Hellobee Boards


November 2013 Mamas

  1. Ash

    honeydew / 7909 posts

    @Mrs. J: I'm leaning towards a white one too!! Still not 100% decided yet but it's my fave so far!

  2. Cara M. 17

    clementine / 825 posts

    @Ash: Of course I will tell my fellow November mamas!

    @shellio: That's what we were thinking too, plus then we will hopefully get more from our registry and less clothes. We will be registering for gender neutral items anyway.

  3. Cara M. 17

    clementine / 825 posts

    @Mrs. J: I love the Jenny Lind crib!!!!!

  4. FarmWifeGina

    pear / 1571 posts

    @lilteacherbee: @Ash: Right with you on feeling gross and bloated! All last week the abs that I'm pretty sure I don't even have were hurting and burning so bad. I have to consciously relax and let my stomach muscles go and let it all hang out to get any relief. Guess sucking my gut in is a habit of mine. But now my uterus is definitely moving up and pushing everything else up with it. I remember feeling this way with my other pregnancies, but not for this long. No idea why the difference.

    I miss my November mamas, but haven't felt too much like participating. Got home from my trip to the East Coast last Monday (a feat of 1,700 miles and 3 days of driving, just me and my preschooler and toddler. FUN!). On the Wednesday after we got home, my grandfather (whom we'd been out east to see and, basically, waiting for the end and then he was doing so much better that I headed home because I couldn't just stay indefinitely) passed away. So, between dealing with being glutened during our trip (does bad things in my head, depression, yucky voices to battle, etc.) and grappling with the fact that I won't be able to attend his funeral (which is today, I think it's almost over now), plus other family crap, yeah, it's been a hard week. Lots of tears and ugliness.

    But on the plus side, a good friend of mine had the VBAC of her dreams the other day and I always get a little birth high (there's a reason I'm going into birth work) when my friends have babies, particularly when they achieve the birth they envisioned for themselves. AND. IT'S BEEN RAINING HERE EVERY SINGLE DAY FOR THE LAST 5 DAYS! The drought has been broken, our crop has the moisture it needs to start growing finally, and more! Huge, big, amazing answer to prayer- I don't know that I've ever attended a church service with so many happy, rejoicing faces as we did last Sunday (our church is full of people who are almost all farmers and ranchers), it was totally uplifting.

    So, add in my pregnancy hormones, I've been on the verge of tears every minute of the last few days, either from sadness and hurt or because my heart is full and overflowing. It's so much fun, I tell ya.

  5. mrsmacandcheese

    blogger / clementine / 985 posts

    @FarmWifeGina: I hope everything starts looking up for you soon! Sorry to hear about your grandfather. I've had to miss a few family funerals due to distance and I found the best thing for me was to find some way of closure on my own -- a little personal ceremony or writing a letter.

    Is anyone else STARVING?! I'm 16 weeks on Saturday and I swear I am hungry every two hours, no matter what.

  6. lilteacherbee

    cantaloupe / 6791 posts

    @FarmWifeGina: Aww, so sorry to hear about your grandfather and the funeral situation. I lost mine last month and its definitely hard, big hugs!

    @MrsDragon: I'm hungry all the time too! Then, I can only eat a small amount and I'm full, but I'll be starving again within an hour. So frustrating!!

    So one of my best friends asked me to be a bridesmaid last night! Her wedding is next March. I figure it will give me good motivation to lose the baby weight!

  7. anbanan15

    grapefruit / 4681 posts

    Is anyone else having anxiety of their pregnancy?

