Hellobee Boards


February 2013 Due Dates

  1. Mrs. Lantern

    apricot / 359 posts

    Happy tuesday mamas!

    Getting the baby bump pics going again... Anyone else's tummy feeling harder?


    kiwi / 711 posts

    @Mrs. Lantern: Love the bump! My stomach has definitely become harder. At my appointment on 8/3 my OB said my uterus was definitely over the pubic bone.

    I need to upload my 14 week bump photo so I can post it.

  3. thatwife

    olive / 62 posts

    I'm so happy Mrs. High Heels linked to this thread! Announcing my pregnancy online has connected me with a lot of women due in February and it's fun to meet even more.

    I'm Jenna. I write as That Wife currently, once upon a time I posted as Avocado on Weddingbee. I found the template on an earlier page and I'll answer some of those. I admit I'm going to hedge on my due date and how far along I am. I don't like when people ask "has the baby come?" when I want NOTHING MORE THAN TO HAVE THE BABY COME, so I'm going to try to keep that info to myself as a little experiment. I am due in February though!

    First child?: Second. Our first is about 28 months.

    Any feeling about boy/girl: girl. I've been much, much sicker this time around. I'm still sick on a daily basis actually :(.

    First doctor's appointment: I still haven't had one yet. It's been a summer if transitions and moving for us, and I haven't had health insurance. My husband starts work in 2 weeks though, and w have a consult with a midwife before then.

    How do you feel?/Symptoms so far: at the 13 week mark I finally figured out how to describe how I feel, hypoglycemic. I have to eat constantly, at least every 1-2 hours to keep myself feeling marginally well, and eating sugar makes my heart race. I'm looking forward to my visit to a care provider as I'm hoping that there is some magic medical answer to this other than "wait it out".

    Who have you told?: everyone now! We told my parents last week and then flew to Poland and told my in-laws and then a few days later I told the Internet. Up until then I kept the news to myself and a small circle of Internet friends.

    Looking forward to getting to know all of you better!

  4. photojane

    cantaloupe / 6164 posts

    @Mrs. High Heels: whoooo! welcome!

    @thatwife: welcome, welcome! that's exactly how i'm feeling. i'm 15 weeks tomorrow, and if i don't eat every few hours it's over for me.

    @Mrs. Lantern: love your little bump! i'm jealous - you're still smaller than me pre-pregnancy.

    a little update on me : i'm not throwing up so much anymore, guys! i'm mostly just feeling sick when i'm hungry. we're making progress! also, i attempted a diy blackboard so i could start doing weekly pictures, and it was a huge fail. i'm currently in the process of round 2. hopefully i'll have a belly pic soon!

  5. Phillybaby2013

    kiwi / 520 posts

    @thatwife: Welcome to the club! There's a great group of ladies on here!

    @photojane: happy ur finally feeling better! I still feel sick when I don't eat too. All day snacking is mandatory. Lol.

    Me and hubby on a whim bought a dresser and night stands at a thrift tore for the baby's room today! We had looked at some stuff at Target/Babies R Us and everything is sooo expensive so we decided to get these all wood pieces and refinish them! I'm super excited. In other news I feel like my bump is taking on a life of its own. My pudge is looking less like pizza and more like baby! Haha.

  6. Mrs. Lantern

    apricot / 359 posts

    @WALLAROO: yes more bump photos!

    @thatwife: Avocado!! I remember reading your posts when I was planning my 2010 wedding! Congrats! So nice to have you join us

    @photojane: I must confess it's all in those pants! Even DH was like, man those pants tuck everythang in! I wish I chose a diff pair of pants when I started the series of bump photos. I wonder if they'll still fit when I'm bigger LOL. SO GLAD you're feeling better! Good for you for even attempting the diy chalkboard. People always make those things look a lot easier than they really are.

    @Phillybaby2013: That's great! My pudge still looks like I ate too much

    I just found out that my cousin is expecting a baby 3 weeks after us! I'm so excited that the baby will have playmates similar in age to them. Have there been any pregnancy announcements from your friends or family?

  7. JessiBee

    kiwi / 733 posts

    Hello, all. I've been reading for a while now, but have decided it's about time to join in the fun. I'm just over 14 weeks pregnant with my first, due mid-February, and my hubby and I are so excited to be on this roller coaster together!
    I've been feeling very (very) lucky to be one of those rare women who was not sick at all in the first trimester, and I'm hoping you'll let me stick around anyway! Looking forward to sharing this journey with all of you!

