Hellobee Boards


May 2014 moms!

  1. whodat

    apricot / 365 posts

    Hello mamas. I'm going to tentatively join this thread. Got a very very faint BFP on Tuesday night, and then re-tested Wednesday mid-morning, Thursday evening, and Friday FMU. All (except the digital) were very faint. Friday afternoon I had brown bloody discharge and immediately figured it must be a miscarriage. Bought 2 more tests and took them this morning (at which time I had even more brown blood), and got an immediate strong positive. Anyone had this happen to them? I need some reassurance. At this point I have accepted that this may not be meant to be, but obviously I still have much hope and am praying for my little blastocyst.

    That said...

    EDD if you have one: May 17 according to the internets

    When Did You Find Out?: Approx. 14 dpo (on date of expected period)

    Child Number: #3

    Where You Live: New Orleans

    What kind of provider will you see?: OB/GYN (who delivered my son VBAC with a cord wrapped around his neck)

    When's Your First Appointment?: Oct 7 (but have to go get bloodwork 2 weeks before that)

    What kind of birth do you want?: Another VBAC, hopefully quicker than the last one but as long as baby is healthy it could be a 30 hour labor.

    What You're Most Excited For: Telling the kids they will have another sibling!

    What You're Most Scared About: the M word

    Symptoms so far: Bloat and some vague cramping

    Any fun plans for the end of summer/fall?: Excited for football season

  2. tarabonno

    cherry / 228 posts

    @Whodat Yay -- welcome!!! Spotting is so scary. Have you talked to your doctor about it yet? Sending you sticky thoughts!

  3. Glitter

    persimmon / 1281 posts

    @whodat: Welcome!! I too pray that all is going well with you and your little blastocyst

    I spotted for 3 days around my expected period as well. Just light brown. I have been cramping since then too, mildly, but I totally understand your concern. I'm just hoping it's implantation symptoms and waiting til my appointment on the 30th.

  4. Mae

    papaya / 10343 posts

    @whodat: welcome!! And I wish you luck! Also, so funny you live in New Orleans because I'm there (here?) for vacation right now. Although it only took about 3 hours for my husband and I to realize it isn't really our kind of vacation destination and change the game plan to one of much relaxation in the hotel (also fun! lol). Mostly we are just eating a lot haha.

  5. Keds

    coffee bean / 39 posts

    OK, after lurking on the April/May moms board after I had baby #1, I decided to actually join in this time! Last time I didn't discover HB until after I had the baby and couldn't muster the energy to actually post anything, but it was hugely helpful to read (esp while nursing) that everyone was going through the same thing and see what their suggestions were. I also loved that people posted things in the middle of the night b/c they were up too. So here we go:

    EDD if you have one: May 12th (according to the internet)

    When Did You Find Out?: last Sunday – not sure how many dpo

    Child Number: #2

    Where You Live: California – Bay Area

    What kind of provider will you see?: same ob/gyn as with #1. We absolutely love her and everyone else in the practice.

    When's Your First Appointment?: Sept 30 (np appointment for blood work and ultrasound (8 wks)) and then Oct 28th (first dr appt (12 wks))

    What kind of birth do you want?: One at the hospital! #1 came quickly, so my ob told me I better not dilly-dally on the way to the hospital or #2 will be born in the car.

    What You're Most Excited For: To see how DD reacts to being a big sister! The pregnancy part still doesn't totally seem real yet, but I think like last time it will after the 1st u/s.

    What You're Most Scared About: how to handle toddler and a new baby – if my EDD is true, they’ll be a little less than 2 yrs and 2 wks apart.

    Symptoms so far: I’m exhausted (but that also might be work related) and according to my husband I’ve been in a bad mood (when I showed him the + test he said “well that explains why you’ve been in such a bad mood recently” – I don’t think I’ve been in a bad mood!) Some slight nausea, but that seems like it is related to the exhaustion and I didn’t really notice until after the test so I might be imagining!! Last time around I knew right away I might be pregnant – my boobs were huge all of the sudden and I frequently felt car sick and smell sensitive – although those are both pretty normal for me anyway. The true m/s didn’t start until around 7-8 wks though.

    Any fun plans for the end of summer/fall?: Not much, but we’re taking our first vacation in a long time in October!!

  6. Glitter

    persimmon / 1281 posts

    @Keds: welcome!! Glad you finally joined the boards

  7. Beebug

    pomegranate / 3917 posts

    @Keds: welcome!! We are edd (according to the internet, lol) twins and both #2 for us, I like this!!