    I feel like each time I get labs done something else comes back that I am low or deficient in and it really has me worried...The most common theme with all of them is SGA/IUGR and then some other scary stuff I don't want to talk about. At my last appointment my midwife said that I was likely vit d deficient with DS, we just didn't know, which I tend to agree with, but not knowing equals no reason to worry. However, she made that comment before they knew I was low in B12...which now I wonder if that would have influenced their recommendations on no risk factors for 1st tri screening and the NT scan would have been recommended, which it is now too late for. B12 is SO important during those first few weeks and now I'm silently freaking out! It also looks like my 1st tri labs indicate that I am anemic (CBC has not been released yet so I'm not sure what all that says), which could be from the B12 or could also be low iron. I really am leaning towards asking for a micro/marco nutrient workup so we can find out what else I'm deficient in and go from there. I have a physical tomorrow with my PCP...do you think I should ask for more blood work? Should I get my B12 rechecked (it was last checked in mid-Feb)? My next prenatal is Tuesday and I sort of want to ask for B12 injections vs the sublingual I'm currently taking to try and raise levels, but is it too late for that? Ugh. The thing that really annoys me is ALL my doctors knew about my extreme diet with DS for the last 2 years and yet no one seemed to check this stuff until I specifically asked for B12 to be checked (since I lost all ability to taste and has weird oral tingling/numbness) and sort of just blamed my thyroid and very low vit d on my symptoms...sorry mainly just venting

  8. mrsmacandcheese

    blogger / clementine / 985 posts

    @lilteacherbee: I'm in an April wedding! Definitely motivation for me, too.

    @anbanan15: The first part of my pregnancy felt like this -- sickness bad enough to go to the doctor followed by a possible ectopic needing a scan, which I *thought* was all cleared, but then found out we needed another scan for a low heart rate, which again I thought was fine but then found out I had a subchorionic bleed... I haven't been back to the doctor yet because they screwed up setting up my appointment but I'm going in a week, and I'm just waiting to hear about some other complication. I would ask for your B12 to be checked for sure, and anything else that will help reassure you!

  9. FarmWifeGina

    pear / 1571 posts

    @MrsDragon: @lilteacherbee: Thanks. Today has been better. The sun came out and I'm not feeling quite so overwhelmed this evening. Hopefully it's the same in the morning because I've got things to DO!
    @anbanan15: Ugh, that sucks! Have you thought about seeing a naturopathic doctor? They pay pretty close attention to these kinds of issues and can suggest the right supplementation to get things where they need to be. Hope you can get it all figured out soon!

  10. NeekieRose

    persimmon / 1386 posts

    So I have been lurking on this board for a little while, but I thought I would pop in and finally write something. I am due Nov 2nd and had an ultrasound this morning that confirmed what they told us at 13 weeks....we are having a little girl! In my lurking I thought I had only seen boys announced and thought it was time to get a girl in the mix!

  11. lilteacherbee

    cantaloupe / 6791 posts

    @NeekieRose: Yay, the first girl for November Mamas!! Congrats and welcome

    My teacher assistant in my class (who is 5 days behind me in her pregnancy) got her M21 results today and she's having a boy too. It's all boys around me IRL!

  12. ShootingStar

    coconut / 8472 posts

    @anbanan15: I had a total breakdown a couple days ago. We'd gotten into this vicious cycle where I was so tired on the weekend we didn't go grocery shopping, then we had no food to eat for dinner. So DH ordered a pizza and after my blood sugar was really high. The next day we still had no groceries and he wanted to know what I wanted for dinner, and I was still so upset about the high number and feeling super guilty. The diabetes made me feel really bad in an email and I just kind of broke down when we were in the car, worrying that I was harming the baby.

    I don't know if I can do this pregnancy thing again. I feel so stressed if we don't have appropriate food. Actual eating the food isn't an issue, I barely care that I'm missing out on stuff I used to eat. But the time and energy planning it is just more than I'm up for sometimes. I'm officially in the 2nd tri, but still SO tired all the time. And I feel anxious and guilty that I'm responsible for growing another human life and I may have already caused him to have organ damage (according to the diabetes nurse). I'm seriously considering adoption for #2.

  13. anbanan15

    grapefruit / 4681 posts

    @MrsDragon: @FarmWifeGina: Thank you. I think I am going to ask for some testing tomorrow and see what he says...He is a new NP with my PCP so I have not seen him before, but my mom just saw him and she said he was wonderful and ordered whatever she wanted to be "complete"...He ended up checking her for my deficiencies as well just to make sure she didn't have the same issues.