  8. Emilie

    cherry / 144 posts

    @JessiBee & @thatwife - welcome!!

    @photojane - ditto on the other ladies.. so so glad that you're feeling better!!

    @Phillybaby2013 - sounds like a fun project with your baby furniture! let us know how it turns out we're delaying buying anything until we find out the gender on September 10th.. then I think we'll just be overwhelmed with all of the options!

    @Mrs. Lantern - love the bump pic! my bump still definitely looks like i ransacked the doughnut drawer instead of a baby... hopefully that will shift soon.

    Today for me is 15 weeks and 1 day - and I have my appetite back, FINALLY! I can eat meat with no issues, and am enjoying all of my meals. yayy I have been noticing though in the past week that after I exercise and do some stretching, I get kind these weird crampy pains when I'm stretching. Has this happened to anyone else? They don't last long, maybe a couple of minutes, but it's been pretty consistent in the last week. Is this the round ligament pain that I've heard about?

  9. ladyfingers

    pomelo / 5331 posts

    @Mrs. Lantern: So cute!

    @thatwife: Welcome and congrats! So excited for you

    @photojane: Yay on not feeling sick!

    @JessiBee: Welcome!

    @Emilie: Could be RLP. I get them if I move a certain way so stretching could bring them on. Are you staying super hydrated while exercising? I find my crampiness is worse when I'm not staying on top of my water intake, which without exercise needs to be like double my normal intake! I get dehydrated really easily lately.

    It's funny, I can pretty much count on my RLP like clockwork. I get them bad on Sundays and Mondays and seem a little bigger by midweek every week lol growing pains.

    Speaking of growing, holy moly am I really only 16 weeks? This is redic!

  10. Phillybaby2013

    kiwi / 520 posts

    @ladyfingers: your bump is impressive! Love it!

    @JessiBee: Congrats and welcome!

    @Emilie: Hooray to eating!! I've been getting those crampy/stich pains too. Growing pains?

    @Mrs. Lantern: so exciting that your baby will have a playmate! That will be super fun to have them grow up together!

    Had a good check up today even though we waited over 1.5 hours to see the doctor. Good HB and the doc said my NT scan and first set of blood work for the sequential screen came back excellent. Also made my anatomy scan appt for Sept. 11th. I can't freaking wait! I asked the receptionist what the window was to schedule it and she said 19-21 weeks so of course I went for when I'll be exactly 19 weeks. But it works out bc my next Dr. appt is the 17th so they'll have my results when I go. Yay!

  11. ladyfingers

    pomelo / 5331 posts

    @Phillybaby2013: I think it's less of a bump, more of a gas bloat bubble. An impressive one nonetheless, though.

  12. Emilie

    cherry / 144 posts

    @ladyfingers - I actually force myself to drink water during my hour of exercise - usually ends up being around 18-20 oz? Which for me is a lot, considering that I only drink around that much during my entire work day. I know I need to up the number!! Btw, you look awesome at 16 weeks!! definitely a cute bump, not gas bubble! hahaha

    @Phillybaby2013 - yep, I'm assuming it's some sort of growing pain. SO exciting about your anatomy scan!! I get to find out the day before you - but that puts me at 18 weeks and 1 day. They just told me around 18 weeks is fine, so I hope they can accurately determine gender then!

    random side note: One of my close friends is giving us her cradle swing, because she's only having one baby, and her son is already almost too big for this. She sent me a link so I know exactly what it is, and it looks so awesome!! http://www.toysrus.com/product/index.jsp?productId=4360510&fromRegistryNumber=47628737&product_skn=233592

    Is it bad that I never even knew that things like this existed? it rocks back and forth or side to side, plays music, has some sort of mirror.. it totally shows that I don't know anything about baby products yet!

  13. ladyfingers

    pomelo / 5331 posts

    @Emilie: lol thanks!

    So has anybody else felt anything like quickening? I swear I felt something yesterday! It felt like a really deep rumbling, not at all like gas but smaller and deeper. I keep poking my stomach hoping to feel something else, I did feel something every time I poked yesterday. Today I feel something like a really faint popping sensation. I wonder if it's all in my head!