    Still no symptoms over here, I feel like a broken record!!

    I think I might call the doc this week to book an appt.

  8. Beebug

    pomegranate / 3917 posts

    lol annnnd I just busted myself, hahaha. Forgot to switch accounts, still wanted to be pretty anonymous with #2 until it was for sure.

    Beebug = sunnyday

    That's what I get for coming on here when I should be sleeping!

  9. Beebug

    pomegranate / 3917 posts

    @LovelyPlum: look at my last two posts, I wanted to wall message you since you were such a great cheerleader for me post-IUD surgery......here I am

  10. LovelyPlum

    eggplant / 11408 posts

    @Beebug: NO FREAKIN WAY!!!!!!! Oh my goodness!!! I'm so excited for you

  11. sweetkeight

    cherry / 202 posts

    May Mama Due Dates!

    sweetkeight: May 2 (6 weeks)

    Mae: May 3 (6 weeks)

    HabesBabe: May 5
MrsOG: May 5

    Skipra: May 7 (6 weeks?)
    HayleyJane: May 9

    Glitter: May 11 (5 weeks)

    SunnyDay/Beebug: May 12
    Keds: May 12

    Tarabonno: May 13
    TwoDogHouse: May 15
    WhoDat: May 17

    Upcoming Appointments:

    Sept 11:

sweetkeight - ultrasound

    Sept 18:


    Sept 19:

    Mae - dating ultrasound

    Sept 24:

    Habesbabe - Ultrasound/OB

    Sept 25:
    HayleyJane - dating/hb sonogram

    Sept 30:
    Tarabonno - ultrasound
    Keds - first appt

    Oct 7:
    WhoDat - first appt




    (Let me know if I need to add anything or if I got anything incorrect and I'll fix it - *grin*)

  12. sweetkeight

    cherry / 202 posts

    Just catching up:

    @mae: I'm hating on the lightheadedness, too! So difficult as I work doing outreach, so lots of getting up from my desk and driving about and meeting people. I've had to super cool it lately with the appointments to accommodate!

    @glitter: the pinching and tugging have grown into full-blown abdominal cramps. I totally understand the constant paranoia about "whether or not"… I'll be really grateful when I can just have that ultrasound and make sure there's no ectopic in there.

    @sunnyday: constipation over here - and it alternates with really bad diarrhea (tmi, sorry) - My doc said that the latter is a typical first trimester symptom that most people don't talk about. Turns out, it is the way that some bodies express morning sickness. I guess my body is one of those. Wow.

    @tarabonno: It's so weird how the feeling of needing to puke comes on so quick, right? So sly. Blerg!

    @glitter: I do work out of the home, and the time off is a bit tricky to manage. I also have my own office and I leave work a lot during the day for appointments and meetings. So, I've been scheduling 10 minute breaks as I can and also, scheduling time before meetings to lay down in my car. I have a ton of sick time stored up, but hoping to not have to use it…

    @lovelyplum: No zofran, but I did try the unisom thing added to the b6. It makes tired and woozy, but at least it helps with the ms. I can then at least eat, which helps a lot. If I still feel this way on Wed, I'll ask for Zofran at the appointment then.

    @hayleyjane @twodoghouse @whodat @keds: Welcome! Yay for more May Mums!

  13. Glitter

    persimmon / 1281 posts

    @sweetkeight: thankfully my cramps eased up substantially this weekend. Nausea still in full effect but I'd take it instead of those scary cramps! I hope your m/s is under control and that it doesn't affect your work too much!

    My appointment is now set for September 30th. Bloodwork and Ultrasound.

  14. LindsayInNY

    bananas / 9229 posts

    Well, here I am! It hasn't set in at all yet and part of me is still doubtful, despite the BFP (I'm clearly nuts)...

    EDD if you have one: May 19 based on O

    When Did You Find Out?: 13DPO

    Child Number: #1

    Where You Live: Just outside NYC

    What kind of provider will you see?: My usual obgyn, provided she's on board with what my preferences are.

    When's Your First Appointment?: TBD

    What kind of birth do you want?: In a perfect world, I want a natural birth

    What You're Most Excited For: Right now? Once it actually hits home. I don't know when that will be, LOL. It just doesn't feel real yet!

    What You're Most Scared About: All the unknown changes that will happen.

    Symptoms so far: Nothing. Literally, nothing aside from the terrible cold I had over the weekend (sore throat, sneezing, stuffy/runny nose). That has been it which might be why I'm skeptical?