    @NeekieRose: Yay! Welcome! The first girl!! I certainly hope it's not the last one for this group of November mama's wink wink

    @MrsCB: So frustrating! Not the same thing as having GB, but I know where you are coming from with the time and effort in planning food...I had the same issue with my TED while BFing DS. It wasn't that I had to eat the same thing everyday that was an issue, it was all the research and effort that went what I was eating. I hope it gets easier for you and I you fall into a groove.

    Your second paragraph really sums up how pregnancy is for me. I worried a lot with DS too, but it was more I wasn't feeling enough movement etc type of worries (had an anterior placenta but no one told me until 40w)...this time around it's more worries about my own body and I can't handle it. As you said, I also feel like I already damaged my child in some way...With DS the anxiety sort of calmed down once we had our anatomy scan and I could feel movement (even though it was very very hard), so I'm hoping the same thing happens this time around. It's the unknown that really gets to me!

  14. Cara M. 17

    clementine / 825 posts

    @farmwifegina: I'm very sorry for your loss. I am sure he is looking down on you and his newest grandchild. Hugs!

    @anbanan15: I'm sorry you are so stressed, it seems like you are only getting partial answers with all of the testing you've had done. I would definitely ask for additional tests to ensure your levels are where they need to be, or so that you can get the appropriate supplements.

  15. Cara M. 17

    clementine / 825 posts

    @NeekieRose: Congrats and welcome! Glad to have a girl in the mix!

    @mrscb: I hear you, I'm 14 weeks tomorrow and still exhausted all the time. Can you write DH a list and ask him to do the shopping? Or are there grocery delivery services in your area?

  16. ShootingStar

    coconut / 8472 posts

    @Cara M. 17: We ended up doing grocery pick up last night. And by we, I mean my wonderful husband put in the order and then picked it up. But of course he always orders the wrong stuff, *sigh* lol. Better than having to do it myself I though.

  17. anbanan15

    grapefruit / 4681 posts

    @Cara M. 17: Partial answers is exactly right and the worst part is the American standard for certain tests is off from the rest of the worlds...ex. B12 in US is 180-800 pg/ml and mine was 280 pg/ml, so looking at that I'm "within range" and just on the lower side, HOWEVER the rest of the world is 500-800 pg/ml with anything under 500 pg/ml being low and under 400 pg/ml being deficient...according to every other country I'm very deficient. The endo I consulted (mine was on vaca) even said there is a lot of controversy surrounding appropriate B12 levels. Makes me super frustrated because I'm not just fighting one doctor but the US standard.

    @FarmWifeGina: I just saw your last post. I'm so sorry for your loss. I hope you find a way to find closure during this time.

  18. mrsmacandcheese

    blogger / clementine / 985 posts

    @NeekieRose: Congrats!

  19. NeekieRose

    persimmon / 1386 posts

    Thanks everyone! Hopefully we will get a few more girl announcements in the group soon! Although more boys would be just as great. I just love knowing. I could never wait to find out; you ladies that do it have way more self control than either my husband or me.

  20. sweetooth

    nectarine / 2705 posts

    I'm so amazed that so many of you have registered for things already. I don't know what it is - it's not that I'm in denial or anything. Maybe it's just the 1st trimester blahs. Although, today I'm 13 weeks - so am I now officially 2nd trimester? Have I passed through the magical "no more nausea" door into wonderful, blissful, happy pregnancy-land??? Have you?

  21. sweetooth

    nectarine / 2705 posts

    @FarmWifeGina: Big hugs to you! I'm so sorry for your loss. I lost my grandmother two weeks ago and it was definitely hard not being able to be there for closure. My sister and I took a moment to get together and share some memories. Glad to hear that you've been getting a lot of rain though - life is full of a balance of the good and the not as good. {hugs}

  22. sweetooth

    nectarine / 2705 posts

    @MrsDragon: I'm definitely not in the hungry-land yet. I'm still battling nausea. BUT - I did FINALLY have a salad yesterday. My first salad in over 5 weeks. My body REALLY needed it. I think the Zofran - even though it helped with nausea - was not good for my regularity. No more Zofran for me!