  14. ladyfingers

    pomelo / 5331 posts

    @Emilie: Awesome! My boss is giving us her Graco swing, we're super excited because it's like a $150 swing.

  15. Phillybaby2013

    kiwi / 520 posts

    @Emilie: i love that swing! I saw it at babies r us - it's so stinkin cute.

    @ladyfingers: i think that I have felt things but it's hard to be sure. I lay in bed at night and concentrate trying to feel something. The thought of feeling baby is so exciting but it might just be bowel. I definitely have this full feeling though now like i can feel my uterus? Feels like there's a balloon in there and I can't lay on my stomach as much. Crazy to think how much our bodies have already changed.

  16. Phillybaby2013

    kiwi / 520 posts

    Alright girls I was brave... 16 week bump

  17. Emilie

    cherry / 144 posts

    @Phillybaby2013 - yay for more bump pics!
    @ladyfingers - I've been trying to lay really still and feel for SOMETHING, but not getting anything yet. I'm waiting for the bubbles or popcorn or whatever they say it feels like

    ok ladies, here's my bump pic too! @ 15 weeks and 2 days:

  18. ladyfingers

    pomelo / 5331 posts

    @Phillybaby2013: Yay! You look great!

    @Emilie: So cute!

  19. photojane

    cantaloupe / 6164 posts

    @ladyfingers: @Phillybaby2013: @Emilie: love the bumps! y'all are too cute!

  20. Phillybaby2013

    kiwi / 520 posts

    @Emilie: super cute bump!

    I have a new weird sensation to report which I also Googled but didnt come up with much... Since last night while laying in bed and today I feel a pulsing tickle deep in my lower right abdomen. Kind of like when your eye twitches - like a vibration almost? It's on and off but kind of rythmic. It feels too slow to be a pulse and don't know if it could be baby...it's a very strange sensation.???

  21. Mrs. Lantern

    apricot / 359 posts

    @ladyfingers: @Phillybaby2013: @Emilie: Gah! I love these bump pics!!

    @Emilie: regarding not knowing the existence of certain baby gear...I am totally feeling this way! I am frequenting baby stores and wondering what the heck half of this stuff is for! I feel so clueless! Doesn't help that I'm one of the first in my group to have kids!

    @ladyfingers: @Phillybaby2013: keep us posted on these sensations! My midwife told me that the baby is starting to get very active around 14 weeks so you could very likely be feeling baby movement


    kiwi / 711 posts

    @ladyfingers: @Phillybaby2013: @Emilie: Love the bump photos ladies. Thanks for sharing! I tried to take one in the bathroom at work this morning but there was always someone else in there with me.

    At night when I am laying in bed, I keep trying to see if I will feel any flutters but so far I haven't felt anything. I can't wait until I start feeling that.

  23. ladyfingers

    pomelo / 5331 posts

    @Mrs. Lantern: Last night I swear to god I felt a little POP in what would be the lower left of my uterus -- a kick? Not sure! I'm calling it a kick.


    kiwi / 711 posts

    I finally was alone in the bathroom and able to take a quick bump photo.

    15.5 weeks with twins

  25. Baby Boy Mom

    pomegranate / 3983 posts

    @Mrs. High Heels, @thatwife, @JessiBee : welcome!!!

    @Emilie: so lucky! that is the Best swing! Last time around we didn't have room in the luggage for it and it's way too expensive to buy locally so DH and I ended up being human swings. Still not sure if we'll get one this time around though...

    @ladyfingers: that is the best bump! definitely a baby bump!!!

    Second time mamas, have you already told your first LO about the baby? I feel like Baby Boy knows something is going on but he's still so young I'm not sure when we're supposed to start talking with him about it..

  26. ladyfingers

    pomelo / 5331 posts

    @WALLAROO: Yessss! Excellent bump

  27. ladyfingers

    pomelo / 5331 posts

    Well, it's a boy!

  28. photojane

    cantaloupe / 6164 posts

    @ladyfingers: hurray! congrats! didn't y'all think it was a girl?! also, i'm extremely jealous you already found out. how'd you find out early?

  29. ladyfingers

    pomelo / 5331 posts

    @photojane: I thought it was a girl in the beginning for some reason, but as time went on I wasn't sure.