    Any fun plans for the end of summer/fall?: We're going to AZ in November for my cousins wedding! And one last trip to Martha's Vineyard over Columbus Day weekend.

    Share a picture of your bfp, announcement, &/or chart: I didn't have an exciting announcement for DH at all. How lame! I was sick, unshowered and in my pajamas. Romantic, I know. Here's my BFP and my chart though!

  15. cookie_dough

    kiwi / 619 posts

    Hi everyone! I just got my BFP on Friday, so I hope you guys don't mind if I join in

    EDD if you have one: May 18 (for now...according to my quick online calculation!)
    When Did You Find Out?: either 11 or 13 DPO. According to FF, it was 13, but I think I O'd two days later than FF thinks.

    Child Number: #2

    Where You Live: Ontario, Canada

    What kind of provider will you see?: Same OB that I had for DD.

    When's Your First Appointment?: Nothing scheduled yet, I will call the office sometime today!

    What kind of birth do you want?: I had a c-section last time because DD was breech, so I'm not quite sure yet what my options are this time around. I'm a bit torn as to whether I prefer another c-section or a v-bac (my c-section last time went super smoothly and I had a great recovery).

    What You're Most Excited For: The first ultrasound...It doesn't feel real yet. I think that when I see a heartbeat, it will really hit me!!

    What You're Most Scared About: Definitely having 2 under 2...DD will be 22 months when this baby is born. I'm also scared that my body won't get the rest it needs since I'm chasing after an active toddler, and that something will go wrong. DD isn't walking yet, so I'm constantly lifting and carrying her around. I'm sure I'm being paranoid for nothing!

    Symptoms so far: I had lots of symptoms during the TWW: nausea, dizziness, extreme hunger, crampiness, etc. but they seemed to have mostly disappeared now. I had bad morning sickness the first time around (more like all day sickness), and although it wasn't fun at all, and will be even less fun with a toddler to take care of, at least it was reassuring that I had such strong pregnancy symptoms for all of my first trimester!

    Any fun plans for the end of summer/fall?: We are redoing our basement to make it into a big playroom for DD, which will be a lifesaver when this next baby gets here!

  16. Glitter

    persimmon / 1281 posts

    @LindsayInNY: @cookie_dough: welcome ladies!!

  17. LindsayInNY

    bananas / 9229 posts

    So my first appointment is this Thursday, September 12. I just had my annual last week (ironically) so this is just to confirm and do blood work. I didn't expect it to be so soon?

  18. Mae

    papaya / 10343 posts

    @sweetkeight: aw, I am also having stomach issues-- sucks right?! But, I tend to have digestive issues with hormonal changes anyways so I'm not shocked. Luckily (I guess?) it tends to mostly be an issue first thing in the morning and right before bed. so it doesn't disrupt my day much.

    @LindsayInNY: congrats!

    @cookie_dough: congrats! you seem to be in good company with the 2 under 2

    So-- funny pregnancy thing! My husband and I went to NOLA (one of Emeril's restaurants) yesterday and I was a bit nervous bc my stomach has been so iffy on this trip with all the eating out. I have especially had a hard time with sauces and I think I'm done with mayo for like-- forever. So I ordered a turkey panini because that seemed "safe" but it had 2 sauces i wanted to get on the side "just in case." But I felt bad because it was a nice place and special ordering just seemed wrong. So I apologized to the waitress and was like "I'm sorry to ask but I'm pregnant and I'm just having a hard time with sauces." and she was super nice. So after the meal the waitress comes over and was like "how did the baby like the sandwich?" and my husband and i just look at her all confused like-------- what? Lol I was pulled up close to the table so i don't think she could see my stomach and must have assumed I was much farther along than I was. I was like... um... it was good... thanks

  19. mrsog

    apricot / 388 posts

    @sweetkeight: @Mae: I am also having some "digestive issues" and it is the worst. I think its a hormal thing for me too bc I would get it at the start of AF also. This is a bit worse tho.. I go from nothing for 2 days and then a few days of running to the bathroom. Just yesterday did the nausea start to get worse and this morning I felt terrible. I have to ride the subway to get to work and it was a very uncomfortable ride today.

    @LindsayInNY: YAY!! congrats

    @cookie_dough: Congrats and welcome!

  20. twodoghouse

    honeydew / 7230 posts

    @LindsayInNY: @cookie_dough: Welcome ladies! I love stalking the POAS threads and I'm so excited to see you over here!