    You took anti-nausea meds too, right? Did you have problems with constipation? (sorry if this is too personal) And have you stopped taking them now?

  23. sweetooth

    nectarine / 2705 posts

    @anbanan15: Vent away! That's why we're here! Did you talk with your PCP today? And get any more testing done?

    @NeekieRose: Welcome!!! And congrats on your baby girl!

  24. sweetooth

    nectarine / 2705 posts

    @MrsCB: I think it's hard to balance this whole creating a life inside of you thing while still taking good care of yourself. Just know you're doing the best you can (and so is your husband I'm sure over time he'll learn the "right" things to order

  25. Ash

    honeydew / 7909 posts

    @sweetooth: I'm still nauseated but it's lessened. But yesterday I was busy at work and ate late... and threw it all up. So I'm not in the clear yet. Hope you start feeling better soon!

    @NeekieRose: welcome!

    @MrsCB: I have no energy to cook or grocery shop and it's so stressful when I'm hungry NOW. I'm sorry you're having a hard time.

    @FarmWifeGina: I can understand not having the energy to participate on the boards. Sorry about your grandfather.

  26. mrsmacandcheese

    blogger / clementine / 985 posts

    @sweetooth: I took Diclectin from around 7 weeks up until I hit 15 weeks - and yes, the constipation sucked!! It seems to have leveled off a bit along with the nausea. Now that I'm not on the meds, I find I get really gaggy and I feel sick if I get even the tiniest bit hungry, but it's not bad enough that I want to keep paying for the medicine.

  27. sweetooth

    nectarine / 2705 posts

    @Ash: I hope you're in the clear soon!

    @MrsDragon: The gaggy feeling is awful, isn't it? But you're right, if I can just make myself eat something it usually helps. It's just so hard to want to eat when you feel like that.

  28. mrsmacandcheese

    blogger / clementine / 985 posts

    @sweetooth: it was just this week that my appetite really came back - and now I'm hungry all the time! I went from one extreme to another. Pregnancy is so weird!

  29. ShootingStar

    coconut / 8472 posts

    Has anyone started thinking about babymoons yet? So initially we were kind of considering our anniversary trip this weekend to be our babymoon. But then DH said he was kind of sorry we had decided to scale it back (since at the time I was unemployed). So I started thinking that if I get offered a permanent position (just waiting on confirmation of funding), maybe we should go to Barbados as we originally planned for our anniversary.

    But I'm a little worried because the trip there isn't *too* bad - 1 hour flight, 1 hour layover, 4:45 flight. But the trip back has a 4 hour layover in between. And if we go I'd like to do it around Labor Day weekend, but I'll be 27 weeks at that point, which might be too late.

  30. sweetooth

    nectarine / 2705 posts

    @MrsDragon: Couldn't agree more

    @MrsCB: I feel like my husband and I had our babymoon during week 6 in Mexico I don't think we'll be taking any grand trips between now and November. But we might try to visit our friends again in LA and take another weekend train trip to NYC. Both are places we love to spend time - but think it will become a bit trickier with a baby (not that it will keep us away!)

    Happy Anniversary to you! I say enjoy the trip this weekend and if you feel like planning another trip if work becomes permanent I say go for it. I think you can still travel long distances at 27 weeks, as long as you are sure to take breaks every few hours from sitting.

  31. mrsmacandcheese

    blogger / clementine / 985 posts

    @MrsCB: I think we're going somewhere this summer but probably staying somewhat local. My husband was talking about going to Duluth - it's not too far away, we wanted to do some US shopping for house stuff, and on our last trip there we were both sick so we didn't get to fully enjoy it!

