

    kiwi / 706 posts

    @catlady: why does it seem like there are so many people who don't know what they're doing?? So glad your OB found the heart beat finally!

    @wheres_c: I'm not on progesterone. My levels are ok and my hcg is through the roof. My OB called and she wasn't apologetic at all. She admitted that she didn't even order the hospital scan for the heartbeat, but only to rule out an ectopic or molar. So glad the tech went ahead to check!!!

  15. wheres_c

    pomelo / 5789 posts

    @catlady: that's totally understandable. Hopefully your NT scan this time will ease your anxiety.

  16. catlady

    grapefruit / 4988 posts

    @marley: I can't believe your OB didn't even apologize. I would be livid.

  17. marley

    kiwi / 706 posts

    @catlady: I almost hung up when she was telling me when I should come back, etc. she just assumed I would continue there.

  18. Wishingforviolet

    pea / 16 posts

    So....we went for our scan on Friday and we saw two little heartbeats! Both are measuring 6w4d so our due date is 2 Jan but because they're mono twins, it's a higher risk pregnancy and they will most likely arrive earlier in December. We are feeling so blessed right now

    I have so many questions to ask and my lovely midwife has managed to re-arrange her appointments to fit me in earlier next week. I will be under obstetrician care as well as having my midwife looking after us. Finally had some time to start reading about twins and because it is still early we will have to wait to find out if they are in their own amniotic sacs or not. Trying not to worry too much and just want to enjoy this crazy surprise. We are just so over the moon with joy

  19. marley

    kiwi / 706 posts

    @Wishingforviolet: whoa! Congrats!!! 👶👶

  20. ocean81

    apricot / 431 posts

    @marley: I am still so angry (and happy) for you. Any luck with a new OB?

    @Wishingforviolet: That is so exciting! Congrats!

  21. marley

    kiwi / 706 posts

    @ocean81: not yet. I'm overwhelmed by the options! There are so many with good reviews. Speaking of reviews, the one who misdiagnosed me has awesome reviews too. I guess you can't trust them 100%.

  22. GreenThumb

    pear / 1986 posts

    We had our second u/s this morning and unfortunately we have a vanishing twin who stopped growing sometime early last week. The other baby was measuring right on track with a good heartbeat, so that is a comfort. I feel sad but in the end relieved that it was definitive. Twins would have a been a wonderful adventure, but also quite challenging during pregnancy and beyond, so we are happy to have one little bean in there.

  23. marley

    kiwi / 706 posts

    @GreenThumb: hugs.

    I had yet another scan this morning, this time with my RE, who was HORRIFIED at what my OB did. Anyway, little bean is still there, with a strong heart beat, and I got to hear it this time!

  24. catlady

    grapefruit / 4988 posts

    @GreenThumb: I'm so sorry about your loss. Hugs. Glad your other baby is doing well.

    @marley: That's great you got to hear it!

  25. ocean81

    apricot / 431 posts

    @GreenThumb: I'm so sorry for your loss. Sending you big hugs and tons of positive thoughts for your other little bean

    @marley: So happy you got to hear the heartbeat for yourself!

  26. GreenThumb

    pear / 1986 posts

    @marley: @catlady: @ocean81: Thank you ladies!!

    @marley: I am so glad that everything has turned around so much for you.

    AFM: I called my OB to book my initial nurse intake appointment and they didn't have an opening until I am 9w6d... ugh! I hope I can actually get in with the doctor fairly soon after that... luckily I don't need a dating u/s, but I want to make sure I get my 1st trimester screening/NT scan scheduled in a timely manner!!

  27. swurlygurl

    honeydew / 7091 posts

    @marley: Oh my goodness, what a crazy couple days for you!! I'm so happy it turned out so well for you!

    @Wishingforviolet: OMG CONGRATS!!! That is so exciting!!! I'm going to be super jealous of you this whole pregnancy - I've wanted twins soooo badly! I got a little sad at my Ultrasound when there was only one baby, haha. Do you know yet if they're identical or fraternal?

