cantaloupe / 6800 posts
@MrsCB: lol love your board name! I followed you, hope that isn't weird Dex is so cute and I loove your elephants! DH wants a tree like that one, but i'm trying to sway him more towards this type of tree. We're butting heads so hard on the nursery, uhg I want to shake him!
blogger / clementine / 985 posts
We've had our girl name settled for awhile but no boy name to speak of, haha! I was surprised when we agreed to paint the hypothetical future nursery gray (we still have to buy a house). I don't want a theme so I think we're just doing gray walls and bright colours!
grapefruit / 4681 posts
@MrsTiz: We did a similar theme for DS's nursery! We have floor to ceiling birch trees behind the crib and changing table like in your pic, but they are dark brown on a cream walls. We are most likely keeping the nursery as is for this baby since DS still co-sleeps and has no interest in moving into his room. We tried to keep the colors gender neutral with DS so we could reuse the bedding etc in case any future children were girls. Colors are mostly brown, cream/white, olive, and small amount of persimmon.
pear / 1571 posts
@MrsTiz: We won't be doing a nursery, just deciding if we'll give Cricket a room of his/her own and let Deere Boy and Tractor Girl share a room for the first year, or split them up by gender (we have 3 bedrooms total, but moving our master bedroom/office isn't an option, so we have to figure out how we're going to spilt between the other 2 bedrooms.), especially if nursing works out this time and we wind up co-sleeping or keeping Cricket in our bedroom a lot longer.
As far as names, we're settled on middle names: Grace for a girl and Remington for a boy. But beyond that, we're kinda clueless. We like Rylie or Willow Grace, but those aren't firm pick. And I love Caleb or Jakob Remington, but I know WAY too many people with a kid named Caleb (and not people I like either, lol) and Jakob is just so dang popular- I hate it, that's been one of my favorite boy names since I was a kid. So, we'll see. I haven't dug out our huge baby name book out yet, just played around on Nymbler a little bit.
nectarine / 2705 posts
No nursery planning over here. I have ideas, and desires for furniture and rockers. But I just don't want to dive in yet. I think it will help once I'm through this nausea. It really makes me feel like crapola.
As for names, we've had 2 girl and 2 boy names picked out for a long time. Just names that we both like and have agreed upon. I wonder if they will stick once we meet the little one though...or if we'll change our minds.
pomelo / 5132 posts
@MrsTiz: Starting to think about the nursery, but our names are Madeline and Jack. No middle names yet!
nectarine / 2705 posts
I've had a rough couple of days. Last week, the same day I had the bleeding incident, I also learned that my grandma passed away. Life can throw a lot at you sometimes. I've been trying to just take it easy and process everything. I just want to get to my appointment tomorrow with my OB, my first one, and feel more at ease. I'm still a little worried about the blood from last week. I haven't had anymore, and I don't want to live all fearful. But it's been hard. And the crappy state I've been in due to nausea isn't helping.
I don't mean to be a downer. I'm doing alright. Just sharing the state of mind that I'm in. It helps to read the fun things that are on your minds And I hope that in a few weeks, I'll feel better and more into it all too.
honeydew / 7909 posts
@FarmWifeGina: Grace is our middle name too!!
@sweetooth: So sorry to hear about your grandma. :(( And to hear you've been feeling crappy. I have been too so I definitely understand. I hope tomorrow's appointment makes everything better!!
cantaloupe / 6791 posts
@sweetooth: I'm so sorry about your grandma. My grandpa just passed away a month ago and it's so hard. I understand where you're coming from. I've been scared and terrified because after a year TTC and a m/c, it's like I was waiting for the other shoe to drop. I'll be thinking about you tomorrow. What time is your appointment?
nectarine / 2705 posts
@Ash: Thank you. And you're supposed to tell me that you're feeling awesome now! I figure with my due date being the end of the month, I'm the caboose, the last one with the symptoms of the 1st trimester. So I look to everyone else for signs of hope that this nausea business will come to an end.