  32. FarmWifeGina

    pear / 1571 posts

    @MrsCB: After 2 kids and no babymoon with the first pregnancy, that would be a negative on the babymoon. We *might* go to Fargo (WHOOT! PAAAAARTAY!), just the two of us, for a night or two over Big Iron (big, big farm show- WHOOP! PARTY CENTRAL!!!) in September, but that remains to be seen. We were supposed to start TTC on our Big Iron trip this year, lol.

  33. Mrs. J

    pomelo / 5132 posts

    No official babymoon in sight, but next weekend we are going to Michigan; over the 4th of July week we will be with ALL of my family in Michigan (30 + of us...yikes!); in August (actually, over my birthday weekend!) we are going on a float trip down the Wisconsin River. Getting in and out of the canoe should be interesting for me!

  34. MrsTiz

    cantaloupe / 6800 posts

    We probably wont have a babymoon, we just got back from a weekend trip to the Biltmore at 15 weeks, but that is as extravagant as we'll get! A few weekend beach trips for sure, but nowhere fancy!

  35. FarmWifeGina

    pear / 1571 posts

    I think I may have just decided for sure on boy's name... I've been really leaning towards Jakob/Jacob, but it's so freaking popular right now, wasn't really sure. Well, I was just reading up on some Mennonite history (Farmer Man and I are both from strong Mennonite stock) and realized what a traditional family name that is in our background and beings I have enough Mennonite in me to be fascinated with genealogies and family names and wanting to continue some of those traditions, I think Jakob may just be our name. And, maybe it's just my imagination, but I think Jakob spelled with a 'K' gives it a Russian feel. Which seems right given that I want to honor my Opa in our naming and he was a German Mennonite born in the Ukraine and, well, yeah. (I already have one cousin named after him, so I can't use his first name)

  36. anbanan15

    grapefruit / 4681 posts

    @sweetooth: My appointment was today and he is running some tests I asked for and a lipid panel. Overall said I'm healthy as far as the questions on the physical form were concerned and I didn't have to come back since everything else is being managed by specialists. Basically I just needed his signature for nursing school and a note saying I'm allergic to the varicella vaccine which is required

    @MrsCB: We were thinking about taking DS to Disney before baby arrived so he could have a "big" vacation to himself, but I'm not sure if that will happen. We didn't want to go when it was super hot in FL since DH becomes a major b*tch when he melts and it 10x's worse than an overheated expecting mother, but that might be our only option between my semester starting in August and not being able to travel much later than that.

    @FarmWifeGina: haha Farm Show! I actually am excited for this years since I can actually eat the food since DS was born...before him I hadn't been since HS. No babymoon with DS either unless our honeymoon counts as both

    @Mrs. J: Sounds like fun!! I think you will manage the canoe just fine!

  37. MrsTiz

    cantaloupe / 6800 posts

    @FarmWifeGina: I think the K does make it feel Russian, I like Jacob/Jakob

    I'm pretty sure our name is Jackson Eric. I'll call him Jack and DH says that he "has options" (Jackson, Jack, Jet). So far that's what we both love, now i'm just trying to get used to saying it to see how it feels.

    Jack Jack Jack Jack

  38. anbanan15

    grapefruit / 4681 posts

    @MrsTiz: That's my dad's name, just Jack, but his nicknames were Jackson or Jackie from family since my grandfather also has the same first name (not a junior since they had different middle names). I think options and letting him decide is great!

  39. FarmWifeGina

    pear / 1571 posts

    @anbanan15: Lol, I've been to the Farm Show and trust me, you don't go to Big Iron for the food, haha. It's a true-blue agricultural trade show. And we have Hutterites walking around instead of Joe Wengers, LOL.
    @MrsTiz: I love Jack too...

  40. MrsTiz

    cantaloupe / 6800 posts

    @anbanan15: I've never met a Jack IRL so saying it sounds so foreign sometimes lol Oh no, I can see my Aunts calling him Jackie haha

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