    I have to go in for biweekly cervical measurements because of previous surgery I had on precancerous cervical cells, which can cause cervical incompetence. My first one was today at 16 weeks. So the tech said she could look at gender if we wanted, and there it was, clear as day

    I have the A/S scheduled for 9/12

  30. photojane

    cantaloupe / 6164 posts

    @ladyfingers: boys are awesome! i do photos for a few local mother/baby units, and i've noticed a huge trend of boys. it's the year of the boy, i think! did you go out and buy some boy stuff immediately? i'm completely convinced that my little peanut is a girl. i am so impatient... i don't think i'll make it 'til september!

  31. ladyfingers

    pomelo / 5331 posts

    @photojane: I totally did. We were supposed to buy one outfit. 3 stores and $150 later... oops.

  32. photojane

    cantaloupe / 6164 posts

    @ladyfingers: haha.. i don't blame you! that's part of the reason we were originally team green. i just can't wait though.

  33. thatwife

    olive / 62 posts

    @ladyfingers - My first is a boy. He's so fun! I love thinking about how he will turn into a mini version of my husband (who is my favorite person ever).

    I really feel like I experienced "the quickening" last night. I was sitting on a low bed, leaning forward with my elbows on my knees and my iPad in my hands and there was all sorts of activity happening down there. It's hard to tell because the first movements are so different than the later kicks and jabs, but it must mean I'm getting close

    @baby boy mom - we used our first LO to help announce the news of #2 (asking him "what's in mama's belly?") but I don't think he will really grasp the concept until the baby is actually here, especially science he has started pointing to his OWN belly and saying there is a baby in there, haha.

  34. ladyfingers

    pomelo / 5331 posts

    @thatwife: I think I had more quickening last night too! I was laying in bed reading and there were flutters and little tiny rumbles... I didn't have gas and I wasn't hungry so I was sooo excited!


    kiwi / 711 posts

    @ladyfingers: Yay! Congratulations. I'm so excited and a little jealous that you found out already

    I had my monthly appointment yesterday. Since we have twins we always get a quick peek ultrasound just to make sure the babies are doing well and growing. Unfortunately she wasn't able to tell us gender but then again we also didn't ask. Although my husband said he saw some balls on Baby B. Haha. I don't think you could even see that at this point. Babies look perfect according to my OB and I can continue with my normal activities and exercise (running and Crossfit) for another month and we'll reassess at that point. My anatomy scan is on September 10 and I CAN'T wait!

  36. JessiBee

    kiwi / 733 posts

    Why is my anatomy scan seem so much further away?! It's the beginning of October, so I still have a really long wait. A friend of mine had a 16 week ultrasound this week though, and they could tell gender. My doctor is having me wait until 20. Sigh.

  37. ladyfingers

    pomelo / 5331 posts

    @WALLAROO: Yep, you can definitely tell! At least we could. She did the "toilet shot" (legs, butt, other). She said if it's a girl, you'd see three lines at this point, and if it's a boy, you see a penis I'm 16 weeks, though.

  38. ladyfingers

    pomelo / 5331 posts

    @JessiBee: Boo! It will be here before you know it, I promise!

  39. Phillybaby2013

    kiwi / 520 posts

    @ladyfingers: Omg congrats! That's so exciting! Slightly jealous that u know already but super happy for you!

    @WALLAROO: glad u had a good appt and that babies are looking good! Love your bump btw!

    @thatwife: my "feelings" have picked up too over the last two days. I'm still like was that you baby? But I'm pretty sure it is.
    It's definitely making me feel more attached to the pregnancy and excited. Up until now I've been telling everyone I'm in denial (not in a bad way of course, just didn't feel quite pregnant) but it's for real now and it's really hit me! I love it.

  40. photojane

    cantaloupe / 6164 posts

    @thatwife: @ladyfingers: @Phillybaby2013: i've been feeling things going on too! at night when i'm laying really still, i can feel little tiny rumbles. i thought i was crazy since it's so early, but the doctor today said it's totally normal. i can't wait to feel the actual moves and kicks!

    i had the second portion of my genetic screening blood work today. the appointment went well - strong heartbeat at 150! we also scheduled our anatomy scan for september 19th... so excited!

    here's my very first official bump picture (sorry the color looks totally weird on here):

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