@lilteacherbee: Thank you. And it really is hard, isn't it? I figure I need to get my head in the right place because it doesn't help to hold on to the fears. My appointment is bright and early tomorrow AM, at 8.
honeydew / 7909 posts
@sweetooth: Hahahaha, I'm not too much ahead of you and I have been feeling better... but I'm still throwing up and I"m very gaggy (yuck!). Other than THAT, I'm good! Hahaha!! I"m so excited for your appointment tomorrow. Any idea what they have planned??
cantaloupe / 6800 posts
@MrsCB: are you going with your results or are you waiting for your anatomy scan to buy stuff or plan? I don't think they are wrong but everyone is nervous to buy things on our end!
cantaloupe / 6791 posts
@MrsTiz: I think it would be more likely to get a false positive for girl than boy, simply because they actually saw a Y chromosome. If they said girl, I guess it could be possible that they "missed" the Y chromosome and it was actually a boy, you know?
@sweetooth: I'll be thinking about you tomorrow morning! Good luck
cantaloupe / 6800 posts
@lilteacherbee: That is what I keep trying to explain to my mom, i'm like "look woman, I do not have a Y!" but she is hesitant and doesn't believe they can tell without seeing it on an ultrasound. DH and I are not at all ha! We mayy have picked out LO's nursery color last night and maaayy have painted test spots all over his room
coconut / 8472 posts
@MrsTiz: We are probably not going to wait. If it had been girl, there would've been more of a chance that it was wrong since they tell if it's a girl by NOT having any Y's, but the sample might just not have had them for whatever reason. Sometimes it's too early for them to be in your blood, etc. But with a boy there's basically no where else for Y's to come from except from the fetal DNA.
I was actually kind of confused because our genetic counselor warned me the results weren't 100% (although it was 99 point something, ha.) I thought she was implying it was a girl since she warned me, and then when we found out it was a boy I didn't really get it. Luckily I saw friends of ours over the weekend and my friend's wife is a genetic counselor. I asked her how the results of finding a Y chromosome could end up being wrong.
She said there's only a tiny chance it's wrong, and it's so minuscule you'd basically be a case study in a textbook. Apparently when they take the blood they don't know *where* it comes from. So what can happen extremely rarely is that the sample had some blood from the placenta, which could have gotten a mixed message and have some Y chromosomes, and the test could've picked up on that.
So long story short, nope we will not wait to buy stuff. We already bought a ton of really cute boy clothes :). DH kind of wants to order the dresser we picked out while it's on sale right now, but we're moving rooms in our house and we don't really have space to put it now. But if you feel more comfortable waiting, there will still be plenty of time after your anatomy scan to buy stuff :).
cantaloupe / 6800 posts
@MrsCB: I don't feel the need to wait, nor does DH but we told both of our families and they are going to wait until they "see pictures of his parts" hahah. DH and I picked the nursery color and I think i'm going to order the trees today depending on how long they take to get here, if not I will on Monday! eee!
Where did you find boy clothes at? I swear all the stores around here expect boys to wear only swimming shorts and shirts all summer. It's crazy
coconut / 8472 posts
@MrsTiz: We went to BRU and got some cute stuff (some of it clearance) from the FAO Schwartz line, like this We also ended up at Buy Buy Baby one night and bought a couple more things. And DH ordered a bunch of stuff from Old Navy, like this - and this - But most of what we're finding is obviously summery. So we need to stop buying until they start putting warmer stuff out.
cantaloupe / 6791 posts
OMG the genetic counselor just called me back( I may have called the lab this morning and bugged them). We've been playing phone tag for the past hour because when we came in from the playground, I had a voicemail!! Of course, I'm not going to be able to concentrate anymore!!!!! Normal chromosomes and its a BOY!!!!!!!!
pomegranate / 3160 posts
@MrsTiz: @MrsCB: Just poppin' in from a work trip in San Diego to say that I'm still ridiculously jealous that you guys know what you're having and get to start shopping. SO freaking awesome!