    @GreenThumb: I'm so sorry to hear that My oldest had a vanishing twin as well. It still makes me pretty sad to think about, but I have to hope it was just meant to be that way.

  28. MountainBaby

    cherry / 160 posts

    I just got back from my first OB appointment. All the standard tests (pelvic, pap, blood, urine, etc) seemed fine, but they don't have either heartbeat or ultrasound equipment at the office. She referred me to an external site for a dating ultrasound, so I have that next week. It makes me nervous seeing so many of you with more tests so much earlier than me (I'm already almost 9weeks), but since I'm low risk, I guess I just have to be patient

    We plan to tell my family this weekend, and I'm so excited for that!

  29. Rescuemom10

    pear / 1965 posts

    Whew! I am back.
    Been gone the last 1.5 weeks on a road trip. With stops it was about 30 hrs of driving with the kiddos each way. Went to San Diego for my SIL wedding, and then brought the girls to Disneyland. I need a vacation from my vacation. Buuuuut I am already back to work. Seriously so tired.

    Two weeks from today DH leaves again (he just got back 9 weeks ago) for deployment. Blah!

  30. wheres_c

    pomelo / 5789 posts

    Picked up a prescription for Diclegis. Going to take the first dose tonight.
    If it doesn't make a difference tomorrow my OB said to go to L&D for fluid replacement.

  31. DigAPony

    pear / 1787 posts

    @wheres_c: good luck! It did take a couple days for the Diclegis to work for me.

  32. catlady

    grapefruit / 4988 posts

    @wheres_c: Good luck and hope you feel better! It did take a few days for it to work for me too. I lowered my dose today though and am feeling it now.

  33. KT326

    pomegranate / 3438 posts

    @Rescuemom10: That stinks! How long will he be gone for? And I totally get you on the vacation from vacation.

  34. KT326

    pomegranate / 3438 posts

    I am 8 weeks today and the last couple of weeks I've had nausea off and on, but today. Oh today has been terrible! I've been dry heaving all day. Eating has been a chore. Nothing sounds good.

    And I already look like I'm 4 months pregnant. I'm having a hard time finding clothes to hide the bloat! I've been wearing lots of flowy dresses and I had to go out and buy maternity slacks.

    @MountainBaby: I was seeing an RE for fertility treatments which is why I had such an early ultrasound (at 6.5 weeks). A friend of mine didn't have her first ultrasound until 10 weeks. I think that is the more normal range if you have no complications.

  35. marley

    kiwi / 706 posts

    @KT326: same here. I've been wearing my "fat pants" for the past 2 weeks and dresses. I haven't been eating much but already gained 5 pounds. Probably from not moving much (no energy). I'm terrified about how big I will get at the end of all this.

    I keep seeing all these articles about what to eat when you're pregnant, etc. and it's just depressing. I can't stomach anything other than carbs and I feel like I'm feeding my fetus crap.

  36. KT326

    pomegranate / 3438 posts

    @marley: the first trimester is so tough. I haven't been able to eat any vegetables for the last week. Just thinking about them has me dry heaving! I was able to choke down some salad last night so at least I ate something green. I've been eating a lot of carbs and fruit. Hopefully once we get into the second trimester things will get better!

  37. marley

    kiwi / 706 posts

    @KT326: yes, I've been eating a lot of grapefruits! it helps with the nausea.

  38. wheres_c

    pomelo / 5789 posts

    First day on Diclegis and first day not throwing up! Yay!
    It did make me sleep ALL DAY though (sorry boss!).
    Hopefully I'll get used to the drowsiness

  39. Rescuemom10

    pear / 1965 posts

    @KT326: He will be gone for 3.5 months. Not terrible. But its annoying. I should be use to it after so long now, and since I use to do it myself and once was Active Duty. But I am just over it. Short deployments but go out more often.

  40. swurlygurl

    honeydew / 7091 posts

    @wheres_c: Oh good - I'm so glad you've found relief!

    @KT326: I haven't actually been sick, but the thought of vegetables (raw at least, especially salads) makes me gag, and DH thinks I'm being a big ole faker. Glad to hear I'm not the only one with a veggie aversion!!

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