    @Beebug: Ha, I love that you accidentally outed yourself! I didn't follow the end of your lost IUD drama, but I'm glad that they must have gotten it figured out and it didn't affect your ability to get preg!

    @sweetkeight: I have to call this morning to get my first ultrasound scheduled, but my IVF coordinator said it should be on 9/23. Will you add that the next time you make your list? Thanks dear!

    We told our parents this weekend (one of the downsides of going through IVF - EVERYONE knows what day we were finding out) and my father-in-law is like out of control excited. He took pictures of our dog's shirt that said "Big Brother" and he was uploading the pics to his computer so I was sort of like, oh, what are you doing with those? We don't want anyone else to know (we'd been over that already!) and he's like, oh I can't even tell my siblings? He has 7 siblings and most of them are married and have kids that they would probably tell. If he tells all of them, it's only a matter of time before everyone in Central IL knows! Finally we sort of came to a compromise that if someone point blank asks him about us starting a family, he can tell them. But no information sharing up till that point. Yeah, we'll see how long that lasts!

    My symptoms are starting to get worse. My boobs hurt SO BAD. I swear I already need to go up a bra size too. And my taste buds are really off. I ordered my favorite salad at a restaurant we go to all the time and I could hardly eat any of it because the dressing tasted so gross. I hope these are real symptoms and not just progesterone symptoms (I'm on injections and suppositories), but I may never know. Looks like I'll be on the progesterone until week 10 at least, probably till the end of the first trimester though.

  21. LindsayInNY

    bananas / 9229 posts

    @mrsog: Yay, another NYCer (well, I'm more NY than NYC now...)! I can only imagine your subway experiences though!

  22. Mae

    papaya / 10343 posts

    @mrsog: oh man, the subway would be rough!

    is anyone else having a hard time finding something they want to eat? Like, I definitely want to eat. because when I get hungry I get sicker. But literally NOTHING sounds good. I just want something to sound delicious to me.

  23. LindsayInNY

    bananas / 9229 posts

    @Mae: I'm the opposite but it might just be because it's so early. I feel totally normal right now. Aside from getting sick over the weekend, nothing else is out of the ordinary. I don't know when to expect it, if at all...

  24. Mae

    papaya / 10343 posts

    @LindsayInNY: i felt totally normal until about 4.5 weeks. and it seems to just be getting steadily worse.

  25. Beebug

    pomegranate / 3917 posts

    @cookie_dough: yay Another Ontarian, LO #1 birth month I had one Canadian Momma with me too, glad there are two of us

    @twodoghouse: lol yah, way to not switch accounts, I wasn't thinking....clearly!!! For those who didn't follow at all, I had a Mirena IUD put in December 2012, 6w pp LO#1 and something never felt right. I finally asked to have it removed June 2013 and my doc couldn't find it, sent to another doc, zillions of xrays and ultrasounds it felt like, then another doc, a D&C early July, scope, then laprascopy (I've got the incisions/scars to prove it ) it was found and removed from the fat in my abdominal wall July 25th. It was a very insane month and a half. Not sure where you left off with the story, but that's the very short version

  26. cookie_dough

    kiwi / 619 posts

    @Glitter: @mrsog: thanks

    @Mae: glad to see that I won't be the only one trying to juggle 2 under 2!!! DD has a little baby doll and really likes to poke its eyes...hopefully she will outgrow that habit before a real baby gets here! She did start tickling it's feet today instead of poking its eyes, which was pretty darn cute.

    My first appointment is going to be tomorrow (September 10)! It's just with my regular GP though, so I don't think that she will get me to do much other than POAS again and refer me to the OB's office.

  27. cookie_dough

    kiwi / 619 posts

    @twodoghouse: whoops I missed you on my last post...thanks I basically lived off cereal my first trimester last time because no food seemed appealing!

    @Beebug: Yay! glad to have a fellow Canuck on this board!

  28. twodoghouse

    honeydew / 7230 posts

    @Beebug: Ugh, what a mess! I'm glad they finally found it and were able to remove it!

    @Mae: I'm having the same problem with food. I'm ravenously hungry, but nothing sounds good. And if I find something that does sound good, it stops sounding good the second I start eating it. I'm still so early (4 weeks 4 days) so I'm surprised I'm having food aversions already. But the progesterone is wreaking havoc on my system, so it may be that?

  29. Mae

    papaya / 10343 posts

    @twodoghouse: I"m not so much hungry as wanting to keep my stomach full enough to not be sick. It's weird bc I generally food. And have an iron stomach. So it's a weird feeling for me to be so "meh" about it all. The only thing that is sounding kind of good right now is an everything bagel. But the closest one is like 8 blocks from my hotel and I"m debating whether or not it is worth the walk haha

  30. mrsog

    apricot / 388 posts

    @LindsayInNY: hopefully I will be out of the city by the spring!