Hi to everyone else, hope you're all doin' well. I had a minor freak-out yesterday when I was unpacking and changing to go to dinner, when I noticed that NOTHING fit I hadn't taken into consideration the fact that I'm not only getting a baby bump, but I've gotten bigger...everywhere else as well. Ha, I'm now in a super trendy city wearing...sweatpant shorts. Failfailfail. Oh, the zits are still sticking around full-force so I'm in a fabulously sunny climate, trying to soak up some sun, but I'm covered in zits and wearing sweatpant shorts on top of it. Blah.
cantaloupe / 6800 posts
Hell yeah lady! Looks like November babies are gonna be a group of boys!!
coconut / 8472 posts
@lilteacherbee: wow another boy!! We can all compare clothes and how to not get pee all over!
honeydew / 7909 posts
@lilteacherbee: congrats!
@ms.janedoe: I had to have dh help me get my shirt off on sunday... It got snug. I bought some beband something or other so I can keep wearing my jeans. I'm gonna try it out today. P.S. I'm sure you still look adorable in your sweatpant shorts. Oh and I'm totally jealous you're in sd!
cantaloupe / 6791 posts
@ms.janedoe: @MrsTiz: @MrsCB: @Ash: Thank You!!! DH wanted me to text him the results if I got them during school (ummm no!). I'm going to get some blue balloons and put them in our living room since I'll get home before him today!
3 November boys, how crazy!!!
cantaloupe / 6791 posts
@MrsTiz: AHHH! I've totally been stalking for all of my lunch break....I think boy overalls are going to be my weakness!!
cantaloupe / 6800 posts
@lilteacherbee: I won't tell you about Old Navy then...
...aka go to Old Navy right now because they have some cute ish!
cantaloupe / 6791 posts
@MrsTiz: omg you're right, too freaking cute!!!
So this is what DH saw when he walked in the door
cantaloupe / 6791 posts
@Ash: He had this goofy smile on his face and then he said "I told you so!!" because he's always thought it was a boy!
honeydew / 7909 posts
@lilteacherbee: I love it!!! I'm so jealous of all of you guys knowing the sex... I have a feeling we're having a girl but 6 months before we'll know... seems like forever away!
grapefruit / 4681 posts
@MrsTiz: Which decals did you end up getting? White ones like in your inspiration pic?
We love ours!! So I know you will too! They were so much fun to put up and were super easy to do. They also came in a much smaller package from what I was expecting so look out for that.
@lilteacherbee: So cute! And so exciting!! I bet he was trilled!
cantaloupe / 6800 posts
@anbanan15: We got these:
It's four big white trees, we got the birds in "Spring Green" so it's bright but not neon and it came with 10 free "flying" birds that are white, so those might go in our room or maybe above the dresser? Hm.
I think DH is excited about it because I came back from grocery shopping to this:
please excuse his farmers tan, he basically lives outside haha
wonderful clementine / 24134 posts
@MrsTiz: love that paint color! Our nursery is teal so I love the dark wall.
cantaloupe / 6800 posts
@T.H.O.U.: I'm trying to think of what to do to brighten it up because our furniture is dark too
grapefruit / 4681 posts
@MrsTiz: That is the seller we used for our decals! We went with the ones that look more like the winter trees, but ours came with birds and also a free decal with a branch and an owl (I don't see the listing for the trees we have now, but I didn't look at them all). I think the white and green will really pop on the dark teal wall color...which I love!
What about using white bookshelves/ledges and frames to brighten up the space with your darker walls and furniture? It might also brighten up more than you think once you get the bedding and everything else in there.
pomelo / 5132 posts
@MrsTiz: looking great! I feel like such a slacker--our nursery is my closet right now. I need to clear it out and pick some colors. My dad is going to help me paint in there because DH is working on our master bedroom--he is knocking out our tiny closet and building his and hers closets flanking the windows with a window seat, and we are replacing the carpet with hardwood.
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