    @Mae: I need to eat throughout the day bc I feel so nauseas with an empty stomach but I cant decide on anything I want. I keep eating crackers and plain stuff bc nothing sounds good. I ask DH what he wants for dinner bc I can't come up with anything that I want. The only think I am craving is juice and gatorade. which I think the gatorate is good giving my stomach issues at the moment.

  31. Beebug

    pomegranate / 3917 posts

    @cookie_dough: lol, C loves to poke the heck out of our eyes right now, man I can't wait until that passes! Jamming her fingers in everything (noses too, lol) these days! The dog is her latest victim (aside from every person that holds her, lol) thank gosh he is good.

    I am thinking about calling the doc this am, 5w today, pathetically nervous.

  32. Beebug

    pomegranate / 3917 posts

    @sweetkeight: No worries on the tmi, I think I am right there with you experiencing the same thing!

    I guess I just associate ms with "symptoms" but the tmi part as we've both experiencing are deffffinitely both symptoms too....

  33. LindsayInNY

    bananas / 9229 posts

    @mrsog: We planned on moving into NYC earlier this year from Jersey City but instead bought in Lower Westchester. I guess the timing was good after all Is this your first?

  34. mrsog

    apricot / 388 posts

    @LindsayInNY: Yes, this is my first. We are hoping to be in lower Westchester too! We moved to the city to do it before the babies came so in Feb when our lease is up we would have been here for 2 years - Which has been enough for me. Its all going to be about finding something we can afford... DH's family is from the area but mine is from Dutchess County so we have some wiggle room around where to end up.

  35. LindsayInNY

    bananas / 9229 posts

    @mrsog: Oh nice!! This is #1 for us too. We moved to Bronxville in April and love it up here! We had to forgo the city but definitely plan on living there before it's all said and done (aka when we retire, haha!).

  36. mrsog

    apricot / 388 posts

    @LindsayInNY: Bronxville is very nice! My sister-in-law just bought a house in Pelham. I don't want to put a lot a pressure on us to buy before baby comes bc I knwo that can be stressful.. but it is a little scary to not really know where we will be living yet.

  37. whodat

    apricot / 365 posts

    @Mae: Hope you had a good time! Emeril's is so accommodating. I went with a gluten free friend one time and they used all tapioca flour instead of regular flour just for her.

    @LindsayInNY @cookie_dough: Welcome! and glad I'm not the only one with no symptoms. With my first, I had MS before I even found out, and with my second I think it came on somewhere around 4.5 - 5 weeks, and was at its worst at about 7 weeks. Especially because of my spotting this time, I am so ready for those first waves of nausea!

  38. LindsayInNY

    bananas / 9229 posts

    @whodat: Just read your first post and came to check on your symptoms! I've had brown CM for almost a week now. Particularly starting around 9DPO. Hopefully yours has stopped! I don't know if I'll ever be ready for the nausea, LOL!

  39. whodat

    apricot / 365 posts

    @LindsayInNY: What is yours like? (everybody else this is TMI so ignore lol). I have been waking up with light brown CM every day since Friday, and it disappears as the day goes on. Looks like it is not pure blood, kind of mixed with regular CM. I do not like it at all, but haven't called the doctor or anything because it is definitely not red or heavy.

  40. skipra

    pomegranate / 3350 posts

    @whodat: @Keds: @LindsayInNY: @cookie_dough: Congrats and welcome!!!

    @sweetkeight: I do not envy you being sick at work. I remember feeling so sick at work last time. It was the worst. I think I fell asleep in the handicap stall of the bathroom a couple times. Try to get as much sleep as possible (I think my bedtime was around 7:30) and keep little snacks with you at all times.

    @Beebug: Oh my goodness. I did not follow your IUD story. That is so scary. Are you feeling fully recovered?

    I think I was a little bit in denial about actually being pregnant since I wasn't having any symptoms but of course they decided to kick in over the weekend. I still haven't thrown up yet but I've been completely exhausted and feeling nauseous pretty much all the time. We had DS's birthday on Saturday and have a ton of juice boxes left over. They are all that I've wanted the past few days. It's kind of funny too because when I was so sick last pregnancy I kept asking DH to buy me fruit punch and he could never figure out what to get. I wish I had these juice boxes then!

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